10 Android Apps That Pay You Real Money & Cash For Real

which quiz app gives real money

which quiz app gives real money - win

ClickStream ($CLIS)

I came across “ClickStream” (ticker symbol $CLIS) today and it has got me excited for the coming weeks or few months. It’s currently trading at 0.10c and I believe it has the potential to go multiple X higher.
With the world in lockdown, many people are spending more time online for shopping, socialising, and learning. ClickStreams app can appeal to both children and adults with learning a new language or participating in quizzes on an array of topics.
Quick Key Points
PT - 6 months
ClickStream currently has two App’s “WinQuik” & “HeyPal” that are available on Apple’s App Store and Google’s Google Play Store. Both App’s are free educational apps with WinQuik being a quiz where users can earn free prizes and HeyPal being a language learning app that pairs people up with other people around the world and they learn languages from each other. With HeyPal’s instant translation features, practising with other native speakers becomes seamless & fun.
YouTube Videos
Meet the CEO - Frank Magliochetti
Meet the Chief Revenue Officer - Greg Klem
Meet one of the presenters - Mykel Hawke
About ClickStream
ClickStream is a free to play (“FREEMIUM”) gaming app built on an analytics platform that caters to the untapped market of casual users that will spend a few seconds to interact with a platform for free in order to win real money. Our primary target is not the sports betters or the fantasy players, who will join over time, but rather individuals who enjoy the low barrier to entry of entering a quick contest (short time investment) with the chance to win a prize (thrill of winning something for free).
A mobile and web real-time gaming platform that pays users money and prizes.
WinQuik will offer up to 5 daily games of multiplayer quizzes. Primetime quizzes will be run by well-known hosts with a wide range of new and interesting topics for players to compete in. Learn more in the link below.
HeyPal™ is a language exchange allowing users from around the world to learn a new language through interactive chat and social posts. Learn more in the link below.
Stock Information as of today Feb 12th
The company has $3 million dollars in cash at the end of the period in June 2020. This is a healthy balance sheet.
Newlan & Newlan, LTD Attorneys at Law were appointed as an Opinion of Counsel from a legal point of view to look into whether ClickStream had made adequate current information publicly available within the meaning of Rule 144(c)(2) under Securities Act of 1933. This is investigation review gave opinions on all ClickStream press releases and their findings were “All findings are believed to be reliable and accurate”.
Press Releases
With an organisation frequently engaging with press releases (10 so far in 2021) keeping their investors and customers informed, I believe this will keep investors excited about what the company is doing and where it is going. It also gives the company plenty of opportunities to get noticed, thus bring attention to more users.
Feb 11, 2021 - ClickStream’s HeyPal(TM) App Launches Successfully in 10 Countries, Users Exchange 4,159 Messages in the First 72 Hours
Feb 9, 2021 - Clickstream Announces Its WinQuik(TM) App Now Exceeds 15,000 Unique Users, An Over 25% Increase In Less Than Two Weeks
Feb 2, 2021 - ClickStream Announces Its WinQuik(TM) App Had a Month-to-Month Increase of 67% in Nightly Users in January As Compared to December
Jan 27, 2021 - ClickStream Sets HeyPal(TM) App Soft Launch Date for Monday, February 8th, 2021
Jan 25, 2021 - ClickStream Announces Its WinQuik(TM) App Now Exceeds 12,000 Unique Users, an Over 50% Increase in Less Than Two Weeks
Jan 14, 2021 - WinQuik(TM) App Surprises Trivia Fans With Special Appearances From Super Bowl Champion James Jones, NBA Hall of Famer Dominique Wilkins and Former NFL Quarterback & Current NFL Analyst David Carr
I truly believe this company is a solid company with a bright future. It's definitely a great investment opportunity for me which I am taking full advantage of. I believe with the low float and small outstanding shares, this alone could drive the price of the share up quite significantly from its current price. With their apps being educational and suitable for both children and adults, their user base will grow exponentially and drive the companies earnings up and in return, drive the stock price up. I believe this stock is a strong buy with a price target low $1 medium $2 and a high $4 in the next 6 months.
submitted by WiselyBroke to u/WiselyBroke [link] [comments]

Stonks only go up / Why I'm holding

So right away, this shit is a long read and has not much to do with any DD. I just have a feeling that I "get" a lot of you guys and I want to share something from me. If you are not feeling too good lately because there is a big red number always suggesting to you that you "failed" on your trading app, than this may be a good read for you.

And for you really impatient apes:
TL;DR : Good things are built upon time and trust. Have trust in the people that want to reshape the company and understand that this process takes time. This stock will jump in leaps and every leap will come with a bubble.

Long time Reddit user here. This is my second account I created years ago which is why its pretty empty. Reason is, I am mostly a lurker but some real life friends know the username of my main account and I'm way to much of an Ape to be able risk them knowing such things about me without me knowing that they know it. If you get what I mean. Like I said, I'm pretty monke.
I have time on my hand and some kind of urge to tell you my story. So there is a wall of text incoming. But if I can only calm one person down that has a big red number in their portfolio I am happy that I took the time.
I've been on this site since 2009 with the great rage comic migration as a young 15 y/o shitter in school needing distraction from boring classes with my fucking 1. Gen iPod Touch that I got for christmas the year earlier. It was my everything because finally I had a device to go online beside the family computer in the fucking family computer room. And I think since I've seen it all on here. This site defined my life and my personality as much as my parents and friends did. This may sound crazy for some of you but i assure you its true. I've lived through so many hype phases, I know so many inside jokes and I've allways been there as they occured.For the last 12 years there rarely was a day where I've not been on reddit. I know so much useless shit that only comes up whenever I play a quiz with someone and all I am always thinks is "I know more than 90% of this off of reddit". And by now I think I have read not thousands but millions of comments.Comments are my bread and butter. As in real live, also on Reddit, I always long to understand "the other guys" view. If someone disagrees with me, rather then trying to convince them that I am right, I am always trying to put myself into their shoes to understand where they are coming from to see if maybe there is more to it. Maybe it is me who is wrong. Who knows. And if I am able to do that, there are often just two possibilities left. Either I now see from their perspective how my view on something was wrong and am able to correct it accordingly or I am able to see what misconception in this persons mind gives them the false believe of why they are right even though they probably are not.
You see, most people think they are right and that what they do is right, given their frame of reference. No one wants to be bad and no one wants to be wrong. That is just how we as humans are. And still, you can't be always right and many people even are wrong most of the time. You have to understand that. So why are people so often wrong, even though they are so sure to be right?
Believes are based on pillars of personal "knowledge". But sometimes these pillars are build upon false fundaments. Something may sound like a fact to someone but only because he doesn't see the bigger picture or because he got the details wrong. If you want to change someones opinion you can never attack the believe nor the pillar that it sits on. And attacking is always the wrong way anyway. You have to find and then question the fundament that the pillar was build upon. But not out of a destructive manner. Because destruction always leads to more chaos and anger which will for a fact create more false fundaments for the future. You have to convince them about why changing their opinion on the matter will benefit them. How accepting the chance of being wrong about something opens up so many new possibilities about how to approach a certain matter. No one changes their believe just because some rando they don't respect says so. Earn their respect. Show them that you know what you are talking about and use it to help them, instead of putting yourself above them by "knowing better". Because if you know better but can't teach someone else to do so, how much do you really know?
I used the be a very socially awkward kid. I got bullied and shit on a lot. And some of it I even deserved because even though I've always tried to be a nice kid, at times I was anyoing as hell and a very manipulative bastard. As a kid I've felt so confident in manipulating people that I thought I reinvented the game. And I only really got rid of that in the last couple of years with the help of some people I really care about. I am pretty sure I myself would not have like my old me. But I have improved. I have met great people in my life and made great friends. And I developed a strange way of finding friends in broken people and helping them fix themselves as they unknowingly do the same thing with me.I don't want to overextend this part but to cut it short, when I was young I convinced myself to never trust anybody but myself and as I got older I found out that a shitton of people are like that and how destructive this is to personal developement. Because if you are not able to trust anybody you have no chance of ever becoming happy. I have a good feeling for who those people are because I used to be them and during some very dark days, I still am. But it has gotten very rare. If I get a feeling that they have a good heart and are just as misunderstood or treated wrongly through their younger years as I was I try to give them trust in advance without anything I ever want from them. Not now nor ever. And slowly but surely they open up and get better people themselves by finally getting to know and understanding themselves as they are opening up and talking to me which in some way or another comes back to me and in return lets me find out more about myself. And I've grown from a person that used to say out loud, almost like a catchphrase, "I hate people" to someone that really loves humanity and just wants to help some lost and misunderstood souls to again find their way to themselves. Because in these people often lies so much potential. You just have to give them a little notch into the right direction and they can outgrow themselves by so much. It is just that no one ever believed in them before. But there is often so fucking much to believe in.
I could go on with all of that but at this point you are probably wondering what all of this has to do with a fucking stock of a failing retail company.
The answer is trust.
Let me explain.
I am long time lurker of wallstreetbets. Only every now and then. Especially because in the last 4 years I was hyperfocused on American politics even though I am not even American. But this shitshow was just way to entertaining for me to miss out on.
So on the days leading up to the 1/19 I once again was lurking on WSB and found people talking about GME. My ape brain remembered seeing this 3 letters more than once on reddit in the past months. So I did some research and I was right. I've unknowingly at the time, skimmed over DFV's GME updates more than once. It was just those 3 letters I remembered. But I started to research the topic. I knew a little bit about stocks but not a whole lot. But Google is your friend. Within the next days I got as hyperfocused as I ever was in my life. I read up everything. GameStop, Options, Shorts, Citron, Melvin, Cramer, Ryan Cohan, Chewy, Hedge Funds, Wall Street, VW, Short Squeeze. I absorbed that shit like a black hole without either sleeping more than 3 hours a night or eating more then the absolut bare minimum. And while I did that, so much stuff came back into my mind that learned over the years. One example, my economics teacher back in the day as I was discovering Reddit taught me about the VW short squeeze back in fucking 2011. Or about a Meme I've seen maybe years but at least many months ago, about someone suggesting to wait until GameStop costs less than 1 Dollar and then just collectivly buy it up.
And then I've read the comments and watched the Memes and I've seen the conviction in this people.And I invested about 5000$ at 40$/s. Not all at that price, but I got in on 40 and then bought more as it went down at first and again as it went up. My average price was 58$ with 86 Shares.
That is a lot of money for me and I am normaly not a person to take this kind of risk. But I was 1000% that this was a sound investment.
And then the first bubble came. I knew that it was a bubble and I wasn't scared. I also knew, that it would come down again. I was sure of it. And it didn't matter to me.
But what happened then was something I did not expect to the degree it happened. Because even though I was sure WallStreet rigged the game, I never expected them to do it in the open like that. My mistake was, I thought them to be smarter. But what they did was not as much smart as it was diabolical. What we as a community had in each other, what kept this whole fucking thing going, was trust. And they took that from us the moment they closed the markets to the retail costumers. They took it and shattered it on the ground. The moment that restrictions came on, it was everyone for themselves again. Everything happened just the way they wanted it to happen. People took their money and ran for the hills.
I have to admit, even I became a paperhand. But not at this moment. It was two days later and I have reason for it that I want to explain. I have a very good friend that is a very proud person coming from a very bad family with very very little money. Not having enough money to buy food kinda poor. This person would under normal circumstances never take money from anyone ever because of pride. I figured out under what circumstances I could ever help this person out in that matter. So we talked about GME together and she supported my Thesis and belived in my conviction. I have to say, she is a very smart woman and i respect her opinion a lot. Stonk went up. I saw more money then I ever had in my life. At the highest point i had 40.000 Dollars profit. And all I could think about was how much fucking money that would be for here. How she could buy so many necessary things from it and how it means pretty much nothing to me because even though I'm not rich, I don't really need a lot of money. I have a lot of things and I need very little. So as the Stock crashed and came back up again and crashed again, I paid out. But only over the weekend. I did it on Friday the 29th to calm my mind down and think about what I am going to do next.
And what I did was the following. I made around 20.000 Dollar profit. I gave 5.000 to my friend. Because there is nothing in this world that I could buy with that money that would make me more happy then her having it and you cannot fathom how happy I am that she took it. Because she can really fucking use it. Like really. This is no "getting into her pants" kinda thing. I then reinvested 10k right away on monday at open. Its over 80% down but I don't give a fuck. Still holding. The other 5k I invested on the way down. Every day I invested some. And yesterday I even invested 1000 more from my initial investment because all profits are again in GME. I own 124 Stocks now. That is around 40 more then I owned on the way up. The only thing that I did with my profits was to give 5.000 dollars away and buy 2 Switch Pro Controllers off the GameStop side.
And by the fucking old gods and the new I WILL HOLD.
I am in this. I have trust in this. I have trust in Ryan Cohan. I have trust in DFV and I have trust in you guys. This is not about some short gains. This is not about some big bubble. This is about something I believe in. Something that will take years to fully come to life. But it is US that are building the foundation of this company right at this moment. By keeping our trust. And I swear to every single one of you guys, that I will not only hold my share but I will invest more money every single month as I get my earnings. I want to collect my buddies at 100, at 200, at 300 and at 400 and I want us to push this thing to never before seen heights. I want to silence the doubters and I want to reinstate trust. Let us trust together in the people behind this and that they will make good use out of our money to create something great. And let us get rewarded for our trust because if there is one thing this world is not having enough of, than it is trust.I am part of the foundation of what new GameStop is going to be and in some years I will be looking back proud of every single person that fucking HOLD.
There is so much more I wanted to say but this has gotten way longer than I thought.

