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[Lost in the Sauce] Trump admin hides Paycheck Protection program details; lawmakers benefit from loans

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.
Title refers to: The Trump admin is blocking IGs from getting info on over $1 trillion in relief spending, including corporation bailouts. The admin is also withholding PPP info from Congress, meaning we don't know if Trump or his family took taxpayer money. Additionally, we learned that at least 4 members of Congress have benefited from PPP money, but aren't required to disclose it.


Inspectors general warned Congress last week that the Trump administration is blocking scrutiny of more than $1 trillion in spending related to the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the previously undisclosed letter, Department of Treasury attorneys concluded that the administration is not required to provide the watchdogs with information about the beneficiaries of programs like the $500 billion in loans for corporations.
Treasury Secretary Mnuchin refused to provide Congress with the names of recipients of the taxpayer-funded coronavirus business loans. After criticism, Mnuchin began to walk back his denial, saying he will talk to lawmakers on a bipartisan basis “to strike the appropriate balance for proper oversight” of PPP loans “and appropriate protection of small business information.”
At least 4 lawmakers have benefited in some way from the Paycheck Protection program they helped create. Politico has been told there are almost certainly more -- but there are zero disclosure rules, even for members of Congress.
  • Republicans on the list include Rep. Roger Williams of Texas, a wealthy businessman who owns auto dealerships, body shops and car washes, and Rep. Vicky Hartzler of Missouri, whose family owns multiple farms and equipment suppliers across the Midwest. The Democrats count Rep. Susie Lee of Nevada, whose husband is CEO of a regional casino developer, and Rep. Debbie Mucarsel Powell of Florida, whose husband is a senior executive at a restaurant chain that has since returned the loan.
Mick Mulvaney dumped as much as $550,000 in stocks the same day Trump assured the public the US economy was 'doing fantastically' amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Mulvaney unloaded his holdings in three different mutual funds, each of which is primarily made up of US stocks. The next day, the value of the mutual funds tanked.

Cases rising in many states

Good summary: There was supposed to be a peak. But the stark turning point, when the number of daily COVID-19 cases in the U.S. finally crested and began descending sharply, never happened. Instead, America spent much of April on a disquieting plateau, with every day bringing about 30,000 new cases and about 2,000 new deaths. This pattern exists because different states have experienced the coronavirus pandemic in very different ways…The U.S. is dealing with a patchwork pandemic.
As of Friday, coronavirus cases were significantly climbing in 16 states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Washington.
Oklahoma is experiencing a massive increase in coronavirus cases just days before Trump’s planned rally in Tulsa. In Tulsa county itself, 1 in roughly 390 people have tested positive. Yet Trump plans on cramming 20,000 people in an event with voluntary face mask policy and no social distancing. Attendees must sign a waiver that absolves the president’s campaign of any liability from virus-related illnesses.
  • On Monday, Pence lied saying that Oklahoma has “flattened the curve.” As you can see at any of the resources immediately below, this is not even close to true. Over the past 14 days, the state has seen a 124% increase in cases and reports 65% of ICU beds are in use.
  • Tulsa World Editorial Board: This is the wrong time and Tulsa is the wrong place for the Trump rally. "We don't know why he chose Tulsa, but we can’t see any way that his visit will be good for the city...Again, Tulsa will be largely alone in dealing with what happens at a time when the city’s budget resources have already been stretched thin."
  • Earlier in the day, Trump tweeted that he is a victim of double standards when it comes to perception of his decision to resume campaign rallies in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, declaring that attempts to “covid shame” his campaign “won’t work!”
Resources to track increases: There are many different sites with various methods of visualizing the spread of coronavirus. Here are some that may be particularly useful this summer… Topos COVID-19 compiler homepage and graphs of each state since re-opening. How we reopen Safely has stats on each state’s progress towards meeting benchmarks to reopen safely (hint: almost none have reached all the checkpoints). WaPo has a weekly national map of cases/deaths; the largest regional clusters are in the southeast.
On Monday, Trump twice said that “if we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any,” (video). Aside from the fact that cases exist even if we don’t test for them, we cannot explain the rising number of cases by increased testing capacity: In at least 14 states, the positive case rate is increasing faster than the increase in the average number of tests.
  • Reminder: In March Trump told Fox News that he didn't want infected patients from a cruise ship to disembark because it would increase the number of reported cases in the US. "I like the numbers being where they are," Trump said at the time. "I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault."
Fired scientist Rebekah Jones builds coronavirus dashboard to rival Florida’s… Her site shows thousands more people with the coronavirus, and hundreds of thousands fewer who have been tested, than the site run by the Florida Health Department.

