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I am 33 years old making $335,000, live in London, and work as a lawyer

This is my first MD, a little scary! I've been reading Refinery29 for ages and found this group after the disappointing, fake lawyer MD from "Salt Lake City".
Section One: Assets and Debt
I'm single so all amounts are my own, although I've had help from my parents at various points in my life (which I'll note) and I'm very lucky to also have them to support me if life goes completely to the gutter. Everything in this diary is converted into USD and rounded (to the nearest cent for the diary, but nearest $1k more generally) for simplicity using google's exchange rates when I was writing this over the last week.
Section Two: Income
On income progression, I've been working as a lawyer for 10 years:
Section Three: Expenses
Section 4: Diary
DAY 1 SUNDAY - $33.50
I wake up at 7 am . . . My biological clock in COVID times is all sorts of messed up, and I feel like I've been sleep deprived for months. Doggo hears me moving in bed and jumps up for a 15 minute cuddle. I then put on a coat and take her outside for a bathroom break. I feed Doggo and make a cup of tea for myself and then go back to bed.
By bed, I mean I scroll through IG and the news for an hour. I doze off eventually and then wake up at 10:30 for a second cuddle session. I finally get dressed while listening to NPR's Consider This. I'm 4 episodes behind, it's the perfect start to the morning. I make avocado toast with a fried egg at 11:15.
I head out to walk Doggo for an hour at noon and regret it 15 minutes in. London has skipped Fall, it feels very much like Winter and I'm not prepared. By the end of the walk, I'm sniffling behind my mask. I treat myself to a blueberry financier from my local cafe ($4.72). I eat half of the cake at home with a second cup of tea, decaffeinated this time, and also eat a box of cherries. Doggo eats her lunch and then passes out.
I spend most of the afternoon decluttering, I go through and organise, swapping out seasonal clothes. I have been watching the Home Edit on Netflix and am obsessed!!! I'm thinking of placing an IKEA/Amazon order for "Product" but hold off. Amazon delivery guy drops off a parcel at 3 pm -- I bought a plant saucer and a trio of pots last week. I've been growing some plants on my patio but now that it's getting cold, need to bring them all in. I spend an hour repotting some herbs. I place a second order for the pots and saucer as they're perfect for the remaining herbs ($28.78).
At 6:30, I make myself some skillet pizza with a side salad for dinner, and eat while addressing some weekend work emails for about 30 minutes. I hop into the shower at 7:30 and spend my evening with a face mask and the Home Edit. Doggo gets her last walk at 9 pm, and then we head to bed. I have a hard time falling asleep so I light a candle, move the phone to another room, and lie in bed for hours.
I wake up at 7:30 am and take Doggo out, make myself a cup of tea, and eat the leftover cake along with strawberries for breakfast. I start work at 8 am, replying to emails and reviewing memos until 10, when I have an hour call with one of my direct reports.
After the call, I take Doggo out to the park for an hour. I keep an eye on emails, but nothing too exciting comes up as I work for an American company and it's still early there. When we get back, I heat up leftover pizza for lunch at noon and dive back into work. I start a marathon of calls from 1:30 pm to 4 pm, and then finally turn to other work.
The Amazon delivery guy arrives at 5pm, I take a 30 minute break to repot the remaining herbs before the sun sets, and then head back to work until 7 pm. I feel lazy so make myself avocado toast, peel an orange and eat a spoon of nutella for dinner. I spend the evening listening to the How I Built This podcast and watching the last episode of The House Edit. I'm in bed by 10.
DAY 3 TUESDAY - $46.27
I wake up at 7 am and take Doggo out -- big mistake not wearing a raincoat, so we make it as quick as possible. Doggo gets her breakfast while I make a cup of tea and eat two portions of strawberry yogurt. I work from 7:30-8:15, and then head out to take Doggo to the vet. I'm back home at 9:30, but sadly without Doggo who has been having leg issues this year. The vet recommended that she stay with them until the afternoon for x-rays. Thank goodness for pet insurance, the x-rays cost $940 but it is all covered by the insurer as I've already met my deductible.
I work from 10 to 12 before taking a quick 15 minute break to make some noodles (Thai inspired peanut noodles -- I made the sauce last week and defrosted overnight). I eat my meal while browsing Reddit and various blogs, and then spend another 15 minutes vacuuming the flat (Doggo sheds!).
I restart work at 1 pm until I pick Doggo up at 5 pm, she's lethargic from being sedated and the vet recommends booking her in for surgery (another £2,600 covered by the insurer). I join a call from 6-7 and then finish addressing other work emails that are time sensitive.
I stop work at 8 pm and let my friends, family and the dog walker know about Doggo's upcoming surgery next week. I'm stressed and decide to place an order on Glossier for cloud paint, balm dotcom and stretch concealer. I use a 10% coupon and it comes out to $46.27. I wash up, browse through the news, and go to bed at 10:30 pm.
DAY 4 WEDNESDAY - $59.02
I wake up at 7:30 am and take Doggo out, the morning is lovely today (bright blue skies, air nice and crisp!). I work for 45 minutes from 8 while eating granola with milk, and then head to the farmers’ market for some groceries. Meanwhile, the dog walker comes by at 9 to take Doggo to the park (cost is included in my monthly expenses). I ended up buying daikon, coleslaw, brioche rolls, pork ribs, roast turkey, gouda, and salmon ($26.97).
I come back from grocery shopping to see a delivery of flowers ($32.05). This is a subscription service where I get a delivery about once every three weeks (approximately how long they. last), but I’ll skip if I don’t like the arrangement. I used to not buy flowers, but it's given me such joy this year. This weeks’ arrangement includes pale pink roses, snowberries, bright pink alstroemeria, purple irises, white lisianthus and eucalyptus.
Doggo comes back from her walk, and she goes to sleep while I restart work. I do a load of laundry at noon, take a 30 minute yoga break, and then make myself a sandwich with coleslaw, turkey, sliced cheese (thank you to the CupofJo blog for the idea, delicious). I finish off the rest of the nutella. Doggo also gets her lunch and a bit of playtime. I dive back into work at 1 pm after putting my clothes in the dryer. I'm on back to back calls from 4 to 6, and then end my workday at 6:30. I make myself some ramen spruced up with bok choi and salad onions from my indoor herb garden.