GME to the moon and I love every single one of you.
submitted by Not_a_Deutscher to GME [link] [comments]

I am done

I am done
I am writing this post after a really long time of contemplating and it is typed on MS word over the course of 3 days, so take it easy on me if you find anything contradicting or anything that is repeated before. This is going to be a long read, so strap in guys and gals, and get ready to read about my shitty life
I am 16M(Asian) and I am seriously fed up of living with my parents. They totally control me and I have no privacy and choice in my life. I am going to tell yall about my life in detail and believe me, I am NOT going to sugarcoat it because I believe that I am wrong in certain(well, a lot) situations and I really want to get a honest response from you and I am not a massive douche. I really want some solutions on what to do BUT don’t tell me to leave my parents as that’s not gonna happen here in Asia and I can’t talk and discuss stuff with them as I have already done that and that just fuels my rage and nothing else. I don’t really have any friends as people in my building and school regard me as a weirdo and are not eager to make any connections with me.
My mom is a professor at an institute right near to my school and she has a pretty good academic resumé with a pretty good PhD and a great pass out from one of the big universities here. She gave up her career and a good full-time job to teach me and settled for a half day job for a quarter of the pay and almost the same workload. I will always be in her debt for this. She never put me through any coaching classes until it was absolutely necessary, even when she could. Every one of my relatives agree that she is an excellent teacher and all their children want her to be their moms, but I guess it is because she hasn’t shown her true colors to them.
Now, my mom also happens to be a massive fucking narcissist with an ego that will put Kanye west to shame and I am not kidding. She ALWAYS has to be correct and on the ruling end, no matter how irrational her thoughts are and if you agree to her, she can be goody goody with you. Cross her and YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD. she will spit fire and even though you are right, you have to swallow your ego and satisfy hers. Now, as I won’t sugarcoat anything, I shall tell you that I am also not a humble guy by any chance. If my mom gets into a heated argument, I tend to treat her like any other guy and argue with her (loudly too. If need be). My mom can sometimes be understanding, and agree against her wishes but that is fucking rare. Like really fucking rare. If she already has the same idea as me, she will agree and later use it as leverage.
I am 16 and yet she hasn’t given me a smartphone as ‘I am to small for this’ and ‘we didn’t have this when we were your age’ as if generation gap is a fucking myth, when people 4 years younger than me has a proper smartphone. And it is with Everyone! I tried to convince her and tell that if she is doing something different than everyone else, then the problem isn’t in the world, it is in her. No matter how softly or sweetly I say this, she rages like hell, and then I have to apologize her over the course of 2 days for even bringing up the topic. This has ultimately caused everyone to sever their friendship with me over the course of 3 years. Nobody likes to talk to me as I don’t know about the inside joke or the funny meme they sent on their private WhatsApp. How couldn’t I know about the latest trend or the latest meme, the latest video that this youtuber uploaded. I have started using reddit and YouTube like, only 6 months ago, so don’t comment on that. I used to sit alone in school, with only a book for company. No one used to even care and I was ignored. I am in the same school for the past 7 years, so all the friends created in 4 years just sort of …fell apart. I used to be an extrovert, speaking up to teachers, getting into every debate and speech contest, and fucking ace it. I slowly became awkward and couldn’t get into simple conversations and then at last, just stopped talking to everybody. My parents did not give a single FUCKING shit about it and told that if my friends were like that, I needn’t have them. I was (and still am) ragged due to my social awkwardness and my burner Nokia 5310
Then slowly slowly, they became annoyed with my reading habit. They couldn’t believe I could go on with my life normally(“nOrMaLlY”) and still finish 5$ (around 300 pages) books in 5 days. Look, I am not jerking myself off but it is the truth. They constantly forced me to stop reading books and when that didn’t work, they told me they would get me a fiction book for every nonfiction I read. I FUCKING despise nonfictions, no offense, but I don’t get any happiness from them, and my parents found out that kryptonite and were really happy. I tried to tell them that I read books that are in series and this just breaks my whole pace, to which my dad replied that I shouldn’t read books that are in series. This happened when I had just finished the prisoner of Azkaban and the goblet of fire was IN THE HOUSE, but I had to read a biography if an Asian president and give a quiz about it to get the book. I tried a lot to read it but just couldn’t, so ended up rereading my entire library (nothing to be proud of tbh) before they finally let it go.
Then they forced me into the sport of tennis, which I did not want, and it went for 5 years before they took mercy on me. I am honest, I am not a sportsperson and it gave me no pleasure playing the sport, but I did it, and I can understand why many people like it…just not my cup of tea. I will acknowledge that my mom drove me to the place, 15-minute ride 5 days a week without fail, after half an hour of rest as she returned just back from her institute at that time. She used to wait 3 hours in the unfurnished lobby full of creaky fans, where she could see me play, and used to work on the laptop. then she took me home and taught me math and stuff, and I will always love that part of her. After she noticed my lack of the sport for 5 years, she finally pulled the plug, and I don’t feel good about that. All her efforts and money, just……. Gone.
My dad is a joint vice president of a really big company here, and his main job is to talk to people and make plans for whom to keep in the firm and whom to remove, by some really advanced type of root analysis or some shit. My dad is a real hard worker and has worked his way through here, and his classmates from 8th and 12th grade are literally roadside vendors, so had to overcome a lot of obstacles to reach where he is now. We are not rich by any standards, but have enough for a middle-class family. He is an intelligent guy but no matter what, he just defends my mom and has just given up on my future, a topic we will talk later pick up. So he just constantly does my mom’s bidding and no matter what decision my mom makes, if I question it, he will make some bullshit reason and if I have cornered every single response he will just say that she did it because ‘she can’.(Yeah, no shit, sherlock). Now we will move over to some self-deprecation, to be totally open.
I am not a protagonist in this story by any means, just someone who is less wrong (according to me). I must say some of this to be truly fair to you guys and to myself. When my parents reduced my screen time, I started to wake up at 3 in morning and used to smuggle in the laptop in my room to watch some YouTube and reddit and then kept it back again at 5 or so, then slept till 7. I did this (and still do) after getting caught 2 times. (I usually wait a month or so before going back to usual). If this stops, my life will become really hard and I need it to function properly. My parents have gotten me an Xbox (albeit after begging for it for 2 years) and I used to get a wholesome amount of 2 hours of screen time per day. I also have a sick kindle paperwhite where I can read any PDF, making it a dream for me as I don’t have to ask them for books, I can just upload them for free. I do not attend online school as my parents understand that it is nothing but a burden. My parents want good for me. no matter how much they hate me and don’t let me do this or that, they are not my enemies. They have a very strict and orthodox method of bringing me up, but they think they are doing in thoughts I will benefit from it in the future as refusing me doesn’t get them anything. I have a very bad tendency to talk rash and blunt. I do not have a tendency to talk slow and in a professional manner, and if something pissses me off, I can get loud, and I am not proud of it.
I decided to make this post based on a recent incident so let me just go over it.
My yearly exams were near so a few days ago, my mom gave me the laptop to study for these tests but ten found out that every 2 hours, I used to watch 10 minutes’ worth of videos and spend 5 minutes on reddit, and I don’t know what kind of bad day she was having, she started to slapping me, but I have been slapped so many times, I just don’t feel it, so when my mom understood that this wasn’t having any effect, she pulled out her slippers and starts to hit me with it. The slipper was so flexible, it was like being hit by a feather. I don’t know what happened to me, I just started laughing. My mom stunned, just chucked my Xbox inside her closet and told me I would only receive it twice a week and after me pestering her and apologizing, she said it would remain there, and swore it that if I got it out, I could spit on her face. My mom rarely swears, but when she does, she FUCKING MEANS IT. And my dad came to the scene to shit on me.
Now, I am totally alone in the whole world. My mom can get cozy and hug my dad, but I never got hugged by anyone in the past 5-6 months, and I sometimes feel really sad, but with having lived with it for 3 years, I just got used to it. It also helps soften the blow of snide remarks regarding my dark future, my life and how they wish I wasn’t born given to me by parents frequently. My Xbox is the only warm thing in my life. It is the only thing I truly love except my kindle but that’s it. I can’t live without it and I am going crazy and paranoid over it.
So, for the past week, I am pleading my mom to get it out and she is just lying there, like a cold-hearted person. So, today I couldn’t take it anymore. I don’t know what exactly happened but she said she was going to beat the shit out of me. I replied with “I would too if you weren’t bigger than me”. I totally regretted it and apologized but she screamed at me and I retreated back to my room, concerned for my safety. In the evening when I went to apologize to her, fully knowing that she would hit me and scream at me, she told me I was dead to her and made a X with her hands at my face, saying I was done for her and I dare not talk to her about anything except for food. I want to know what to do as my future is looking dark and bleak and I don’t know what to do and I am confused. My tests are ending tomorrow and then I would be totally at her mercy, and doing exactly what she tells me to do. I cannot see a way out of this one and I am trapped. Tell me what to do.
TL;DR Then go fucking read it
submitted by somerandomboi2507 to teenagers [link] [comments]

