Cocoa Butter for Skin: The Complete Guide

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Let’s Talk About Hex, Bay-Bee! Hexennacht Reviews, Pt. 1 of ???

On mobile, sorry in advance for format issues. I’ll try to fix when I have access. Also, thank you guys so much for the awards! I feel Reddit-validated 🥰
Hello, fellow smellows! I made my first post in this sub a little over a year ago after a friend introduced me to indies. Since then, trying and investing in perfume has become a full-fledged hobby of mine, and I’m still enjoying trying out new scents/combinations each month. I started my scent journey by delving into the Hexennacht collection, and DANG was I impressed. The thing about me is that when I find something I like, I commit to it. Hard. That, friends of every and no gender, is the background of the story of how AllTheCake tried the vast majority of the scents in the Hexennacht collection. And now, I’m passing my savings down to YOU. (Don’t get me wrong, though - I’m still definitely a newbie nose and I have no idea what I’m doing.
After taking extensive notes over the span of a year+, I’ve finally decided to be brave and post my thoughts regarding these scents, and I think I’m going to start with the scents I’ve tried falling between the letters A and C because HOLY shit, there’s like 30+ smells in those alone. I’ve never done reviews of...anything before, really, so I’ll be doing my best to condense and simplify my convoluted rating structure in noting how I feel about them because...god I wrote so much. Quick warning: I ramble and cuss. A lot. If either of those is a review dealbreaker, you may want to skip this series. ALSO, keep in mind that these reviews are based on my skin chemistry - shit’s fickle. Finally, I’m not being sponsored to write these. I’m just a crazy person who committed way too hard.
Last minute: I’m all over gourmands, spices, ambers, and cream/milk while being completely not into grape, super clean smells, heavy citrus, and niche atmospherics like motor oil, weed, etc. Fruit/berries and musks tend to be in, heavy florals tend to be out, greens and aquatics are touch and go, but everything has their exceptions. LET’S GO.
So there we go! I’ve got a lot more to come, so this won’t be the last you see of me...also won’t be the last after I’m done with all my Hex reviews. I will take any advice on how to make the next one of these more manageable. Shit’s going to be stressful for the next week, everyone keep safe ❤️
submitted by GiveMeAllTheCake to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

Grandmas Closet.

Blindly, I'll always somehow find myself at my Grandmothers little Inn down the road from my sweet, little coast-bound house up here in Connecticut over the summer break to help out with all the guests flooding their way into Fairsville. It's not like I'll have her forever, so I try to make the best of the time she has left.
And, if you knew why I loved the place so much, you'd travel near and far just to get a look at it.
The Inn is small, nothing special from the outside. Hell, doesn't even have its own name. Grandma didn't even want to put a name up at first, saying it wouldn't feel as home-like as she'd want. I convinced her otherwise after a week without having anybody to serve. I couldn't see my dear Grandma upset, so I offered to put it up myself. She obliged, thankful she didn't have to do it herself. Sadly, she still felt weary over the idea.
The inside is what'll kill you. Cramped, yes, but my does it feel like a place you'd want to lay your head. Everything is warm, coming from the grand fireplace in the corner where she used to settle up heaving pots of cocoa for me and my many siblings. The furniture is very outdated for the times, but what guest wouldn't want to get an 'aesthetic' picture up in front of all these wonderful decorations they'll get praise for, not caring about the strict photography rule. Grandma has many, many rules. They feel as they have only been created to suit her own needs and not that of the workers or patrons, but hey, I guess that's it works for her. Besides the ruckus these rowdy adults can cause, that's not what I find the most unsettling;
The kitchen. I've always had a strong hatred for it, and I haven't exactly noticed why my feeling was off since a week or so ago. This story will sadly start with one of my most favorite, mouth-watering delicacy of my Grandma.
Her biscuits.
Holy shit, these things used to make me warm to the core at the thought of them. They were silky, layers crisp from all the butter-folded into them. Grandma tried to show me and my family how to make them, but even today it seems impossible. It's technique is difficult, making me wonder how this little-Italian lady, prone to being impatient, can even handle it. Must be the end product that drives her so.
Though, they feel to have gotten worse over the years. Don't get me wrong, I'll eat anything thrown out in front of me, but these.. I can barely stomach them. How could they have decreased in their flavor? Grandma was a perfectionist, she would kill any of us if we even tried to claim our biscuits (once finished, after a good twenty times) were the same.
"Too little salt, don't be afraid of flavor!" I can still hear her yelling that at my poor father, not wanting to make his pastry taste like what dough was left on the pan after serving.
It was around the time when the biscuits went wrong that the kitchen and fireplace began to reek of death, smelling like the decaying animals father used to hang up across the porch after finding them out on the road, finding it be some sort of 'cool decoration.' I know, weird, but the family does have some odd habits that I've noticed and..
No, this story isn't about him, I'll continue.
Guests began to complain, begging for refunds after little less than a nights stay at the place. Grandma got these air-diffusers, washing out much of the smell for the people who would sleep there for the night on their travels, but it was worse for me. She didn't put any fresheners in the kitchen, so my nose was constantly clogged by the smell, making me grow sickly. Grandma didn't seem to notice, going on with everything she usually did. It was like she wanted me to be ill.
Everything was wrong.
I should've caught on by then that Grandma wasn't the honest, kind lady that she was seen to be. No, I didn't know, I couldn't have known of the horrors that she had completed in one, tiny closet. The closet. God, the closet.
Grandma used to send me to the closet as punishment when I'd take too much from the guests little buffet, or hit my siblings if they angered me. I'd be in there for hours, staring up at all the spices and sugars, the feeling of them toppling over and cracking into my skull never leaving my poor, eleven year-old mind. She can't do anything like that now as I'm older, but the memories haunt me to this day.
She almost worries about me looking in there nowadays, adding to almost each task that involved me entering the kitchen alone, "My dear, please don't enter the closet without Grandmamas permission! We don't want anything falling on you!"
Now she worries about things falling on me? How about when I was six, climbing up half the thing before I was caught, almost sailing to the floor? I lost a tad bit of respect for her then, but then my mind was washed. Biscuits, fresh out of the oven. I couldn't help myself, dissolving deep into the layers of butter and crispy edges, burning a hole in the worried thoughts. It was like some sort of drug, blinding me from the truth of how shady it was. Looking back, everything about her was shady, down to her very nickname that got her so loved by guests..
'Grandmama,' that's what she would call herself, it made her look sweeter to people now that I think about it. I remember my little cousin repeating to her the name at age three, unable to grasp that was not what the rest of us called her. She took on the name, forcing all of us to call her it in her presence. It was sweet, but the name was awkward to say when I was trying to talk about my family to friends while there. I remember being nine, trying to impress some girls I had become acquaintances, when our comes Grandma, a tray of her fine pie on her head, shouting,
"Grandmama is here, dears! Come get some Grammy pie!"
I almost couldn't forgive her for it, but hey, Grammy pie is not something you could turn down. With my surprise, I somehow made it to the point where these people were my friends. It was an absolute score.
Oh golly, I've been rambling on. I should get on to why I'm here.
I've seen bodies. Hundreds, it seems.
A couple months ago I decided to take a peek inside, I got too curious, and what I found nearly sent me to the floor.
Bodies. The spice cabinet must've been taken out years ago for space to do whatever the hell this was. Sickened, I remember slamming the door before planting myself to the ground, trying my hardest not to vomit. The scent was the worst of it, think of rancid, musty old meat you'd find in the bottom of your freezer, left to sit in its own juices until you finally decide to remove it.
I can't count them anymore, they pile each time I go to this damn closet to check on them. I remember there being fifteen the last time I counted, stacked up on each other like some sort of crude Janga.
I can't even say they're really bodies anymore, no, just badly super-glued pieces of burnt bone stacked into each other, making badly-made skeletons. They looked like the deformed ones Miss. Smith used to put out, the props Mr. Jackson had splintered into fragments after a hit to her tree with his old John Deer.
This is where the smell was coming from. The poor people had been most likely been cooked in the massive stone pizza oven she has out back, powerful enough to only take off the flesh and skin, leaving the badly scorched bones of our once happy travelers. It had to be happening at night, the peak time for Grandma to start on her famous biscuits. It had to be some sort of lie, instead of buttering biscuits she was butchering bodies.
I regret my next action to the day. Shakily getting up from the ground, I decided to search around the containers that sat themselves around the room.
Everything seemed normal; the sugars thin and grainy, the butter sitting out on the counter in it's cute little dish, and the spices all at a perfect grind. Bile swarmed to my mouth as I reached the flour. This was not flour, but ashes. They smelt too similar to that closet to not be..
I then realized it.
I had been eating the remains to dead patrons for the past year, and I hadn't known it. Patrons who disrespected her and the establishment must've gotten on Grandmas nerves, forcing her to go on this damn spree. Her rules. My Lord, these poor people, sent into death for not following stupidly put-together rules!
I might've been slightly better if I hadn't had eaten anything from her. I didn't consume much other pastries, only the fresh beef and beans she had crafted up the money for a while back when business began to boom. Ever since then, she's been putting up more expensive, lighter meals for her guests, but hey, who couldn't love a family recipe? They'd buy it either way, she knew the appeal.
But there was one thing I had eaten that there had said ashes in it, and you know full well what those are.
The biscuits.
I've seen her everyday after classes scooping the flour from that old china-pot Grandpa had gotten her years ago out into the old stand-mixer. I thought because of the poor candle lighting she preferred over actual lamps in the main dining area and kitchen was the reason to its off coloring, but now I've seen I'm gruesomely wrong.
They looked like ashes you'd see in a little vase after a family member had been cremated. I've sadly seen a few of those, my family prone to illness, but that doesn't matter now. I had been eating innocent people under my own eyes and my Grandma is going to get away with this.
I should call the local police, have them come fly her away to a life sentence, but I just can't. This is the lady that has brought me up into the lovely person I am now. I just can't do it. It would feel wrong.
So I will keep this secret.
I hope this reaches the right people on reddit, so I'm warning you now, that with whatever you do in life, please, for the love of god, if you are ever finding yourself up the winding streets in the town of Fairsville on some sort of visit, if her Inn is the only option (which, hopefully it isn't by what I've told you), I warn you to mind your manners around my dear Grandmama if you happen to stay at her said to be warm, welcoming Inn,
You may find yourself in the next biscuit I'll have to consume.
submitted by MistakenNoises to nosleep [link] [comments]