I decide to shower early at 8 and then watch Schitt's Creek while reading up on the news (last night's debate, omg). I decide to go to bed at 10:30 and pop Doggo into her crate and try locking the door. It's a disaster, she cries and whimpers until 2 am. I wasn't expecting it to be this bad: she used to sleep in a locked crate as a baby and, even as an adult, alternates between sleeping in the crate (unlocked) and on my bed. Once she has her surgery, she'll need to sleep in a locked crate for two months while her legs heal as jumping will undo all the good work. It's devastating and I can't sleep either, I think I fall asleep at 3 am but who knows when.
DAY 5 THURSDAY - $123.76
I'm exhausted but my body wakes up at 7 am anyways. Doggo is quite happy and seems not exhausted at all. I take her for a short walk, give her breakfast, make myself some tea and get to work at 7:30 -- I'll nap later if I can. I catch up on emails, review some documents, and look at candidate resumes for a role that's open on my team. I break at 9:30 to fry an egg to eat with toast and a second cup of tea. I take a 45 minute call at 10, which results in a massive headache (mostly because of the 4 or so hours of sleep, but the call was a mess too). I decide to take Doggo out so we can both get some fresh air.
At noon, I get a delivery of plants that I purchased last week! This makes me so happy and motivated to work again. If anyone else is as plant obsessed, I bought Zamioculcas zamiifolia, polyscias fabian, sansevieria moonshine, clusia princess and a new pot. I take a break at 1 pm to eat a lunch of daikon soup and ribs (leftover, defrosted from last week), which watching Criminal on Netflix. It's the French series, I've already finished the UK set. I also feed Doggo her lunch inside her crate with the door locked, a little bit of whimpering but so much better.
Back to work at 2 pm with back to back calls from 2:30-4:30 (way too many calls in COVID times). I finish work at 6:30 after my last call is cancelled. At 7 pm, the doorbell rings again -- my groceries are here! I order online once every two weeks and supplement with weekly trips to the farmers market. Today's grocery bill is $82.27 for baby wipes (for Doggo), toilet paper, hand gel x2, shampoo x2, kleenex x2, toothbrush heads, decaf tea bags, soy sauce, chilli oil, sugar, peanut butter, rice noodles, tomatoes, onions, chicken thigh, melon, salad onions, pizza, mandarins, green beans, bananas, grapes, broccoli.
After unpacking my groceries, I buy a box of roasted cauliflower and greek salad from the cafe downstairs for dinner ($9.67). I place an order for Doggo from Amazon: some powder for small cuts to add to our first-aid kit and a raised dog bowl (supposedly better for her spine) totalling $31.82. We do some training in the evening (tricks for treats!) so she's nice and tired, cuddle in the bed while watching Schitt's Creek, and then I place her into the crate (minimal crying for about 10 minutes tonight, thank you Doggo).
DAY 6 FRIDAY - $45.61
I wake up at 7:30 am, take Doggo out quickly and start a laundry cycle for my sheets, duvet cover and pillow covers. At 8 am, the cleaner comes to do a much better job than I can (included in monthly expenses) and also makes my bed (is anyone else useless at putting duvets in duvet covers?). I give Doggo her breakfast, make myself a cup of tea and I eat some leftover carrot cake. I work from 8:30 to 11, when the cleaner leaves, with a break in between to put the laundry into the dryer.
Doggo gets a 15 minute walk (it's pouring!) and then we both eat lunch. I make an arugula salad, with tomatoes, mozzarella and mint & balsamic dressing. I read Lean In for an hour while eating. Yes, I know I'm late to the book club but was curious after seeing all of the comments!
I restart work at 12:30 and end at 5:30 to quickly walk Doggo in the rain and then play with her. I leave her with dinner at 6 and then take an Uber to Boy's place (it's our 4th date). I've been disappointed with Londoners on the tube as many people don't wear masks or don't do it properly so prefer to walk or take Ubers even though it's obviously more expensive.
Boy has been cooking up a storm, we polish off a bottle of wine and then some more, a tomato salad and pasta with lots of cheese. I Uber back right before midnight ($45.61 for two Ubers), I'm not concerned about the Uber turning into a pumpkin but I would never leave Doggo by herself. Sorry Boy (and boys generally), I don't do sleepovers without Doggo. Doggo is the happiest girl and I'm feeling pretty good myself, so we go on a long midnight walk and then some playtime at home. I'm not in bed until 2 am.
DAY 7 SATURDAY - $17.96
I wake up at 10 am and Doggo and I head to the park. The skies don't look great, so we keep the walk relatively short and choose not to take a detour into the farmers market. It's the right decision as it starts pouring at around 11 once we're home. Doggo gets her lunch, while I make myself a BLT with some grapes. I then spend an hour catching up on work emails that came in Friday (evening London time, but business hours America time). I draft a couple of responses so they're ready to go, but wait to send them until Monday. Weekend emails are the worst.
I text Boy to say thank you again for the dinner, we flirt a bit and then I get on a call with a group of my best friends at 2 pm to catch up. We all turn the video off because of Zoom fatigue but just hearing their voices is perfect. I spend the afternoon reading up on surgery aftercare for Doggo and place an order for a cold press and an inflatable pet collar that looks soft so that Doggo won't need to wear the cone of shame ($17.96). I then finish Lean In and also go through Criminal (France) on Netflix.
At 7 pm, I start making dinner (salmon with honey and sriracha plus a side salad) and call my brother in Vancouver in the evening to catch up over my dinner and his breakfast. I shower early, put on a face mask, and watch When Harry Met Sally. Doggo joins me during the movie to enjoy some belly rubs, takes her last walk and then we're both in bed by 10:30.
TOTAL SPEND: $326.12
This week wasn't too unusual apart from Doggo's costs. Apart from food and treats when we're running low I rarely buy anything for her anymore as we've accumulated a ton of toys, leads, etc. Pre-COVID times I spent more money on transport and food (as I used to eat out for my lunch almost every day in the office), but less money on home and health (I have bought so many plants and spruced up some of my decorations). The beauty purchase is a once a month cost, but I would spend that money in other categories other weeks.
submitted by origamidreaming to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