I am done

I am done
I am writing this post after a really long time of contemplating and it is typed on MS word over the course of 3 days, so take it easy on me if you find anything contradicting or anything that is repeated before. This is going to be a long read, so strap in guys and gals, and get ready to read about my shitty life
I am 16M(Asian) and I am seriously fed up of living with my parents. They totally control me and I have no privacy and choice in my life. I am going to tell yall about my life in detail and believe me, I am NOT going to sugarcoat it because I believe that I am wrong in certain(well, a lot) situations and I really want to get a honest response from you and I am not a massive douche. I really want some solutions on what to do BUT don’t tell me to leave my parents as that’s not gonna happen here in Asia and I can’t talk and discuss stuff with them as I have already done that and that just fuels my rage and nothing else. I don’t really have any friends as people in my building and school regard me as a weirdo and are not eager to make any connections with me.
My mom is a professor at an institute right near to my school and she has a pretty good academic resumé with a pretty good PhD and a great pass out from one of the big universities here. She gave up her career and a good full-time job to teach me and settled for a half day job for a quarter of the pay and almost the same workload. I will always be in her debt for this. She never put me through any coaching classes until it was absolutely necessary, even when she could. Every one of my relatives agree that she is an excellent teacher and all their children want her to be their moms, but I guess it is because she hasn’t shown her true colors to them.
Now, my mom also happens to be a massive fucking narcissist with an ego that will put Kanye west to shame and I am not kidding. She ALWAYS has to be correct and on the ruling end, no matter how irrational her thoughts are and if you agree to her, she can be goody goody with you. Cross her and YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD. she will spit fire and even though you are right, you have to swallow your ego and satisfy hers. Now, as I won’t sugarcoat anything, I shall tell you that I am also not a humble guy by any chance. If my mom gets into a heated argument, I tend to treat her like any other guy and argue with her (loudly too. If need be). My mom can sometimes be understanding, and agree against her wishes but that is fucking rare. Like really fucking rare. If she already has the same idea as me, she will agree and later use it as leverage.
I am 16 and yet she hasn’t given me a smartphone as ‘I am to small for this’ and ‘we didn’t have this when we were your age’ as if generation gap is a fucking myth, when people 4 years younger than me has a proper smartphone. And it is with Everyone! I tried to convince her and tell that if she is doing something different than everyone else, then the problem isn’t in the world, it is in her. No matter how softly or sweetly I say this, she rages like hell, and then I have to apologize her over the course of 2 days for even bringing up the topic. This has ultimately caused everyone to sever their friendship with me over the course of 3 years. Nobody likes to talk to me as I don’t know about the inside joke or the funny meme they sent on their private WhatsApp. How couldn’t I know about the latest trend or the latest meme, the latest video that this youtuber uploaded. I have started using reddit and YouTube like, only 6 months ago, so don’t comment on that. I used to sit alone in school, with only a book for company. No one used to even care and I was ignored. I am in the same school for the past 7 years, so all the friends created in 4 years just sort of …fell apart. I used to be an extrovert, speaking up to teachers, getting into every debate and speech contest, and fucking ace it. I slowly became awkward and couldn’t get into simple conversations and then at last, just stopped talking to everybody. My parents did not give a single FUCKING shit about it and told that if my friends were like that, I needn’t have them. I was (and still am) ragged due to my social awkwardness and my burner Nokia 5310
Then slowly slowly, they became annoyed with my reading habit. They couldn’t believe I could go on with my life normally(“nOrMaLlY”) and still finish 5$ (around 300 pages) books in 5 days. Look, I am not jerking myself off but it is the truth. They constantly forced me to stop reading books and when that didn’t work, they told me they would get me a fiction book for every nonfiction I read. I FUCKING despise nonfictions, no offense, but I don’t get any happiness from them, and my parents found out that kryptonite and were really happy. I tried to tell them that I read books that are in series and this just breaks my whole pace, to which my dad replied that I shouldn’t read books that are in series. This happened when I had just finished the prisoner of Azkaban and the goblet of fire was IN THE HOUSE, but I had to read a biography if an Asian president and give a quiz about it to get the book. I tried a lot to read it but just couldn’t, so ended up rereading my entire library (nothing to be proud of tbh) before they finally let it go.
Then they forced me into the sport of tennis, which I did not want, and it went for 5 years before they took mercy on me. I am honest, I am not a sportsperson and it gave me no pleasure playing the sport, but I did it, and I can understand why many people like it…just not my cup of tea. I will acknowledge that my mom drove me to the place, 15-minute ride 5 days a week without fail, after half an hour of rest as she returned just back from her institute at that time. She used to wait 3 hours in the unfurnished lobby full of creaky fans, where she could see me play, and used to work on the laptop. then she took me home and taught me math and stuff, and I will always love that part of her. After she noticed my lack of the sport for 5 years, she finally pulled the plug, and I don’t feel good about that. All her efforts and money, just……. Gone.
My dad is a joint vice president of a really big company here, and his main job is to talk to people and make plans for whom to keep in the firm and whom to remove, by some really advanced type of root analysis or some shit. My dad is a real hard worker and has worked his way through here, and his classmates from 8th and 12th grade are literally roadside vendors, so had to overcome a lot of obstacles to reach where he is now. We are not rich by any standards, but have enough for a middle-class family. He is an intelligent guy but no matter what, he just defends my mom and has just given up on my future, a topic we will talk later pick up. So he just constantly does my mom’s bidding and no matter what decision my mom makes, if I question it, he will make some bullshit reason and if I have cornered every single response he will just say that she did it because ‘she can’.(Yeah, no shit, sherlock). Now we will move over to some self-deprecation, to be totally open.
I am not a protagonist in this story by any means, just someone who is less wrong (according to me). I must say some of this to be truly fair to you guys and to myself. When my parents reduced my screen time, I started to wake up at 3 in morning and used to smuggle in the laptop in my room to watch some YouTube and reddit and then kept it back again at 5 or so, then slept till 7. I did this (and still do) after getting caught 2 times. (I usually wait a month or so before going back to usual). If this stops, my life will become really hard and I need it to function properly. My parents have gotten me an Xbox (albeit after begging for it for 2 years) and I used to get a wholesome amount of 2 hours of screen time per day. I also have a sick kindle paperwhite where I can read any PDF, making it a dream for me as I don’t have to ask them for books, I can just upload them for free. I do not attend online school as my parents understand that it is nothing but a burden. My parents want good for me. no matter how much they hate me and don’t let me do this or that, they are not my enemies. They have a very strict and orthodox method of bringing me up, but they think they are doing in thoughts I will benefit from it in the future as refusing me doesn’t get them anything. I have a very bad tendency to talk rash and blunt. I do not have a tendency to talk slow and in a professional manner, and if something pissses me off, I can get loud, and I am not proud of it.
I decided to make this post based on a recent incident so let me just go over it.
My yearly exams were near so a few days ago, my mom gave me the laptop to study for these tests but ten found out that every 2 hours, I used to watch 10 minutes’ worth of videos and spend 5 minutes on reddit, and I don’t know what kind of bad day she was having, she started to slapping me, but I have been slapped so many times, I just don’t feel it, so when my mom understood that this wasn’t having any effect, she pulled out her slippers and starts to hit me with it. The slipper was so flexible, it was like being hit by a feather. I don’t know what happened to me, I just started laughing. My mom stunned, just chucked my Xbox inside her closet and told me I would only receive it twice a week and after me pestering her and apologizing, she said it would remain there, and swore it that if I got it out, I could spit on her face. My mom rarely swears, but when she does, she FUCKING MEANS IT. And my dad came to the scene to shit on me.
Now, I am totally alone in the whole world. My mom can get cozy and hug my dad, but I never got hugged by anyone in the past 5-6 months, and I sometimes feel really sad, but with having lived with it for 3 years, I just got used to it. It also helps soften the blow of snide remarks regarding my dark future, my life and how they wish I wasn’t born given to me by parents frequently. My Xbox is the only warm thing in my life. It is the only thing I truly love except my kindle but that’s it. I can’t live without it and I am going crazy and paranoid over it.
So, for the past week, I am pleading my mom to get it out and she is just lying there, like a cold-hearted person. So, today I couldn’t take it anymore. I don’t know what exactly happened but she said she was going to beat the shit out of me. I replied with “I would too if you weren’t bigger than me”. I totally regretted it and apologized but she screamed at me and I retreated back to my room, concerned for my safety. In the evening when I went to apologize to her, fully knowing that she would hit me and scream at me, she told me I was dead to her and made a X with her hands at my face, saying I was done for her and I dare not talk to her about anything except for food. I want to know what to do as my future is looking dark and bleak and I don’t know what to do and I am confused. My tests are ending tomorrow and then I would be totally at her mercy, and doing exactly what she tells me to do. I cannot see a way out of this one and I am trapped. Tell me what to do.
TL;DR Then go fucking read it
submitted by somerandomboi2507 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

Passed PMP Exam 1st Attempt last Friday! AT/AT/T/AT/BT

Hey all,
Can't thank everyone enough for the tips and tricks shared here. You all helped give me the confidence in myself and bumped my exam up 3 weeks early so I want to share my lessons learned cause that's a big part of PMP is it not is documenting lessons learned?! I work in customer success and have been involved with plenty of projects, just not officially a Project Manager which was the reason to getting certified. That being said, a lot of the content/terminology was new to me or had not heard it in 8+ years since college. I had been studying for 4 months at night and/or any downtime I had at work. I usually did not study much on weekends since we always have things going on so you could likely shorten your study time if you are consistent on studying into weekends as well but I had my test scheduled from the onset of that 4 months to give myself the timeline.
Foundational Knowledge
Head First PMP
I am a visual learner and I felt the light hearted approach to these topics helped me grasp the foundation of the topics quickly. I loved the short quizzes, crossword, and various other tasks the book has you do. I very easily grasped most of the EV formulas from the book because they made it so simple to understand.
I received the digital copy free with PMI membership so I did have on my iPad but it was such a dry read, I glanced through it bookmarking pages but I barely incorporated using it in any of my studies aside from occasional reference looking up a wrong practice exam answer.

Youtube Videos
Aileen (videos are a little slow but she does a good job covering topics in detail to make sure you understand. I browsed through her offerings but did not watch them all. Just areas I needed focus in)
Vargas (His video is where the 49 processes finally clicked and I tested myself using one of his blank templates and got 47 out fo 49 on a blank sheet of paper. Remembering where Vargas had them, oddly enough helped me better memorize them.
Reading Test Questions Backwards (there is something very real behind this approach and my scores immediately took a turn for the better once I switched to reading the answers and last line of the question before I read the rest of the question. I did this on the actual exam as well)

