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Online Gambling India - Live Casino - Cricket Betting - Play Roulette

Diamond Exchange is one of the best betting sites in India offering live casino and slot games online. Play Roulette or Bet on Cricket, Hockey, Football and other Sports.
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Online Gambling India - Live Casino - Cricket Betting - Play Roulette

Diamond Exchange is one of the best betting sites in India offering live casino and slot games online. Play Roulette or Bet on Cricket, Hockey, Football and other Sports.
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Betting / Gambling is taken as a serious issue in India, then how come Cricketers are promoting apps like Dream11 when it's based on money? Just another way of Betting / Gambling correct?

submitted by neilupinto to india [link] [comments]

Should India relax a ban on gambling on cricket? [BBC Video Report]

Should India relax a ban on gambling on cricket? [BBC Video Report] submitted by trtryt to Cricket [link] [comments]

Pakistan: When Agents Ruled – a glimpse of Spying, Espionage and Security Breaches

The London Post

19-24 minutes
By Dr. Shahid Qureshi: –
A young journalist in London asked me "Do you know someone who is working against the national interests of Pakistan?". That was an interesting question from a typical young Pakistani who is loyal and patriotic to the country. I was nearly heartbroken to tell him that there is more and almost everyone who matters in Pakistan is in some way is selling Pakistan cheap to the enemies. Normally people think about spies and agents like James Bond 007 who goes on a mission and meet beautiful girls and come back successful. Well, that is one part of spying and espionage. The way Pakistani agents serving their foreign masters is a bit subtle and sinister. I have discussed some in the upcoming book and exposed them in the articles. People trust journalists more than the spies and agency operatives as they don’t have any loyalties to the sources but journalists do. I have seen many journalists threatened with imprisonment by the state but they did not disclose their sources following the journalistic code of ethics. Most civilized countries have a declassifying system for the official government records and obviously, those who have signed the official secrets act of the country don’t write books or come on TV channels to discuss their missions and details? Only in Pakistan you can do and get away with it. For example, Lt. General Asad Durrani was assigned a task by the President of Pakistan Ghulam Ishaq Khan to counter Benazir Bhutto who was compromised on Pakistan’s nuclear program and Indian affairs. The president ordered to dislodge her without creating too many currents keeping in view Pakistan’s ground realities. It was his oath to keep that secret as ISI chief but he behaved worst than an informant. He broke his oath, violated the official secrets act of Pakistan by giving an affidavit to FIA director Rehman Malik. The only attraction for him probably was to get posting as an ambassador. This is known as the Asghar Khan case currently hanging in the supreme court of Pakistan and no government is sincere enough to put an end to it by submitting the response and call the parties involved.
A few years ago, I was sitting with General Mike Jackson former British Army Chief, I asked him ‘why did you not take control of Sarajevo airport in Bosnia and Herzegovina’? He replied to me very quietly ‘read my book’. Apparently, the American General asked him to take control of the airport and he reportedly refused by saying: ‘I don’t want to start 3rd World War. Now it is the duty of the security establishment to provide training to its officials as to how to live a retired life without compromising national security and if at all they need to write a book, the transcript must be cleared by the premier agency. Let’s imagine a Pakistani agent is tasked to delay the installation of an electricity project to destroy the whole industry and infrastructure of the country. I wrote in 2006, that this load-shedding of electricity in Pakistan is linked with the security of the country. People acknowledge the risk assessment but they could not do anything as the people who were doing all this were sitting in high positions. The dramatic escape of the longest-serving Indus Water Commissioner to Canada is one example. He obtained Canadian citizenship and nobody from the security establishment question his activities. He delayed the Pakistani water projects and facilitated Indian dams on Pakistani rivers. Then we see the politicians from PPP, MQM, and ANP receiving instructions and findings from Indian agency RAW to make Kalabagh Dam project controversial and let the Sindhis drown in floods as well as cause damage in billions to land, crops, properties, livestock, and national infrastructures from rail to road links every year. This project was actually approved by British engineers during the 1930s. so if it was ok then how come it becomes problematic in the 1980s? Well appointing a corrupt and incompetent is also a form of espionage against the country for example during Zardari Rule 2008 -2013 he appointed the most corrupt and incompetent on the highest positions. He introduced another damaging policy of ‘system bypass’. With this policy, he bypassed all the rules, and his men in the presidency were calling direct to the land department junior officials and police station inspectors, or even below to do the illegal tasks. The flourishing of the land mafia was at its peak in the whole of Pakistan, especially in Sindh province. His party members and cronies were directly involved in ‘target killings of security officials’ attacks on government infrastructures. Over 25000 people were killed, billions of rupees’ revenue were lost due to strikes and terrorism in Sindh while PPP and MQM-A were ruling the province, which we know now was happening on the behest of RAW the Indian agency. Both military and civilian establishment is fully responsible, with the support of politicians like British criminal terrorist Altaf Hussain, Asif Zardari, and his team and now Nawaz Sharif and his agents, as well as military dictator like Pervez Musharraf and his team as tons of material and reports were filed to all the above but they chose not to act and remain complicit. A security official said to me a few years ago: ‘sir we can stop these bombings in 24 hours only if we are allowed to respond in kind to the supporters and abettors of these bombings. Musharraf was a megalomaniac and had a delusion of grandeur about himself. I told him that NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance) is a black dot in the history of Pakistan. He admitted to me that ‘it was a mistake’ and said cases were not moving and going anywhere’. I told him that just because something is not working does not mean you need to make it worse? He agreed with the analogy. Let me give you another example of how foreign agents work or operate at high places. Former ISI officer Major Amir disclosed in a GEO TV program that: ‘when he was appointed Director-General Immigration, the Indian embassy in Islamabad was not very happy and asking about me’. He stated: I found out that Indians who were traveling to Dubai could stopover in Karachi and also sneaking out. I immediately stopped this practice it was like giving open access to RAW not only to launch its agents but also brief and debrief them’. The person who opposed this ban was no other but Sharyar Khan foreign secretary of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif appointed about 80 years old Sharyar Khan as head of Pakistani cricket and Najam Sethi another pro India mole to keep him company. Guess what Pakistan is losing all its important matches to India because all the gambling bookies are being run from Mumbai. Earlier Pakistan had a foreign secretary Riaz Mohammad Khan whose wife was active service head of training in the US State Department. A Central Asian diplomat from Kazakhstan told me that: ‘if I had to marry a foreign national I would have to resign from the diplomatic service’. This joke did not stop here earlier Pakistani Defence Secretary Skindar Mirza had a full-blown affair with Nahid Afghamy wife of Col Afghamy Iranian Military Attaché to Pakistan. He later got married to her and Nahid Afghamy becomes Pakistan’s first lady of President Skindar Mirza and Army Chief Ayub Khan regularly saluted her. That was the worst security breach but that did not stop here Nahid Afghamy give full access of the presidency to her relative Nusrat Isphani (Bhutto) and her husband ZA Bhutto. She was also 2nd wife of ZA Bhutto like her. Since then we had no real oil and gas mining in Baluchistan for the past 68 years. Was that mission of Nahid Afghamy or much more? We don’t know.
During John F Kennedy’s presidency reportedly FBI chief went to the US Attorney General his boss and brother of JFK with the photos of the president with the actress Marilyn Monroe who was also linked with the mafia. He told US Attorney General the FBI thinks this affair is not appropriate. Well, it is a matter of national security who the president of Pakistan is sleeping with Ayan Ali or Nahid Afghamy? Pakistan suffered from sabotage, espionage, and terrorism even before it was fully created. In a 1995 article, `Pearls of Memory’ (Al-Nahal„ Spring 1995), M M Ahmad wrote that: ‘close to independence, l was `designated by Pakistan’ as additional deputy commissioner of Amritsar to take over the charge of the district if it was awarded to Pakistan. One day the British deputy commissioner of Amritsar told him `casually that:’Gurdaspur district is likely to go to India’. The award of Gurdaspur gave India a land corridor to Jammu and Kashmir and so enabled it to Occupy the territory after three months.
A preliminary version of the award was ready on 8th August 1947. The definitive version was with the Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten (1.1979) on 12 August. However, Mountbatten informed India and Pakistan on 16 August- after the `process of the Transfer of Power had been completed’. M M Ahmad gives no date when this `top secret’ information was given to him. However, instead of rushing to report the matter to the Government of Pakistan, he traveled to Qadiyan to inform his `khalifa’. This contrasted with I the conduct of Indian officers who immediately reported any sensitive leak or information to Nehru (d.1964) and Nehru took it up with Mountbatten. General Gracey the Army Chief of Pakistan did not send troops to the Kashmir front and refused to obey the order given by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Governor-General of Pakistan. Gracey argued that Jinnah as Governor-General represented the British Crown of which he himself was an appointee. It was the second time Pakistan missed the opportunity to take Kashmir following the ‘partition formula’. Ignoring the legitimate stand of Pakistan and MA Jinnah on Palestine Sir Zafrullah Khan (Qadiyani) was able to say publicly in Cairo ‘in February 1952 that Israel must be ‘regarded as a limb in the body of the Middle East’. He further urged Egypt to seek a peaceful solution to the conflict, in other words, to give up any thought, of liberating Arab and Palestinian lands and recognize the illegitimate occupation of Palestine. After the US-sponsored assassination of Prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan, Pakistan was led into one military alliance after another: a Mutual Defence Agreement’ with the US (May 1954), SEATO (September 1954), and Baghdad Pact (February 1955). After the overthrow of the Iraqi monarchy, Baghdad Pact was christened as CENTO (Central Treaty Organization). Although Pakistan had no security conflict in that region, ‘Zafrullah had put the country into South-East Asia Treaty Organization, without consulting or even telling the army. The commander-in-chief, ‘General Ayub Khan, said he was informed only after Pakistan had joined the alliance. The other character was M M Ahmad born in (1913-2002) was reputedly one of Pakistan’s most powerful bureaucrats. He belonged to the elite ICS (Indian Civil Service, later, (CSP or the Civil Service of Pakistan) and was a district officer in 1947, but by 1966, he had risen to head Ayub Khan’s powerful Planning Commission. He helped to shape the Country’s economic as well as defense and foreign policies. Ayub Khan also wished Arab states to join the Baghdad Pact and turn it into a `powerful Muslim forum’, but he understood why they were suspicious of the alliance. However, although he did have foreign ministers like Manzur Qadir (1959-62; d. 1972) and Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada (1966-68), both pro-western but also Pakistani, but key policy decision had also to be cleared with a Qadiyani bureaucrat M M Ahmad. Though only the head of Ayub Khan’s Planning Commission, he had come to exercise a veto over political decisions as well. Taken as someone with influence in the World Bank, he could shoot down anything by simply saying it may not go down well with Washington. According to Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada, French President de Gaulle had personally told Ayub Khan in 1967 that France was ready to provide `full’ nuclear assistance to Pakistan. In return, he simply asked that France be allowed to mine for uranium in the northwest and share it equally with Pakistan. `Our “friends” may not like it,’ M M Ahmad told Ayub, and in any case, what do we need this expensive technology for.’ Words to that effect. But that is how Pakistan missed the opportunity of becoming a nuclear power at least two decades earlier than it did – and minus all the blackmail and intimidation that knows no end. In an as yet unpublished interview, the eminent constitutional expert and authority on Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah (d.1948) and Pakistan movement, Sharifuddin Pirzada also, told Ahmed Irfan a London based journalist that as far back as October 1967, French President Charles de Gaulle (d.1970) had offered Pakistan ‘full’ nuclear assistance and know-how; the only thing he wanted, in turn, was to he (France) should be allowed to mine for uranium in Northwest Pakistan for a 50% share. In April 1965, Ayub Khan had also gone to Moscow. This was the first-ever visit by a Pakistani leader to the Soviet capital. Ayub Khan came back with the understanding that the visit `might prove a turning point in our relations and that there were tremendous possibilities of cooperation’. The Soviets had actually agreed to give military aid to Pakistan, but writing two years later Ayub Khan had to understate the achievement because the same Qadiyani bureaucrat too had vetoed this. This offer had been made by Brezhnev at a meeting set for recreation and shoot some clay pigeons outside Moscow, but with only Ayub Khan and Pirzada attending. Ayub Khan quit in March 1969 and MM Ahmed (Qadiyani) acquired yet more influence. He emerged as economic supremo of the new Chief Martial Law Administrator, General Yahya Khan (d.1980). After Yahva was forced out in December 1971, MM Ahmad continued as Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s (d.1979) economic adviser. But a few months later, he went to Washington DC and joined the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank). There he rose to be the deputy executive secretary of the joint Development Committee in 1974. However, M M Ahmad’s imprint on Pakistan’s fiscal and development policies was to last forever. As Yahya Khan’s ‘finance minister’, he devalued the rupee by 131% percent. As one economist pointed out (Dawn, Karachi, 1st February 2002), ‘that was the start of the deficit finance, inflation and trade imbalance’ from which the country has not been able to free itself. In 1974 Bhutto amended the constitution to clarify the non-Muslim slants of (the Oadiyani creed to which M M Ahmad belonged; yet influence over the country’s bureaucratic and political elite remained unaffected. Many owed their position to his patronage and almost everyone wanted to benefit front his Washington connections’. In 1993, then army chief Abdul Waheed Kakar was looking for a caretaker prime minister to replace Nawaz Sharif. M M Ahmad is believed to have solved the ‘problem. The job went to Moeen Qureshi, who had recently retired as executive vice president of the World Bank; He was given a Pakistani `passport’ on arrival. MM Ahmad kept a low profile, but after October 1999 coup, he seemed to have become the regime’s `holy man’. He was the grandson of the Qadiyani `prophet’, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani, (d.1908) and son-in-law of the second Qadiyani `khalifa’, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (d.1965). Besides being an international bureaucrat, M M Ahmad was all active `missionary’ of his Qadiyani creed. After retiring from the World Bank in 1984 he formally became the `amir’ and missionary in charge’ of the group in the US with headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. While many power holders in Pakistan seemed proud of being `secular’, for MM Ahmad, it was his `religious’ vocation as a Qadiyani that really defined his relationship with Pakistan. The relationship was in conflict with the existence of Pakistan itself. According to a Qadiyani `prophecy’, revealed a few months before the independence of Pakistan, if at all India and Pakistan did separate, it would be `transient’ and the Qadiyanis were asked to try to bring an end to this phase soon. (Al Fzal, 4 April 1947 and 17 May 194’7) We hear of M M Ahmad in another CSP officer, Qudratullhah Shihab’s memoirs, Slihab Nama, (Sang-e-Meel, Lahore, 1991) that the 1965 war with ‘India was ‘a Qadiyani conspiracy’. It was planned by an able (Qadiyani officer, Major General Akhtar Hussain Malik’ and `backed by several powerful people, among them, at the lot of list was said to be Mr MM Ahmad’. Shihab checked this with the West Pakistan governor Nawab of Kalabagh (d.1967) and he concurred.’ That the Qadiyanis have their own particular agenda on Jammu and Kashmir is an open secret. Like the Oadiyani Nobel Laureate, Abdus Salam, M M Ahmad too was opposed to Pakistan becoming a nuclear power. In an as yet unpublished interview, the eminent constitutional expert and authority on Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah (d.1948) and Pakistan movement, Sharifuddin Pirzada, told Ahmed Irfan a London based journalist that as far back as October 1967, French President Charles de Gaulle (d.1970) had offered Pakistan ‘full’ nuclear assistance and know-how; the only thing he wanted, in turn, was to be allowed to mine for uranium in Northwest Pakistan for a 50% share. President Ayub Khan said he would reply after consulting with his officials back home in Pakistan. In the event, the offer was vetoed by M M Ahmad and the army chief Yahya Khan. They warned Ayub Khan that the US would not take it kindly. Pirzada was Ayub Khan’s foreign minister and is a personal witness to the affair. M M Ahmad is also believed to have been a key architect of the split between East and West Pakistan. ‘Planned’ for the economic disparity between the two wings and laid the grounds for an eventual conflict and break. Former cabinet secretary and author of The Separation of East Pakistan (OUP, Karachi, 1995) Hasan Zaheer (d.1998) quotes Brigadier, later Major General, M I Kareem telling him that Colonel Chaudhary, Staff Officer of Lt-General S G M M Peerzada (had) told him that he had read a top-secret paper of MM Ahmed, suggesting that it was time for the friendly separation of two Wings rather than elections and warning of serious consequences for the entire country otherwise’. Peerzada was Principal Staff Officer to President Yahya and Brig. M I Kareem his deputy. For M M Ahmad, however, helping to end the `transient’ was a duty ordained by his khalifa’. Born on 28 February 1913, in Qadiyan, Gurdaspur, M M Ahmad died on 23, Ju1y 2002, Washington DC and was buried, 30th July 2002, ‘in Baltishti Maqbrah’ in Ghenahnagar (formerly Ribwah), Pakistan. The purpose of narrating the history above is to give a background to the young researchers, writers, and journalists interested in Pakistan. It was not like that from the beginning. People were loyal, motivated, and sincere with Pakistan. They were true survivors and go-getters as nothing come in their way once they decided to do something. The current structural breakdown is linked with the corrupt and compromised elite and leadership without vision and strategy. The Americans will never hire someone like Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, Altaf Hussain, or Pervez Musharraf as a manager of a small company but they don’t mind a ‘stupid’ running Pakistan. Sometimes we need ‘stupid’ like him said a US senator to a friend of mine and a Pakistani journalist in Washington.
This is a picture of our ugly bureaucracy. A poor politician corruption is nothing that BROADSHEET is claiming; Bureaucartes knows every penny of Pakistani money and where to move under their umbrella. In a recent example, Azerbhajan offered deferred payment oil, did our bureaucracy let allow it on sacrifices of their millions of dollars commission for the sake of Pakistan. But we have seen their inhumane bureaucracy act made an example without God's fear in the country where Pakistan's creation was based on Islam's Ideology. We all understand Karachi's situation during the 2000-2015 period and why this poor person was absent from his job because of fear of death due to Karachi's law and order concerns. In 2012, the Pakistani leadership sat down to sort out solutions for dealing with the menace of terrorism, and in 2013, political parties unanimously resolved on Monday 9, September 2013, at the All Parties Conference (APC), stating that negotiation with the militants should be pursued as their first option to counter-terrorism.
link to the original post along with attachments (photos)
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Cricket Betting, one of the world’s most prominent specialist cricket blogs, is set to expand its global reach having secured a significant funding round. The start-up, which has been operational for less than one year, has raised over £500K of private investment to support its next growth phase.
Having first launched in India, where it has attracted a significant social media following, the Cricket Betting team will now target a worldwide audience of cricket fans across the UK, Asia, and Australia. publishes match predictions, live scores, live commentary, in-play cricket odds comparison, and iBetting operator comparisons. Cricket Betting is a media company and do not offer actual gambling services but help iBetting operators acquire players.
Global Expansion & Enhanced Services
The Cricket Betting team has used the first portion of their £500K cash injection to purchase the domain. Cricket Betting founder Ben Brown said “We’ve learned a lot over the last year and believe we’ve developed the necessary knowledge and experience to bring our brand to a global audience. Cricket Betting has a significant following in India, but we recognise the opportunities that exist in other cricket playing nations across the world.”
The site is partnering with many of the world’s foremost sports betting platforms to provide cricket fans up to the second prematch and in-play odds checker.
The latest funding round enables the Cricket Betting team to enhance their existing product and introduce new services. They intend to relaunch next year with improved design and UX, along with a range of new functions including covering more matches, a cricket betting calculator, and a more enhanced cricket match analysis. The investment will also help fund online marketing campaigns and social media activity.
A Specialist Cricket Betting Aggregator and News Site
Cricket Betting was founded by cricket fans for cricket fans. The team recognised an opportunity to build an integrated resource combining news, head to head analysis, live scores, live commentary, and live odds comparison tool for those who like to bet on the sport. The site has amassed 150,000 Facebook followers and a significant number of regular readers who enjoy a mixture of news, opinion, tips, and sports betting site reviews. With the increased capital behind them, the team intends to launch the site across other markets.
Cricket is a hugely popular sport across the UK, Australia, South Asia, and Southern Africa, with initiatives like the Indian Premier League and Australian Big Bash, attracting a wider fanbase and opening up new betting markets. Cricket Betting can become the world’s leading cricket punters resource by reaching target audiences with quality content.
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Live betting on cricket games India

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Most Popular Sports for Betting

Soccer (Football)
Most people will be aware already, but European football is the most common sports bet and hundreds of millions are spent on it each year. It has one of the widest range of tournaments and hundreds of games per country every single week. To get an idea of the numbers: $136 Billion was wagered on the 2018 FIFA tournament with $7.2 Billion bet on the final game alone.