STP does baby nursery: Function, Comfort, Storage! (bonus Big Kid Room upgrade)

STP does baby nursery: Function, Comfort, Storage! (bonus Big Kid Room upgrade)
This one’s a twofer with an unthemed baby nursery and a kids room! We decided to keep the smallest bedroom as the new baby’s nursery, and move the 3-year-old into the old guest bedroom. I took the opportunity to “design” the older child’s room and make a couple slight adjustments to the nursery knowing what actually worked for me with the first kiddo. I’m super happy with how things turned out because my older kid LOVES her new room and the nursery is super functional for me.

Baby nursery! We painted this room blue when our daughter was born, and reused the same mini-crib, dresser, changing table, shelving and stuffed animal nest, all of which I liked enough to keep. I especially like this style of changing table (which routinely pop up on CL for CHEAP - they may not be the cutest but they store so much stuff and everything is accessible). My baby is nearly three months old now and these pictures show the room in use, as you can tell from the crowded dresser top, leaves the toddler taped to the wall and the dueling mobiles because my partner and I didn’t agree which one we should put up. Priorities for the nursery are function, comfort and storage. My top five, all of which are new to the room for this baby:
  1. Night light - the absolute perfect amount of light for night feeds/diaper changes. No “ahh my eyes”moment or fumbling in utter darkness during a pooppocalypse.
  2. Halo Bassinest - I love this! Technically it’s in our bedroom but crucial to new baby life. I got the premium series on a CL deal but haven’t used any of the extra features. Would be fine with the linked basic version. Just need that good good swivel.
  3. Cloud Island swaddles - Missed the memo on using these as burp cloths/miracle blankets with my first baby. Any brand of muslin swaddle works - these ones are just very adorable! Useful to have in the diaper bag for early doctor visits where you need to undress baby completely and then wait.
  4. Activity center - cute, fun, good but not obnoxious colors, removable toys that can be used elsewhere
  5. The Captain’s Chair - I CANNOT overstate the importance of this chair from whom all blessings and milk flow. I don't like a rockeglider style chair for breastfeeding - I like to tuck my legs up with a Boppy on my lap which I have plenty of space for in this chair. My six foot tall partner is also very comfy lounging in this chair. Ours is an older fabric model of the IKEA Ektorp which I believe is now discontinued, but any comfy chair-and-a-half with high arms should work (I like the looks of this one better than mine actually!) I can and do sit in this monster for hours - the giant arms can hold books, blankets, laptops, trusty lions, toddlers/other people, breast pumps, cats, etc without me feeling crowded. It provides comfort but enough support at night that I don’t fall asleep during night feeds. It’s possible my baby thinks this chair is a third parent.
BONUS kid room!! Including this because we never would have put in this effort if not for the new baby. Transitioning our first kid to a new room that has all the things she loves was really helpful for getting ready mentally for a younger sibling. We have not had any jealous moments and she was not upset about sharing her old room/ books/toys with the baby. My top five for this room:
  1. Hook & Loom rug - the yellow striped rug in the nursery is the same style but I prefer the colorway and pattern of this one. They are hardy rugs that vacuum well and conceivably can go in the washing machine though we haven’t tested them yet.
  2. Dress up corner - simple hooks and cheap mirror have a big impact! Bin on the floor for accessories.
  3. Bookshelf - this is well built and looks nice. Running out of room and may get a second one!
  4. Closet dresser - I wanted to prioritize play space in the actual room room so chose an in-closet dresser. This one is great because she can see and reach all her own clothes, so now can choose items and get dressed (sometimes) by herself!
  5. Duvet cover- my kid wanted an entirely purple room. Instead we painted the walls a really pale lilac but this bedspread really makes the whole space look extra purple! It’s nice quality and the metallic accents are a bonus feature for a girly, glittery sparkle queen like my kid. I think the wall color will transition nicely as she grows and we swap out some of these more kidlike items.
This is a nursery post so I won’t go on long but want to send extra good vibes to all the parents who struggled with PPA/PPD the first time around. You are better placed to recognize the signs having been through it before. It’s also not a guarantee of what’s to come with the second kid- I am experiencing a level of joy with my baby that I didn’t realize people had after giving birth. Happy nesting to you all!
submitted by schweened to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

Big Brother 22 House Furniture/Housewares

I kept hitting the character limit in my last post so I'm breaking it up into its own. Here is a list of furniture and housewares in the BB22 House. Please comment anything I've missed and/or requests!



Living Room


Photo Bedroom

Comic Bedroom

Key Bedroom

HOH Bedroom



submitted by carriethe1 to BigBrother [link] [comments]

Shop Slumber Suite's luxury Duvet Covers Range

Shop Slumber Suite's luxury Duvet Covers Range in different designs and colours. Duvet cover sets are available in single, double, king and super king size. Visit our online store in the UK for more information, discounts and offers.
submitted by zaynkye to Bedding [link] [comments]

Duvet Cover Sets

Wallace Cotton UK is the leading provider of high quality linen products and homeware online such as duvet cover sets, cotton bed sheets, luxury beach towels, duvet covers and velvet bedding. View their beautiful contemporary designs on their website.
submitted by wallacecottonuk to u/wallacecottonuk [link] [comments]

Pocket sheet

Buy pocket sheets online from homelinenfurnishing. Providing duvet cover, duvet set, bedding with pockets at easy prices.
submitted by homelinenfurnishing to u/homelinenfurnishing [link] [comments]


Buy luxurious fitted valance sheet with side pockets online from homelinenfurnishing. Providing duvet cover, duvet set, bedding with pockets at easy prices.
submitted by homelinenfurnishing to u/homelinenfurnishing [link] [comments]

My 5 weeks of taking DXM everyday - Can DXM change your personality forever?