Equipment and supplies

More studies prove wearing masks limits transmission and spread of coronavirus… One study from Britain found that routine face mask use by 50% or more of the population reduced COVID-19 spread to an R of less than 1.0. The R value measures the average number of people that one infected person will pass the disease on to. An R value above 1 can lead to exponential growth. The study found that if people wear masks whenever they are in public it is twice as effective at reducing the R value than if masks are only worn after symptoms appear.
Meanwhile, Trump officials refuse to wear masks and Trump supporters copy his behavior… VP Mike Pence, leader of the coronavirus task force, published a tweet showing himself in a room full of Trump staffers, none wearing masks or practicing social distancing. Pence deleted the tweet shortly after criticism. A poll last week showed that 66% of likely-Biden-voters “always wear a mask,” while 83% of likely-Trump-voters “neverarely wear a mask.”
  • Trump’s opposition to face masks hasn’t stopped him from selling them to his supporters, though. The online Trump Store is selling $20 cotton American flag-themed face masks.
  • Yesterday, we learned that South Carolina Republican Rep. Tom Rice and family have tested positive for the coronavirus. Just two weeks ago, Rice was on the House floor and halls of the Capitol without wearing a mask.
Internal FEMA data show that the government’s supply of surgical gowns has not meaningfully increased since March… The slides show FEMA’s plan to ramp up supply into June and July hinges on the reusing of N95 masks and surgical gowns, increasing the risk of contamination. Those are supposed to be disposed of after one use.
Nursing homes with urgent needs for personal protective equipment say they’re receiving defective equipment as part of Trump administration supply initiative. Officials say FEMA is sending them gowns that look more like large tarps -- with no holes for hands -- and surgical masks that are paper-thin.
More than 1,300 Chinese medical-device companies that registered to sell PPE in the U.S. during the coronavirus pandemic used bogus registration data… These companies listed as their American representative a purported Delaware entity that uses a false address and nonworking phone number.
Florida is sitting on more than 980,000 unused doses of hydroxychloroquine, but hospitals don’t want it… Gov. Ron DeSantis ordered a million doses of the drug to show support for Trump, but very few hospitals have requested it.

Native American communities struggle

The CARES Act money for Native American tribes, meant to assist people during the pandemic, came with restrictions that are impeding efforts to limit the transmission of the virus. For instance, the funds can only be used to cover expenses that are "incurred due to the public health emergency." On the Navajo Nation, the public health emergency is inherently related to some basic infrastructure problems. 30% of Navajo don’t have running water to wash their hands, but the money can’t be used to build water lines.
Federal and state health agencies are refusing to give Native American tribes and organizations representing them access to data showing how the coronavirus is spreading around their lands, potentially widening health disparities and frustrating tribal leaders already ill-equipped to contain the pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has turned down tribal epidemiologists’ requests for data that it’s making freely available to states.
A Hospital’s Secret Coronavirus Policy Separated Native American Mothers From Their Newborns… Pregnant Native American women were singled out for COVID-19 testing based on their race and ZIP code, clinicians say. While awaiting results, some mothers were separated from their newborns, depriving them of the immediate contact doctors recommend. New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced that state officials would investigate the allegations.