Offering a variety of straight forward and more complicated bets, you can stick with the major tournaments or find regular games to serve your gaming needs.

American Football
The number one attraction for sports betting in the USA is of course, the NFL. The pinnacle game is the annual Super Bowl which draws in a massive global audience. The final game had roughly $6.8 billion bet in the 2020.

Horse Racing
Alongside greyhound racing, it is a highly popular contender and has many dedicated fans trying to handicap the best racers. As an example of the figures involved, about $250 million was spent on the Kentucky Derby in 2019

Unsurpringly a big favorite in the gambling scene are the many professional and amateur league games taking place around the world.

While most of the money is centered on the major fights which make it into mainstream media, you'll find a regular flow of matches. From professional heavyweights to mixed martial arts, there is a lot of variety on offer. Fights like McGregor vs Mayweather drew in a total of $100 million

A sport that is increasingly receiving a lot more televised matches to bet on with big followings in the UK, India, Australia, Pakistan and many other countries.

Along with soccer, Rugby has a lot of big league matches every week and offers some straight forward betting if that's what you like.
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pokemon cards aren't even a thing outside the western world few countries and i don't like that hobby

collecting cards is just limited to a few countries and markets in India no one I mean no one buys cards for trading nor did pokemon ploy to sell their merch was ever successful yes pokemon merch is popular and all but none of the official stuff ever made it successfully here
only Beyblade made a splash but no cartoon collecting items get popular in India and I like it. it's just a piece of paper that usually sits around collecting dust or sealed in a packet and its not even something useful its a form of gambling tbh you open the pack thinking you find some rare gem and end up getting duds
pokemon does air but their original toys never became really popular
even the trading cards we did get were of wwe or cricket and if they didnt come in a full set no one would buy it
submitted by Stroov to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

Betting is illegal in India?

I have always been a sports fan. I have been watching and following football for the past 16 years. Mostly EPL, and I do play this non monetary fantasy game called FPL. Sports betting is a huge industry worldwide. But every sport betting site is blocked in India. I always assumed it was because Gambling is illegal in India. (Except maybe casinos with permits).
Now even though I am not into cricket (since Sachin's international retirement) I have a friend circle who talk about IPL. And more importantly this app called Dream11. It is technically a betting app. I always thought it was some low level app which will soon be banned once it comes in the limelight.
To my biggest surprise, Dream11 is the sponsor of this year's IPL. The league is literally being called Dream11 IPL. Not only that, but famous ex-national players shadow-endorse it by doing advertisements for them.
So my question is as the title suggests. Is betting illegal in India?
I do not wish to discuss the morality here, just the legality and technicality.
(There are many card game gambling apps popping on playstore too)
submitted by Darshao to india [link] [comments]

Paytm Fires Back at Google for Removing its App From the Play Store

In a surprise move, Google removed popular payments app Paytm from the Play Store on Friday. While the app got reinstated on the same day, Paytm published a blog post this weekend explaining its version of the whole app takedown situation.
In its blog post, Paytm says the company was forced to comply with Google’s order to remove UPI cashback offer and scratch cards to be back on the Play Store. The company went on to say that all Indian internet companies will be familiar with such situations due to ‘similar arm-twisting’ and ‘fear of Google’s dominance’.
According to Paytm, the incident started on September 11 when it launched a campaign dubbed ‘Paytm Cricket League’. Paytm Cricket League lets users collect stickers and scratch cards for earning UPI cashback. The company alleges that Google de-listed Paytm without even offering the company a chance to respond.
Paytm claims to have received an email on September 18 at 11:30 AM informing the takedown. “Your app contains content that doesn’t comply with the Gambling policy as it offers games with “loyalty” (e.g. engagement or activity) points that (1) are accrued or accelerated via real-money purchases which (2) can be exchanged for items or prizes of real-world monetary value,” reads the email.
Paytm believes its UPI cashback & scratch cards campaign doesn’t violate Google’s guidelines. The company mentions that driving traffic or promoting fantasy sports is not gambling. Moreover, the firm points out that Google runs similar campaigns such as ‘Tez Shots’ on Google Pay.
Google has responded to this blog post saying cashback and vouchers don’t result in a ban. “Offering cashbacks and vouchers alone do not constitute a violation of our Google Play gambling policies. Last week we reiterated our Play Store gambling policies. Our policies don’t allow online casinos or support any unregulated gambling apps that facilitate sports betting, including daily fantasy sports in India,” said a Google spokesperson.
Paytm blog
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Google pulls India’s Paytm app from Play Store for repeat policy violations

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 24%. (I'm a bot)
On Friday, Google said that Play Store prohibits online casinos and other unregulated gambling apps that facilitate sports betting in India, a day before the popular cricket tournament Indian Premier League is scheduled to kick off.
Paytm app repeatedly violated company's policies, two people familiar with the matter told TechCrunch.
The Android-maker, which maintains similar guidelines in most other markets, additionally noted that if an app leads consumers to an external website that allows them to participate in paid tournaments to win real money or cash prizes is also in violation of its Play Store policies.
A person familiar with the matter told TechCrunch that Google has also asked Disney+ Hotstar, one of the most popular on-demand video streaming services in India, to display a warning before running ads for fantasy sports apps.
"We have these policies to protect users from potential harm. When an app violates these policies, we notify the developer of the violation and remove the app from Google Play until the developer brings the app into compliance," wrote Suzanne Frey, Vice President, Product, Android Security and Privacy, in a blog post.
"And in the case where there are repeated policy violations, we may take more serious action which may include terminating Google Play Developer accounts. Our policies are applied and enforced on all developers consistently," she added.
Summary Source | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: app#1 Play#2 policy#3 sports#4 developer#5
Post found in /india, /worldnews, /IndiaSpeaks, /techcrunch, /google, /technology and /Android.
NOTICE: This thread is for discussing the submission topic. Please do not discuss the concept of the autotldr bot here.
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First day back to work after quarantine

I was looking forward to going back to work after the quarantine. Of course, new social distancing guidelines where set in place but none of us minded, and on our first day back we greeted each other behind surgical face masks with awkward forearm and fist-bumps.
We’re a small startup and we all know each other pretty well. We were all happy to see each other though I couldn’t help but feel a certain sadness at the inability to share a simple smile with them.
Before the quarantine, the desk next to mine was empty. Imagine my surprise to find it completely furnished and a man sitting there furiously at work. The man didn’t even acknowledge me as I took a seat next to him. He did seem kind of familiar, but behind his mask and long hair it was hard to be sure.
“At work already?” I asked him just to get a response to see if I could recognize his voice.
“Listen Paul, I have a lot of work to catch up on, so I’d appreciate it if you kept your shenanigans to a minimum today.”
Well that was rude I thought to myself. But he knew my name. Who was this guy?
I went over to my friend Dale and asked if he knew who he was.
“Is that Sam?” He asked. “But what’s he doing in that desk?”
“He does kinda look like Sam. Is Sam here? I didn’t see him.”
“Go up to him and call him Sam and see if he responds.”
“Good idea.” I walked up to the guy. “So, what you working on Sam?” He paused for a second. Looked at me, scoffed, then said,
“I told you not to bug me today, Paul.”
“Yeah, I know, but Sam,” I dragged out ‘Sam’, paused, made sure to make eye contact, then continued, “I just wanted…” I froze.
“Excuse me.” I realized I didn’t prepare anything to say and walked away back to Dale glad I was wearing a mask that hid my embarrassment.
“Don’t think that’s Sam.” I said to him.
“You sure?”
“Whelp… not really.”
At lunch time the group of us who usually eat together convened at our usual spot in the complex’s cafeteria. Sam was a part of this group, but he didn’t appear. There was four of us not including Sam. Dale brought up the new guy. Pradeep, an engineer, and sci-fi nerd suggested, “Perhaps he is from an alternate dimension and has become dimensionally displaced here. I had an uncle back in India who disappeared only to reappear a month later claiming he had never left. This stuff happens you know. There are plenty cases.”
“Or maybe,” Xian Zu, I’m not sure what Xian Zu does here, said, “Or maybe this guy murder Sam. Rip his face off, and wear as mask and now try to pass as him.” He went casually back to stirring his salad with his fork. We all had our masks pushed up over our noses.
“Two very strong hypothesis.” I said, then finished my lunch.
Let me let you in on what kind of company we are. We are based in the San Francisco bay area. We are a startup founded by this guy named Emerald Hugh. Yeah, that’s his real name. No one has ever seen him in person except Luka. Luka is our boss here at the office and Emerald’s secondhand man. Anyway, what we’re working on, (I really should not be disclosing this) is teleportation. Supposedly, Emerald demonstrated a teleportation device to a handful of elite investors who wasted no time in funding his venture. I’ve been here a year and would be lying if I said that I’ve so much as seen the device.
I work in marketing but it’s hard to market something you’ve never seen, so I spend most of my day reading, or writing, or just browsing reddit.
Back in the office, I sat in my desk. The new guy hadn’t seemed to move. He was still typing away. I tried to get some work done but had a hard time concentrating. I looked over at the new guy. I then thought to ask Luka about him.
“Hey Luka.”
“‘ello Pol! Pol yes?” He didn’t recognize me at first because of the mask. “Of course, how you are?” He was Polish or Czech or something. His hair was short and bleached. He was very slim, wore tight clothes, so many bracelets, and was kind of effeminate. Even behind his surgical mask there was no way of confusing him.
“I’m good Luka, I was just wondering if there were any new hires over the whole quarantine thing.”
“New hires? No. We lucky to even not haf to fire anybody over quarantine. How come?”
“No, no reason, I was just… Do you know who that person is?” I pointed to the new guy.
“Hmm…” he said then typed at his computer. “Say here that desk is empty. Who is that?”
“I don’t know. And no one else seems to either.” He stood up then started to make his way to him. Luka was nice but had a certain lack of tact that could border on rudeness.
“‘ello! How you are doing?” I imagine he smiled at him behind his mask.
The guy looked up at him, ignored him, then went back to work.
“’ello! I talking to you!” He slapped his desk and the rest of the office looked over. The guy stopped typing.
“Yes? Who you are, my friend?”
“Luka, I am swamped with work today, Emerald himself emailed me…”
“Yes.” He showed Luka the email.
“Ok, but my friend who you are. Can you remove mask please?” He was about to but stopped.
“No, we’re not allowed to.”
“Just quick. Like this.” Luka took his mask off then put it back on.
“I’d rather not.”
“What is your name?”
“What do you mean?”
“No, I’m not Sam.”
“Then who you are?” The entire office was silent looking over at him.
“What do you mean? I’m Jack.” Luka looked at me. He was just as confused as I was. I didn’t know any Jack.
“Jack? And what you do here Jack?”
“What do you mean?”
“No one here knows who you are, Jack.” I put in. He scoffed at me again. Then laughed “We’re not joking.”
“Wha… you’re serious?” I nodded yes. “What do you mean?
“I mean, nobody here knows you.” I repeated
“February. We were all there at your house for your birthday party. And, and…” He looked at me. I did have a birthday party last February. It was the last party before the quarantine. I was drunk, and it was where I made the biggest mistake of my life. I cheated on my wife that night with one of the women who works here. “I saw you.” My heart sank.
“What are you talking about?”
“I saw you and Tra—”
“Shut up!” I yelled at him. Luka jumped.
“How could you say no one knows me?” He stood up and looked around the office at everyone. “What do you mean no one knows me, Paul?” he was almost pleading now.
“Janie? You know who I am don’t you?” Janie nodded no. “What do you mean no?” Then his pleading eyes turned vindictive. “I forged your application so that you could get a job here.” Luka looked across the room at her. “Pradeep?” ‘Jack’ went on. “Surely you know who I am. How many times did you call me asking for advice on your expired visa? Tracy? You know me, right? Or else how would I know that you’ve fucked half the guys in this office? Adam? Have you stopped molesting your sister’s daughter? Have you and George scrubbed your hard drives of all that kiddie porn like I told you?” Chatter rose amongst my coworkers. “Do you still cross dress at nights, Steve? And what about you Anna, how many bottles of wine are you up to now? Simon, where’s Simon. Did you cancel the credit cards the hooker stole from you the other night? Nguyen, do you need another loan to pay off your gambling debts? No one here knows me, huh? Really no one? Not even you Dale? I thought we were friends the way you confided in me that you actually enjoyed it when the priest touched you as a child. You too Elaina? You also don’t know me? Just like you don’t know your own son who you admitted to me you feel no love for. Alex here takes pictures up the skirts of all the females and Doug uploads them on porn sites. Xian Zu asked me were he could find a nice goat that he could fuck just like he used to back in China. Emily comes to work with a butt plug up her ass. John despite thumping his bible is a closeted homosexual. I know all this about every one of you, yet no one here knows me?
“And what about you Luka? I know you too. I know that you and Emerald are having an affair behind his wife’s back. Imagine the financial chill that that knowledge would send down the spines of your investors. Speaking of which, the biggest secret of all; the lie of teleportation. There is no teleportation device, never has been. The investors were lied to, Emerald showed them some sort of quantum anomaly that he promised he could make marketable, but it’s impossible. He knows it. You know it, and if it is ever discovered that the investors were lied to, it’s the end of this company and prison time for the two of you…” The entire office went quiet.
About an hour later, I emailed everyone except Jack about what we should do. Luka replied, ‘Don’t worry. I will take care.’
Five o’clock came around, and as Jack got up to leave Luka came up behind him and hit him in the back of the head with a lamp. There were gasps but no one reproached Luka or tried to help Jack. Then Xian Zu leapt from his desk and with a pen fell on Jack and stabbed him in the eye. The pain was bringing Jack out of his blackout when Dale approached him and stabbed him in the neck with a small knife. Jack began to scream then Elaina smacked him with a keyboard. Pradeep, with a cricket bat he kept under his desk whacked him on the back of his head, cracking his skull. Slowly all my coworkers joined in with other assorted office supplies and beat him to death.
submitted by CT963 to cryosleep [link] [comments]