This may be a dumb question and it will be long. I just smoked a joint so there may be some mistakes haha. I have aspergers so I've always been awkward my whole life because I have really bad anxiety, I saw the world differently to everyone, didn't get humour or jokes, didn't really have a personality, really didn't enjoy life or see the point in it, I lost all my friends and job cus I had no motivation, didn't want to get mentally better.
Recently my depression got really bad to the point where I thought I was gonna end my life so I started taking DXM. 5 weeks ago I took it everyday (I know, I'm stupid). I'm 22. 5 weeks ago I weighed 190 lbs. The effects last 6-8 hours for me)
I was hardly eating, sometimes I went 5 days without eating at all, and when I would eat again, it would be one meal of rice or 100mls of icecream. I've lost 20 lbs in 4 weeks just doing this,
(WARNING lol This may be too much information) I had intense diarrhoea
My body and mind handles DXM really well, it doesn't make me sick or feel nausea. I wouldn't trip out and could function well the next day seeing my family. I also took it in pill form.
My life is boring too, I would only take DXM on my own at my flat.
FIRST WEEK - 300mg (first platea)
I'd have quite a lot of euphoria, smoking weed was intense, I saw life differently and felt really intelligent which was weird because I always felt pretty dumb.
At night I started watching live performances from my favourite singers. I would sit there, put my hands over my eyes as if I was looking at the sun which would create the illusion of actually being there. First it felt like I was outside in at a concert festival and I was watching it on a huge cinema screen. I could see what the singer was thinking at that moment and would really feel it. Then I watched a weird Lady Gaga concert on iTunes and this time it felt like I was really there, like I was front row with people. First time when I watched it years ago, I didn't get what she was saying and thought she was being weird for the sake of being weird. but this time I noticed she was extremely high and could relate and understand everything she was saying.
Movies I'd love felt weird when watching them, some scenes were in super slow motion and looked incredibly fake to the point I was laughing!
Music sounded amazing again, it sounded like the first time I first ever smoked weed, I could hear every instrument and it was crystal clear and could relate and understand the lyrics perfectly as if I was the whole who wrote them.
Video games felt trippy (you'll only understand this bit if you're a fan of the Crash franchise) I was playing Crash Bandicoot 1 the remastered version and I always had good nostalgic memories playing this with my grandma on the PS1. She was an expert on it, she would 100% it and on the PS1 is brutally hard. You have to destroy every crate in one life because checkpoints don't count. Some areas which had crates were extremely hard to find, like invisible bridges which you'd have no idea was there unless you'd have a guide which my grandma had no idea existed, or accidentally found it. I guess she was just super clever haha!
While I was playing it, I remembered the moments from when I was around 5 or 6 when I used to sleep round her house every weekend and school holidays. I watched her play it and remembered her figuring this stuff out for the first time.
While I was playing the really hard levels (the ones you have to beat in one life without checkpoints) I found it extremely easy, and was tripping out how hard and weird the platforming was, it was like a jigsaw puzzle, can't explain it, but it all made sense in a weird way. I'm on my third playthrough now and can beat almost all the levels without dying.
The graphics also looked super amazing as if it was a Playstation 10 and the technology had updated.
SECOND AND THIRD WEEK - 600mg (third pleau)
My vision would change, everything looked super clear and round (can't explain it haha)
While I was watching movies I used to love years ago, they felt really weird as if it was in a different dimension or a remake with a different setting. They were incredibly enjoyable. Even old videos I used to make felt like a remake as if it was recorded in a different area, I looked different, sometimes it wouldn't even make sense and sometimes it would feel real as if I was there again experiencing it. Watching my friends old vlogs were really weird because I felt like they were made for me and she was contacting me psychically. In some of them it felt like it was me recording them and I could remember the time I was there doing it.
Just walking was almost physically impossible because it was hard control my body and would fall over sometimes.
FOURTH WEEK - 900mg (forth plateau)
Playing GTA 5 was amazing, it felt like it was in real life and was experiencing it. It just looked real. I had the idea of pointing my fan on me, and it felt like I was actually outside and could feel the wind blowing in my face, when I was driving, I'd put the fan on higher speed and it felt like the wind was rushing through my hair as I was driving faster.
While I was watching the soaps (I know, I'm sad) and this new season of this TV show, everything felt new and updated, as if it was recorded with a new higher quality camera and was written by new writers and was shot in different locations. Because of my aspergers I would never get some of the jokes or the humour, or even what they were saying sometimes and for once I was actually understanding everything and was really impressed with the dialogue. The editing was really trippy too, I felt like something really fucked up was about to happen, like a revelation or something.
On the last day of the fourth week, I woke up and my whole bed was wet, I thought something leaked in my room, but found out it was my sweat. Most parts of my duvet cover was soaking wet, like I could rinse some out of it it was that bad.
My thought process had changed, I'm now talking to people new people online in my area on this dating app (Just for friends though, not relationships) been talking to people in the same situation as me who have anxiety and depression, talking about meeting up with people who have the same interests in me.
I'm understanding what people are saying, I'm talking differently, I feel like a new person (and this is when I don't have DXM in my system yet, it says online it takes about 3-6 hours for it fully leave)
LAST NIGHT OF FIFTH WEEK - 1200mg (fourth plateu)
This one is going to be hard to explain because I can't actually remember it well. I was in a different dimension, everything in real life looked weird and new. I couldn't speak at all. I wasn't thinking straight.
My mind was also glitchy, listening to music or watching something would have little skips in them as if someone edited a second out of it, and this would happen every 10-20 seconds.
Sometimes I'd have to rewatch things I was watching about 5-20 minutes because I couldn't remember what happened.
I then entered my first ever bad trip! I actually felt like I had dimensa or something, I felt like I was in a loop, everything was repeating itself. I kept thinking I was gonna be sick so I'd have to leave my bed and walk to the toilet (which was really hard) and sweat was dripping off me, everywhere I was walking had wet marks as if I just came out the shower and everything felt wet.
After the loop went away, I then felt like I was dying, I felt like my whole body was swelling and at any moment, my eyes would pop out their sockets or my head would actually explode. When I saw myself in the mirror, I looked kinda chubby. I was so scared. My insides felt like it was melting, luckily there was no pain at all. At one point I was going to call the ambulance.
Luckily the swelling thing went away after 2 hours. I then felt like I was overdosing and the pills all built inside me and was killing me. I'm terrified of puking and haven't in over 10 years, but I actually forced myself to put my fingers down my throat and kept doing it until I threw up. All I was throwing up was water and was relieved it wasnt blood, so I kept doing it every 30 minutes for I think 3 hours.
I then had a shower, changed my covers and went to bed. I started to feel better, my happiness came back. I couldn't concentrate on anything though, I was still in this new dimension.
Then for about 2 hours I had this new trip. I was just staring at my light on the ceiling, it has this weird shape to it, and it looked like a face smiling at me. I can't explain this well, but it felt like this was what life was now, this was another weird explainable dimension, I didn't know it was a light, I didn't know what was going on, I thought this was it forever, this stillness, this new kind of life.
FIRST DAY OF SIXTH WEEK - 24 hours without DXM
I've decided to give DXM a break and not take it daily anymore. I'm not sure how long this will last.
After 8 hours of taking DXM, the effects usually wear off and I feel the same as always, but right now, everything still looks a bit different on my computer screen or when I'm playing video games.
Important question I want answering!
Is it possible DXM can change you permanently? I like this new me and my new way of thinking. I have body dysmorphia and always felt incredibly repulsive to look at, my skin looked terrible, my teeth looked bad, I felt ugly, my eyes looked bulgy, everything looked mishaped. I always felt I looked fat even though deep down I knew I wasn't, but now I feel like I look attractive, without sounding big headed lol, I'd actually date someone like me. I like the way my skin looks, my teeth look nice, my eyes look nice, it's really weird haha! I have this weird mental problem where I can't take my hat off because I feel like people will judge me because I'm losing my hair, and I have what we UK brits call skinhead haircut. I haven't shown anyone including my family for 5 years because I feel like they will judge me, but yesterday I actually thought "fuck it" and took it off in front of my mum and realised why would anyone care what I look like. I did this all day too until I walked back home.
I feel like my aspergers has gone away and can function socially again, I've developed a sense of humour and I actually make people laugh and can hold an intelligent conversation with my family which I haven't been able to do my whole life. I want to go out and explore life again, I've made plans to meet up with friends (which I haven't done in 4 years)
I understand life again and want to live it to the max, I want to explore and do things I haven't done before.
I don't want to go back to my old awkward, unsociable, depressed, suicidal self again. Or will I have to keep taking DXM regularly to stay like this?
Thanks for anyone who read all this, has anyone experienced something like this and can give me tips or advice? I haven't spoke to anyone who takes DXM before.
You can ask any question you want as well, there’s so much in this post I haven’t explained.
Sorry again if it doesn't make any sense, I'm still high from the weed I just smoked :P
submitted by JayKirkbride to dxm [link] [comments]