Practice Exams:
PMI Practice Exam - (most helpful in my opinion) Whatever you do, don’t go messing around moving between the menu and the exam. I somehow messed up the automation of the practice exam by navigating to the menu once exam had started and when I finished 200 questions, I was greeted with a could not complete exam. No idea how I tested the first time but if I had to guess it was a 60%. I did take notes on every question I got wrong and when I took again the next day, I got an 82%. While the questions are the same, they are in different order. You can remember some, but give yourself credit if you are testing good on this exam period. This exam will teach you words to look for like when they talk about risk, 1 word can change entire outlook of it being about risk or being an issue. You’ll find a pattern that PMI tries to use activating words like discovered a problem that makes you think its an issue, but way further down in the question it says may or could happen which means its actually a risk we need to register not an issue. Things like that. I would not take this exam first since there is only 1 bank of questions, give yourself time to lay the foundation and take some other practice exams before this one.
Udemy- Purchased PMP Practice Test Exam 2019-PMBOK6 by Tridib Roy. Waste of money in my opinion, the questions were not well written and extremely granular that caused me to get terrible scores which really felt like a set back. I read some reviews and saw others say the same thing despite general positive ranking. Be careful what practice exams you order and don’t be discouraged by them if you fail pretty hard. It’s hard to say if anyone outside of PMI can make true to PMP exam questions or not.
PMP Exam 2020 on iOS - This app is relatively lost cost of entry with $2 per week to access but the questions again were very granular in terminology which I felt the PMP is more about making sure you can apply the general principles in real world scenarios, not if you know that one term hidden in the book sort of thing. My scores would range from 40-80%, it was just all over the place and inconsistent. I loved the app, just didn’t love the questions. I also thought some of their answers were wrong but it was worth trying it out for a week and allowed me to take a quick 20 question quiz while taking care of my 6 month old in the middle of the night. I’d get it, but don’t worry about getting low scores on this app. Just take your notes from what you get wrong and move along.
Free Practices Exams:
https://www.simplilearn.com/pmp-exam-prep-free-practice-test scored 76% (this one and PMI’s own practice exam which I only found due to this channel we’re the most comprehensive tests to me of the ones I tried. Testing to see if you can apply knowledge to real world scenarios)
https://www.oliverlehmann.com/pmp-self-test/100-free-questions.htm scored 70%
https://www.edwel.com/Free-Resources/PMP-Certification-Practice-Exam.aspx scored 81%
https://www.pmi.org/shop/p-/elearning/pmp%C2%AE-practice-exam/16202 scored 60% then > 82%
Testing Tips
There was no 2nd half is the easy half for me as others have mentioned here, they were mostly all a challenge except for the change request questions. I had quite few of those and it was often to test if you knew whether you needed to analyze impact, put in change request, or implement change. I flagged many of questions and changed some but kept the gut reaction to most. I completed in 3 hours. I will say I was starting to feel the mental exhaustion about 3/4 way but powered through. I had no formula questions but I wish I had vs some of the others.
Read the questions backwards as mentioned above, just see if that helps. I scored better from the moment of switched to that approach. It helps to weed out all the BS they add into the questions.
Other Sources of Knowledge
Linked In Learning - Cert Prep: PMP (I was able to take this through work program for no cost, but it was so-so. Headfirst was far better in my opinion but got some good supporting documents from this course I printed.
In conclusion, it was the lessons learned shared by you all that gave me the confidence that I was testing well enough that I’d bump up my test from Dec 22nd to Dec 4th. There were other reasons like if I failed, I wanted more time before the new exam to retake, I also felt I was losing some information I had learned early on. I didn’t think I would be ready to take it early, but thats partially because so many of my test exams/quizes were coming back all over the place. Once I took a few solid practice exams, I took the shot that I had enough knowledge to sit for exam.
Again I can not thank you all enough for the tips you all have shared and thus the reason for my lengthy post to hopefully help someone else!
submitted by ucojsh30 to pmp [link] [comments]

129. Shady's back))

Good morning My Princess))
Today was crazy)) But not because of anything at work)) But more on that later))
First, fanfic)) I feel like all these fanfics, despite being very close in actual genres and what's happening and the story, are all actually very different genres)) Like, Platinum and Chocolate is a drama, those two fanfics by your favorite author are kinda like adventures, with very cool story)) Thirst is a romance or something)) And this one is a romantic comedy)) Well, it's not comedy, but it's like that in a sense that the author knows why you're reading it, and you know why you're reading it, so things are happening exactly as they would happen in a fanfic like this))) Like, of course they have to make a very hard potion together)) Of course it has to be done only at night)) Of course it turns into a love potion if not done properly))) Of course it's at the stage where it increases the feeling of lust))) Not that I don't like any of it))) Quite the opposite)))
Everything is straight forward here)) They're even getting along quite well from the get-go)) No time to waste when there's sex to be had)))) Also poor Ron, he's literally there just to show how badly she falls for Draco and how mind-blowing their attraction is))) But he dumped her and got himself a new girlfriend)) Good for him))) And as I said, Hermione and Draco don't waste any time being confused about their feelings)) Like, they straight up admit (even if only to themselves for now) that they like each other and they turn each other on))) No soul-crushing doubts or anything like that lol))) Quite refreshing actually))) Oh and also, that's the first fanfic where she's not a virgin))) I mean she was in the beginning, but she dealt with it very fast))) Here we just have horny teenagers who have their priorities straight))) Like in a high-school romantic comedy with a lot of sex))) I love it))))
Now, moving on to why today's so crazy))) Maybe you've heard about it but probably not))) Remember that one movies we watched about the financial crisis of 2008?)) The Big Short))) Where they explained what the fuck happened in a fun and interesting way))) Well, it's happening right here right now))) On reddit))) But this time it's in reverse))) One subreddit about investing in stocks is fucking over big Wall Street investment firms SO FREAKING HARD that it's becoming international news)) It's so big right now, everyone's talking about it everywhere)) In United States everyone who's anybody is talking about it - every TV channel, every big twitter account, every influencer, it's in all the news, US parlament is gathering for an emergency meeting soon to discuss what the fuck to do)))) One US Senator is doing a Twitch stream to discuss it live))) It's fucking HAPPENING))) The subreddit in question, /wallstreetbets, gained 2.5 millions of new subscribers in one day)))) That's an absolute record))) At night there literally were one million people live there)))
Well, what is actually happening, you ask?) I myself understand the bare minimum, but here goes) As we know from the movie The Big Short, you can bet against a company, you essentially bet your money on the company going bankrupt, it's called Shorting a stock) Now here's the hard part) When you short a stock, you borrow it from it's owner, then sell it for it's current price right away. And when it's time to return it to it's owner, you buy it back and return it. But since your bet was that the stock is gonna be cheaper, you now spend much less money buying it back. So, for example, I borrowed 1 share that now costs 100$, then sell it right away for 100$, now I have 100$. In the future when I have to return it, it would cost 20$, so I buy it back for 20$ and return it to it's owner. This way I made 100$(original price)-20$(new price)= 80$ (my profit). I hope I explained it well enough)) If not that's okay, just know that what's happening here is very cool and completely unprecedented)))
So, to what's actually happening now) There's this company called GameStop, and big Wall Street investment firms thought that it won't last very long, so they decided to bet against it, and Shorted it's stock) They invested a loooot of money into this Shorting, and it's a very big risk, but they were very very sure that it's gonna work) It didn't work) The company started to recover) Now investor's time is almost up and they have to return the shares they borrowed, that's the law, they have to buy it back and return it to it's owner. It's not a win for them, but not a big loss either, just another day at the office)
Here is where reddit comes in)) The guys at /wallstreetbets decided it would be a great fun new meme to buy as much available GameStop shares as possible, thus increasing the stock price substantially. The Wall Street guys will have to buy these shares to return them anyway, no matter what happens)) Now reddit has the power to drive the price of these shares through the roof, knowing that when the time comes, Wall Street investors will HAVE TO buy them back at whatever price they ask))))
Basically what I'm trying to say is reddit literally fucking Wall Street scumbags in the ass right now))) The stock price went from 4$ for 1 share to 300$ for one share now, and when the time to buy them back comes, the price is gonna go to the moon)) It's expected to be 5000$-10000$ for one share))) The Wall Street investment firms will go completely bankrupt, and they can't do anything about it))) They're fucked))) They're trying to scare redditors into selling their shares now to drive the price down, but there's literally one million people right now on that subreddit supporting each other and saying to hold))) DO NOT SELL))) And Wall Street is scared shitless))) Already investors lost like 70 BILLION dollars in a couple of days!!!!! Some redditors literally bought tens of thousands $ worth of shares))) And they're not cashing in))) They can sell their shares now and become millionaires but they still hold)) They just want to fuck Wall Street in the ass))) It's fucking beautiful)))
Now for some real actual example of what would happen - if I invest 1000r into it right now, if everything goes as it should, in a couple of days this 1000 will turn into 40000)) If I invest 10000r it will turn into 400 000r))) That's just crazy)))) And a bonus is that all those big fucking investment firms will go bankrupt in the process)))
I know that it's all mostly boring financial talk)) But the energy there on /wallstreetbets is just so awesome)) Literally a bunch of people calling themselves retarded apes are going to win against big Wall Street firms in their own game))) That's just priceless))) And so fun to watch))) Hell, if I can somehow buy 500r worth of this stock right now I would, just for fun))) I'm actually gonna look into it when I finish writing this post)))
Update: nope, apparently no such options in our country, you can only start buying it from 50$ worth, or 3500r) I'll have to think long and hard before investing this much)) Because I don't have any money, I'll be borrowing it from my mom))) And I don't want to just throw away and lose 3500))) We'll see how it goes later today (and tomorrow) :D
Anyway, here's a bunch of memes, which are mostly about this happening)) Because everyone everywhere is talking about it)))
https://i.imgur.com/76uZPKI.jpg That's me)) And probably you)))
https://i.redd.it/3jco6rqzh4e61.jpg surprise aww)))
https://v.redd.it/jj0wn3cfy5e61 that's a plane)))
https://i.imgur.com/wROhpfS.jpg (Yamaha makes both pianos and motorcycles :D)
Oh and there's this financial app called Robinhood, which is where people buy shares)) And it just closed the buying on this stock to help rich people cover their losses)) Basically app called Robinhood is stealing from the poor to give to the rich))) Lol))) And people are obviously quite upset)))
And also, as you may know, stock exchange is boring, and I don't like it)) But I like drama))) And I like reddit retards fucking over big rich people))) So that's that)) That's why it's so interesting to me)))
Okay, phew, enough with this for now))) I'll keep you informed of the latest happenings in short form in next posts))
So that was my day)) How about yours?)
Okay, I think that's it for now)) Pretty tired after work)) Gonna go sleep)) Today at around 18.00 is when this stocks shit is going down)) So I'll definitely wake up by then to witness it live))) And of course I'll write another post in the evening))
I miss you so much My Princess))
Good luck at work))
I LOVE YOU)) <3 <3 <3
submitted by SpaceMagnus to u/SpaceMagnus [link] [comments]

45 Quotes by Austin Steinbart. AS is a DIA agent and man behind the US military intelligence operation QAnon. The faster we wrap up this nightmare circus, the faster we can unveil the business of the Space Force.

Austin Steinbart is a 29 year old off book agent for the Defense Intelligence Agency from Chandler Arizona. He is running a live military intelligence operation called: QAnon. He is the individual behind what the world has come to know as "Q". Austin was ordered by the DIA and Q+ to reveal himself to the public and bring the operation completely into the mainstream spotlight.


What is QAnon?: https://3speak.co/watch?v=austinsteinbart/tbsztjxe

The below are direct quotes by Austin Steinbart.

Quote #1: This is my operation

"Because I'm not just associated with Q, I AM Q – me personally. THIS is my operation. The guy posting on the boards and running point on this whole operation is actually me in the future – pretty crazy right?

Quote #2: Q is a US military intelligence operation

"Q is a military intelligence operation designed to inform the public of some very unpleasant truths about our country and to lay the groundwork for some very overdue changes in our political system."

Quote #3: D6 aka the Royal Death Racket

"He (JFK) would say something like that [“I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” - JFK] because he realized that the CIA is secretly controlled by a medieval cult of European royals called D6."

"What is D6? D6 is a satanic medieval pedophile cult that secretly controls the world's organized crime – primarily drug and human trafficking – and uses the proceeds to finance covert operations for the CIA and MI6 – covert operations such as killing Jeffrey Epstein, arming ISIS with tanks and TOW missiles, staging chemical weapons attacks to fake us into a war in Syria and studying on the DL [down-low, meaning secret] a bunch of extraterrestrial future weapons."

Quote #4: Bloodline of House Wettin

"It [D6/Royal Death Racket] is based on the bloodline of House Wettin [German: Haus Wettin], that's Wettin with a “W” because it's a German word, aka House Coburg and Saxe Gotha [House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha], the royal family who has covertly dominated Europe for the last 1,000 years, and who currently controls the thrones of the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Lichtenstein and The Netherlands."