How to Bet on Cricket at Parimatch India?

How to Bet on Cricket at Parimatch India?

How to Bet on Cricket at Parimatch India?
If you are looking for the top-rated bookmaker in India that offers various betting options, you must go for Parimatch. This online gambling platform was created to provide different cricket betting options and bet on other famous sports like volleyball, football, basketball, rugby, and esports. All the cricket fans can find different local and global match leagues like T20 World Cup, IPL (Indian Premier League) Caribbean Premier League, International matches, etc. In this article, we will explain the different betting options on cricket, and other famous sports at Parimatch.

Ways to Do Cricket Betting at Parimatch

Before you begin betting on cricket at Parimatch India, you must understand the entire rules of playing. This will help you place bets according to playing. At Parimatch, you can find several popular cricket tournaments where the players get the chance to access them all. Being one of the top-most bookmakers with great cricket betting odds, you have a wide range of markets to select from, like T20, One Day, Test Match, Tournament Winner, and others.

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Cash Out

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Parimatch India offers an extensive range of choices in every aspect. If you want a great experience in online betting, Parimatch is best in that range. With a great customer base and services, this gambling platform stands out from other gambling platforms.
submitted by gusarovwork to u/gusarovwork [link] [comments]

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candy cannot cant can’t cap car cardboard cards career carnival carolina carrot cars cary cash casual cat cats cat’s cause cause” cayman celebrate celebration central century cereal ceremony ch chad chains champagne change changed characters charger cheese cheeseburger chef‍‍‍ chemistry chicken child childish children‍ children‍‍ children‍‍‍ children‍‍‍‍‍ chili chill china chinese chips chocolate christ christianity christmas️ christmas️️ christmas️️️ christmas️️️️ chugoku church cigarette cinema circle city clap classroom clean cleaning click clock cloth clothes cloudy cloud️ cloud️️️ cloud️️️️️ cm cn co coast coat cock cocktail coconut code coding coffee cog cold college colors comet comment️ comment️️ comment️️️ communication compensation computer concern confirm️️️ confused congrats congratulations connection consider console construction‍️ construction‍️‍️ consultant container continue convert cook cookie cooking cool copyright️️ copyright️️️ countdown country couple court‍️‍️ court‍️‍️‍️‍️ covid19 cow cow” co² crab crazy create creativity creature creepy cricket crossing cruise crush cry crying crystal cs cu culture cummies cummy cumreview cupid cupped curious cursing cussing custom cut cz dad daddy dam dance dance” dancing danger dank dark dart dash data date dating dawn de dead deadly deadpan death december deer degree delete deleted️ delicious demon denied denmark deny depressed desert design despise dessert destination detective️‍️ developed‍ developed‍‍ developed‍‍‍ developed‍‍‍‍ developed‍‍‍‍‍ developer‍‍ developer‍‍‍ developing‍ developing‍‍ developing‍‍‍ developing‍‍‍‍‍ develop‍ develop‍‍ develop‍‍‍ devil diagonal️ diagonal️️️ diamond diamonds️️️ diamonds️️️️ dick dicks die dig dildo dildos ding dinner dinosaur direction disabled disappointed disbelief disco disease dislike display divide diy dj dk dm doctor‍️ doctor‍️‍️ doctor‍️‍️‍️ doctor‍️‍️‍️‍️ doctor‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️ documents dog doge dollar dollars dolls dolphin dominican donate door dork doubt dove down dragon drama draw drawing dream dress drink drip driving drizzle drug drugs drum drunk dumb dusk dutch dvd eagle ear early earth east eat economic economy education ee egg eight elder electricity elephant email embarrassed embarrassing emergency emoji emojis employees empty end energy enforcement‍️ enforcement‍️‍️‍️‍️ engagement engineer‍ england english enter️ enter️️ enter️️️ enter️️️️ entrance environment epic er error et euro european evening event evil exam exclamation exercise exit exit” experience experiment explode explosion express extinct eye eyes face factory fail failure fall family fancy farming fart fashion fast father favorite fax fearful feet‍️ feet‍️‍️ feet‍️‍️‍️ feet‍️‍️‍️‍️ feet‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️ female fencing fighting filing film films financial find finger fingers fire fireworks first fish fist five fix flag flame flex flight flipping floor flower flowers flu flushed fly fog food football forbidden formal formula fortnite forward four fr frame france free french fresh friend friendship fries frozen fruit fuck fucked fucker fuckers fucking fuck— fuk full fun funeral funny future ga gamble game games garbage gas gay️‍ gay️‍️‍ gay️‍️‍️‍ ge gear gem gender general gentleman genuinely german get gf gift girl girlfriend girls git giết giờ glad glass globe gloves goat goblin going gold golf good goodbye good” goofy gorilla government graduate‍‍ grasp grass graveyard great green grimace grinning groceries gross group guess guinea guitar gun gun” gust guy guy… haha haha” hair hall halloween halo hamburger hammer hand hands hands’ happiness️ happiness️️ happiness️️️ happy hard hard” hash️⃣️⃣ hat hate have head headphones health healthcare‍️ healthy hear heart heartbreak hearts️ hearts️️ heaven hedgehog heis helicopter hello help herb here here” herzegovina hey hi high highway hilarious him‍ hippie hipster‍️ hipster‍️‍️ history hit ho hobby hoe hoes hole home homosexual️‍ homosexual️‍️‍ honey hoot hope horn horns horse hospital hot hotdog hotel house houses how how12 hr hug hugs huh human hundred hurricane hurt i icon id idea idiot idiots ie ikea ill increase india indian‍️ industrial‍ industrial‍‍ industrial‍‍‍ industry info information injured ink innocent insect instrument insulting intelligent interest interested international internet interstate into️ into️️ into️️️ invest invested iphone ip️ ip️️ iraq is islam islamic island islands isle israel iss issue️ issue️️ issue️️️ italian italy ive i‘ve i’d i’ll i’ve jacket japan japanese jar jaws jazz je jeans jesus️ jesus️️ jesus️️️ jewish job join joint jordan joy jump justice‍️ justice‍️‍️‍️ kanye karate kawaii kek kevin key keyboard kfc kg ki kick kid kids kill killer kills king kingdom kiss kissing kiss— kitchen kitten knew knife know knowing knowledge knows koala kong korea label labor‍️ labor‍️‍️ labor‍️‍️‍️ lady landing language laptop‍ laptop‍‍ laptop‍‍‍ late laugh laughing launch lawn lawrence law‍️ law‍️‍️ law‍️‍️‍️ lb leader learn learn’ leaves leave‍️ leave‍️‍️ leave‍️‍️‍️ left leftovers legal‍️ legal‍️‍️ legal‍️‍️‍️ legend lemon length leone lesbian️‍ lesbian️‍️‍ lesbian️‍️‍️‍ less letter️ letter️️ letter️️️ lettuce lgbt️‍ lgbt️‍️‍ lgbt️‍️‍️‍ li library license️ lie lies lie” life life️ light lightning like likes limbs limit line️ line️️ line️️️ link lips liquid liquor listen literature lmao load location lock lol lollipop look look… loop lord loser