Personnel & appointees

Former IG Steve Linick told Congress he was conducting five investigations into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the State Department before he was fired. In addition to investigating Pompeo's potential misuse of taxpayer funds and reviewing his decision to expedite an $8 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, Linick’s office was conducting an audit of Special Immigrant Visas, a review of the International Women of Courage Award, and another review "involving individuals in the Office of the Protocol."
  • Pompeo confidant emerges as enforcer in fight over watchdog’s firing: Linick testified that Undersecretary of State for Management Brian Bulatao, a decades-old friend of Pompeo’s, “tried to bully [him]” out of investigating Pompeo.
Trump has empowered John McEntee, director of the Presidential Personnel Office, to make significant staffing changes inside top federal agencies without the consent — and, in at least one case, without even the knowledge — of the agency head. Many senior officials in Trump's government are sounding alarms about the loss of expertise and institutional knowledge.
Trump’s nominee for under secretary of defense for policy, retired Army Brig. Gen. Anthony Tata, has a history of making Islamophobic and inflammatory remarks against prominent Democratic politicians, including falsely calling former President Barack Obama a Muslim.
Amid racial justice marches, GOP advances Trump court pick hostile to civil rights. Cory Wilson, up for a lifetime seat on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, has denied that restrictive voting laws lead to voter suppression and called same-sex marriage “a pander to liberal interest groups.”
Interior Secretary David Bernhardt has indefinitely extended the terms of the acting directors of the Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service, sidestepping the typical Senate confirmation process for those posts and violating the Federal Vacancies Reform Act,

Courts and DOJ

The Supreme Court declined on Monday to take a closer look at qualified immunity, the legal doctrine that shields law enforcement and government officials from lawsuits over their conduct. Developed in recent decades by the high court, the qualified immunity doctrine, as applied to police, initially asks two questions: Did police use excessive force, and if they did, should they have known that their conduct was illegal because it violated a "clearly established" prior court ruling that barred such conduct? In practice, however, lower courts have most often dismissed police misconduct lawsuits on grounds that there is no prior court decision with nearly identical facts.
The Supreme Court ruled that federal anti-discrimination laws protect gay and transgender employees. Justice Neil M. Gorsuch and Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joined the court’s liberals in the 6 to 3 ruling. They said Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination “because of sex,” includes LGBTQ employees.
  • Alito, writing more than 100 pages in dissent for himself and Thomas, accused the court's majority of writing legislation, not law. Kavanaugh wrote separately: "We are judges, not members of Congress...Under the Constitution and laws of the United States, this court is the wrong body to change American law in that way."
  • Just days before the SCOTUS opinion was released, the Trump administration finalized a rule that would remove nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people when it comes to health care and health insurance. The SCOTUS ruling may make it easier to challenge the changes made by Trump.
The Supreme Court also declined to take up California’s “sanctuary” law, denying the Trump administration’s appeal. This means that the lower court opinion upholding one of California's sanctuary laws is valid, limiting cooperation between law enforcement and federal immigration authorities. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two of the Court's conservative members, supported taking up the case.
A federal appeals court appeared unlikely Friday to stop a judge from examining why the Justice Department sought to walk away from its prosecution of Michael Flynn. "I don't see why we don't observe regular order," said Judge Karen Henderson. "Why not hold this in abeyance and see what happens?" Judge Robert Wilkins told Flynn's lawyer that if Sullivan doesn't let the government drop the case, "then you can come back here on appeal."