Advice on how an exterminator dealt with my bed bug infestation

I'll try to keep it short. I realised I had bed bugs in late June. I don't react to the bites so they might have been round a while. My partner got bitten which flagged up the issue when they stayed one night. It took me about 10 days to get quotes/transfer money for pest control and by then I was seeing full sized bed bugs day and night and my sheets were covered in squish marks and black dots.
I booked a heat treatment for the bedroom with a spray and they came on July 3rd. My bed is a wooden frame and was in the corner of the room against two walls. There was a lot of activity when the bug guys pulled it out and bed bugs up the wall and into the photo above the bed. We all gagged and I asked if the bed needed either thrown out or the slats needed taken off prior to treatment. They assured me that the heat treatment was so effective it wasn't needed.
Off I went and left them to do their job. All seemed good for about ten days and then I had six large bugs in a 12 hour period. The work was guaranteed for 3 months so I called up and they argued it was 'normal'. I sent photos and grudgingly they sent a tech to see if I needed further treatment. He did a perfunctory check and said no. Again I queried about the bed frame.
Two days later I wake up with bed bugs in my hair. I call and demand another check. This guy comes out, actually tells me I'm overreacting and shouldn't believe stuff on the internet when I ask about the bed frame and gets me to leave the house to do a re-spray.
I get back when it's safe to do so and can tell he hasn't pulled the bed out (carpet marks tell all) and am really unhappy with the job. I make a complaint and the pest control company ignore it. But I on't see anything else crawling so I think maybe he wasn't a lazy so and so after all.
EXACTLY four weeks to the day from the re-spray, my partner stays over and within 10 minutes in the bed, they are bitten and I see activity. This is also when our hot weather here in the UK broke and the first night I have been under the duvet rather on top of it with a sheet since either treatment. Partner goes home and I call pest control again.
They send technician number 5 and he sets traps and says wait 10 days. I ask again if they could be in the frame and am told that's impossible. I wake up two days later with a bed bug stuck to my nipple and I LOSE it.
I phone the company again and burst out crying. I'm disabled and this is making my health worse, my partner hasn't been able to stay for 2 months and this affects my care and ability to work. I'm getting bugs in gross places. It's cost me £750 and I still have an infestation and I want another heat treatment before I break down completely.
They finally agree and send tech number six who immediately starts taking the slats off the bed and checking the frame and honestly we are both horrified. There is a thick coating several centimetres thick under the slats closest to the wall and the bed is literally crawling as we look at it. He is horrified that no one checked it until now.
He did the heat treatment and spray and when I got back the layer of black nastiness was now not crawling but was dropping off in clumps on the carpet. The bed clearly needs replaced and I spend my evening wrapping in binliners and tape so it can be moved through the house safely.
I buy a new bed and book Task Rabbit. It's a public holiday here I'm sleeping on an airbed for ten nights. The new bed costs £225 and TR another £75. I've paid for professional cleaning that now needs done again because it wasnt sorted first time and the financial cost is wild and my health is breaking.
So my question is: was it reasonable to expect that they check the frame straight up? Was there any likelihood the heat treatment could work without that? Or should they have told me 'chuck the bed' and then treated?
I want to make a complaint but want to know what is a reasonable expectation. I was prepared to throw the bed if I had to but I'm tight for money and avoided doing so because FIVE professionals said I didn't need to. Am I unlucky or should they have spotted it two months ago?
I don't want to flame them if there is no way a pest control company could have known but I suspect I've had two months of hell and extra cost because of incompetence and that they owe me. I haven't even had an apology so far.
My friend it turns out used the same company at the same time and we didn't realise because bed bug shame meant we didn't talk about it. She lives in a pretty nice area, has £££ and they they gave her excellent service. I live in a really low income area in social housing, am disabled, poor and in a same sex relationship and note the difference in service between us. The company has the highest rating online for the city we live in.
TL:DR; should I have had better service and can I complain and ask for money back? Or are my standards too high because I'm sleep deprived?
submitted by UnknownStaleness to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

[Guide] Bedding Basics

I saw in the sidebar that we needed a bedding basics guide.
The General rule of bedding comes down to this: Materials Matter. There are materials that will offer a high quality, durable product, and there are materials that will offer an often softer, but less durable product. It all depends on what you're going for.
While there are thousands of conversations about which mattress you should by (/BuyItForLife can assist there) there aren't as many for what bed. While not every space needs a bed most do. First, consider the look you want:
Live in a white-wall vanilla econobox apartment? I would suggest the Malm for now - it's cheap, looks aite, and you can dress it up later when you move into a place with more character and not feel bad because it's like $200 or something.
A "Set" of sheets includes:
  1. Top Sheet
  2. Fitted Sheet
  3. Assorted Pillowcases
With sheets everyone is always concerned about thread count. Sure, 1000 threadcount sheets will feel better than 150, but it's not the biggest factor. I stand behind the fact that material is the most important factor in choosing sheets. 100% cotton sheets in 300 thread count will be just fine for most of us. A sheet set in a queen size will probably run around $50. If that's all you care for sheets, then skip the rest of this section.
Here are a list of other bed sheet materials and my thoughts on them.
Source1 Source 2 I expect there to be some debate on this, so let me hear it in the comments!
I fucking love pillows. That said, here is my research on them.
Pillow types:
Now, some pillow materials.
I defer to this Ikea buying guide for more information as well as this very in-depth guide on pillows
I'll summarize by saying blankets follow the general gist of bedding: Materials Matter. That said, I have only one thing to say about blankets.
  1. If you are in a cold climate, nut up and get a fucking wool blanket. Wool is the best material for durability, longevity and warmth, hands down. The reason I am here today is because I survived my college house with paper-thin walls and a shit heater through a Michigan winter on two wool blankets. They can be found many places, but Pendleton is a great choice, as is Woolrich. One of my wool blankets is pushing 40 years old, in case you were wondering. Expect prices for 100% wool blankets to go over $100. Also, design-wise, wool is a great texture to decorate with, and works well in most design styles.
Comforters follow the same lines as Pillows as far as materials. Down being the best material, followed by cotton, followed by synthetic fill. Warmer climates can get away with a simple low-fill cotton or poly, but for those of us with mittens in our wardrobes, Down is the best. If you are fortunate to get two comforters, get one for cold (heavy fill) and one for warm (low fill/cotton/synth). A basic medium fill down comforter should run over $100. note get one that is panel-stitched, otherwise you'll end up with all of the down clumping in one area and generally pissing you off.
Duvet's are the pillowcases for comforters. I've seen talk before of people just buying comforters, waiting until they get dirty and pitching/re-buying, but let's be real here. A nice duvet can extend the life of your comforter many times over. Not to mention, Duvets give you another opportunity to add a design element to your bedroom. There's less of a concern with Duvet's over thread count, as you're not always snuggling right up next to it, but material choice still plays a role here.
I personally like and recommend plain white for sheets and towels (excluding decorative towels if you need them). White sheets can be bought in a variety of fabric patterns, such as tone-on-tone stripes or damasks to break up the monotony of white. But, your bed should be covered with something, a duvet or comforter for example, and that should provide the color and style you want, not your sheets. White sheets can be washed in hot water and bleached without fear. Same thing for white towels. Especially useful if you entertain a lot. - jwax33
It's hard to recommend specific stores, so I will just make some general points. Avoid department stores and your big box linen stores like Bed, Bath, and Beyond unless they are having a 75% off white sale. Their prices are usually marked up staggeringly. For example, a no-name 100% cotton bath sheet at Macy's dropped my jaw at $65. A few weeks later I picked up no-name 100% cotton bath sheets (of a heavier weight) at Costco of all places for $11.99. So be mindful of markup when you shop. Shopping for linens online can be hard because you cannot see or touch the item and have to rely solely on a description to tell you how good the product is. Pay attention to details, check any reviews, and make sure you can return the product easily if needed. - jwax33
So, let's hear your thoughts on bedding. I think I've covered the basics, but if there's something you'd like to add, I can discuss/make edits!
submitted by slktrx to malelivingspace [link] [comments]

Contests Ending This Week | Week of February 28, 2016

Ending 2016-02-28:
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See stickied comment below for complete list
submitted by Sweepstakes_Bot to sweepstakes [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA former Octochamp on British TV quiz show Countdown. And for you IT Crowd fans- yes, there is an 8+ Club (of sorts). AMA.