losing lost loud love lt luck lucky lunch lv100 mac machine mad maggot magic mail male mall man manager‍ manager‍‍ manager‍‍‍ man” map mark marriage mask massage️ master math mc52 mcdonalds mcdonald’s meal mean meat medicine mega meh melon meme memes memo men men’s meow message messages metal metro mexican mexico mg microphone midday middle midnight milestone military milk mind minor mm moai mom mom” money mongols mongolsbetter monitor monkey monster month️ month️️ month️️️ moo moon moon️️ moon️️️ more morning morocco mother motorcycle mountain mouse moustache mouth movie moving mr mt muscle music mute mürœ mắt nail namaste name nap nasa nation nature neck needle nemo nervous never new new” next nfl ni nigga niggas night nine ninjas no noise noon nope north northern nose note notes nothing noticed notification no” nuclear numbers nurse‍️ nurse‍️‍️ nursing nut obtain ocean octopus office oh‍️ ok okay okëî ok… old ole omg omg⁄ on one one️hour open orange order other out owl ox pa package paint painter‍ pair palm panda paper parents parent‍ parent‍‍ parent‍‍‍ parking️ parking️️ parking️️️ party pass password pasta paul pause pay paycheck payment peace peach peehle peek pen pencil people percent perfect person pet philippines phone photo physics pick pickle picture pie pig pill pineapple pink pirate pissed pistol pizza place planet plane‍️ plane‍️‍️ plane‍️‍️‍️ planning plant play please please” podcast point poison poisoned poker poland police‍️ police‍️‍️ police‍️‍️‍️ pool poop pork potato potty pouch pound power practice practicing praise prank pray prayer present presentation president press previous️ previous️️ previous️️️ price pride prime princess privacy problem️ problem️️ problem️️️ professor‍ professor‍‍ profile program programmer‍‍ programming progress propose proud pt pt3 pub public pumpkin pumps puppy purchase push pussy queen queer️‍️‍ question quick11 quiet quirky quit quiz rabbit race‍️ race‍️‍️ race‍️‍️‍️ radio rage rain rainbow raised ram ramen ran random rat razor read reading realised realized record recording recovery red reddit registered️ registered️️ relax relaxed️️️ relief relieved religion religion” religious remove repeat republic rest restaurant restricted return️ return️️ return️️️ reunion revolver rice rich right ring rings rip️ rip️️ rip️️️ road roar robot rocket‍ rocket‍‍ rocket‍‍‍ rock‍️ rock‍️‍️ rock‍️‍️‍️ rodent rofl roll rolling rose round royalty rs rude rules run running‍️ running‍️‍️ running‍️‍️‍️ rush russian sad sahara said️ said️️ said️️️ sake sale sales sale” san sand sandwich sandwich” santa sarcasm satan satellite satisfied save say scale scared scary schedule school science scissors️ scissors️️️ score scottish scout scream screen scribble️ scroll sea sealed search season’️ season️ season️️ season️️️ seat second secret security see seems seller senior serbia serious servers service seven sewage shake shape️ shape️️ shape️️️ shape️️️️️ shark shave sheep shell shh shhh shield shiny shiny… ship‍️ ship‍️‍️ ship‍️‍️‍️ shirt shit shitpost shit” shock shocked shoes shoot shopping shot show shower shrimp shy sick sideways️ sideways️️ sideways️️️ sierra sight sign signal silence silent silk silly silver sing sir sit six skeleton skeptics skill‍️ skull sky sleep sleeping slow smart smash smell smile smoke smoke” smoking smug snack snake sneakers sneeze sniff sniper snow snowman soccer socks soda software‍ software‍‍ software‍‍‍ somalia soon sorcerer‍️ sorry sound soup south southern space‍ space‍‍ space‍‍‍ sparkle spa‍️‍️ speak speaker speaking spear special speech speed spent spicy spider spin spiral spoke spooky️ spooky️️ spooky️️️ spoon sports spots spring spy️‍️️‍️ squid squirrel sr stadium stage stalk star starbucks starbucks4 stare starry stars start started states station steps‍️‍️ steps‍️‍️‍️ stew stone stop stopped stripes strong strong… student study stuffed stunned stupid‍️ stupid‍️‍️ stupid‍️‍️‍️ style subreddit success suck sucked sucking sucks suit suits️️️ sum summer sun sunflower sunny️ sunny️️️ sunset support surgery surprise surprised surrender sushi swearing sweat sweden sweet swift swim swimming swirl sword symbols symphony syringe taco tag taiwan talk tap tape tape” target tea teach team tears tech technology teenager teeth telephone️️️ television tell telling temperature temple tennis terrified territories territory terrorism test testé text th thank thanks theater therapist‍️ therapist‍️‍️ therapist‍️‍️‍️ things think thinking third thirst thirsty this this” thot three throne through ticket tickets tiger time tired titanic to tobacco toddler toilet tomato tone tongue tool tools top top” tornado torture️ torture️️️ toy tracking train training️‍️ training️‍️️‍️ training️‍️️‍️️‍️ tram transgender️‍️‍ transgender️‍️‍️‍ trash trash” travel tree triangle triton‍️‍️ triumph truck trump trust truth tshirt tsunami tube turd turkey turtle tv twilight twisted twitter️⃣ twitter️⃣️⃣ twitter️⃣️⃣️⃣ two type tấn u uber ukraine uk‍️ uk‍️‍️‍️ uncle unconscious undead‍️ underage underground undo️️️ unicorn union united university unlock up upset ur urban usa user v vacation vatican vegas vehicle vhs victory video videogames viet vietnam view violence violin virgin volume vomit vomiting vortex vs và vöcëë wait wake walking‍️ walking‍️‍️ walking‍️‍️‍️ want wanted wanting warm warning watch water wave wavy wax way️ way️️ way️️️ wealthy weapon weather website weed weight weird western wet whale what wheelchair when where whine who whoa wholesome️ wholesome️️ why wifi wild win win10 win7 wind wine wings wink winning winter wish witch‍️‍️ witch‍️‍️‍️ wizard‍️‍️ wolf woman women womens wont won’t woof words work worker‍️ worker‍️‍️ worker‍️‍️‍️ working work world world’ worm worried worship worst wow wrench‍‍‍ write writing x xd ye yea yeah yellow yen yes yo yoga‍️ yoga‍️‍️ you young your youre yours you’re yum yummy zap zen‍️‍️ zero zoom ʃx ‍ ‍‍ ‍‍‍ ‍️ ‍️‍‍ ‍️‍️buuuut… ‘asian ‘coder’‍‍‍ ‘coding’ ‘frog’ ‘fun ‘fun’ ‘i ‘moo ‘mouse’ ‘new ‘out ‘pink “ass “bless “bread” “cock “gay”️‍️‍️‍ “good “hey “hot “how “huh “i “i’ll “look “man “meow” “ok “perfect” “shit “sir “talk “this “up “what “why “you’re ”fuck ↓ ╚═███═╝ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣤⣤⣄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡿⠟⠉⠉⠉⢻⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ あなたは私のことを何と言ったの?私がネイビーシールズでクラスのトップを卒業したことを知ってもらいます。アルクエダで数々の秘密の襲撃に関与しており、300人以上の殺害が確認されています。私はゴリラ戦の訓練を受けており、全米軍の中で最高の狙撃兵です。あなたは私には何の役にも立たず、ただの別のターゲットです。この地球上でこれまで見られなかったような正確さで性交を一掃します、私のクソ言葉をマークします。あなたはインターネットで私にそのたわごとを言うことで逃げることができると思いますか?もう一度考えて、ファッカー。私たちが話している間、私はアメリカ中のスパイの秘密のネットワークに連絡しており、あなたのipは現在追跡されているので、嵐、うじ虫の準備をよりよくすることができます。あなたが人生と呼ぶ哀れな小さなことを一掃する嵐。お前は死んだぞ私はどこにでも、いつでもいることができ、700以上の方法であなたを殺すことができます。それは私の素手だけです。私は非武装戦闘で広範囲に訓練されているだけでなく、私は米国海兵隊の兵器全体にアクセスでき、大陸の顔からあなたの惨めなお尻を拭き取るためにそれを最大限に使用します、あなたはちょっとくそ。もしあなただけが、あなたの小さな「賢い」コメントがあなたに降りかけようとしている不誠実な報復が何であるかを知ることができたなら、たぶんあなたはあなたのクソ舌を握っていただろう。しかし、あなたはできなかったし、そうしなかったし、今やあなたは代価を払っているのだ。私はあなたのいたるところに激怒し、あなたはそれに溺れます。お前は死んだぞ、キッド️️ ️ ️although ️‍ ️‍️ ️‍️‍️‍ ️⃣ ️️ ️️️ � 𝓼𝓱𝓾𝓽 𝓾𝓹
submitted by MalOuija to copypasta [link] [comments]

The Candyman - How cotton candy ruined my life.