Good read: Fiona Hill on being mistaken as a secretary by Trump, her efforts to make sure he was not left alone with Putin, and what the US, UK and Russia have in common. “It’s spitting in Merkel’s face,” said Vladimir Frolov, a former Russian diplomat who’s now a foreign-policy analyst. “But it’s in our interests.”
  • Russia’s Foreign Ministry welcomed Trump’s plan to withdraw more than a quarter of U.S. troops from Germany.
  • Op-Ed: Why cutting American forces in Germany will harm this alliance
According to a new book, the Secret Service had to seek more funding to cover the cost of protecting Melania Trump while she stayed in NYC to renegotiate her prenup - taxpayers paid tens of millions of dollars to allow her to get better terms. Additionally, NYPD estimated its own costs conservatively at $125,000 a day.
Georgia election 'catastrophe' in largely minority areas sparks investigation. Long lines, lack of voting machines, and shortages of primary ballots plagued voters. As of Monday night, there were still over 200,000 uncounted votes.
Fox News runs digitally altered images in coverage of Seattle’s protests, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
Fox News Mocked After Mistaking Monty Python Joke for Seattle Protest Infighting
In addition to holding a rally on the day after Juneteenth (originally scheduled the day of), Trump will be accepting the GOP nomination in Jacksonville on the 60th anniversary of “Ax Handle Saturday,” a KKK attack on African Americans.
Environmental news:
  • Ruling against environmentalists, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the federal government has the authority to allow a proposed $7.5 billion natural gas pipeline to cross under the popular Appalachian Trail in rural Virginia.
  • Trump administration has issued a new rule blocking tribes from protecting their waters from projects like pipelines, dams, and coal terminals.
  • The EPA published a proposal in the Federal Register that critics described as an assault on minority communities coping with the public health legacy of structural racism. The rule would bar EPA from giving special consideration to individual communities that bear the brunt of environmental risks — frequently populations of color.
  • The Trump administration is preparing to drill off Florida’s coast, but says it will wait until after the November election to avoid any backlash from Florida state leaders.
Immigration news
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection used emergency funding meant for migrant families and children to pay for dirt bikes, canine supplies, computer equipment and other enforcement related-expenditures… The money was meant to be spent on “consumables and medical care” for migrants at the border.
  • ACLU files lawsuit against stringent border restrictions related to coronavirus that largely bar migrants from entering the United States.
  • Under Trump’s leadership, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has mismanaged its finances so badly that it has sought an emergency $1.2 billion infusion from taxpayers. When Trump took office, USCIS inherited a budget surplus. A large amount of funding is drained by its deliberate creation of more busy work for immigrants and their lawyers — as well as thousands of USCIS employees. These changes are designed to make it harder for people to apply for, receive or retain lawful immigration status.
  • Asylum-seeking migrants locked up inside an Arizona ICE detention center with one of the highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases say they were forced to clean the facility and are 'begging' for protection from the virus
  • ICE plans to spend $18 million on thousands of new tasers and the training to use them
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[ROLEPLAY] ! Extreme Instability !