Advice for improving texture of my new face cream, please?

Hi, all.
I made my first cream (mainly for the eye area) last night. It was inspired by the recipe contained here using the Vegetal emulsifier at an 8% concentration and with 30% oil. I did not use any xanthan gum.
Overall, things turned out well, with the consistency being like a thick applesauce: if you turn the container onto its side, the product does move a bit. I assume the xanthin gum (0.2%) would take care of this issue?
Secondly, I was hoping for a product with a bit better adherence to the skin. When I apply this to my underage area, the area stays a bit greasy-feeling (for lack of a better way of putting it) and shiny for a bit longer than ideal, which of course then makes it a bit more prone to migrating or rubbing off when I sleep. On my hands, it looks and feels wonderful -- under my eyes, different story. Any suggestions for improving this aspect of the formulation? Would the xanthan gum help in this regard? Or is this going to be an issue no matter what I do given the high oil content? Or maybe it's the high glycerin content?
Or should I perhaps switch emulsifiers? I have heard anecdotally that a combination of cetyl alcohol and sorbitan stearate (and possibly stearic acid) allows for a better look and feel?
Thank you.
10% flaxseed oil
10% cocoa butter
10% pomegranate seed oil
8% vegetal
41% water
10% tetrahexydecyl ascorbate
7% glycerin
2% Hyaluronic Acid
1% preservative

submitted by suswang8 to DIYBeauty [link] [comments]

Fitness Diary! 31F, Orange County, failed intermittent fasting but life goes on!