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Date: 2012-12-09
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Questions Answers
Have you ever played 'Street Countdown'? Doesn't exist I'm afraid. And per the first rule, if it did, I'd sure as hell be telling everyone about it.
How much pussy are you drowning in right now? You joke, but it's actually proven to be quite an interesting novelty conversation topic when talking to girls- I usually get a wing-man to bring it up though. Wouldn't go as far as saying bitches love Octochamps but I'd say it's certainly played a part in getting to know some laydeez.
I love how you refer to yourself as an Octochamp, makes me want to be one. "You see my buddy over there... well yeah he's an Octochamp." That's not how I'd usually get them to introduce me as nobody knows what the hell an Octochamp is most of the time! I will however start introducing myself with the drink milk and woo the ladies line.
Either way, you should get business cards with. "Your name" - Octochamp. Yes ladies, 8 times. And then your number on the back, I guarantee it might work maybe one time. I'm afraid that's a promise I just can't live up to.
Have you seen this extraordinary numbers game before? 25,50,75,100,3,6. Target 952. Solution here: Link to www.youtube.com Yes I have, that round has somewhat legendary status in the Countdown community. Needless to say, I wasn't even close.
I wasn't even close. Not even 953? o.O? Again, wasn't close to actually solving it spot on.
Is that sarcasm or for real? (100x6)+((25+75)x3)=900+50 =950 only 2 away. Edit: Just realised how stupid I am. Hurp durp. I meant close to actually solving it.
I had a huge childhood crush on carol voderman. Favourite episode of the IT Crowd? I'm actually not that big a fan of the IT Crowd (my favourite comedy show is Only Fools and Horses), so the only episode I can recall is the Street Countdown one. Likewise had a crush though.
Did you go to any events after the shows with the presenters? Not strictly speaking, no. After the finals were recorded there was a small party sort of thing which they came along to, and similarly when recording shows they were more than happy to chat to you whenever- even at lunch they just sat right next to you. I also randomly bumped into Rachel Riley a number of months after the show in a different city and unbelievably she recognised me before I did her, which perfectly shows just how nice everyone on the show was. I'm also pretty sure that other contestants may have gone for drinks with them after shows in other series.
Are you all out of milk? I have actually been drinking a glass of milk whilst answering these, so yes. Looks like it's time for some ass-kicking.
What word were you most pleased with getting? Probably PHANTOM, which though it might not have been my longest or most obscure word I was especially proud of because it was a rather 'pure' spot- it doesn't have a common beginning or end, and it's not a word easily reached by adding letters on to smaller, more common stems of letters (which I don't practice doing, but which a lot of people do). The other two letters in the selection were pretty poor as well from memory, so I was delighted to come away with a 7.
What sort of bloopers happened on your tenure as a contestant? Such as swear words appearing or things such as that. A couple of things- one time the 30 seconds end sound went, but as Jeff was giving it the 'let's see what they've got' spiel I suddenly spotted a 9, so when he asked me I said 'I've got a 9, not written down'. As a consequence of me saying this, the other guy also suddenly saw the 9 and so when they asked him he also said '9, not written down'. We were both made to write it down, then asked to re-record the last 10 seconds. This prompted a great deal of poor acting from me at least. Another time I was all set to declare TRANNIES for 8, but in the dying seconds spotted INTERNALS for 9, therefore denying me a classic moment.
How different is playing on the actual compare to playing along at home for example, did you find it more stressful to come up with solutions or was there little difference between them? I didn't really find there was any difference between playing in the studio and playing at home. However, on my first show, I was up against a very very good player (highly ranked online, had already won 5) and so not expecting to beat him went in without really any nerves affecting me. After that as I was used to the experience of the cameras etc subsequent shows were fine. However, I must also praise the production team who make the whole experience so enjoyable that I found it difficult to get any nerves at all!
In some relation to the previous, how many times did you feel you messed up on what looked simple but had an obvious answer to it. I messed up big time on a couple of numbers games, and a lot of the conundrums I missed (I only got 1 of 9) became blindingly obvious once revealed. I don't think there were many times I felt like I'd missed out on an obvious word in the letters rounds.
How do dictionary corner manage to come up with so many words the contestants can't? Is having a (paper) dictionary really that much help? Or do they have computer assistance? Susie Dent just really is that good. I think the only time she speaks to the producers is to clarify a word, but apart from that she just genuinely gets words on her own. Definitely no computer assistance, I guess the dictionary is good for checking outlandish words you might not gamble on as a contestant but her experience and intellect means she is also an extremely good player.
Fairly sure it's not really a secret that, while susie is indeed very good, the production team aren't averse to aiding dictionary corner from backstage. Link to news.bbc.co.uk. Dunno about the celebs, but then they barely ever get any monster words so I doubt it makes much difference either way.
Has there ever been a 'celebrity' version where Susie plays a game? Maybe her against Carol would be amazing. I don't think Susie's ever played but it would be great to get her playing against one of the series champions, dunno how she'd do on the numbers but I imagine she'd be great on the letters.
Is it just my biased opinion from over here in Canada or do British gameshows much more commonly require skill and/or intelligence than all the American ones that flood over onto my TV? I can't say for sure as obviously I don't know American TV as well as British, but in my experience it seems so- a lot of Britain's most successful gameshows (from stuff like University Challenge and Mastermind to those such as Pointless and 1 vs 100) require a decent level of general knowledge and for some a high level of specific knowledge. The only American shows that spring to mind for me are Wheel of Fortune, Deal or No Deal and Pyramid, which I would argue comparatively require less skill, although I'm sure there are quiz shows more akin to the British ones I've listed as well.
Jeopardy! is the gold standard. There's Wheel of Fortune but they apparently don't actively seek intelligent candidates. That's about all I can think of. The Millionaire show doesn't run anymore, does it? Millionaire still runs here but I don't think it's as watched as it was a few years ago.
Adding 'The Krypton Factor' to your list of British shows Edit: Guess we could also add 'Bullseye' and 'Big Break' as shows that require some degree of skill. I love Bullseye, Jim Bowen is a legend. I liked Big Break's theme tune (snookering you, snookering you tonight!) but likewise hated Davidson.
Did you find the numbers or the letters round easier? I found the letters easier- I think it's easier to practice, you can build words up by adding letters and under pressure I think it's easier to miscalculate a sum than it is to say misspell a word.
As an Octochamp, did you win 8 countdown teapots? Or are you only allowed one? You only win one, the teapot is for winning one show- you don't get anything for winning eight. However, in winning eight you'll probably reach the quarter-finals, and all of them get a little glass trophy thing, so I guess you get that.
Do you like the Blackout Crew? I like the one song by them anyone's ever heard of, yes. I'm also a fan of cult Premiership footballers such as Ryan Donk, hence the name.
Are words round easier when your picking the letters, Or are they easier when the other person is picking? First seven letters- RTNAISE. At this point, I would know adding an O would give NOTARISE, an I would give RAINIEST, an E would give TRAINEES, and a U would give URINATES (lol). Therefore if I was picking, I'd obviously pick a vowel to give me the best possible chance of getting an 8, and with the right other letter maybe a 9. This is how a lot of the top players get long words- they remember hundreds of stems like this. It's a brilliant skill but one which I could never really be bothered to lean bar a few basic ones like above.
Did you ever lose? Unfortunately yes, in my quarter final. I was in an extremely strong series though so figured it would happen sooner or later in the latter stages.