Rapid City Journal (RCJ) - January 21st Edition
1965–1970: Early career Influenced by early-rock-and-roll and rhythm-and-blues artists, including groups such as The Beatles, The Drifters and The Four Seasons, he favored tightly-structured pop melodies and down-to-earth, unpretentious songwriting.[20]
After seeing The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show, Joel decided to pursue a career in music. In an interview he said of the group's impact, "That one performance changed my life … Up to that moment I'd never considered playing rock as a career. And when I saw four guys who didn't look like they'd come out of the Hollywood star mill, who played their own songs and instruments, and especially because you could see this look in John Lennon's face – and he looked like he was always saying: 'F--- you!' – I said: 'I know these guys, I can relate to these guys, I am these guys.' This is what I'm going to do – play in a rock band'."[21]
Joel joined the Echoes,[22] a group that specialized in British Invasion covers. The Echoes began recording in 1965. Joel (then 16) also played piano on several records released through Kama Sutra Productions and on recordings produced by Shadow Morton. Joel played on a demo version of "Leader of the Pack", which would become a major hit for the Shangri-Las.[23] Joel states that in 1964 he played on a recording of the Shangri-Las' "Remember (Walking in the Sand)" but he is unaware of whether he played on the demo or master version;[24] The released single included a co-producer credit for Artie Ripp,[25] who later was the first to sign and produce Joel as a solo artist after Michael Lang, who had given Joel a monetary advance, passed Joel along to Ripp to focus his attentions elsewhere instead.[26]
In late 1965, the Echoes changed their name to the Emeralds and then to the Lost Souls. Joel left the band in 1967 to join the Hassles, a Long Island group that had signed with United Artists Records.[27] Over the next year and a half they released four singles and two albums (The Hassles and Hour of the Wolf). All were commercial failures. Joel and drummer Jon Small left the Hassles in 1969 to form the duo Attila, releasing an eponymous debut album in July 1970. The duo disbanded the following October when Joel began an affair with Small's wife, Elizabeth, whom Joel eventually married.[28]
1970–1974: Cold Spring Harbor and Piano Man Joel signed a contract with the record company Family Productions (owned by Artie Ripp but backed by Gulf + Western[29]), with which he recorded his first solo album, Cold Spring Harbor (a reference to Cold Spring Harbor, New York, a town on Long Island). Ripp states that he spent $450,000 developing Joel;[29] nevertheless, the album was mastered at the wrong speed and as a result, the album was a technical and commercial disappointment.[30]
The popular songs "She's Got a Way" and "Everybody Loves You Now" were originally released on this album, but went largely unnoticed until being released as live performances on Songs in the Attic (1981). Columbia released a remastered version of Cold Spring Harbor in 1983.
Joel began his Cold Spring Harbor tour in the fall of 1971, touring with his band (Rhys Clark on drums, Al Hertzberg on guitar, and Larry Russell on bass guitar) throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico, opening for groups such as the J. Geils Band, The Beach Boys, Badfinger, and Taj Mahal. Joel's performance at the Puerto Rican Mar Y Sol Pop Festival was especially well-received; and although recorded, Joel refused to have it published on the Mar Y Sol compilation album Mar Y Sol: The First International Puerto Rico Pop Festival. Nevertheless, interest in his music grew.[31]
During the spring of 1972, the Philadelphia radio station WMMR-FM began playing a concert recording of "Captain Jack", which became an underground hit on the East Coast. Herb Gordon, a Columbia Records executive, heard Joel's music and introduced him to the company. Joel signed a recording contract with Columbia in 1972 and moved to Los Angeles; he lived there for the next three years.[1][32] For six months he worked at The Executive Room piano bar on Wilshire Boulevard as "Bill Martin". During that time, he composed his signature hit "Piano Man" about the bar's patrons.[33]
Despite Joel's new contract, he was still legally bound to Family Productions. Artie Ripp sold Joel's first contract to Columbia. Walter Yetnikoff, the president of CBS/Columbia Records at the time, bought back the rights to Joel's songs in the late 1970s, giving the rights to Joel as a birthday gift.[34][35] Yetnikoff notes in the documentary film The Last Play at Shea that he had to threaten Ripp to close the deal.
Joel's first album with Columbia was Piano Man, released in 1973. Despite modest sales, Piano Man's title track became his signature song, ending nearly every concert. That year Joel's touring band changed. Guitarist Al Hertzberg was replaced by Don Evans, and bassist Larry Russell by Patrick McDonald, himself replaced in late 1974 by Doug Stegmeyer, who would stay with Joel until 1989. Rhys Clark returned as drummer and Tom Whitehorse as banjoist and pedal steel player; Johnny Almond joined as saxophonist and keyboardist. The band toured the US and Canada extensively, appearing on popular music shows. Joel's songwriting began attracting more attention; in 1974 Helen Reddy recorded "You're My Home" (Piano Man).