Location: Southern California
Household: Partner and I
Reasons for wanting to get fit: For energy and feeling healthy all around. Around 26-27, my mental and physical health went downhill, partially due to stress but also age got to me sooner than I expected. (Note to all the youngins, this is the age where it goes downhill, not 40) I couldn’t eat all the junk I want, avoid exercising and still feel fine and dandy. I also struggle with lack of energy+ focus issues due to narcolepsy and adhd (inattentive).
Fitness Goal: Strong and energetic, physically I like to have more muscle. I’ve always been skinny fat, I have a thin frame which fools a lot of people into thinking I’m in shape, but I kid you not, it’s all fat between my bones and skin.
Workouts: Prior to Covid, I go on walks, gentle yoga 1x a week, a hike or jog during weekends. Since WFH, I do 45 mins - 1 hour workouts 3-4x a week consistently, and take walks when I’m not deterred by covid, heatwaves or smoke outside due to California being on fire.
Diet: Intuitive eating- I love food and resisting cravings never ends well for me. I have a great relationship with food now, except I should probably eat more greens. That being said, I guess I enjoy new experiences/torture because part of this week involves experimenting with intermittent fasting…
Lifestyle: Sedentary, I WFH on a computer 8-9 hours a day and lay on the sofa or bed reading/ watching shows/ play games the rest of the time. I’m real lazy, exercising is always an event for me.
Note (s)- I’m wearing a mask + taking proper safety precautions going out.
Sorry in advance for poor grammar or spelling mistakes!
8pm- A week ago we were having heat waves and suddenly its sweater weather. I make myself a cup of matcha tea, and check the AQI (air quality index), it’s unhealthy so no walk probably most of the week. We get forest fires every year around this time but this year is especially bad, it’s as if there’s a sepia filter outside. Realizing I forgot chili peppers in the mayak eggs (korean marinated eggs), I prepped the night before, I chop 2 up and toss them in.
9:30pm- I refill my 24oz hydroflask (I try to drink at least 2 bottles per day). Coworker shares a photo of Halloween edition count chocula cereals and I get excited about the strawberry and blueberry versions. I’m love fruity flavors and am a true sucker for anything limited edition.
12pm- Finally get to break out of my fast! I’ve been trying intermittent fasting the last couple of days, it’s challenging for me as a grazer. I sliced up broccoli stems because the one my bf J. picked up is all stems with the tiniest floret head on top (why?!) I attempt to eat that raw with left over pork chop rice out of sheer laziness, and possibly tiredness from IF and its terrible. I eat a mini pumpkin ginger ice cream cone from Trader Joe’s and recover from this tragedy.
2:45pm- I take a break from work and snack on overnight oats- steel cut oats and chia seeds in oatmilk topped with hemp seeds, mix nut butter and usually honey but recently I’m in love with TJ’s maple butter so I use that instead.
4pm- My friends and I do a 45 mins workout session via Zoom, consisting of cardio, abs, legs and yoga stretch thanks to MrandMrsMuscle, MadFit and YogaWithAdriene on youtube.
6pm- Tonight’s dinner is japanese keema curry with grounded kurobuta pork, carrot, onions and potatoes. I experiment with halving the pork the recipe calls for, replacing it with more vegetables and J. (the meat eater) can’t tell the difference. Success! We top the curry with shredded cheddar cheese and eat it along with rice.
7:50pm- Grabbed a 2nd pumpkin ginger ice cream cone as my feeding window narrowly closes. I give my bunny T. her evening pets and treat.
9pm- I take a shower using Lush’s Sultana soap, it smells sweet and not overly strong. Most of my life, I never purchase anything from Lush because it always felt unreasonably expensive but a few years ago, a friend gifted me a bar of soap of theirs and I discovered that the sweet, fruity scents really help curb my sugar cravings ( as well as turning my showers into really pleasant experiences). Since then, I always keep a few bars around.
8am- I don’t feel as hungry today as the last couple of mornings! I make iced apple green tea (from Lupricia), pour a cup and put the pitcher in the fridge. I read more on intermittent fasting, end up buying some ketones strips for science! ($7)
11:20am- I am a weak, imperfect human and broke my fast 40 minutes early, I’m so hungry!! Heated up keema curry with rice and pickled daikon and inhaled it. I also eat an old chocolate caramel easter candy I found in the cupboard.
3pm- Found out a coworker is leaving and need a pick me up. I eat a pumpkin ice cream cone while pondering about my own life choices and career path.
5pm- Our workout session is usually scheduled at 4pm but our unofficial leader has a headache today. The rest of us type B personalities procrastinated and ponder if we should work out today. A whole hour later, we finally get our shit together and do 45 mins of butt, leg, arms and stretch videos.
6:30pm- Tonight’s dinner is Bali bowls with peanut tofu from Feasting at Home blog, it’s a simple recipe but washing and chopping multiple veggies so time consuming! Our bowls consists of shredded cabbage, snow peas, microgreens, carrots, avocado, sweet potato and tofu and delicious peanut sauce and I scarfed it down as the feeding window closes. A trend I’m noticing is on intermittent fasting is that I’m inhaling all my food all the time. Lunch? Inhale because im starving. Dinner? Inhale because my feeding window is closing.
8pm- Make up the work time I spent exercising, thank you WFH for your flexibility.
8am- Weather’s like just kidding, its 80s again.
10:30am- Hunger cues are kicking in, but I soldier on with hot peach green tea (also Lupricia’s, they make really good fruit teas). I noticed the pea shoots I planted a few weeks earlier are getting long so I go out and snip some along with radish microgreens for lunch later. It’s just a handful because my gardening space/patio is tiny.
11:30pm- With mask on, I head over to my parents to pick up our family dog P. because my mom works part time and P. hates being left alone. When I get back, I eat left over bali bowls topped with garden greens and another pumpkin ginger ice cream cone, yikes I only have 2 left. I chop up a sugar kiss melon and put them in container for snacking later.
2pm- Work project isn’t going as I planned and I stress eat 2 milka chocolate cover biscuits.
4pm- Rest day for everyone, no workout today! P. and I go for a short walk around the block instead, I can see the smoke in the air.
7 pm- J. pick up sichuan food but they got the order wrong for the second time in a row. We were really craving the original dish (fish filets with chinese pickles) so J. (bless his soul) drove back to get it exchanged. Due to the mishap, we eat late and finished at 8:15 but I was too hungry to care. We ate the fish with braised spare ribs and rice.
9am- Walk the pup, pet the bun and sit on the couch sipping matcha tea while scrolling through reddit. Morning relax time is the best! On traderjoes, I find out the new batch of seasonal fall items are in and I’m at peak happiness and excitement. I jot down a to buy list consisting of pumpkin spice pretzel slims, maple oat milk, spiced chai concentrate, maple kettle corn, cinnamon spread, cinnamon bun cookies, salted caramel hot cocoa, cookie butter beer and truffle precornio cheese. Nothing on this list is healthy lol.
10:30pm- I can already tell intermittent fasting isn’t sustainable for me, spend the rest of the morning looking at charcuterie boards and planning a charcuterie/movie night with my friend O. and her bf (one of the very few people we met up with during covid besides our immediate families)
12:15pm- J’s parent’s drop off food that they bought from another friend who lost her job during covid and is now selling home cook meals to make some extra income. Luckily she’s not struggling but hearing the story makes me think of the people who are. We eat spicy tangy peanut-y noodles and acorn jelly, while feeling thankful.
4pm- Unofficial leader is back and the 50 minute workout is so tough, I’m drench in sweat. I eat a mayak egg for post workout protein along with some kimchi.
5:30pm- Another aromatherapeutic shower, this time with Lush’s citrus-y Karma. Dinner is left over Bali veggie bowls.
10pm- I can’t take the hunger anymore and heat up six soup dumplings. I feel a tad defeated but at the same time recognize if I spend the bulk of my day thinking of food, this might not be the right diet for me.
9am- I feel exhausted and eat some melon before clocking in for work. Maybe I’m not consuming enough calories on IF?
12:30pm- After morning meeting and chatting about feedback, I take the rest of the day off. Being in the creative field is incredibly fun and rewarding, but is also a stressful and fast pace job with your work being judge constantly. It leaves me little energy for my personal art and on difficult days, I ponder if I should’ve gone into pharmacy or something else, and leave art for my hobby.
1 pm- J., the pup and. I walk to TJs and we pick up maple +sea salt popcorn, cinnamon bun cookies, tomato spread, maple oat milk, another jar of maple butter ( it’s so good!), a baguette, herb goat cheese and truffle pecorino. ($22) Once we’re back at home, I make a plate of sliced baguette with herb goat cheese and truffle pecorino cheese and eat it in bed. (please don’t judge me) I spend the rest of the afternoon reading manga a friend recommended.
6:30 pm- I’m craving fish tacos but there’s leftovers in the fridge so we work on that instead. The pup gets a boiled egg along with his kibble, bunny some greens and a slice of carrot.
8pm- I take the pup for his evening walk and once we’re back, it’s time for his weekly bath. As soon as he hears the bath faucet turn on and sees me walking towards him, tail immediately droops down, its comical! Once the dreaded bath over and he’s mostly dry, I offer him an apology greenie treat.
9pm- I fold clean laundry that have been piling up all week and then apply a face mask on (mahalo’s petal mask, it smells amazing but is also ridiculously expensive) down the youtube and reddit rabbithole I go for the rest of the night.
8am- Wake up and hear the pup snoring extra loud.. stifling my laugh, I grab my phone to record it.
8:30pm- I’m up and about cleaning the kitchen, tidying up the living room and swiffering the bathrooms to keep myself busy and not think about breakfast. We’re meeting up with my friend, O. and her bf for farmer’s market then ayce korean bbq lunch (it’ll be our 2nd time eating out since march)
10pm- I stop by TJs pick up maple oat milk and cinnamon spread for O. who can’t find it at her local Tjs and drop off the pup at my parents. We arrive at the farmers market but O. isn’t comfortable going in because it looks crowded from where we’re parked. J. and I walk closer and we realize the crowd is due to a pop up thrift clothes sales in front of the farmers market, once pass it, the farmers market is actually pretty empty and doing a good job social distancing but O. and her bf are already on their way to the kbbq restaurant, so I grab my favorite hummus/dips (3/ $13) and we rush over to meet them. Since its only 11:30, we get the entire outdoor patio to ourselves! We fill up on brisket, bulgogi, pork belly, salad and all the works and it feels a little surreal especially after not dining out for so long. (J. pays) It’s especially good to see our friends. We then walk over to Vons so my friend can pick up some soda and drive over to Tokyo Central for groceries (sweet potatoes, onion, kiwi, alove yogurt and earl grey cheesecake). ($21) Head home and have a bite of matcha ice cream and the earl grey cheesecake.
4 pm- I’m still so full but drag myself off the couch to do an hour of barre and yoga with my friends via Zoom, I feel much better afterwards and hit the showers.
7pm- Make the same plate of baguette and cheese and snack on it. We’re feeling a movie tonight so J. sets up Knives Out on the tv while I keep going with this food decadent day make volcano spicy ramen topped with corn and mayo as well as a cup of coffee because I feel like passing out. The movie is so entertaining, I love these kinds of comical, stylized murder mysteries.
7:30am- I wake up still feeling all the food from the night before so I check the AQI, (it reads moderate) and go out for a long walk. Weather is so cool and feels like fall! I pass by this one house where I always hear the indoor bike running, I’m very impressed by that person’s dedication.
8:30am- Once home, I crack open all the windows for the first time in a week and a half. I play with my bun and let her run around while folding kitchen towels (these are great for cutting down paper towel usage).
10am- I read the newest money diaries (database developer in Kansas) and I’m so impressed by her work ethic, vegan cooking skills, how much she lives below her means and general togetherness. I reflect on my own questionable habits but try hard not to shame myself as it does me no good.
11am- J. wakes up and we go out to run some errands. We return a few items at H&M and stop by Whole Foods for groceries to pick up harissa, which they unfortunately didn’t have. I attempt to do my weekly grocery shopping there but couldnt bring myself to do it with the prices. We get just the immediate essentials, salad mix, cucumber, carrots, some beef chuck on sale, Oatlys oat milk and VanLeeuwen earl grey ice cream. ($45)
1pm- We’re so hungry! I fry up 2 eggs and eat it with salad and TJ’s chimichurri rice, J. gets chipotle.
2 pm- Today is meal prep day! I take the beef chuck and braised half of it along with onions, carrots, celery and cremini mushrooms on stove top. I whipped up garlic mash potatoes on the side with a sprinkle of shredded cheese. It takes all day but it’s satisfying seeing raw ingredients browning and caramelizing.
4pm- Finally wrap up the the closet decluttering job I started out for 3 weeks earlier. My summer clothes have been sprawled out on the couch for so long and now it’s time to swap to fall clothes, oops.
5:30pm- Braised beef turned out delicious and the sauce/ color developed nicely overtime. J. ask the butcher for too much beef (he really loves his meat..) and I know if we don’t braise the second half today, it’s going to go to waste or forgotten in the freezer. I get to work on a different braised beef recipe with carrots, potatoes + onions and set it in the oven. I also toss brussel sprouts and cubed sweet potatoes to roast along side for DIY grain bowls.
9pm- Meal prepping turned out to be an all day albeit delicious affair. I’ve been snacking and taste testing throughout the day as I cook, no need for dinner tonight. I have 2 spoons of the earl grey ice cream I bought earlier, it’s delicious!! I'm really excited for all the food neatly packed away in the fridge, it'll be a good upcoming food week.
· I was most likely on too little calories with IF, I have a hard time eating massive meals. I also really, truly love food, I’m once again reminded restricting doesn’t work for me. J. on the other hand found it incredibly easy and plans to keep up with it.
· I’m incredibly lucky to have amazing friends who enjoy exercising, having a supportive circle who are consistent about working out keeps me motivated in ways I’ve never managed alone. Exercising has improved my energy level so much in ways caffeine, teas claiming random benefits, supplements, etc never did, it’ll always be a priority from now on!
submitted by rabbitrainbows to FitDiaries [link] [comments]