This is one of the first stories I've written for nosleep, and contains some bits and pieces of my own childhood. I think it makes for a good first entry to this sub from my side. Cheers!
This is an account of something that happened to me around 30 years ago, back when I was just a child. What happened to me that day was so terrifying that just thinking about it sets my heart racing. In fact, my hand is shaking even now as I try and type this out. But I think it is beyond time I let this off my chest. It is up to you if you want to believe this or not, by now I'm used to people thinking I'm all kinds of crazy.
Back in the late eighties before the Babri mosque had been demolished, my family was living comfortably in a small town in central India. Internet's reach hadn't yet extended to our little corner of the world. Hell, our family couldn't even afford a television, and the only entertainment we had as kids was other kids. As it goes for small towns like ours, almost everyone knew everyone else, and we always had a large group of kids to play with. This was of course before communal violence swept the nation such that even the playgrounds began to be divided along religious lines.
By far our most favourite activity was playing cricket, as it was and continues to be for most South Asian kids. Every week, we would each get 2 rupees, with the condition being that the losing team had to pool its money and treat the winners. It added stakes to our matches, and even led to fights, but it sure was something to look forward to each Sunday. My father was against this, arguing that it teaches kids to gamble, so I had to sneak off to my much soft hearted mom to pay for my share.
This was how it was on every Sunday at around 4 pm - I would take my cricket bat, strap it to the back of my bicycle and ride to the playground. Our cricket field was just a wide open space next to a seldom used basketball court about 2-3 kilometres away from my house. My parents weren't particularly irresponsible, so it is still a wonder to me that I was allowed to go that far all alone at such a young age.
The little playground was oddly positioned, the only buildings near it were an old post office and some abandoned houses. If it hadn't been for us kids, our town would have just forgotten about that area. The streetlights on the road some distance away were the only artificial source of light there, so believe me when I say this, when it got dark, it would get very creepy and none of us liked to stay there after sunset.
It was a Sunday like any other. After a lot of begging and pleading, I had convinced my mother to give me the money and happily ridden my bike to the field. I remember being one of the first ones to arrive that day, setting up the stumps and impatiently waiting for the others. There were about 20 of us, all from different socio-economic and religious backgrounds, all united by boredom and cricket. I would never have such a diverse group of friends ever again in my life, especially with what happened in Ayodhya a couple of years later.
We won the match that day, and I remember playing exceptionally well myself. The sun had started to go down, the sky was a sickly shade of orange, and we were chatting about the match, and deciding where to go for the treat, when I felt an intense urge to pee. Asking my friends to wait for me, I decided to go relieve myself on the walls of the old post office. Yes, I had terrible civic sense back then. As I unzipped my pants, I could hear them laughing and leaving, thinking it would be hilarious to leave me alone in the dark. I quickly did my business, zipped up my pants and turned around, ready to get out of there, when I saw him.
He was standing next to a bicycle, with a wall of cotton candy behind him, somehow attached to his cycle. His face was tilted to the left and he had this strangest squint, with both of his eyes pushing painfully rightward, such that his pupils were just tiny black specks in the white expanse of his eyes. He had a very dry mouth that pushed inward, parched and toothless like an old man's, which was bizarre since he clearly looked very young. I stood frozen to the spot as I saw him, unable to believe what I was looking at. The next second, my heart jumped as he rang the bell on his bicycle.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
The hair on the back of my neck stood up. Imagine you're all alone in the middle of an empty field, and a strange, squinty-eyed man with his head tilted to the side is standing right in front of you, ringing the bell on his bicycle, while not even looking at you.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
In short bursts of three. Tring, Tring, Tring. My brain tried to rationalise it, maybe he was just a candy seller, albeit bang in the middle of an empty, dark playground with no one here but the two of us. My parents had always warned me about strangers who tried to kidnap kids by giving them poisoned candy. But this was much more terrifying than that.
After a short while, I gathered up what little courage I had.
"What… What do you want?" I asked, my voice much more lower pitched than what it usually was.
At that, he stopped ringing the bell and for a few moments the both of us stood motionless, in complete silence as the last Tring echoed uncomfortably around us. Then suddenly, his face jerked into a straight position, and his pupils moved to the centre of his eyes, such that he was staring directly into my own.
"Tring, Tring, Tring." He whispered, his soft voice still sounding loud and clear in my ears.
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
His mouth turned into the most frightening, toothless smile I had seen as he kept on whispering.
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
All rational thought fled my body, as I just ran from there, forgetting everything. I forgot that I left my bike back there, forgot where I was running to, just ran, with survival the only thing on my brain. I didn't know how I knew it, but I just knew that if I delayed running by even a second, I was going to die. Pain exploded in my legs as my feet pounded the ground, desperate as I was to flee from this.
I was screaming and crying as I ran, not looking behind me, yet somehow knowing he was right on my heels. My fears were confirmed when I felt his breath on my neck and heard him whisper, right into to my ears.
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
I stumbled, and fell. Fear and hopelessness took over my body. I felt like a cornered rat who knew he was about to be swallowed up by a snake. Reluctantly, I looked around, and saw that he wasn't anywhere close to me. He was still standing there, exactly where I had left him, staring at the spot where I had stood just a moment ago. I didn't stick around to see what would happen next, and ran from there, only stopping at the front door of my house, where I collapsed in exhaustion.
My mother herself was scared out of her wits when she found me on the doorstep, reduced to a blubbering mess. Through my tears, I tried explaining what had happened , not knowing how much she understood. I would later find out that my parents thought someone was trying to kidnap me. If only it was something that rational.
My ammi hugged me and I finally calmed down. Even my older sister, Fatima, was sympathetic towards me for once. That evening, my father went out and got my bicycle back. He was furious at me, that I was still going out and playing cricket using money, that I was going all the way there alone even though he had never objected to that ever before; but most of all, he was upset that he had almost lost me. He took me to the police station to file a complaint, but the cops weren't interested. We came from an underprivileged family, and I hadn't even been hurt in any way, so they pretty much ran us out of the station.
That night I was lying in bed with eyes wide open, with the rusted ceiling fan creaking as it rotated slowly. I had seen far too much that day to sleep comfortably. I don't know how much time had passed, with me just staring at the ceiling when I heard that scarily familiar sound again.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
It was unmistakably the sound of that god-awful bell, this time coming from right outside my room. I closed my eyes, pulled my blanket above my head, pretending that I hadn't heard anything.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
The sound continued for what felt like hours, finally ceasing after whatever was making that noise realised I wasn't going to take the bait.
It had been a good while after the sound of the bell had stopped, when I peeked out of the blanket, and pulled the curtains aside.
He was still there, silently standing next to his bike, his spindly body being illuminated by the moonlight. Face tilted, eyes squinting to the right, he was as frightening as I remembered him to be. He must have sensed me, because as soon as I saw him, he started ringing the bell again.
I shivered in fear, and began calling for my sister, making sure to keep my voice down to a whisper.
"Fatima." I said, urgently. "Fatima. Wake up. Please!"
She didn't move.
"Please." I said, my voice cracking. The bell continued to ring.
She slowly began to stir in her bed and the ringing immediately stopped. She yawned and looked at me.
"What happened?" She asked, her eyes beginning to widen as she saw the fear in mine.
"It's him." I whispered, tears running down my face. "He's outside."
She immediately jerked upright, and pulled aside the curtains. There was no one there.
"There's no one." She said, looking at me suspiciously. "Go back to sleep."
I knew that she didn't believe me, that she thought I was making it all up, including what I said had happened earlier in the evening. She pulled the curtains back and went off to sleep again. She might have not believed me but I knew it was real. I was as alert as I had ever been, straining my ears for the sound the bell, but it wouldn't come again that night.
I checked my watch. It was 3 AM and I needed to pee. I tried to hold it in for as long as I could, but a time came when I just had to go. There was no way that I was going to wet the bed, even as scared as I was. After my bladder became intolerable, I decided to brave the journey to the bathroom.
As I got to the bathroom door I sensed that something was wrong. I could feel this presence inside and I knew that I should have walked away then and there, but I pushed the door open with trembling hands, and my hunch was proven correct. I saw a figure in the corner, his back turned towards me, the darkness thickening around his silhouette. Even though I couldn't see him, I knew who he was. He began to furiously whisper, his soft voice sounding like it was coming from right next to me.
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
I screamed with all my might and fell backwards. He turned, his eyes shining as they focused on me, and he gave me that fucked up smile of his. I began to crawl backwards, screaming my lungs out. I soon felt arms around me, and jumped, thinking that he had got me, but no. It was Fatima. She was looking at him, her eyes wide in fear. She finally realised that I had been speaking the truth all along.
"Go get Abbu." She screamed and I got up and ran, screaming for my father with tears blurring my vision. The last thing I saw was Fatima trying to close the bathroom door, before I was out of the room and ran into the solid frame of my father. He pushed me aside and strode into our room. But I didn't stop running, not until I found my mother and quickly wrapped myself around her legs, crying hysterically. She began to comfort me, running her hand through my hair.
Just when I thought the madness was coming to an end, my father let out a yell, full of such anguish that I had never heard in his voice before, or ever again. Ammi quickly walked to our room, with me following closely behind, albeit a little reluctantly. She gasped as she entered the room, and I understood why. What I saw there chilled me to the bone, and has haunted me to this day.
Fatima's lifeless body was lying on her bed, with large tufts of cotton candy sticking out of her mouth.
submitted by Mandahrk to TheCrypticCompendium [link] [comments]

[Post match thread Match 40, ICC CWC IND vs BAN]

India 314/9
KL Rahul 77
RG Sharma 104
Mustafizur Rahman 10-1-59-5
Bangladesh 286 (48/50 overs)
Shakib Al Hasan 66
Mohammad Saifuddin 51
Jasprit Bumrah 10-1-55-4
HH Pandya 10-0-60-3

India won by 28 runs

MOTM: Rohit Sharma

Match links: Cricinfo
Talking points:
Virat Kohli, who also gives Mortaza a few words of comfort as the two cross: "Bangladesh have played some really good cricket in this tournament. Even till the last ball was bowled, they batted with intended. It's good to have 'Q' (qualified) on the points table now. This will keep us in a good frame of mind going into the semi-finals. (Five bowlers) Look, we experienced that Hardik when put under pressure has come back really well. He's really looking forward to do stuff for the team. He has a gut feel of what the batsman is looking to do. I know five bowlers was a gamble, but it was keeping in mind the ground dimensions. We wanted to play the perfect combination for the small boundary. (On Rohit) I have been watching it for years now. He's the best One-day player around and we are so delighted to see him. When he plays like that, everybody is happy to see him strike this so well. (On Bumrah) His overs were always going to be crucial, so that's why we stopped him after four initially. He's a world-class bowler and he just knows what he's up against. We can look to capitalise on situations where we are in a position to score those extra 30 runs. Very happy with the way the team has played so far. Thank you - the fans have been magnificent."
Mashrafe Mortaza: "This was a good effort, but we had to win this match. (On partnerships) If one of them could have been 80-90, it could have been a different match, but 47-50 is asking a bit much. We could have had a bit more luck, but Shakib Al Hasan has been in superb form, and Mushfiq has batted beautifully. Rohit's catch was obviously disappointing, but those things happen in the field. (On Pakistan game) We have played our best, and fans have been fantastic. Hopefully we will end on a good note."
Player of the match is Rohit Sharma: "I had a great feeling right at the start. It's a great pitch to bat on. The first game against South Africa, I had to take my time. Against England as well, the pitch was two-paced, and they used the conditions really well. There was no question of scoreboard batting first, so that's what I had to do. I was lucky (early on)...fortune favours the brave. I never think about the shorter boundaries when I bat, because my game is all about piercing the field. Once you are set, the idea is to put pressure on the bowlers. (Four hundreds in one World Cup) Oh I thought I just got a 100 today. My mantra is whatever has happened in the past is in the past. Those in form have to bat long and get the team to a big score. I need to focus on the next game now."
submitted by ghemanth90 to Cricket [link] [comments]