Quote #5: Queen Elizabeth is CiC

"Did you know that Queen Elizabeth is actually still the legal Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of UK – not just a formality like they say."

"Boris Johnson, Bojo Jojo, is more like a Nancy Pelosi, like a Speaker of the House than a head of state. Maybe you did know that."

"But did you know that she's also legally the Commander-in-Chief of Australia, New Zealand and Canada? Maybe you're a smart cookie and you did."

"But did you know that she's also the Commander-in-Chief of Jamaica and Belize? I bet you didn't."

Quote #6: JFK assassinated trying to expose D6

"So JFK needed a way to rein in his wildly insubordinate and treasonous CIA. So he started a new spy agency called the DIA to replace them."

"It was organized under the Department of Defense instead of the Department of State like the CIA is so that the U.S. presidents in the future could be in full control of intelligence operations and not have to deal with a bunch of sniveling, insubordinate bureaucrats."

"Right as he was starting to publicly expose the Royal Death Racket, he was assassinated."

Quote #7: The global shadow war

"So JFK is murdered by this medieval conspiracy, and there has been pretty much a global shadow war raging ever since – one that's been very, very hard to win, even for a badass military intelligence agency like the DIA, because the Royal Death Racket has their spies and puppets stacked throughout the entire world, pretty much every government, religion and corporate establishment around the entire planet."

Quote #8: The Treaty of Tordesillas

"Removing them by force wouldn't work because they possess this very tricky little self-destruct mechanism."

"Our entire system was built around the Treaty of Tordesillas, a legal document produced by that corrupt Borgia Pope in the 1500s, which gave ownership of the Americas to the Kingdom of Spain and ownership of the rest of world to the Kingdom of Portugal, essentially like a line drawn down the middle of the Atlantic."

"Current branches of the Royal Death Racket currently hold the legal claims to both, meaning they own the entire world – in their eyes at least – and use the Treaty as the foundations of all other economic and political systems across the globe."

Quote #9: Unseating the Royal Death Racket

"Meaning that, theoretically, the only way to defuse this self-destruct mechanism would be to get someone with a bloodline claim to take back that Spanish throne and to neutralize that Treaty with some carefully crafted legislation."

"To do that, one would need a mighty military behind them as the Royals have extraterrestrial future weapons and trench assassin squads surrounding the globe."

"So the DIA needed a seated president and a bloodline descendant of say a House Aragon (Austin Steinbart??), maybe, to defeat and destroy the Royal Death Racket once and for all."

"Since the Royal Death Racket consolidated much of its military power in the United States, which it controlled, they would need to seat a president who was aware of the mission, strong enough to endure the onslaught he would endure and smart enough to protect the Spanish bloodline descendant to the throne long enough for the royal claim to be unwound."

"Enter Donald Trump, a TV star businessman with a lifetime of experience pushing through obstacles like government corruption and organized crime to become a billionaire and a lifetime of experience being relentlessly attacked by the media – an ideal candidate for the goal line stand of the millennium in 2016."

Quote #10: Release the JFK files

"So I'll tell you what. Let's just settle it this way: By demanding the declassification and release of all those JFK documents – you know, the ones that were supposed to come out two years ago, yet for some unexplainable reason, we are still not allowed to see – 57 years later! 57 years later!"

"If I'm wrong and there is no conspiracy, then RELEASE THE DOCUMENTS LIKE TOMORROW!"

"And if they won't release them, then maybe we should all be asking why they are not."

Quote #11: Q has it all

"Pop quiz!"

"If Hillary Clinton possessed a mountain of mortifyingly salacious blackmail on the entire political establishment in Washington and Q possesses Hillary Clinton's data, then who in fact possesses said mountain of mortifyingly salacious blackmail?"

Quote #12: Quantum computers warp time

"Now, most of you are probably thinking, Come on weird computer guy, are you really trying to tell me that a quantum computer is a time warping computer?"

"Surely, I would have heard that by now."

"And the answer is: Absolutely. That is exactly what I'm trying to tell you."

Quote #13: Instant messaging from the future

"So if you tie a bunch of quantum computers, you get what's called the Quantum Internet. And if you subscribe, we're going to be doing a series on all of the fun, neat, exciting and very spooky things that this Quantum Internet can do, including one of my favorite features I like to call “instant messaging from the future” - a super helpful feature for IT guys trying not to get murdered by the Royal Death Racket."

Quote #14: Trump has been better than expected

"And Trump, to be frank, has been way better than expected, in my opinion, because he not only defeated the Royal Death Cult, he also managed to turn the tables on his domestic political opponents when he baited them into setting two precedents that would ultimately lead to their own demise."

"Precedent number one: the precedent of investigating political opponents for treason." (Spying on Trump)

"Precedent number two: maliciously prosecuting former directors of intel agencies." (Prosecuting Michael Flynn - ex head of the DIA)

Quote #15: Googles Quantum computer

"So this (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) is how many simultaneous states or how many options Google's quantum computer can be in right now at one time."

"Using that technology, Google was able to take a problem that would take all of the supercomputers on Earth 400,000 years to solve, and they were able to solve that problem in three minutes. Three minutes! Pretty spooky stuff, huh?"

"And if I was to compare this technology to a person like where he would be at in its life, it would be in the third trimester, meaning, if it was a human baby, it would not even have been born yet. And you can also try to imagine, or maybe not, where the military is at with this stuff considering they're 30 years ahead of the commercial sector."

Quote #16: How you can help

"Next question is: I get a lot of people saying, hey, love your work. I support Q and how can I help you? I feel like I don't really know what to do here.”

"And the answer to that is to go out and tell everyone you know about QAnon. Share all of our links and help us, especially convince any of your lefty friends that you may have to demand the declassification and release of the JFK documents with us."

Quote #17: Your life is in your hands

"Another big part of QAnon is to teach the people not to sit around and wait for the intelligence services or the government to give us a straight answer on this."

"It's teaching all citizens that for future reference we should not be waiting 57 years to call BS on things like this JFK nonsense."

Quote #18: When they go low, we go high

"Next question people ask: So Mr. Q, if you are the military intelligence officer you say you are, then why don't you use your fancy Quantum Internet mind-control machine on them and just win the game right away?"

"And the answer to that is: Because then, I wouldn't be any different from the Royal Death Racket."

"Do I look like an evil super villain to you people?"

Quote #19: Hillary Clinton and John McCain

"Hillary Clinton and John McCain are the two most flamboyant examples of the cognitive dissonance caused by our red-team, blue-team, politics."

"Most people don't realize that they are two sides of the same rotten coin."

"Many Republicans, my team, scream and whine about Hillary Clinton, but they don't realize that Hillary Clinton is just the Democrat version of John McCain."

Quote #20: You arm ISIS, we arm our citizens

"Next question: Is it true that Q supports socialists?"

"Q believes that if the CIA is going to be arming terrorists like ISIS with missiles to bring about regime change in other countries, then we should be arming socialists with information to bring about regime change in ours."

"Q also believes that the current crop of “American socialists” really just want equal opportunity and justice for all, not the Marxist economic gravity bomb that they keep talking about. They're just going that direction because they're desperate because the government has been so unresponsive to their needs for such a long time that they feel that they need to take those drastic steps."

Quote #21: The desired outcome

"Finally, people ask me: So what exactly is the desired outcome here? What exactly is the end-game? And to sum it up:"

No. 1 – Get everyone to help us demand the declassification of those JFK docs. No military help. No POTUS help. Just us. The people. We can do it.

No. 2 – Educate as many people as possible on exactly how corrupt our government is and unite the people, both left and right, around the common desire for dramatic change.

No. 3 – After everyone's united, organize an economic blockade that will bring the Royal Death Racket to its knees until they release Julian Assange.

No. 4 – We are going to wash away the entirety, or almost the entirety, of both parties and both chambers of Congress.

Quote #22: Trump won because HRC was hated

"Trump won for one very simple reason and that was that Hillary Clinton was absolutely reviled by her own voters. So much so that many of them chose not to show up on election day."

"The reason she's so reviled by her voters isn't because she's a woman or it isn't because people are racist or anything like that."

"The reason she was reviled by her own voters is because they saw her emails – indisputable proof about how she not only doesn't care about her own voters, as that's pretty common in Washington – she's actually actively targeting them in some cases. Pretty evil, right?"

Quote #23: Operation Burnback

"They saw her emails in 2016 because of a precursor operation to QAnon I like to call, “Operation Burnback”.

"It was organized by yours truly and staffed by a small but elite group of anonymous IT guys and hackers."

"The idea was that if we could set a fire on the Democrats far left flank by showing black people and socialists how evil the Democrats really are that they would be so disgusted that they wouldn't show up on election day."

"So we used robots and foreign click farms to flood hyper targeted sections of social media with salacious email clips from Hillary Clinton and the DNC. And it worked like a charm."

"Hillary Clinton had a historically low turnout and Trump managed to win the election – the one that the CIA worked so hard to rig against him. Luckily, the people running the CIA at the time were about as incompetent as it gets."

Quote #24: The ultimate sacrifice

"Unfortunately for us, not all the nerds we were working with [on Operation Burnback] survived to tell the tale."

"In fact, one of them was brutally murdered, and the rest of us thought that the brazen of his demise would have warranted a serious investigation by the local police."

"But it ended up being super corrupt and just looking the other way."

Quote #25: The Eye

"So what's the deal with this weird pyramid Eye thing?"

"Well, think about a regular pyramid. It represents society, right, with the bottom being the poor and then the middle class and the top being the Royals."

"In our case, the top block of the pyramid isn't there and instead it's replaced with this “All Seeing Eye”."

"This is some cheeky little symbolism representing how we just have the illusion of democracy and are really secretly controlled by intelligence services – as in no top block, just this weird spirit eye thing instead."

Quote #26: Intelligence services and Satanism

"Intelligence services like to use Satanism as somewhat of a ideological operating system."

"The reason behind that originally back in the day was to force spies, who were going to participate in covert operations, to do horrible things that would irreparably stigmatize and isolate them from their communities if they ever uttered a peep to anyone."

"It would also help the intelligence services justify the often times heinous acts that they would require their underlings and covert operatives to perform – the idea that God allows Satan to run wild because ultimately he uses the evil that Satan perpetuates to accomplish his Big Picture Plan."

"That's why spooks and robber barons love using hooky-spooky Satanic symbology, especially British and American spooks and robber barons. They are the hookiest spookys out there. They like to dress up in Druid costumes and hold ceremonies in the woods and stuff."

"Just ask Anderson Cooper. When he was little, it was like Halloween every day at his house."

Quote #27: Monarchs still run the world

"Back to the Eye. This Eye represents how intelligence services like the CIA secretly control all of us, even in “democracies”."

"Now it's pretty weird because you'd think the people in our government would not be down for tyranny, but they aren't very smart. And many of them naively think that THEY are the ones in control of said tyranny."

"They think that all their pretentious little clubs like CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg are who runs the world."

"But in reality, they're just useful idiots."

"And the same people who have always run the world still do – monarchs. They never stopped."

Quote #28: Reminder House Wettin runs the world

"The main monarchs that currently run the world are a medieval royal bloodline called House Wettin."

"House Wettin's descendants currently control the thrones of many European nations to this very day, including, but not limited to, the UK, Belgium and The Netherlands."

"The patriarch or original gangster of House Wettin was a hardcore little German tribal leader named Theodoric, who was born in approximately 920 AD. Theodoric's descendants have secretly controlled Europe and most of the world ever since."

"House Wettin put themselves up on the map way back in the day by hijacking the vast networks of spies and assassins installed all around the world by the Byzantine and the Roman empires – networks they built up over the course of 1,000 years."