[SELL] [USA] Drunk Elephant, Dr. Brandt, Farmacy, Sunday Riley, Glow Recipe, MILK, Kate Somerville, K-Beauty, Kiehl’s, Murad, Tata Harper, YTTP, Tarte, Anastasia, Too Faced, Amika, Briogeo, Tatcha, and more! New items added! Free gifts with every purchase!

submitted by likeswafflesandnews to skincareexchange [link] [comments]

The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide Review: Lets Explore the Guide!

The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide teaches you an all-natural, low-cost way to permanently remove your tattoo right in the comfort of your home. Studies show that approximately 78% of people regret at least one of their tattoos. Unfortunately, typical laser tattoo removal costs approximately $200-$500 per session, which brings the average cost for a complete removal around $2000. This is a hefty price to pay, especially when it’s incredibly painful and often leaves an unsightly scar. But that doesn’t mean you’re stuck with an unwanted tattoo that is affecting your self-esteem and confidence. The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide makes permanent tattoo removal easy, affordable and pain-free. It’s 100% natural and doesn’t involve any lasers or pricks, needles, expensive creams, or other conventional treatment options that only slightly cover the tattoo.
Click Here To Learn More

What is The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide?

Laser tattoo removal is a process that quite literally burns your skin. It’s painful, to say the least, and just as bad for your wallet as the average treatment cost is $2000. It isn’t a one-time suffering either, as you have to go back for repeated torture. What’s worse is that your skin doesn’t go back to normal. The tattoo ink may be gone but you’re left with intense scarring that is often times worse than the tattoo itself. That’s also not to forget mentioning that it is entirely unnecessary.
The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide is a comprehensive program that teaches you an all-natural way to permanently remove any unwanted tattoos. It’s a painless and inexpensive process that breaks down the ink pigments, so they can slowly lift out from under the skin and wash away from your body.
Click Here To Learn More
With this program, you receive a detailed breakdown of the area that your tattoo is. This teaches you things, such as the different layers of skin, the inks used, where the ink is located in your skin layers for your specific tattoo. Then, you get a detailed list of all-natural methods that can completely remove your tattoo naturally and in only a couple week’s time. I’ll delve into the details in just a moment but the program uses all natural herbs and ingredients, and even provides you with step-by-step methods for removing tattoos of any size, color, complexity or location. It covers post-care and The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide also teaches you some quick methods for fast results. With these, you can mask 80%-90% of your tattoo in hours.
In addition to the main program, you also receive five bonus programs for absolutely free. Some align perfectly with your goal of tattoo removal and improving your skin and some don’t, but they’re free so why not? Here’s a look at the different ones you get:
You get immediate access to the program and all of the bonuses as soon as you purchase and can download them right onto your tech devices. The program even comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, so you can try it out risk-free for two months. This is ample time to see why there’s absolutely no reason to have a laser burn your skin just to remove a tattoo.

Who Created The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide?