Are you a fan of the new host? I always quite liked Jeff's jokey attitude on the show, compared to that stone of a man who's on it now. To be honest after I went on I stopped watching, so I can't comment on Nick. Jeff however I can, and he was as much of a legend as I imagined him to be growing up watching Soccer Saturday. I think he's a lot smarter than people give him credit for as well, he gets some great spots himself sometimes.
Was there any particular reason you stopped watching after you went on the show? I just wasn't really interested any more, nothing more than that. Guess for me once I'd gone one it didn't hold as much fascination any more.
From my studies it appears that Carol Vorderman is the finest MILF of our generation - can you confirm or deny this? Edit: more pictures for the eager ones amongst us. I can neither confirm nor deny, but as an Inbetweeners' fan I'd have to forward Will's mum as well.
I can never get more than 6 letters, any tips? :[ Lots of tips given in other posts, but in addition to them all I can really say is keep watching the show and maybe play some other words games to expand your vocabulary- Scrabble is obviously excellent, but things like crosswords and codewords are useful too.
What do you think of the recent surge in popularity in the game Words With Friends? I don't have a phone that can download apps so can't comment on the game itself, but I guess anything that gets people using their brains has to be a good thing! I'm a massive fan of Scrabble and Codewords and things like that, so the more the merrier.
If neither Rachel Riley nor myself were married and we were to find ourselves in a number of social situations where we discovered we were mutually attracted to each other and a high degree of comfort was attained then I would definitely have consentual sex with her, providing the right occasion and situation could be found. EDIT: Adding a question - given the same circumstances would you? As said, Rachel is a lovely girl- any man would jump at the chance!
Did you have long hair and glasses? Can you complete a rubik's cube super fast? If you have I met you a couple of years ago. That's not me, but I think you are thinking of the guy who won my series, Chris Davies- really nice guy and a truly mind-bogglingly excellent player. He was another standard to me, fully deserved his title.
Is Street Countdown really as dangerous as they say it is? I heard it can get quite chilly! I always wear thermals, so I'm alright.
I do you mean 'if'? Being a yank I'm not familiar with the show, but how can you win eight times without winning? I won eight shows, but this merely placed me in the top 8 players for that series who then went on to the quarter-finals. Essentially like the playoff system, if you see what I mean.
Is Carol Vorderman hot in person? Also, what was the longest word that you got? Wasn't on when Carol was the presenter, so couldn't say- she certainly looks great on TV though. I got a 9 on quite a few occasions, can't remember what they all were now though but definitely got INTERNALS, CENTENARY and ASTEROIDS.
Fuck. The most I ever got was FACE and I was watching at home. That show makes me feel so stupid. Tbh I don't think intelligence really has much to do with it, it's a pretty unique skillset needed.
How difficult was it to get accepted, how long after your application did you get on the show? Did you have to go to an audition/ screen test or anything like that? Yes, you have to audition. I first applied aged 14 and was rejected, but got on when I reapplied aged 17. From memory, I think you fill in a relatively standard form, then I think most get invited to audition. You play a few rounds of the letters, numbers and conundrums, and before gave a little introduction of yourself which might count in terms of seeing how personable you are (I don't know if this is true). They let you know within a few weeks if you are going on or not, then you usually tend to record a few months after this, although this can vary. I can't really say how difficult it was as there's not set score which if you get, you get on, but I'd think you would need to be reasonably good in the audition to have a chance.
Were you 17 when you were on the show? Did you play against a guy called Joseph? I was 17 when I went on, but don't recall playing anyone called Joseph.
Ah yeah I just remembered a guy I knew went on and got beat by a young guy who was doing really well. I had a look at the wiki you liked to and it turned out he was beat by Jack Hurst, series 63 champ whose lowest score ever was 108. Insane. Yep, he's a pretty special player. Again, these guys are on a completely different planet to me, I could never compete with them.
Who was the math assistant when you competed? If it was Rachel Riley, is she as perfect in real life as she looks on the screen? Also does 'Street Countdown' exist? It was Rachel and yes she's amazing in real life, as expanded upon elsewhere in this. Street Countdown doesn't exist but there is a place where a lot of elite players (it's open to anyone though!) play each other.
Did you have a preference for asking for vowels/consonants? Also did you go 1 from the top and any other? I usually asked for 3 consonants, then 3 vowels, then based on what I had would pick the last 3 according to what I thought would be most likely to produce a long word. I usually went one from the top and any other five, only breaking this to try and take the points solely on my own (i.e. went for three large as it was more difficult in the hope I'd get it and the other contestant wouldn't) if it was a close game, OR in a poor attempt to joke/flirt with Rachel I once asked for two small and any four large of her choice- the joke being there are only four large to choose! I'm really hilarious like that.
Do you drink milk and kick ass? I drink milk. Not sure about my ass-kicking abilities.
Do you have a nice tnetennba? I wouldn't like to say, different horses for different courses.
What other game shows do you like? I really like The Chase (I went on that as well, was broadcast a few weeks back), and would love to go on Pointless if I could as I love Alex and Richard. I do also enjoy University Challenge, if only for the sense of achievement if I manage to answer more than one question correctly.
Did you use any of those kinds of sites for any sort of practice before you went on? I played online a bit but nowhere near as much as some other Octochamps have. Found the site not long before I recorded my first set of shows so wasn't much use for that, but played quite a few games between that and my second set of recordings and then again between that and my quarter-final.
Is there another octochamp you think you would lose easily against? Most of them. If you look at the amount of points scored by Octochamps in their run, I'm very near the bottom for this, so I'd imagine that most of the time I'd lose to most of the Octochamps. On my day I'd like to think I can match the very best though.
How long does it take to film an episode? Is it edited down a lot? How many episodes a day? Recording only takes a little while longer to film than the show you see go out on TV- they occasionally stop the show to get you to re-film something, and they pause the show to turn the letters board around for the numbers round as the numbers board is on the back. Don't think there's much editing down, some of the introductory chat goes, as does some of the post-round chat (Dictionary Corner guest talking about a word they've found, for example) but apart from that not really much to cut out. Five episodes a day.
As someone that isn't interested in football, I was largely unfamiliar with him beforehand, and yet I came to quite enjoy his time as the presenter. I think a lot of people are like that, he certainly seemed to grow into the role after a lot of people initially had reservations (as did Rachel). Think he had a nice rapport with her and you had to love the cheesy jokes!
How? I watch Countdown quite a bit and I only ever get as much as or one less than the contestants. Is is something innate or do you practice regularly? Also if you do practice do you just watch the show and play along or is there an online version? I've addressed most of these questions already, but I think it's a mixture- before the show I watched it pretty regularly to practice, but similarly I feel like there's something innate that determines your ability as well. Tbh if you're getting as much as or one less than the contestants most of the time that's pretty good, I'd consider applying if I was you. There is an online version which someone attached a link to in a previous comment which I practiced on, but not in any great deal.
So street Countdown is kinda real as well? AMAZING. It's kind of real. Not as hardcore as on IT Crowd, but I'm sure that could be arranged...
High five. I was in that it crowd episode as an 8+ member. Is there any alcohol in the real one? Pretty sure at the real-life events everyone goes for a drink (or many more) afterwards.
It's only going to work if you're all singing the Countdown theme song together, standing by lit barrels in an underground car park. You should go the 18 letter route though. That'd be pretty hardcore. As said, some have (and indeed still do). I don't wanna get mixed up in that kinda stuff though, seen too many friends lost to the game. There was a reason it was outlawed.