"Since then, they have raged a top secret quest for royal domination with a wartime sense of urgency, killing anyone and destroying anything that gets in the way of their absolute power."

Quote #29: OSS became the CIA [D6]

"These days that ancient clandestine network of spies and assassins is called D6 or Delta 6. And it's used as the covert para-military wing of the CIA and MI6."

"It was established in its current form during WW II when British intelligence came over and created the precursor to the CIA called the OSS [Office of Strategic Services]."

Quote #30: D6 - also highest classification

"The term D6 often confuses people because it actually refers to two things: the human network of spies and assassins and the highest level of classification in the U.S. military – the one reserved for information that would damage the “all sacred relationships” we have with our allies like the UK and Saudi Arabia."

"That classification is why the bureaucrats in Washington won't let us see the redacted parts of the JFK docs or the 9/11 papers, because those documents would prove indisputably that our allies have been conspiring against us at the highest levels."

"And releasing them or making public how those royals have actually been treating us would cause so much public outrage that it would permanently destroy those relationships with our allies. It's that bad."

Quote #31: Soros, Rothschilds, Saudis

"So where does the three sides of the Eye thing fit in? The three sides of the Eye represent Royal proxies – the people who actually carry out the criminal activity on the Royals behalf."

"Royals like Queen Elizabeth II don't do anything themselves. They are totally worthless human beings."

"So they outsource all their gang-banging to their robber baron amigos – the Soros, the Rothschilds and the Saudis – billionaires with virtually unlimited resources who operate in every country and who can move vast sums of money, drugs, arms and sex slaves all across the world without being caught."

Quote #32: Covert Ops funded by gang-banging

"Did you guys know that almost all the British and American covert operations are actually directly funded by gang-banging?"

"Meaning that whenever the U.S. government, for example, wants to assassinate someone, or arm terrorists, they don't just appropriate the funds because that would leave a paper trail. So they get the money from drug cartels and human traffickers."

"That's why our federal government allows vicious gangs to run wild in our streets and our country is currently overrun with opioids."

Quote #33: Q is DIA, just not "officially"

"So is Q military intelligence?"

"Officially, no. Normally, something like QAnon would be handled by DIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, but “officially” the DIA is legally forbidden from operating on American soil."

"So how did this happen if they can't be involved? Well, the same way that all the other Special Access Programs happen. They outsource to people like me. And when I say “outsource”, I mean they don't tell me anything and just look the other way and let me run absolutely wild - hacking and breaking everything in my path."

Quote #34: When they ask, tell them SAP

"So next time one of those kangaroo journalists or Q-haters ask you, “Why the White House doesn't formally acknowledge Q, politely inform those little silly gooses that it's standard procedure since the beginning of time for the White House not to acknowledge Special Access Programs."

Quote #35: Overthrowing the world government

"I also wanted to say that I did know in advance that Space Command and Cyber Command were going to be wrestled away from the rest of the military and spun off into an independent Space Force."

"I also knew in advance that NASA and the FAA were going to be disbanded and rolled into there as well."

"But I had no idea and I'm just as shocked and surprised as you are that they chose me to be the first Space Force Commander. Can you believe it? I honestly had no idea that was going to happen when I started this nightmare scavenger hung/obstacle course from hell that I've been on these past years."

"I only started this wild-goose chase because I wanted John McCaligula and his stupid pedophile cult gone. That's it."

"I didn't realize that I would have to overthrow the entire world government just to get a reasonable senator in my state."

Quote #36: Wikileaks is the Holy Grail

"WikiLeaks is the Holy Grail of leaked government documents."

"Over the past decade they have posted millions of documents exposing CRAZY corruption by governments all around the world. They ALWAYS bring the wood and they always verify their sources."

"They literally have an unblemished record when it comes to authenticity, meaning they do such an
airtight job of verifying that they have never published a fake document – not ever. Exactly zero other news organizations or publishers or websites can say the same thing – not a single one."

"That's why it's so frustrating when they get slandered by kangaroo journalists. WikiLeaks is far and away the most accurate news source to have ever existed."

Quote #37: Wikileaks is 100% authentic

"Using methods like this one [methods described by Austin in his Wikileaks video], we can say that everything in WikiLeaks is 100% indisputably authentic, which is why it's so perplexed to me that more people, especially my Republican amigos, don't use this as more of a resource.

"People act like everything in WikiLeaks has been already talked about, but the reality is that we, the general public, have barely scratched the surface of what's actually in there."

"There's all sorts of jaw-dropping revelations about almost every government on Earth."

"I encourage you to take a look for yourself."

Quote #38: Avoiding "James Bond Syndrome"

"So what's the deal with the resignations? Weren't a bunch of people supposed to be arrested and indicted already?"

"Well, yes and no. Many of them have already happened. And many are yet to come."

"One thing we have to keep in mind when going after bad guys is collateral damage. We have to avoid something that I call “James Bond Syndrome” - the tendency to accept unjustifiably high levels of collateral damage or civilian casualties from leaders whose plights people are emotionally bought into – like in almost every single James Bond movie how the mission ends up spilling out into the open and causing significant collateral damage."

Quote #39: How resignations tie into QAnon

"So here's how that ties into QAnon: Resignations from huge corporate titans can't just rain down like fire from heaven, unfortunately.
They need to be handled in a very careful way."

"The reason for this is because we don't want to cause any collateral damage to the shareholders, many of whom are middle-class pensioners who will suffer greatly if the stock tanks, right, because we want bad guys gone but we don't want innocent people harmed in the process."

"That's why many of the people that have been forced out so far have been forced out under the cover of the MeToo movement, like with Intel."

Quote #40: Intel CEO caught red handed

"Intel is one of our country's most important companies. They make most of our processors – the chips that function as the brain of computers and servers."

"But Intel, like almost every other corporate titan out there, has one catastrophic shortcoming when it comes to security. They outsource to a third party diagnose and repair service when they have IT issues. And that third-party service turns straight around and out sources to a local subcontractor like me through one of several mobile phone apps that function effectively like an Uber for IT guys – apps that are super easy to hack in my favor so that I can essentially walk straight in the front door of wherever I'm trying to get into on a given day."

"So the case of Intel back in 2018, when I suspected a certain CEO [Brian Krzanich] of being criminally negligent with intellectual property vital to our national security, as indicated by these signs all over the place, I was able to get myself in and collect all the evidence I needed."

"Like in this case, where I used a POS system outage in the cafeteria to gain access to CH-2 on the Chandler campus and snap a picture of these Chinese spies stealing chip schematics in plain sight."

Quote #41: Journalists fear Q

"Did you guys see all those smear articles written about the QAnon movement yesterday [and pretty much everyday]? Seems like the media might be panicking, huh?"

"Now, why would that be?"

"It's because they are finally realizing that we are not the kooky little scrubs they have been reporting us to be, that we are rational, smart and articulate, that we don't shoo people that we disagree with. We verbally engage with them even if they insult us in the process."

"And they are seeing Patriots of all persuasions unite around the common desire for an abrupt end to the decades of wanton corruption and sadistic abuse by our government."

Quote #42: UFOs

"So today I decided to get real weird with you guys. We're going to be talking about some spooky new Space Force stuff, specifically some fun little future weapons commonly referred to as “UFOs”."

"But long story short, the US Navy released footage last year of a real paranormal encounter some fighter pilots had with a real UFO."

"It made headlines in almost every major news outlet worldwide from BBC to CNN, but most people never even heard about it because our news was too busy telling us about how Orange-Man Bad to focus on UFOs for longer than a day."

"Amazing how the US Navy can literally release footage and official statements about these things yet no one in our kangaroo media cares for more than a day."

"They can even establish official military guidelines and hold official briefings in Congress, but no matter what happens, 24 hours later our kangaroo media will go straight back to talking about how Orange-Man Bad."

Quote #43: Time is controlled by gravity

"The first thing you need to know is that time is not linear or constant like many of us were raised to believe that it is."

"Time is actually a dynamic force controlled by gravity, meaning that on planets bigger than ours, time moves slower because the planet has more mass and, therefore, more gravity and, therefore, that gravity grabs time firmer and slows it down more. So they experience time at a slower rate."

"Like if we went to a planet twice as big as the Earth, the time there would move half as fast, meaning that one day there would equal two days here on Earth."

"The technical term for this is "time dilation"."

Quote #44: UFOs are humans from the future

"So how is that [time dilation] relevant to UFOs?

"Well, I'll tell you how. It's because those UFOs are not in fact UFOs at all. They are time machines. And they aren't made by aliens. They're made by humans in the future – the very near future."

"That's why the military has been ordered to ignore them since the 50s, because they didn't want to cause an adverse “butterfly effect”."

Quote #45: UFOs are impossible w/o warping time

"The way you could tell they're [UFOs] time machines without just taking my word for it is with physics equations."

"If we look at the empirical data provided by the Navy about the UFOs aerial maneuvers, we could use physics equations to easily deduce that they would not be possible without a time machine."

"The reason is G forces - fighter pilots and astronauts are generally trained to withstand up to nine G's, or nine times the normal pull of gravity - anything much more than that would cause their body to be crushed and eventually kill them, which is why we could be so certain that that UFO in those videos is actually a time machine: because no living or artificial thing could survive the aerial maneuvers that UFO was performing without being crushed by the G-forces that it would create – unless they were warping time."
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10 tools to monetize your gaming passion

If you are an esports streamevieweplayer and you want to make some money out of your passion, check out the 10 tools below. If you have tried any of these, please share what you think of the tool. It would help others so much :-)
Dixper Studio enables Twitch streamers to interact with their audience and monetize their streams by selling real-time interactions called Skills. Streamers can choose their favorite Skills, create their own collections, sell ​​them in Crates, set the price and quantity that best suits their stream. Viewers can buy Skills to support their favorite streamer’s channel while having fun in that stream. In-game trolls, pop-up scares, and visual modifications to the stream are some examples.
Dixper charges a commission fee of 30%.
Similar to Dixper, Streamloots is a marketplace to buy real-time interactions with live streamers. Viewers have various options from choosing the character the streamer is going to play with, displaying a message on screen or making the streamer drop the guns in the game, to making them sing or dress up as a dinosaur. Everything is possible because every streamer defines the type of interactions they want to have with their viewers!
Streamloots works with any streaming platform. Payment-wise, Streamloots will keep a 20% commission fee.
  1. GIMBL
Gimbl.gg is a fully automated engagement and monetization platform that brings real-world gamer interactions into the streaming world. On Gimbl, streamers can receive in-game challenges (such as Win the game, X Headshots, X Maximum deaths, etc.) from the audience during the stream. The challenges come with donations that are only received if the challenge is completed, otherwise the viewer keeps their money. The app has a robust challenge engine that automatically detects in-game events.
Gimbl gives a meaning to audience's donations and helps streamers monetize their content in a way that doesn't break the integrity of their content. Similar platforms exist but Gimbl stands out by offering AAA titles such as League of Legends, Dota 2, Overwatch, Fortnite, Apex Legends and Valorant. The platform charges a commission fee of 18% on successfully achieved challenges only.
Challenge.live is a platform dedicated to Russian market. The concept of Challenges on Challenge.live is similar to that of Gimbl.gg. However, when the streamer has successfully completed the challenge, viewers have to confirm or reject it. If the streamer did not cope with the challenge, viewers can still send him a reward or recognize the challenge as a failure to get back the fund. As the detection system is not automatic, in case of disagreement (for example the streamer believes that he completed the challenge, but the viewer does not agree), the client support staff will resolve the conflict.
StreamAid helps grow community and revenue with 3 features: Missions, Scenes and Listings. Missions allow viewers to send streamers on-stream challenges to complete for money. Viewers can send missions for anything they can come up with, but the streamer will decide to accept them or not. Scenes are text-to-speech animated alerts that StreamAid designs and releases regularly to bring more fun when viewers donate. Listings are engaging offers that viewers can purchase. It can be anything streamers want to offer that fits their stream style and viewers interests: play a game together, 1v1 you in Fortnite, game coaching, sing happy birthday or maybe a fitness challenge.
For Listings you keep 100% of the revenue. For Missions and Scenes you keep 90% to 95% of the revenue.
Dare Drop is a place where viewers can create Dares which are challenges or requests to their streamer in exchange for money. As a streamer, you can get more of your audience involved to crowdfund those Dares too. Once you’ve accepted and completed a Dare you will get paid.
Dare Drop takes a 10% transaction fee.
Azarus is a quiz system, based on previous streamer’s games. Viewers watch Azarus-enabled streams, answer questions to earn credits and redeem their credits for in-game rewards. The platform supports Rainbow Six, For Honor, World of Tanks, and Assassins Creed.
Madskil is a social game that gamifies livestreams. Viewers get to play and predict what will happen in the stream while competing with other viewers in the creator community. Viewers can collect special items, compete in tournaments, progress through levels, and rank up in leaderboards while representing their favorite content creators.
Currently, Madskil supports Fortnite, League of Legends and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Gamebuddy has 2 features, the first one being Interactive Esports where viewers can participate in a round-based voting system for the next live-challenge to compete. The overlay, which is provided in a different application, shows what the current challenge is and what the standings are. Winning challenges will give your team extra points to advance out of the group stage.
The other feature is Duo Finder, which helps you find the perfect teammate for your favourite game. To do so the app uses your way of playing the game to find the best fitting teammates for you.
  1. G-LOOT
G-loot is a Sweden esports company specialized in offering skill-based challenges and community competitions that are open to players at all levels, without the need for qualifiers or shared servers. G-Loot players can earn money by several ways:
Some challenges have an entry fee while others are free to play.
What other tools do you use?
submitted by Gimbl-GG to streaming [link] [comments]