Dorian Davis is the author of The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide. He is a tattoo artist and removal expert, with a strong advocacy for safe and natural methods. A quick search online and you’ll be able to see his incredible work.
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What You’ll Learn in The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide

The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide is a comprehensive program that covers natural tattoo removal in detail, so you can use the best method for you based on your tattoo size, location, complexity, and color. Throughout the program, you receive an abundance of valuable information that teaches you about the different tattoo removal methods available on the market, the risks, the expectations, complications, you name it. Then, it breaks down the importance and benefits of natural tattoo removal and even provides you with more than 8 complete methods you can do using natural ingredients. Each method comes with clear, step-by-step instructions, ingredient lists as needed, recipes as needed, and much more. You even get post-care instructions and quick fix options. Best of all, the program explains why natural tattoo removal works.
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To give you a better idea of what you can expect, here’s a sneak peek:
  1. Introduction
  2. Why Natural Methods Trump Laser, Abrasion and Creams
    1. Can Tattoos Be Removed
    2. Most Popular Tattoo Removal Methods
    3. Laser Tattoo Removal – What You Need to Know
    4. How Painful is Laser Removal?
    5. The Complications of Commercial Tattoo Removal
    6. Potential Risks of Laser Tattoo Removal
      1. Skin Infection
      2. Blister
  1. Loss of Skin Pigmentation
  2. Incomplete Tattoo removal
  3. Permanent Scarring
  1. Tattoo Removal Doesn’t Have to Be Painful
  2. Why Natural Tattoo Removal is a Better Option
  3. How Natural Tattoo Removal Works
    1. Brown Sugar
    2. Raw Milk
    3. Avocado Oil
    4. Aloe Vera
    5. Cocoa Butter
  4. Preparing Your Skin for Natural Treatments
    1. Be Clear About Your Expectations
    2. Not Every Treatment is Created Equal
    3. Location of your Tattoo Does Matter
    4. The Method of Application
    5. Post Treatment Care
  5. How to Remove Tattoos Naturally
    1. Method #1: Salabrasion
      1. What Is Salabrasion Tattoo Removal
      2. Perform Salabrasion At Home
    2. Method #2: Aloe Vera Mixtures
      1. Mixture One: Aloe, Vitamin E and Apricot Scrub
      2. Mixture Two: Aloe, Vitamin E, Turmeric and Yogurt
  1. Mixture Four: Aloe, Vitamin E and Paederia Tomentosa
  2. Care Instructions
  3. Method #3: Sand Powder and Rough Grinding Stone
    1. Using Sand Powder
  4. Method #4: Lemon Juice
    1. Lemon Juice as a Skin Lightener
    2. Lemon Juice as Exfoliate
  1. Lime Juice and Vinegar Mixture
  2. Method #5: Honey
    1. Honey Tattoo Removal Mixture
  3. Method #6: Sandpaper
  4. Method #7: Apricot Scrub
  5. Method #8: Lavender Oil
  6. Chemical Peels
    1. How do Chemical Peels Work
    2. The Different Types of Chemical Peels
  1. How Long do the Effects Last
  2. Are Chemical Peels Painful
  3. Glycolic Acid Peels
    1. How Glycolic Acid Works
    2. What Happens During a Glycolic Acid Peel
  1. Fruit Based Homemade Glycolic Acid Peel
  2. Phenol Chemical Peels
  3. TCA Peels
    1. What is a TCA Peel
    2. What Happens After a Chemical Peel
  4. Creating Your First Home Tattoo Removal Plan
  5. How to Deal with Possible Infections
  6. Post Tattoo Removal Skincare
    1. Pay Attention to Swelling, Bruising and Redness
    2. Steps to Follow
      1. The First 24 Hours
      2. The First Three Days
  1. Scabs and Blisters
  2. Know the Difference Between Scabs and Infections
  3. Use Sunscreen and Avoid Tanning
  1. Conclusion
  2. Appendix: How to Cover Tattoos Fast in Emergency Situations

Our Verdict

The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide teaches you all-natural remedies that can permanently remove tattoos of any size, location, complexity or color. It gives you the chance to get your skin back to normal, so you can regain your confidence and stop feeling ashamed or judged. And you even get two months to try it out.
Click Here To Learn More
submitted by cheryldlovejoy to KetoDiet2021 [link] [comments]

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Hexennacht Reviews (Ajevie Round Six: 19 Scents)