While Game Of Satta Matka Is Simple Tips, Its Betters Need To Be win

While Game Of Satta Matka Is Simple Tips, Its Betters Need To Be win
Its Game of Gambling betting, also known that’s satta matka in India games, but nowadays players play games online. It’s have so many website to play games online. Many of the satta and madhur day organizers are gone of the online betting gamers to taking lots of games changes in the way the kalyan matka and Milan day matka betting is done games. Players are encouraged to win the games and taking the games running games win the all the games because games are the best tips of matka, so that the games players fix matka jodi is elicited and they win the given betting bets ank. This is the best and getting tips very well of the games scenario of the games of win the tips, where the bets can be placed in horse racing or in case of cricket matches. In the today and present day scenario of games matka satta, Milan day and matka games players can easily find the games options through play games online matka sites and bring in games luck with lots of reasoning number ank to winthe satta and kalyan matka games. It’s a very simple to play any gambling games because of lots of website to play games online now day play prefer to play the games online satta matka.
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submitted by dpking143 to u/dpking143 [link] [comments]

MS Dhoni and the art of timing

MS Dhoni and the art of timing
Perhaps it is the only time in MS Dhoni's career that his timing didn't work out for the best, although naturally it was still the opposition who suffered. It's when Dhoni unintentionally made sure that a Pakistani player's potential date with an Indian fan wasn't to be. He couldn't be blamed for it though. And no, it's not what you think.
The story dates back to August 2004 when India A were on that now famous tour of Kenya where the first chapter of the Dhoni legend was written. The setting was the Gymkhana Club Ground in Nairobi. Like he did in literally every game of the tri-series, Dhoni was toying with the Pakistan A bowlers, hitting boundaries for fun. Not that one member of the opposition, who had been positioned by the long-off fence, was complaining.
Not only had he caught the eye of the Indian woman in the stands, but he had managed to exchange a few sweet nothings with her in between overs - to the extent that she had agreed to meet for dinner that evening. It was then that the Pakistani fielder in question, who had been brought up to mid-off, saw Dhoni launch the ball with great force over his head and into the stands. What he recalls next is the sight of paramedics rushing towards that area of the ground before attending to his "date", who had been struck a painful blow on her leg, followed by him ordering room service and dining in solitude that night.
An unfortunate incident for sure, but as far as Dhoni was concerned he couldn't have timed it better - both the six and the knock. It was to be his first-ever century against an international team. Three days later, he'd produce an encore though no "dates" are known to have been disrupted. The man who the Pakistan A coaching staff had described as a "qawal (folk singer) who looked like he'd come to play the drum" had shown them, the Indian selectors and the world that he was made for the big league.
By sheer coincidence, it also happened to be one of those rare occasions in that era when an India A series was telecast live back home. Not to forget that the only reason Dhoni made it into the playing XI was due to first-choice wicket-keeper Dinesh Karthik being called for national duty. His selection on the tour itself over fellow East Zone gloveman Deep Dasgupta was a punt taken by Kiran More & Co. It was just meant to be. Like with a majority of the Dhoni story, it just happened to be perfect timing.
Dhoni is considered by many to be Indian cricket's ultimate "destiny's child". It's for good reason. And he for one has never shied away from it. If anything, he's embraced it at every juncture of his career. So much so that he's always refused to extend his hand to a palmist or an astrologer. "Achha naseeb hai, chalne do (my destiny's good, let it stay that way)'," is how he would respond when asked for his reasons to be so dismissive of them.
It's this faith in his own destiny that has in many ways shaped the life and career of MS Dhoni the cricketer and the man. It also played a huge role, if not defined, his enigmatic aura. For while he might have left those around him scratching their heads over some of the decisions taken both on and off the field, the former Indian captain has always done so with the belief that whatever will be, will be. In essence, no other cricketer has epitomised the Que sera seraapproach to life to the extent Dhoni has, both as a player and a leader.
This belief also empowered him to take more challenging decisions than many in his position, especially when he was in charge of the Indian team. Or like Dhoni puts it routinely in his discourses to young jawans(soldiers) who he meets on his visits to army camps, "the more and more decisions you take, the more and more times you'll make a correct decision. So, the more decisions you take, the number of mistakes will come down."
It's a theory that he lived by during his time at the helm, of course laced with a lot of earthy logic and common sense, whether it was handing the last over of a World Cup final to a very inexperienced bowler, or nudging the senior players out when he felt his white-ball team needed more speed than miles under their legs, or even dramatically announcing his Test retirement in the middle of a series. But again, even if he didn't always come across as the right man at the right place, he was there more importantly at the right time. Think back to the English and Australian summers of 2011, when India had been cleaned up 4-0 on both tours. It just so happened to take place during a period when the one man who was determined to support him to eternity and back, N Srinivasan, had taken over as the BCCI head honcho.
The fact that Dhoni even landed up in Chennai and won Srinivasan's loyalty was a result of him believing in his destiny. He'd after all turned down approaches from three separate franchises to become their marquee player and instead decided to throw his name into the first-ever IPL auction. The supposed gamble landed him the costliest price-tag for that edition of the tournament, back when the likes of Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid were still at their peak. Not to forget his subsequent rise as a cricketing superstar in a cricket-mad city that had never had one they could call their own. And again, would he have wielded the kind of singular, unopposed power that he did during that inaugural World T20 if the likes of Tendulkar, Dravid and Ganguly hadn't decided that the shortest format of the game wasn't for them back then?
You could maybe even trace this sense of predestination to his unique fashion of designing run-chases. We might not all agree with it, but you couldn't deny that there was some method to his at times seemingly bizarre tactics while in the middle. It was based around never trying to force the issue, unless it was very necessary, and letting the match situation play out till it reached the cricketing equivalent of a penalty shootout or a Mexican standoff, or simply Dhoni hour. It was a risky strategy built around a belief that when that time came, it would more often than not be he who prevailed. An average of 102.71 in 75 successful run-chases is testament to that.
In a way it is apt that his last game in India colours was one where he stuck to his diktat till the very end but eventually failed to see it through. Many believed it was the perfect time for Dhoni to call it a day. That he'd done all he could with his ageing body to get India to within 18 runs of a spot in another World Cup final. That it was time to go. Many have since questioned his delay in hanging up his Indian jersey, and understandably so. But at the time of that semifinal in Manchester, a T20 World Cup was scheduled for a little more than a year later.
Maybe Dhoni believed there was one final lifeline still left on his palm to see his country through to another global title. Even if the coals that had kept his remarkable career lit for over 16 years had long burned out. Perhaps the tournament being pushed back by 12 months was the sign that the man who mastered his own destiny was waiting for. Either way, we'll never really know. After all, Dhoni will never show us his hand, literally.

The news is transferred from Topcrickets. Read more

submitted by topcrickets804 to u/topcrickets804 [link] [comments]

The Candyman - how cotton candy ruined my life.