1974–1977: Streetlife Serenade and Turnstiles In 1974, Joel recorded his second Columbia album in Los Angeles, Streetlife Serenade. His manager at the time was Jon Troy, an old friend from the New York neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant; Troy would soon be replaced by Joel's wife Elizabeth.[36] Streetlife Serenade contains references to suburbia and the inner city. It is perhaps best known for "The Entertainer", a No. 34 hit in the US. Upset that "Piano Man" had been significantly cut for radio play, Joel wrote "The Entertainer" as a sarcastic response: "If you're gonna have a hit, you gotta make it fit, so they cut it down to 3:05." Although Streetlife Serenade is often considered[by whom?] one of Joel's weaker albums (Joel dislikes it himself), it contains the notable songs "Los Angelenos" and "Root Beer Rag", an instrumental that was a staple of his live set in the 1970s.
In late 1975, Joel played piano and organ on several tracks on Bo Diddley's The 20th Anniversary of Rock 'n' Roll all-star album.
Disenchanted with Los Angeles, Joel returned to New York City in 1975 and recorded Turnstiles, the first album he recorded with the group of hand-picked musicians who became the Billy Joel Band. Produced by James William Guercio (then Chicago's producer), Turnstiles was first recorded at Caribou Ranch with members of Elton John's band. Dissatisfied with the result, Joel re-recorded the songs and produced the album himself.
"Say Goodbye to Hollywood" was a minor hit; Ronnie Spector recorded a cover as did Nigel Olsson, then drummer with Elton John. In a 2008 radio interview, Joel said that he no longer performs the song because singing it in its high original key "shreds" his vocal cords; however, he did finally play it live for the first time since 1982 when he sang it at the Hollywood Bowl in May 2014. Though never released as a single, "New York State of Mind" became one of Joel's best-known songs; Barbra Streisand and Tony Bennett have each recorded covers (Bennett's a duet with Joel on Playing with My Friends: Bennett Sings the Blues). Other notable songs from the album include "Summer, Highland Falls", "Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway)", "Say Goodbye to Hollywood", (a live version of which became a Top 40 hit), and "Prelude/Angry Young Man", a concert mainstay.
1977–1979: The Stranger and 52nd Street Columbia Records introduced Joel to Phil Ramone, who would produce all of Joel's studio albums from The Stranger (1977) to The Bridge (1986). The Stranger was an enormous commercial success, yielding four Top-25 hits on the Billboard charts: "Just the Way You Are" (#3), "Movin' Out" (#17), "Only the Good Die Young" (#24), and "She's Always a Woman" (#17). Joel's first Top Ten album, The Stranger was certified multi-platinum and reached number two on the charts, outselling Simon & Garfunkel's Bridge over Troubled Water,[37] Columbia's previous best-selling album. The Stranger also featured "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant", an album-oriented rock classic, which has become one of his best-known songs.
The Stranger song "Just the Way You Are" — written for Joel's first wife, Elizabeth Weber[38] — was inspired by a dream[39] and won Grammy awards for Record of the Year and Song of the Year.[40] On tour in Paris, Joel learned the news late at night in his hotel room.[22] Rolling Stone ranked The Stranger the 70th greatest album of all time.[41]
Expectations were high for Joel's next album, 52nd Street, which he released in 1978, naming it after Manhattan's famous 52nd Street, which, at the time of its release, served as the world headquarters of CBS/ Columbia. The album sold over seven million copies, propelled to number one on the charts by the following hits: "My Life" (#3); followed successes from the album were "Big Shot" (#14), and "Honesty" (#24). A cover of "My Life" (sung by Gary Bennett) became the theme song for a new television sitcom, Bosom Buddies, which featured actor Tom Hanks in one of his earliest roles. 52nd Street won Grammy awards for Best Pop Vocal Performance, Male and Album of the Year.
In 1979, Joel also traveled to Havana, Cuba, to participate in the historic Havana Jam festival that took place between March 2–4, alongside Rita Coolidge, Kris Kristofferson, Stephen Stills, the CBS Jazz All-Stars, the Trio of Doom, Fania All-Stars, Billy Swan, Bonnie Bramlett, Mike Finnegan, Weather Report, and an array of Cuban artists such as Irakere, Pacho Alonso, Tata Güines and Orquesta Aragón.[42] His performance is captured in Ernesto Juan Castellanos's documentary Havana Jam '79.
1979–1983: Glass Houses and The Nylon Curtain The success of his piano-driven ballads like "Just the Way You Are", "She's Always a Woman", and "Honesty" led some critics to label Joel a "balladeer" and "soft rocker". Joel thought these labels were unfair and insulting, and with Glass Houses, he tried to record an album that proved that he could rock harder than his critics gave him credit for, occasionally imitating and referring to the style of new wave rock music that was starting to become popular at the time. On the front cover of the album, Joel is pictured in a leather jacket, about to throw a rock at a glass house (referring to the adage that "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones").