This is the last batch of samples I had waiting to review from Hexennacht. I'm super excited to place a full-size order to upgrade a bunch of what I've fallen in love with in my Ajevie sampling when Caroline returns from hiatus!
Ambre BlancWhite amber
Whoa, okay! I figured I wouldn’t care for this because of my very neutral reaction to Loup-Garou, but I like it quite a bit on first impression. It’s as if a thick sticky resin has been distilled down to something ethereal, nearly all the complexity somehow retained. It’s still got a very soft and delicate overall feel like LG did, but this also has a presence to it that I didn’t expect. It’s quietly assertive. There’s a hidden weight to it, like a fist wrapped in velvet. Very interesting indeed. Is this one of those elusive my-skin-but-better scents that will work for me? My general problem with those types of scents is that I want to smell like something if I’m spending money on a perfume! It has my attention though. Unfortunately, that potential revelation doesn’t last long. I can’t smell much of anything after 10-15 minutes on me. A few more minutes pass and it smells identical to how LG smelled on me. It’s basically just my skin… like I put my skin scent on top of my skin scent in some sort of awkward perfume inception experiment. It’s so weird. There’s a little strangely fresh/ green/ aquatic (?!) thing hovering on the edge (that I don’t really like). It’s reminding me of my least favorite aspect of Moonstone. That one is an anomaly because I ended up full sizing it, yet I don’t think I would buy it again. Idk. This is a clear pass. I guess silvery wispy ambers aren’t for me!
Ambre d'OrThick, resinous, rich golden amber
So, I like this a lot on first sniff. It’s gorgeous, drippy, resiny amber. This is hands-down my favorite kind so I’m like SCORE… but my immediate follow-up thought is that I already have Baltic Amber… and that one takes this exact base feel and twists it into something magnificent. I would repurchase that over this in a head-to-head comparison with no question. I would highly recommend this one to anyone who wants less of a “sexy tree nymph story” (BA) and more straight amber resin though. It’s got the beautiful sweetness that this type of amber brings without going gourmand. That aspect makes it a particularly great layering note because it can bridge to just about any kind of perfume, from foodie to woodsy. The dry down leans a little more into the sweetness because it doesn’t have any other notes to guide it somewhere else. That’s neither bad nor good inherently, but it is my experience. And again, it’s not sweet like food; it’s that unique amber sweetness you must smell on your skin to see how it plays. With that in mind, this would probably be slightly better than BA for sugary layering since it’s missing the other outdoorsy notes. I can’t complain about this soli-note at all. I simply prefer the scent journey and mastery that is BA. This is great too, but I personally don’t need both.
Blue MoonBlue musk, grapefruit, neroli, night air accord, lime peel
First whiff, this is all about that citrus. It’s grapefruit-forward but backed by the lime and neroli (reading deep and viscous orange). So, it’s nuanced and that’s interesting. It’s a cascade of sour citrus fruit. Sorta reminds me of Guten Morgen, but a bit darke heavier. I liked GM but found it somewhat boring, so I’m interested to see where this one goes… until the musk and night air come through on my skin. Oof. This is kind of like ultra-fancy Clorox wipes on me now. Totally not what I want to smell like… it’s the best version of a cleaning product I’ve smelled, I guess? Like seriously, I would be happy to have this be the default “citrus” smell of all my cleaners. I don’t know what else to say. This is 100% not for me. That blue musk is spectacularly not jiving with my nose the longer it sits. It’s almost a little skunky… with cleaners applied to hide it. It’s vaguely reminding me of when people try to douse Febreze on their clothes to cover B.O. Yikes. That association in my brain kills it completely. The extreme dry down trends back towards grapefruit. It’s less offensive, but I can’t deal with the other phases. Still a big nope, nope, nope from me.
Café NoirBlack coffee accord, coffee bean CO2, Coffea arabica L essential oil
Mmmmmm. Oh, yes. This is coffee factorial. It reminds me of Freddy Loves Nancy without the bitterness. If you want pure coffee, this is it. This is the one. It’s So. Damn. Good! I can smell it wafting off my arm too. I don’t even have to get in close to get a full sense of the fragrance. Awesome. I’m just left trying to decide if I want to smell like straight coffee. I love the smell in theory. I also love drinking black coffee, so there’s that. On a related note, I have a weakness for Basic Bitch despite it being a faithful representation of specialty coffee I don’t even drink. I wear that all the time in the fall. This one though… it doesn’t have the seasonal niche, so when would I wear it? That’s the million-dollar question. I think this would be perfect for a kitchen oil diffuser. I like the idea of always having the smell of freshly brewed coffee whether I’ve made it or not. I’m beyond impressed with the perfection of the note here; I’m just unconvinced that I would reach for it if it were in my collection. So, 100% yes on the execution and up for serious consideration on upgrade for me personally. Bona fide coffee perfume lovers, however, you NEED this. Don’t think about it; just do it!
Chocolat BlancCocoa butter, sugar, milk solids
Yoooo, I am blown away and immediately drooling as soon as I crack the seal on this. WOW. It’s so rich and sweet and creamy, but not in a scary milk note way. It’s smooth personified. And to my utter delight, it stays true on my skin. I never put much thought into how white chocolate smells tbh. I like my chocolate dark typically. I mean I’ve HAD white chocolate but sniffing this is like experiencing eating it for the first time. You know how when you eat something scrumptious, it’s an inextricable sensory combination between taste and smell and texture? That’s what’s happening here. It’s all up in my face engaging my senses, and I am so very okay with it! It reminds me of opening the wrapper on one of those Hershey’s cookies and cream bars and then letting it melt on my tongue so just the little cookie balls are left (and now I want one of those very badly too). My gut reaction is that I want this immediately. I don’t know if I need it based on what I currently own foodie-wise, but I have an intense desire. The dry down becomes more simplistic, but it retains its smooth sugary greatness all the way through. This is GOOD, you guys! I might even wear it alone. Like hot damn. I’m a sucker for alternates to vanilla for base sweetness and this scratches that itch precisely. Body oil or perfume, I’m down. Love!
Fleurs BlanchesTuberose, iris, tiaré, paperwhite narcissus, night-blooming jasmine
Self-proclaimed floral hater here, sampling a pure white floral. Hold on to your hats (do people still say that?). It’s a little overbearing for me at first. There’re too many things assaulting my nose and vying for attention. I’m prepared to hate it. On my skin though, the jasmine becomes dominant with the rest playing supporting roles… and it’s kinda okay! It’s like the bold, extroverted cousin to Moonstone, which was one that weirdly grew on me despite it not being anywhere near my wheelhouse (because of the jasmine). This is much more traditional than I usually go for, but I can’t help acknowledging it anyway. It’s got an appreciable straightforwardness, yet it’s also a little unexpected in the execution. I enjoy the full wear too. The dry down gives me a fresh-cut flower smell that is so authentic and doesn’t once make me feel like sneezing. Then it goes just slightly sweet on my skin against the now barely-there florals, fading out gracefully. This is what floral perfume should do! I don’t think I’ve ever smelled one that made me question my stance on them before, so there’s that. I also don’t think I’ll upgrade it though (don’t quote me on this). I do think anyone who marginally likes florals should check it out though. It’s a pretty darn good one.
FumerBonfire, embers, woodsmoke
Campfire in a bottle. That’s what I was promised and that is what’s been delivered in spades. It’s beautiful. Warm and woody, with just enough clean, billowy smoke to round it all out. I love how it tricks my brain into “feeling” heat. The blend is very much like All Soul’s Night but without the marshmallow goo woven through it. I was blown away by the realism in that blend and this is the same feeling but condensed and purified. I dig it, but would I ever wear it alone? Probably not… then again, the layering options are practically infinite. It’s already proven to work with sweet/ foodie blends (a la ASN) and I can imagine it also being great for more classic/ outdoorsy/ floral stuff. I can’t think of anything in my collection that would be a definite no for trying. I don’t typically buy scents if I ONLY think I’ll layer them, but this is a likely exception. It’s absolute perfection for what it is. The dry down is to-die-for too. I still feel heat emanating from it, but the smoke subsides ever-so-slightly to allow more wood to poke through. I’m huffing my inner elbow like a crazy person. Highly recommend for those searching for straight bonfire. It’s so good, I’m committed to buying it for layering purposes only. Winner.
LaundromatLaundry soap, fabric softener, ozone, and coin-op washing machines
Yup, this smells like laundry detergent. Okay, check. But… then there’s more as it blossoms on my skin. There is a strange movie-like, dreamy quality to it, as if I’m stepping through a cut scene. Now I’m smelling the abundance of clean, hard water and the thinly metallic scent of washing machines and quarters… that’s just as the description says, so I shouldn’t be surprised. Still am. It’s not something I would imagine captured this way. It’s not even something I would have thought to attempt to capture at all, if I’m being honest. The “fabric softener” aspect is coming through now but as airy dryer sheets, sort of floating through the atmosphere. If you’ve been in a laundromat, you’re going to recognize this. It’s so accurate! Unreal. Huh. I don’t really know what I think. I’m impressed. I like it more than I thought I would because it’s such a snapshot of real life. I still don’t want to smell like this on my body, so it’s a pass for upgrading. But wow. Total artistry.
MyrrheSpicy (almost cola-clove-y), resinous, warm, premium myrrh accord
Inhaling this note on its own makes me appreciate why I’m drawn to blends with a myrrh component. I already knew I liked it, but experiencing it singled out helps me define why. It’s warm and herby in the exact right ways. It doesn’t radiate heat like fire/ ember notes can. It’s like a cozy skin warmth. It is resiny, but not in the way I usually think of it… not like a golden amber where it’s all oozy and thick. Here it’s a coy spicy and ever-so-slightly reserved resin, maybe a little on the drier side. A bit of crackle to it. I do see how it’s described as “cola-clove-y” too. It’s not the bold clove I also love, but it has a bit of that dark spice feel that clove has, a little bit of bite, while still maintaining its own identity. Sort of elusive, just like describing the smell of cola. I’m a little surprised that this isn’t stronger on me though. The bottle smell is intense, but on my skin it instantly melds. It’s relatively short-lasting too. I can still smell it after a few hours, but it’s very faint. It strikes me as an element of a whole, not one I want to wear alone. That’s totally fine with me. I love it, but I wholeheartedly want it IN more blends. So, the debate then is whether I want to own it so I can add this element to my other perfumes. I’m neutral/ negative on that. Could happen, but not a priority. Sign me up for more Caroline blends with myrrh though!
Nanaimo BarGraham cracker crumbs, cocoa powder, flaked coconut, butter, heavy cream, custard powder, sugar, cacao absolute, chopped walnuts