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Proctorio: Down the Rabbit Hole

As if a global pandemic wasn't enough, hundreds of thousands are infected with a different, digital type of virus. Proctorio.
Amazon. Baylor University. Georgetown University. Boston College. University of South Florida. Duke University. Columbia University. Howard University. The University of Iowa. Kent State University. Louisiana State University. Mayo Clinic. The Ohio State University. The University of Texas at Austin. Texas Tech Unviersity. The University of Washington. These are just some of the 400 or so colleges, institutions, and companies using Proctorio.
Like a real plague, its goal is to survive. To live long enough that it becomes ingrained in modern culture. Irreplaceable to change. However, any company bent on the idea of growth, and the path to complete domination, has to make a few missteps.
So how did I get here? Why am I here? What is Proctorio? These are, among many, questions I will answer in this document.

Chapter 1: Proctorio

For those unaware, Proctorio is a software that, as they put it:
Using state-of-the-art technology and end-to-end data security, Proctorio ensures the total learning integrity of every assessment, every time. Our software eliminates human error, bias, and much of the expense associated with remote proctoring and identity verification.
Proctorio also integrates effortlessly with whatever learning management system you already use— no scheduling, waiting or additional logins required— for instant, objective, secure results.
On paper, an anti-cheating system sounds great. But Proctorio takes everything about anti-cheats and thins it down, until it's a shield for dishonesty and threats.
Proctorio is an example of capitalism that has gone too far. I'm actually kind of terrified that Proctorio will take this down because of a DMCA takedown, considering their track record with tell-all pieces regarding information that is public and in their code. I banned both the CEO and their PR team from this subreddit but I imagine they have alternate accounts (which is in violation of Reddit terms of service, mind you).

Chapter 2: Justice for Ian Linkletter

On new/mobile Reddit (we're working on old Reddit), our banner mentions Ian Linkletter. Who is Ian, and why does he need justice?
Ian Linkletter is a learning technology specialist at the University of British Colombia. UBC's had some history with Proctorio, because they have a year-long contract with them, and we need to go over that history to understand Ian.
A user on UBC's subreddit released a post saying that he, unfortunately, received an error trying to start his mid-term test. He contacted Roy from Proctorio, who responded with "Hi" according to the post and ignored him. So, how did Proctorio react?
They released his chat logs. artfulhacker, CEO of Proctorio, released his chat logs.
If you’re going to lie bro … don’t do it when the company clearly has an entire transcript of the conversation
[S]hame on you.
(I need to point out here that the usage of 'bro' is relatively unprofessional in a situation like this). While Mike apologized for releasing the logs and deleting them, you can still access them using Removeddit. This is where Linkletter gets involved, through a tweet he made which has now led to a lawsuit from Proctorio.
While pacertest1 did lie about the context of the support chat, releasing chat logs proves you have no "zero-knowledge encryption" and suing someone over statements they made on a Twitter account is completely absurd.
These support agents are also allowed to view any and all webcam footage for "verification purposes" as well as a live ID check.
Proctorio is logging data 24/7 and none of this data is encrypted. It is likely this is also being sold to advertisers. End of story.

Chapter 3: Data Collection

Now let's talk about that word. Data. On Proctorio, it means two things:
  1. Money.
  2. A weapon to hurt low-income families.
What do I mean by hurting families who don't make that much money? Let's look at how Proctorio works:
If you dissect the Chrome extension (no Firefox add-on, which is odd), you'll see a line that means, "Your connection is terrible and you will experience issues during an exam. If you decide to take an exam on this connection we will notify your institution you were warned and ignored the warning".
This is also applied for webcam, which is required at all times and you need to look at the screen, but not too much! If you're suspicious, you're required to take a 360 degree view of your room, which needs to be quiet and without people in the background.
All of this data is also viewable to the mysterious Proctorio agent, even when Proctorio begs and pleads that it isn't!
A report from PBS determined 44% of U.S. children live in low-income families, who happen to be most hit by Proctorio's garbage. Hell, it's not even that at some points. If you don't have a working camera or installed an operating system that doesn't have drivers for your webcam, you're screwed. Most webcams are sold out now. The ones that aren't sold out aren't good enough for Proctorio. Oh, and teachers are also forcing students to pay for spyware.
Proctorio hurts low-income families and is most likely making money off of data collection and selling it to third-parties. It's no secret Amazon has a contract with Proctorio.

Chapter 4: Security

We've been talking a lot about encryption, so let's see how Proctorio works under the hood with some samples from their extension and how I know for a fact they're not using zero-knowledge encryption even with these chat logs.
First: The samples.
  1. DevTools. If you open up Chrome DevTools, you'll be sent to a page that says, "Smile! Whoops... You just tried to hack Proctorio and were caught. Your IP has been locked and evidence is being forwarded to your school admin". Nice to know that when I'm working with CSS in DevTools I'll be hacking Proctorio. For clarification as well, your IP is not "locked" and there's no evidence sent to the school administrator. It's just a fear tactic.
  2. VPNs. "The traffic between your computer and the internet is being intercepted. Proctorio can not guarantee the security of your private information. Please disable any VPN software or use a different internet connection" and "VPN, proxy servers, or any identity concealing services can not be used with Proctorio. Please disable these when you are ready to use Proctorio" are two messages that exist and exist just so that Proctorio can reroute browsing traffic to their servers, and puts wool under your eyes while doing it. They're also sneaky about it by preventing you from using tools like Charles or Burp, and you can't see where that data is coming from because of the lock on DevTools. Very clever, Proctorio.
  3. Software locks. What's also clever is your software locks. If you have any of the following open, you can't access Proctorio, period: Sc="virtual microphone;virtual audio;splitcam;manycam;logmein;parallels access sound;parallels audio controller;avermedia;vmware;vdp source;vixs puretv;airparrot;virtualbox;sound siphon;bytescout;blackmagic;soundflower;what u hear;nomachine;screaming bee;apowersoft_audiodevice;remote proctor;magic sound;morphvox audio;manycam virtual microphone;logmeinsounddriver;airparrot;remote audio;line 1 (virtual audio cable);morphvox audio;pro tools aggregate i/o;autoaggdevice;procasteraudioredirector;twat 69;microphone (screaming bee audio);cable output (vb-audio virtual cable);splashtop;ishowu".split(";"), Vc="virtual camera;virtual webcam;virtual device;virtual driver;webcammax capture;fake webcam;openni;sparkocam;ispy;vlc capture;ucanvcam;manycam;magiccamera;splitcam;ip camera;mjpeg camera;xsplitbroadcaster;scanner mouse;logmein;hava video device;hava remote video device;hava video crossbar;hava remote video crossbar;vmware;pg camera for windows store apps;pg splitter;cyberlink webcam splitter;hp webcam splitter;cyberlink web camera filter;vdp source;vixs puretv;dxtory video;hp web camera filter;airparrot;camera plus;asus virtual;virtualbox;corel camera;corelscreencapture;live! cam virtual;iglasses;bytescout;blackmagic;arcsoft;decklink video capture;camtwist;professional financial camera;decklink video capture;webcam sharing manager;srp5702;00) depth;00 depth;droidcam source 3;droidcam source 2;droidcam source 1;droidcam source mini (240p);thinkvantage virtual camera;arcsoft webcam sharing manager;tridef smartcam;splashtop;ishowu;Hauppauge WinTV".split(";"), Tc=["vmware","virtualbox","parallels access sound","parallels audio controller"],Uc="bytescout;blackmagic;professional financial camera;decklink video capture;hauppauge;nomachine;soundflower"
  4. Strings. No, not the strings Proctorio is using to puppet around schools, strings as in text. The real meat of this data dump is what Proctorio has written down. {console.warn("Proctorio desktop application is not installed!"); Interesting for a Chrome extension to have. "id="pio_header_assigned_proctor" data-pio-tooltip="The name of the proctor assigned to review the attempt">" I thought you were using machine learning AI and facial detection software and that was supposed to be better than humans. ""C059":{"message":"You may not have food on your desktop nor eat during the exam." and ""C060":{"message":"You may not have drinks on you desktop nor drink during the exam." This is fucking unacceptable of Proctorio to have as an option. Humans biologically need food and water. I didn't know eating an apple or drinking water was considered academic dishonesty. Damn, I should consider starving, considering I might be called a cheat by an anonymous proctor if I don't. ""C064":{"message":"You may not take the exam in a public setting such as a coffee shop or library with others in the general vicinity." While this is well intentioned, it's really, really poorly implemented. If this is designed towards colleges, where students have dorms, why is this in the software?
Go ahead, Mike. Go argue with professionals on the Internet and call their peer-reviewed papers "opinion pieces". Insult academic honesty while calling me eating an orange academic dishonesty.
So let's talk about actual dishonesty here. What does "zero-knowledge encryption" mean? In short, nothing. It's a buzzword.
What they actually mean is that they have a key distribution system encrypted with AES-GCM, but the problem with that is that it's in a Chrome extension, which is just a repackaged ZIP file. Their daily vulnerability test isn't even a test, it's just a vulnerability scanner. Not the same thing as a code audit or penetration test.
Proctorio's usage of AES-GCM exists in an object called dhs.mode.gcm which functions for encryption, decryption and a few other ones for GHASH block multiplication and XOR + GMAC utility. You don't need to know that though to understand my point.
GMAC keys are essential in AES and can be leaked with timing leaks. For GHASH block multiplication, they leak the lowest bit of f with each iteration. f gets bitwise right-shifted 128 times, meaning yes, the GMAC key can be leaked. This isn't FIPS 140-2 compliant, Mike. Sorry to interrupt your DMCA takedown spree on Pastebin of some of this information.
This also isn't impossible to prevent. Students aren't obedient lapdogs, so to be this irresponsible is a sin in my book.
There is no encryption, because they cough up these keys for free. You are giving risks to students on their own computers and ruining the world of security for business deals. That is not capitalism, that is being evil. You aren't an artful hacker, you're an asshole.