This is an account of something that happened to me around 30 years ago, back when I was just a child. What happened to me that day was so terrifying that just thinking about it sets my heart racing. In fact, my hand is shaking even now as I try and type this out. But I think it is beyond time I let this off my chest. It is up to you if you want to believe this or not, by now I'm used to people thinking I'm all kinds of crazy.
Back in the late eighties before the Babri mosque had been demolished, my family was living comfortably in a small town in central India. Internet's reach hadn't yet extended to our little corner of the world. Hell, our family couldn't even afford a television, and the only entertainment we had as kids was other kids. As it goes for small towns like ours, almost everyone knew everyone else, and we always had a large group of kids to play with. This was of course before communal violence swept the nation such that even the playgrounds began to be divided along religious lines.
By far our most favourite activity was playing cricket, as it was and continues to be for most South Asian kids. Every week, we would each get 2 rupees, with the condition being that the losing team had to pool its money and treat the winners. It added stakes to our matches, and even led to fights, but it sure was something to look forward to each Sunday. My father was against this, arguing that it teaches kids to gamble, so I had to sneak off to my much soft hearted mom to pay for my share.
This was how it was on every Sunday at around 4 pm - I would take my cricket bat, strap it to the back of my bicycle and ride to the playground. Our cricket field was just a wide open space next to a seldom used basketball court about 2-3 kilometres away from my house. My parents weren't particularly irresponsible, so it is still a wonder to me that I was allowed to go that far all alone at such a young age.
The little playground was oddly positioned, the only buildings near it were an old post office and some abandoned houses. If it hadn't been for us kids, our town would have just forgotten about that area. The streetlights on the road some distance away were the only artificial source of light there, so believe me when I say this, when it got dark, it would get very creepy and none of us liked to stay there after sunset.
It was a Sunday like any other. After a lot of begging and pleading, I had convinced my mother to give me the money and happily ridden my bike to the field. I remember being one of the first ones to arrive that day, setting up the stumps and impatiently waiting for the others. There were about 20 of us, all from different socio-economic and religious backgrounds, all united by boredom and cricket. I would never have such a diverse group of friends ever again in my life, especially with what happened in Ayodhya a couple of years later.
We won the match that day, and I remember playing exceptionally well myself. The sun had started to go down, the sky was a sickly shade of orange, and we were chatting about the match, and deciding where to go for the treat, when I felt an intense urge to pee. Asking my friends to wait for me, I decided to go relieve myself on the walls of the old post office. Yes, I had terrible civic sense back then. As I unzipped my pants, I could hear them laughing and leaving, thinking it would be hilarious to leave me alone in the dark. I quickly did my business, zipped up my pants and turned around, ready to get out of there, when I saw him.
He was standing next to a bicycle, with a wall of cotton candy behind him, somehow attached to his cycle. His face was tilted to the left and he had this strangest squint, with both of his eyes pushing painfully rightward, such that his pupils were just tiny black specks in the white expanse of his eyes. He had a very dry mouth that pushed inward, parched and toothless like an old man's, which was bizarre since he clearly looked very young. I stood frozen to the spot as I saw him, unable to believe what I was looking at. The next second, my heart jumped as he rang the bell on his bicycle.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
The hair on the back of my neck stood up. Imagine you're all alone in the middle of an empty field, and a strange, squinty-eyed man with his head tilted to the side is standing right in front of you, ringing the bell on his bicycle, while not even looking at you.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
In short bursts of three. Tring, Tring, Tring. My brain tried to rationalise it, maybe he was just a candy seller, albeit bang in the middle of an empty, dark playground with no one here but the two of us. My parents had always warned me about strangers who tried to kidnap kids by giving them poisoned candy. But this was much more terrifying than that.
After a short while, I gathered up what little courage I had.
"What… What do you want?" I asked, my voice much more lower pitched than what it usually was.
At that, he stopped ringing the bell and for a few moments the both of us stood motionless, in complete silence as the last Tring echoed uncomfortably around us. Then suddenly, his face jerked into a straight position, and his pupils moved to the centre of his eyes, such that he was staring directly into my own.
"Tring, Tring, Tring." He whispered, his soft voice still sounding loud and clear in my ears.
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
His mouth turned into the most frightening, toothless smile I had seen as he kept on whispering.
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
All rational thought fled my body, as I just ran from there, forgetting everything. I forgot that I left my bike back there, forgot where I was running to, just ran, with survival the only thing on my brain. I didn't know how I knew it, but I just knew that if I delayed running by even a second, I was going to die. Pain exploded in my legs as my feet pounded the ground, desperate as I was to flee from this.
I was screaming and crying as I ran, not looking behind me, yet somehow knowing he was right on my heels. My fears were confirmed when I felt his breath on my neck and heard him whisper, right into to my ears.
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
I stumbled, and fell. Fear and hopelessness took over my body. I felt like a cornered rat who knew he was about to be swallowed up by a snake. Reluctantly, I looked around, and saw that he wasn't anywhere close to me. He was still standing there, exactly where I had left him, staring at the spot where I had stood just a moment ago. I didn't stick around to see what would happen next, and ran from there, only stopping at the front door of my house, where I collapsed in exhaustion.
My mother herself was scared out of her wits when she found me on the doorstep, reduced to a blubbering mess. Through my tears, I tried explaining what had happened , not knowing how much she understood. I would later find out that my parents thought someone was trying to kidnap me. If only it was something that rational.
My ammi hugged me and I finally calmed down. Even my older sister, Fatima, was sympathetic towards me for once. That evening, my father went out and got my bicycle back. He was furious at me, that I was still going out and playing cricket using money, that I was going all the way there alone even though he had never objected to that ever before; but most of all, he was upset that he had almost lost me. He took me to the police station to file a complaint, but the cops weren't interested. We came from an underprivileged family, and I hadn't even been hurt in any way, so they pretty much ran us out of the station.
That night I was lying in bed with eyes wide open, with the rusted ceiling fan creaking as it rotated slowly. I had seen far too much that day to sleep comfortably. I don't know how much time had passed, with me just staring at the ceiling when I heard that scarily familiar sound again.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
It was unmistakably the sound of that god-awful bell, this time coming from right outside my room. I closed my eyes, pulled my blanket above my head, pretending that I hadn't heard anything.
Tring, Tring, Tring.
The sound continued for what felt like hours, finally ceasing after whatever was making that noise realised I wasn't going to take the bait.
It had been a good while after the sound of the bell had stopped, when I peeked out of the blanket, and pulled the curtains aside.
He was still there, silently standing next to his bike, his spindly body being illuminated by the moonlight. Face tilted, eyes squinting to the right, he was as frightening as I remembered him to be. He must have sensed me, because as soon as I saw him, he started ringing the bell again.
I shivered in fear, and began calling for my sister, making sure to keep my voice down to a whisper.
"Fatima." I said, urgently. "Fatima. Wake up. Please!"
She didn't move.
"Please." I said, my voice cracking. The bell continued to ring.
She slowly began to stir in her bed and the ringing immediately stopped. She yawned and looked at me.
"What happened?" She asked, her eyes beginning to widen as she saw the fear in mine.
"It's him." I whispered, tears running down my face. "He's outside."
She immediately jerked upright, and pulled aside the curtains. There was no one there.
"There's no one." She said, looking at me suspiciously. "Go back to sleep."
I knew that she didn't believe me, that she thought I was making it all up, including what I said had happened earlier in the evening. She pulled the curtains back and went off to sleep again. She might have not believed me but I knew it was real. I was as alert as I had ever been, straining my ears for the sound the bell, but it wouldn't come again that night.
I checked my watch. It was 3 AM and I needed to pee. I tried to hold it in for as long as I could, but a time came when I just had to go. There was no way that I was going to wet the bed, even as scared as I was. After my bladder became intolerable, I decided to brave the journey to the bathroom.
As I got to the bathroom door I sensed that something was wrong. I could feel this presence inside and I knew that I should have walked away then and there, but I pushed the door open with trembling hands, and my hunch was proven correct. I saw a figure in the corner, his back turned towards me, the darkness thickening around his silhouette. Even though I couldn't see him, I knew who he was. He began to furiously whisper, his soft voice sounding like it was coming from right next to me.
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
I screamed with all my might and fell backwards. He turned, his eyes shining as they focused on me, and he gave me that fucked up smile of his. I began to crawl backwards, screaming my lungs out. I soon felt arms around me, and jumped, thinking that he had got me, but no. It was Fatima. She was looking at him, her eyes wide in fear. She finally realised that I had been speaking the truth all along.
"Go get Abbu." She screamed and I got up and ran, screaming for my father with tears blurring my vision. The last thing I saw was Fatima trying to close the bathroom door, before I was out of the room and ran into the solid frame of my father. He pushed me aside and strode into our room. But I didn't stop running, not until I found my mother and quickly wrapped myself around her legs, crying hysterically. She began to comfort me, running her hand through my hair.
Just when I thought the madness was coming to an end, my father let out a yell, full of such anguish that I had never heard in his voice before, or ever again. Ammi quickly walked to our room, with me following closely behind, albeit a little reluctantly. She gasped as she entered the room, and I understood why. What I saw there chilled me to the bone, and has haunted me to this day.
Fatima's lifeless body was lying on her bed, with large tufts of cotton candy sticking out of her mouth.
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Gambling Games In India

Gambling games and India:

Games of chance have always attracted passionate players and the appeal of Lady Luck never seemed to dwindle. They have thrived for thousands of years, even before written history and up to modern times when we can indulge in gambling on our electronic devices without even having to walk to the nearest casino establishment. Games have changed and flourished, but the passion for playing remained the same. India is a country that boasts a rich history when it comes to gambling and still nurtures a strong passion for it in various forms and guises. That said, it’s well worth taking a glance at the origins of casino games and how and where it all began.
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Gambling stories of ancient India
The Ramayana (one of two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India) cites certain forms of games of chance believed to date back as far as 7300 BC. It describes gambling boards, believed by some to be the game of chess, as well as gambling with dice. The popular saying ‘to lose one’s shirt’, meaning to lose money, originated in ancient India. The old Sanskrit texts compare trees that have been stripped of their fruit to defeated gamblers who lost their clothes and ornaments in a wager.
While the Ramayana casually mentions gambling and does not condone it in any sense of the word, the second epic (the Mahabharata) tells a different story. The main antagonist, Shakuni, arranges a dice game against king Yudhishthira whom he cheated out of all his wealth and kingdom. When another antagonist, Duryodhana, insisted that there was no place for two crown princes in the kingdom, another dice game was arranged which ended in the exile of the royal family.
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First Gambling Devices
Buddhist texts mention Indians gambling with nuts as dice as early as 300 BC. Apart from being fond of dice, Indians developed a taste for gambling on animals. At first, ram and cockfights were all the rage which was followed by the more sophisticated horse racing later. What is interesting is that while Europeans are generally given credit for developing certain games of chance, most of the earlier versions of gambling devices had Indian symbols on them.
Further Progress
The 15th century witnessed the rise of legal gambling houses all across India. They were heavily regulated to make sure the games were fair and square so that the players would willingly submit their dues to the king. This was the beginning of the first gambling tax.
When the British introduced cricket to India in the 18th century, Indians fell completely in love with the game. Cricket paved the way for sports betting which flourished in the country until the British took over and passed the Gambling Act in 1867 which outlawed all games of chance. Although they couldn’t abolish the games which still went on in secret, India never looked favorably on gambling again.
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Present-day Gambling
The perspective of the Indian government on gambling is that it is the temptation that lures players to bet beyond their means, ruining their lives and their families. India’s 29 states and seven Union territories have the authority to decide whether to legalize gambling or not. Each state has a different legislative council and even though most of them do not support it, they do allow some forms of it, such as betting on horse races and the lottery. Since gambling restrictions are still in effect to a large extent, many have turned to online options and can choose from some of the best online casinos for India to scratch that itch. Almost 40% of internet users in the country have admitted to spending some of their time playing online casino games with no particular intention of earning large sums of money, but just to have fun and pass the time.
The history of India, which is almost 4000 years long, is brimming with amusing anecdotes of gamblers winning and losing in their favorite games. However, the future might not have as much room for such stories, since the gambling ban is still in effect. The Indian government still doesn’t trust its people to use their own judgment and roll the dice deciding their own fate. If the rules should ever change, the casino industry will be able to boost the Indian economy to a great extent. The people will enjoy their games while the country reaps the benefits. Some would say, a win-win situation.


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The LeoVegas app allows you to access more than 1,000 casino games offered by the online casino. Both Android and iOS users are covered as there are dedicated apps for both the operating systems. The user interface is designed to provide a simple and enjoyable experience for all players.
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Betway is one of the biggest names in the world of online casinos and betting. The site not only offers a huge collection of games in its full-fledged online casino but also offers really great odds on sporting events around the world with a great welcome bonus for new players.
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#3 – Casumo’s App
Casumo is a modern online casino with a focus on providing a clean and enjoyable user interface to its players. In terms of game selection, Casumo does pretty well too, and provides tons of different online casino games for you to enjoy.
In keeping up with the philosophy of offering its players one of the best online casino experiences, Casumo also has a dedicated app that can be used to play all the different games offered on the site. Some of the key features of the app include a personal dashboard, automatic notifications, and easy depositing and withdrawal functions right from the app itself!
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Dafabet is one of Asia’s largest online casino and sportsbook. With sponsorships with reputed teams like Celtic FC and Fulham FC, Dafabet is a legit operator that provides an excellent casino and betting experience to players all over Asia including India.
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