Ohhhh yum!!! My first impression of this is a chocolate-y, graham cracker-y s’more… but with custard instead of marshmallow? How would one do such a thing?! That’s a messy mental picture... Anyway, it is so freaking buttery when it gets on my skin I’m amazed. It’s floating around me in heavenly waves. I don’t even need to get near the spot where I tested it. The flaked coconut aspect here is intriguing because it doesn’t have the fake beachy overload that turns me off from typical coconut in scents. It smells like the real flakes, sweetened and just barely coconut-y, more like how the flesh of a coconut smells when you cut into it. Idk why this note is so hard for me to enjoy, but this version is one of the closest to perfection goes for my nose. Go figure. Dried and sweetened and shredded lol… I’m picking up a tiny tinge of bitterness in the blend that I assume is the walnut and it totally works to cut the sugar bomb sweetness and buttery richness a little. This makes me want to find a recipe for these! I’ve never had one and had never even heard of them before. We need to remedy that situation. I love this throughout the wear, and it lasts FOREVER. I can smell it hours later at about the same strength. There are traces left the next morning too. Impressive. This is going on my yes list of foodies (that’s a long list). It is too damn delicious!
Overlook HotelWhite spruce, sugared vanilla, buttermint candies
There’s a moment in the bottle that I think I might be able to hang with this one. The sugared vanilla comes through all crisp and bright with sweetness. I’m hopeful. When it first hits my skin, I breathe that in, and I quite like it. The refreshing mint combined with that is delightful. Then on comes the spruce. Now I’m a minty Christmas tree. It’s not offensive or astringent, so there’s that. It’s just very “winter holiday party with a giant bushy tree in the center of the room” now. I think the mint keeps it fresh and doesn’t quite let it go floor cleaner, so that’s a good pairing. I totally expected not to like this, and I don’t. The foodie parts are great though! The dry down eases more and more into sweet peppermint. It’s nice. I gave this a shot in the name of catalog completeness so I can check it off the list. I can say that spruce is infinitely better than pine for Christmas tree vibes. I just don’t want to smell like this type of tree. Ever. Very easy pass. If you like smelling like a Christmas tree, go all in. You won’t be disappointed. If you are like me and you enjoy the minty vanilla aspect specifically, go with Mallowmint, all day.
PamplemousseWhite grapefruit, bitter grapefruit rind, ruby red grapefruit
Huh. I don’t think I like this (and I expected to). I wanted fresh and clean and delicious. It’s astringent and bitter without any juiciness or freshness. Weird. It’s the same on my skin too. Sort of dried out grapefruit rind? I get that that’s in the notes, but I really expected some gorgeously drippy grapefruit to go along with it. I don’t understand this one at all. I’m at a loss for words. I don’t want to smell like this. I don’t really want anything to smell like this. After it settles for maybe 30 minutes, the bitterness recedes to a (still strong) counterpoint, and I get a slightly soft sweetness trying to nudge its way in. Still grapefruit all the way, but this is at least pleasant now. Even so, I’m left confused and I know this simply isn’t for me. I miss a juicy component. I miss a sugar aspect to balance it out. I’m not digging the dominance of the bitter. Easy pass.
Poivre VanilleVanilla, pink peppercorn, black pepper, amber, cedar, conifers, clove
Whoa, this one engages my senses as soon as it hits me. There’s a lot going on in the bottle and I’m having to concentrate to pick out individual pieces. When I put it on, I get sweetness at the get-go, but it’s quickly joined by a pepper-y and woodsy foil. There’s nothing dusty about it! I’m thrilled with that. Pink peppercorn as a note is exciting me with possibility now. I can feel the amber grounding this and giving it resiny depth, but it’s subdued. There’s just a breath of clove rounding out the pepper spices. I was a little worried about the “conifers”, but I don’t really detect anything tree-y in this. It’s spicy-sweet woods with softened resin. It’s… rather nice. I can’t compare it to anything else. Maybe a complex version of Vanilla Clove? It’s far superior to my nose. As I go back to sniff it as it dries down, I sometimes get a hit of vanilla and sometimes a hit of spices and wood. Towards the middle/ end, it’s vanilla and amber with some spices hanging about. Very, very interesting. I like it. It has neat transitions and then the final dry down is almost straight vanilla. It has tremendous staying power too. This is a body oil candidate for sure. I love blends that have a lot of aspects to build from in different directions. This is perfect for that. The longevity is just a bonus. Love.
Purple RainViolet, grape, rain
Yikes. Giant smack of powdery floral violets and what I guess is rain in the bottle. It smells like liquid fabric softener maybe. It’s not airy like I would associate with dryer sheets. It’s much heavier and sort of cloying. I almost feel it physically pawing at me. It’s way too aggressive and I’m nervous. I get the same impression on skin. The rain aspect is even stronger now, giving me the dreaded Febreze vibe. It’s like I’m in a cliché commercial desperately frolicking through a field of purple flowers to demonstrate how clean and fresh I smell, then cut to an old school clothesline filled with nothing but whites. Oof. I don’t think this is going to work out. I’m desperately searching for some grape, which is why I wanted to try this one. I struggle hard and I get nothing. There’s some extra powdery stuff coming from the violet the longer it sits… and I like it even less. Yeah… no. This one is a total catastrophe on me. Extra mega pass.
SantalSandalwood incense, golden sandalwood, Mysore wood accord, vanilla sandalwood
Yesss, all the sandalwood! I’m even more excited for this after my first whiff. The bottle is straight-up rich woody goodness. It’s the same on my skin, but now I get a tinge of sweetness. I had to recheck the notes and ah yes, there’s vanilla here too. So, this reads as a wood-heavy vanilla sandalwood blend on me, exactly what it claims to be in the notes. I like it a lot. The vanilla is a nice, subtle counterpart. It really sets off and showcases the exquisite sandalwoods. Overall, it’s not as strong as I would have expected, more nestling into my skin and chilling in a present, yet shimmery way. I get the incense impression after a few minutes… this is magnificent. Now it’s reminding me of huffing a new bag of sandalwood incense. You know when you get some of the incense powder on your fingers? How that smells? That’s this. Yum. It’s gorgeously straightforward. I can get behind this. I’m not really craving more complexity, which surprises me. It has just enough. I could be totally happy wearing this all by its lonesome. It could be layered sure, and if I owned it, I imagine that would happen at some point. It just doesn’t need it. I feel like a self-assured, elegant hippie right now and I’m all about the vibe. I was nervous about the lack of strength once it settled on my skin, but it lasts a super long time, so I’ve forgiven it! Count this as a winner. A very cool, complete winner. Want!
SpectreVanilla, vanilla, and more vanilla. NO bakery/caramel notes
This is very, very sweet and true vanilla in the bottle and on my skin. No change or morphing whatsoever. I must agree with prior reviews in that it smells a lot like Vanilla Bean Noel from B&BW. It’s not the same, but it has a recognizable similarity. If anything, it’s a filtered version of it (which I’ll classify as a good thing because it reads as a chicer and more refined vanilla perfume). Still reminds me of baking though. Haha… vanilla is a central component of baking sweet treats, so I don’t understand the desire to separate them! I get that the smell of something after it’s baked is not the same as vanilla, so maybe that’s the distinction…? Anyway! There’s nothing wrong with this. I like it better than I liked FLICK. It reminds me of Tihota as I sit with it, like vanilla extract has had the alcohol component stripped out. I want more complexity from it personally. I could see it being a great base in a perfume, but I don’t really see myself wearing it alone. It’s somewhat boring, despite its impressive authenticity. It smells great, but it’s not grabbing me in any way. I do like it more as it fades. It softens and melts deep into my skin; I smell like I just magically sweat vanilla. It’s coming across as a vanilla skin musk scent now. Great longevity too. Very cool ending. Vanilla fiends come on down. Otherwise this is a soft no for me. I wouldn’t pass up a good deal on it in a trade/ swap, but otherwise probably not going to seek it out.
This smells so weird in the bottle, sort of a thin chemical smell. I have no idea. It’s not sweet. I’m a little nervous. It has a little of that remaining when I get it on skin but is improved. I get a slight sweetness now. I guess it smells like sugar… like the white granulated sugar I bake with, but not a fresh bag. The problem is that smell quickly becomes faint in real life. So, it follows that a recreation of it would be too. I’m not into this one at the start at all. After it settles for several minutes, the chemical impression is gone (phew). It’s really, really, really faint sweet. I can’t decide if my skin is eating it or if it’s just that weak. I was not prepared for this! After about 30 minutes, it smells like sugar recognizably. It’s a searing white sugar, faithfully represented. It’s now middle ground on strength. After a couple hours, this is suddenly revitalized and gorgeous. I have no words for the difference between this scent and the beginning stages. Now it smells like real sugar crystals sparkling in the sun like jewels, almost liquid in its smooth profile against my skin. It’s clear and present. This was a peculiar journey. I don’t know if I can put the start aside to stick around and enjoy the finish. But wow, this ending is superb. I’m bewildered.
Thé NoirBlack tea
Yeah, it’s black tea. This is a steadfast representation of the smell of plain black tea leaves, both in the bottle and on skin. It has a nice calm herbal feel, so it occurs to me that it could be classified as a sleep scent. It’s an interesting experiment to sniff this without any cream or sugar, since that’s the common theme for tea perfume. I feel like I’m in an olfactory alchemist’s shop smelling a component they work with. My impression is very much that this isn’t a finished product though. It’s not bad; it’s also not doing anything for me. I need it as an aspect within something else, for sure. Now I know. I’m not even sure I would have much use for this as a layering note, if I’m being honest. I’m worried I would need a lot of it to make its presence known, so I’d rather just buy a tea blend that a professional has concocted. Easy pass. If you specifically want to smell like black tea and nothing else, this is it. Your search is over.
Whitechapel 1888Christmas rice pudding with a drizzle of maple syrup
Oh wow! That maple syrup though!!! In the bottle and initially on my skin, that’s the star. Old-fashioned, real maple. Delicious. I get an obvious rice note supporting it, so they’re probably about 60/40 maple/ rice at the start. It absolutely smells like rice pudding. Neat. I don’t feel like it’s screaming holiday or winte fall at me though, so it could be worn year-round easily. The rice creeps forward more as it wears on me. I lose the maple glory I was digging to start with, but it’s still nice. I feel like there’s a light cinnamon dusting, though that isn’t a note listed so I could be wrong. I’m less enthusiastic about the blend as it dries down. There’s more and more rice with less maple. It’s still good, but I liked the opening much better. That’s a bit of a flip for me with Hex. I’m almost always a fan of the dry downs! I will give it extra credit for staying power. I could smell it at the same strength for hours. Sweet rice pudding. Ultimately this isn’t something I’m going to upgrade. Still a solid foodie, but there are more in the catalog that I like more. Rice note fans should check it out though!
Favorites: Chocolat Blanc, Fumer, Nanaimo Bar, Poivre Vanille, Santal
Honorable mentions: Ambre d’Or, Café Noir, Fleurs Blanches, Myrrhe, Spectre, Whitechapel 1888
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cocoa butter recipes skin care video