I know its a flawed system of measuring intelligence, but do you know what you IQ is? Never done an official IQ test, although a couple of years back the BBC did a show that was essentially an IQ test and you could do it at home. I think I got 125ish, and when I've done IQ tests online I've got similar. Haven't done one in a few years though.
How long does it take for the word checkers to get the best words? Its not just in the 30 seconds that you guys get, is it? I'd assume not since they always seem to get amazing words. Yep, they play over exactly the same amount of time- there's honestly no extra assistance or anything they get, they're just that good. I think it's the combination of intellect and experience that helps them more than anything.
It's also why, when the very best players play, you'll often see Dictionary Corner admit they hadn't seen some of the words the players get- they'll probably beat an average contestant most of the time, but the series champions etc will beat the 'word checkers' quite a lot too.
Which past 8+ would you take on in a fist fight? Ha not sure I'd want to as I'd like to think I'm pretty laid back, so as forced to choose I'll go for the guy who beat me and crushed my dreams of series victory.
Do they really not serve alcohol in the 8+ club? I think it's changed, heard rumours that Hewer smashes down a dozen jagerbombs before every show.
Are you a fan of tiny biscuits? I am partial to a chocolate bourbon. If you want smaller, my favourite cereal is Cookie Crisp, which I guess counts.
Are you related to or friends with octomom? Can't say I am. As said before, Manjula from Simpsons is the octomom for me.
Does the 8+ club not actually sell alcohol beverages and if someone comes in and asks for one do you all look at that person with shock? Not sure why you'd want an alcoholic beverage when you could have a nice glass of cold milk, contrary to Ron Burgundy's infamous protestation.
Would you rather sleep with one whorse size octomom, or 100 duck size octomoms? The only octomom for me is Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon.
Good answer. But would you take 100 of her in duck size, or one in horse size. 100 in duck size. Horse size would be disturbing.
Went from primary school all the way through college with him not very long ago. He always annoyed me in physics. What did you want to win most, 2nd prize or the dictionaries? Difficult question, I only really cared about the money (no interest in lots of dictionaries cluttering up my house, not that much sentimental value) so a £3k set of dictionaries outranks £1k in cash in a purely value-based sense. On the other hand, would likely have been a lot of hassle selling/sending the dictionaries, but the extra £2k probs compensates for it.
Why for the numbers round can contestants say for example "two large and 4 small" but on the letters round they can't say "4 vowels and 5 consonants"? I think it's probably because they set the target number after the selection, so picking the numbers one by one isn't as useful. It's certainly more useful to pick the letters one by one as I've explained elsewhere- mainly because by using common stems of letters, it helps inform your selection better for later letters.
I'm about to go for an audition in the new year, any tips? I'm a little nervous, but 'revising' with scabble and the show etc. I can usually get 6 words each time, occasionally more. I'm very unlikely to be an Octochamp but will enjoy the challenge i think! No worries, it's been awesome. Even though I'd never profess to be an expert look for the stuff I've posted about common endings and beginnings, building words up from smaller words/stems and the online community too. Hope it helps and best of luck with it all!
Oh and a question. What happens if a player is 10 points behind when it comes to the countdown conundrum, and then they get it? In this scenario (it's happened before a few times) they go on and play another conundrum to decide it. If no-one gets that one then they do another etc until someone gets one.
What's your favourite word? My favourite word is 'quibbles', and my favourite phrase is 'a veritable smorgasbord'- I made it a mission to get both into essays whenever possible when I was at uni.
What was your biggest win margin? 48 points, although that's not reflective of the standard of the other guy who was decent- everything just seemed to fall into place in that match for me.
Do you seriously have an England Football team duvet cover? Do you not?!
In all seriousness, bought it as a kid, still have it now, don't really care what covers I have so every now and then out it comes.
Apart from Countdown, what is your favourite British game show? Pointless. Nice twist on the format, presenters are excellent, can play along really well at home and a good range of general knowledge topics.
Is Nick as creepy/awkward in person as he comes across in the show? Again, was on with Jeff Stelling, so can't answer. Judging from his appearances on things like Would I Lie To You, I would guess not.
It is a great show. Interestingly a friend of mine at University recently went home to be on Pointless. I look forward to asking him about his experience and hearing how it compares to what I've read of yours. Ah he's so lucky! I can't imagine Richard and Alex not being absolute legends, will be gutted to hear otherwise!
Was there a word you wanted to use but didn't get to? Really wanted to use TRANNIES but found a longer word just before I was about to declare it.
Is your name Andrew Hulme? If so, unlucky in Prague this weekend mate. That's not me, but Andrew was in my series. Top bloke.
Do you know my friend Rob Foster? Not sure I do, don't think so! Should I know him?
Is Carol Vorderman as hot in person as she looks on t.v.? Can't say but if so then hot daym.
Who would win in a fight - you or Ken Jennings? I'm gonna go for me.
Do you typically wear thermals? With the British weather, I think thermal vests are a staple of any Brit's wardrobe.
Please answer my burning question. After the clock hits 30 seconds, does it go back to 0 clockwise or anticlockwise. I'm serious. They've NEVER shown the clock reset. It goes back clockwise. They cut away when it's being reset.
A : 16. I believe that's Numberwang.
Unfortunately a lot of people complained about her clothing and apparently (according to the dailymail) she had to tone it down: Link to www.dailymail.co.uk. The week of controversy in question was the week I was on- I'd like to think the whole thing was because of me, but I somewhat doubt this.
So, rate Rachel Riley out of 10. It has to be above 9.9 Rachel is as close to a 10 as I think it's possible to be, so 9.9 recurring. In addition to being really, really, really ridiculously good-looking, she was also so friendly and chatty- literally can't think of a single bad thing about her in my experience.
Okay, since you brought it up... Explain this real life 8+ club. There's a website/community online (and offline, they also have events) where you can play Countdown, and though it's open to everyone you will find the people who play the most are usually Octochamps. The standard is as crazy good as on the IT Crowd- there are variants with more letters, variants with shorter time, variants with 'hidden' letters, variants with random numbers (i.e. double-digit which aren't 25, 50 or 75). As I never really got that into the community I can't really pass on much knowledge of how the games worked as I only played the version you see on TV. People get ridiculously good as they play thousands of games, to the point where people average over 100 for over the 15-round format and solve even very difficult conundrums in under 2 seconds without even trying.
There is a Countdown Teapot. The winner of each show receives one. As far as I am aware this is the only way to get one. Aside from eBay, of course. Good morning, that's a nice tnettenba.
There is actually a Countdown teapot, Keios80 correctly said every winner gets one. Regardless of if you win or not you get a load of other stuff like a dictionary, a pen, your name board thing, a mug and other general merchandise. You don't get any prize money (unless you are the series runner-up, who gets a grand I think- the series winner gets a £3k set of dictionaries).
Well done on winning the football game, you win a football. Gee thanks, always wanted one. This always made me laugh, dictionaries did seem a kind of ironic prize. If I'd won I imagine I would have sold them as three grand would be more useful to me.
I won eight shows, but this merely placed me in the top 8 players for that series who then went on to the quarter-finals. Essentially like the playoff system, if you see what I mean. I then lost my quarter-final, and thus didn't win my series.
I was factoring in sentimentality. I've only watched Countdown in the Channel 4's 8 out of 10 cats does Countdown mashup. So, it's clearly Rachel Riley for me. In my opinion, Rachel > Carol.
Show us the teapot! Will post a picture of proof just as soon as I can locate my camera!
Teapot has been posted! Not the nicest looking thing but it's the meaning of it that counts I guess.
OP must deliver the teapot! Delivered!
Last updated: 2012-12-13 22:10 UTC
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