Chapter 5: Eyes

ADHD. It's a serious disorder that 16% of people will develop in their lifetimes. One of the main symptoms is the fact it's hard to focus. Proctorio requires eyes on the screen at all times (but of course, not all the time since you might get flagged), so students with ADHD get flagged. Want to keep the fact you have ADHD a secret? Tough. Fucking. Luck.
And what about screen readers? Not allowed. "But I have anxiety!" Proctorio doesn't care. Proctorio is ableist by all definitions of the word. It is unacceptable that people with disabilities are treated like shit. I don't have a disability myself, but there are tons of people in the world who do. Is it that much to allow screen readers or turn off the eyes rule? Or is it that you have a superiority complex and need to shove it in everyone's faces?
And now, food for your eyes.
It’s hilarious, students pretending to care where their data goes.
~ Mike Olsen, Proctorio CEO.
Oh no, Mike! Going to give me a slap on the wrist and have my IP blacklisted because I didn't dance around? I don't use Proctorio and never will. Speaking of warnings...
 "description": "lms metrics abnormal audio desc", "message": "e.g. consistently talking or in noisy room" "description": "lms metrics abnormal audio title", "message": "Abnormal changes in audio levels highlights test takers that had significant changes in audio activity throughout the exam." "description": "lms metrics abnormal clicks desc", "message": "e.g. rapidly clicking on various parts of the quiz" "description": "lms metrics abnormal clicks title", "message": "Abnormal clicking will highlight test takers who interacted with the quiz page less than the rest of the class" "description": "lms metrics abnormal copy desc", "message": "e.g. excessive copies and pastes" "description": "lms metrics abnormal copy title", "message": "Abnormal copies and pastes highlights test takers who may have taken material from the exam or brought answers into the exam extensively." "description": "lms metrics abnormal duration desc", "message": "may indicate help from outside sources" "description": "lms metrics abnormal duration title", "message": "Abnormal exam duration will highlight test takers who have finished significantly faster or slower than the rest of the class." "description": "lms metrics abnormal end desc", "message": "may indicate an attempt to bypass system or connectivity issue" "description": "lms metrics abnormal end title", "message": "End Times will highlight test takers whose LMS end time does not match the Proctorio end time" "description": "lms metrics abnormal eyes desc", "message": "e.g. consistently looking at different areas of the screen" "description": "lms metrics abnormal eyes title", "message": "Abnormal eye movement will highlight test takers who may have unauthorized materials within the test environment." "description": "lms metrics abnormal faces desc", "message": "e.g. utilizing additional people" "description": "lms metrics abnormal faces title", "message": "Abnormal number of faces detected will highlight test takers who may have received help from others during the exam." "description": "lms metrics abnormal head desc", "message": "e.g. consistently looking at notes or off the screen" "description": "lms metrics abnormal head title", "message": "Abnormal head movement will highlight test takers who looked away from the camera significantly more or less than the other test takers." "description": "lms metrics abnormal ip desc", "message": "e.g. collaborating with other test takers on quiz at same time" "description": "lms metrics abnormal ip title", "message": "Exam Collusion will highlight test takers who took the exam at the same time on the same network" "description": "lms metrics abnormal keys desc", "message": "e.g. typing more than other test takers" "description": "lms metrics abnormal keys title", "message": "Abnormal use of keystrokes highlights test takers relying on copy and paste or struggling with free response questions." "description": "lms metrics abnormal less", "message": "less" "description": "lms metrics abnormal more", "message": "more" "description": "lms metrics abnormal mouse desc", "message": "e.g. consistently moving the mouse" "description": "lms metrics abnormal mouse title", "message": "Abnormal movement of the mouse will highlight test takers who interacted with the quiz page less than the rest of the class." "description": "lms metrics abnormal resize desc", "message": "e.g. consistently changing quiz window size" "description": "lms metrics abnormal resize title", "message": "Abnormal resizing of the browser highlights test takers who may have had notes or other material hidden behind the quiz window." "description": "lms metrics abnormal scroll desc", "message": "e.g. rapidly moving through the quiz" "description": "lms metrics abnormal scroll title", "message": "Abnormal scrolling will highlight test takers who interacted with the quiz page less than the rest of the class" "description": "lms metrics abnormal start desc", "message": "may indicate an attempt to bypass system or connectivity issue" "description": "lms metrics abnormal start title", "message": "Start Times will highlight test takers whose LMS start time does not match the Proctorio start time" "description": "lms metrics abnormal unfocus desc", "message": "e.g. open separate webpage" "description": "lms metrics abnormal unfocus title", "message": "Abnormal amounts of navigation away highlights test takers using external applications or material differently than the rest of the class." "description": "lms metrics frame audio desc", "message": "e.g. talking or noisy environment" "description": "lms metrics frame audio incident", "message": "Audio levels in the room increased above the threshold" "description": "lms metrics frame audio short", "message": "Audio Levels" "description": "lms metrics frame audio title", "message": "Flag Changes in Audio Levels" "description": "lms metrics frame clicking short", "message": "Clicking" "description": "lms metrics frame collusion short", "message": "Exam Collusion" "description": "lms metrics frame copy desc", "message": "e.g. duplicating exam content" "description": "lms metrics frame copy incident off", "message": "Test taker copied and pasted values" "description": "lms metrics frame copy incident on", "message": "Test taker attempted to copy and paste values" "description": "lms metrics frame copy short", "message": "Copy & Paste" "description": "lms metrics frame copy title", "message": "Flag Copy and Paste" "description": "lms metrics frame duration short", "message": "Exam Duration" "description": "lms metrics frame end time short", "message": "End Times" "description": "lms metrics frame eyes desc", "message": "e.g. look at different monitor" "description": "lms metrics frame eyes incident", "message": "Test taker's eyes were looking away from the quiz page" "description": "lms metrics frame eyes short", "message": "Eye Movement" "description": "lms metrics frame eyes title", "message": "Flag Eye Movements" "description": "lms metrics frame faces desc", "message": "e.g. multiple test takers taking the same exam" "description": "lms metrics frame faces incident", "message": "Multiple faces detected in the image" "description": "lms metrics frame faces short", "message": "Multi-Face" "description": "lms metrics frame faces title", "message": "Flag Multiple Faces" "description": "lms metrics frame head desc", "message": "e.g. look at notes" "description": "lms metrics frame head incident", "message": "Test taker was looking away from the quiz page" "description": "lms metrics frame head short", "message": "Head and Eye Movement" "description": "lms metrics frame head title", "message": "Flag Head and Eye Movements" "description": "lms metrics frame keys desc", "message": "e.g. typing on multiple choice exam" "description": "lms metrics frame keys incident", "message": "Test taker typed on the keyboard" "description": "lms metrics frame keys short", "message": "Keystrokes" "description": "lms metrics frame keys title", "message": "Flag Keystrokes" "description": "lms metrics frame mouse short", "message": "Mouse Movement" "description": "lms metrics frame resize desc", "message": "e.g. move browser to uncover other window" "description": "lms metrics frame resize incident off", "message": "Test taker changed zoom level or re-sized the browser" "description": "lms metrics frame resize incident on", "message": "Test taker attempted to change zoom level or re-size the browser" "description": "lms metrics frame resize short", "message": "Browser Resize" "description": "lms metrics frame resize title", "message": "Flag Browser Resize" "description": "lms metrics frame scrolling short", "message": "Scrolling" "description": "lms metrics frame start time short", "message": "Start Times" "description": "lms metrics frame unfocus desc", "message": "e.g. open separate webpage" "description": "lms metrics frame unfocus incident off", "message": "Test taker navigated away from the quiz page" "description": "lms metrics frame unfocus incident on", "message": "Test taker attempted to navigate away from the quiz page" "description": "lms metrics frame unfocus short", "message": "Navigating Away" "description": "lms metrics frame unfocus title", "message": "Flag New Windows or Tabs" "description": "lms metrics tamper av desc", "message": "Potential audio/video hardware issue detected" "description": "lms metrics tamper av title", "message": "Video Tamper" "description": "lms metrics tamper page desc", "message": "Potential webpage issue detected" "description": "lms metrics tamper page title", "message": "Page Tamper" 
Just some of the many things you can get warned for.
 "description": "copy/paste", "message": "Test taker $action$ values $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "action": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's action based on what the professor enabled" "rel": { "content": "$3", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$2", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "resize", "message": "Test taker $action$ zoom level or browser size $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "action": { "content": "$1", "description": "the action the test taker performed based on the professor settings" "rel": { "content": "$3", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$2", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "audio", "message": "Audio levels exceeded the threshold $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "head movement", "message": "Test taker was looking away from the quiz page $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "eye movement", "message": "Test taker was looking away from the quiz page $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "multi face", "message": "Multiple faces were detected in the image $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "mouse movement", "message": "Test taker moved the mouse $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "mouse movement", "message": "Test taker scrolled $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "mouse movement", "message": "Test taker clicked the mouse $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "mouse movement", "message": "Test taker took $val$% $rel$ time than the average to complete the exam.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "A695_8": { "description": "navigation away from the page", "message": "Test taker $action$ from the quiz page $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "action": { "content": "$1", "description": "the action that was performed (based on prof settings)" "rel": { "content": "$3", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$2", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "A695_9": { "description": "keystrokes", "message": "Test taker used the keyboard $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "lms results metrics summary text ip", "message": "$count$ other test taker$plural$ took the exam on the same connection at the same time.", "placeholders": { "content": "$1" "plural": { "content": "$2" 
"Zoom level"? How fucking petty of you. In no way is that academic dishonesty, to not be able to see things.
Proctorio isn't doing these things by "accident". Don't forget that. They intentionally put these things in and refuse to listen when they're told no.

Chapter 6: The End

Don't let Proctorio get away with this. Don't let one of the most evil companies on Earth get away with ruining privacy, threatening people who speak out, digitally stabbing the poor and people with impairments.
We will keep pushing this fight and getting this out to the media. We need your help fighting them as well. Contact the FCC and tell them to conduct an investigation against their claims of "zero-knowledge encryption". Make petitions. Keep this in the news for as long as possible. There is a lot more to the story of Proctorio. I don't think it's any secret that this company hides its history and tries to cover things up. Report these practices to the FTC. Report them to the Office of the Attorney General of California for breaking the CCPA (if you live in California, of course). Contact your colleges. We are not standing for injustice. We want justice. For Ian Linkletter. For Erik Johnson. These people were silenced trying to get the truth out there. No more. Fuck you, Proctorio. It's over.
The following will be a list of links and resources you can use to contact organizations to put Proctorio on the radar:
File a complaint about privacy.
California Attorney General
Proctorio refuses to give information and says the information is encrypted. This is in violation of the CCPA.
Only go here if you live in California and have used Proctorio.
Other Resources
Good place to spread the word.
https://change.org Make a petition here to not use Proctorio. There's already one by Erik Johnson for Miami University. The University of British Colombia will not be continuing its deal with Proctorio past February 2020.
We're making good progress. The Verge and various other news sites have covered this. Mike Olsen is a traitor to American freedom.
I also want to give credit to Erik Johnson and Soatok for a lot of this research. I couldn't have done this without them.
I will edit this with more information if it comes out. Thank you for reading this.
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