You need 15 gr (0,5 oz) cocoa butter, 15 ml (0,5 fl oz) olive oil, 5 gr (0,17 oz) honey. Melt the butter and the honey, and mix all ingredients. Add 2 drops lavender oil. Massage the problem skin areas twice a day. If you're out searching, you'll find cocoa butter in two forms: refined or unrefined. Creamy yellow, unrefined cocoa butter is simply cocoa butter in its rawest form. It's easy to find, and all of the above-mentioned skin care benefits naturally come with the unrefined product. However, it smells pretty strongly of chocolate, which can be divisive. Cocoa butter benefits your skin, hair and health in many ways. We will focus on cocoa butter benefits for skin and how you can use this amazing natural moisturizer in skincare. You can find down below 5 luxurious DIY beauty recipes that use cocoa butter. But first, let’s see how exactly cocoa butter benefits the skin and why you should use it ... It made finding cocoa butter recipes easy as pie! Reply. Marie on July 18, 2016 at 1:30 pm Thanks, Penny! 😀 Reply. Susan Jardine on February 24, 2018 at 3:04 am Hello just wanted to say that yes coco butter is incredible but having it in your bath is a no no it will eventually block the drains as it hardens. Please tell your customers that coconut oil is another one not to be putting down ... Coconut Oil is rich in fatty acids which moisturize, repair and protect your skin. Whipped Cocoa Body Butter Recipe. Ingredients: 5 oz Cocoa Butter; 4 oz Jojoba Oil; 1oz Coconut Oil; How to Make: Put Cocoa Butter, Jojoba Oil and Coconut Oil in a heat proof glass container; Heat it on low in a double boiler, stir the ingredients occasionally while being heated Especially in winter, when the skin needs an extra hand hydrating, a whipped body butter recipe is an essential in every gal’s beauty bag. And since we mentioned they’re so easy to make, here are some recipes that we think you’re gonna love. Oh, and they make great gifts too. 10 Easy Body Butter Recipes Heat the cocoa and mango butter in a double boiler over low heat until it is just melted. Remove from heat and whisk in the coconut oil and sweet almond oil. Whip the body butter on high-speed for 5 - 8 minutes. Add the essential oils and beat the mixture again. DIY Cocoa Butter Lotion Recipes. While there are so many wonderful kinds of cocoa butter on the market today, it ’ s such a simple product to make at home, there ’ s no reason not to try it out!. With literally three ingredients you can make yourself a whole tub of this natural butter — the lotion also makes for a great gift for your girlfriends!. Cocoa Butter Balm Body & Skin Care Recipes Lotion, lip balm, salves, body oils, and more—oh my! You can make it all with these awesome recipes. Cocoa Butter comes from the cocoa bean. It has a distinct nutty, chocolate scent – so yes, you will smell… delicious! When I use it on my skin, my 5-year-old notices right away! Cocoa butter is a rich emollient, it leaves your skin buttery soft. It contains fatty acids which help to retain moisture and build elasticity and also has ...

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