Glass Houses spent six weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard chart and yielded such hits as "You May Be Right" (used as the theme song, covered by Southside Johnny, for the CBS mid-1990s sitcom Dave's World) (#7, May 1980), "Don't Ask Me Why" (#19, September 1980), "Sometimes a Fantasy" (#36, November 1980) and "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me", which became Joel's first Billboard number-one single (for two weeks) in July 1980. "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me" spent 11 weeks in the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100 and was the 7th biggest hit of 1980 according to American Top 40.
Glass Houses won the Grammy for Best Rock Vocal Performance, Male. It would also win the American Music Award for Favorite Album, Pop/Rock category. The album's closing song, "Through The Long Night" (B-side of the "It's Still Rock & Roll to Me" single), was a lullaby that featured Joel harmonizing with himself in a song he says was inspired by The Beatles' "Yes It Is".[31] In a recorded Masterclass at the University of Pennsylvania, Joel later recollected that he had written to the Beatles asking them how to get started in the music industry. In response, he received a pamphlet about Beatles merchandise. This later led to the idea of Joel conducting Q&A sessions around the world answering questions that people had about the music industry.[43]
His next release, Songs in the Attic, was composed of live performances of less well-known songs from the beginning of his career. It was recorded during larger US arenas and intimate night club shows in June and July 1980. This release introduced many fans, who discovered Joel when The Stranger became a smash in 1977, to many of his earlier compositions. The album reached No. 8 on the Billboard chart and produced two hit singles: "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" (#17), and "She's Got a Way" (#23). It sold over 3 million copies. Though not as successful as some of his previous albums, the album was still considered a success by Joel.[31]
The next wave of Joel's career commenced with the recording of his next studio album, The Nylon Curtain. With The Nylon Curtain, Joel became more ambitious with his songwriting, trying his hand at writing topical songs like "Allentown" and "Goodnight Saigon". Joel has stated that he wanted the album to communicate his feelings about the American Dream and how changes in American politics during the Reagan years meant that "all of a sudden you weren't going to be able to inherit [the kind of life] your old man had."[44] He also tried to be more ambitious in his use of the recording studio. Joel said that he wanted to "create a sonic masterpiece" on The Nylon Curtain. So he spent more time in the studio, crafting the sound of the album, than he had on any previous album.[44] Production of The Nylon Curtain began in the fall of 1981. However, production was temporarily delayed when Joel was involved in a serious motorcycle accident on Long Island on April 15, 1982, severely injuring his hands. Still, Joel quickly recovered from his injuries, and the album only ended up being delayed by a few months.[45]
In 1982, he embarked on a brief tour in support of the album. From one of the final shows of the tour, Joel made his first video special, Live from Long Island, which was recorded at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York on December 30, 1982. It was originally broadcast on HBO in 1983 before it became available on VHS.
The Nylon Curtain went to No. 7 on the charts, partially due to heavy airplay on MTV for the videos to the singles "Allentown" and "Pressure". "Allentown" spent six weeks at a peak position of No. 17 on the Billboard Hot 100, making it one of the most-played radio songs of 1982, pushing it into 1983's year-end Top 70, and making it the most successful song from The Nylon Curtain album, besting "Pressure" which peaked at No. 20 (where it resided for three weeks) and "Goodnight Saigon" which reached No. 56 on U.S. charts.[46]
1983–1988: An Innocent Man and The Bridge Joel's next album moved away from the serious themes of The Nylon Curtain and struck a much lighter tone. The album An Innocent Man was Joel's tribute to R&B and doo wop music of the 1950s and 1960s and resulted in Joel's second Billboard number-one hit, "Tell Her About It", which was the first single off the album in the summer of 1983. The album itself reached No. 4 on the charts and No. 2 in UK. It also boasted six top-30 singles, the most of any album in Joel's catalog. The album was well received by critics, with Stephen Thomas Erlewine, senior editor for AllMusic, describing Joel as being "in top form as a craftsman throughout the record, effortlessly spinning out infectious, memorable melodies in a variety of styles."[47]
At the time that the album was released, WCBS-FM began playing "Uptown Girl" both in regular rotation and on the Doo Wop Live.[48][49] The song became a worldwide hit upon its release. The music video of the song, originally written about then girlfriend Elle MacPherson, featured future wife Christie Brinkley as a high society girl, whose car pulls into the gas station where Joel's character is working. At the end of the video, Joel's "grease monkey" character drives off with his "uptown girl" on the back of a motorcycle. When Brinkley went to visit Joel after being asked to star in the video, the first thing Joel said to her upon opening his door was "I don't dance". Brinkley had to walk him through the basic steps he does in the video. Their work together on this video shoot sparked a relationship between the two which would later lead to their marriage in 1985.[50]
In December, the title song, "An Innocent Man", was released as a single and it peaked at No. 10 in the U.S. and No. 8 in the UK, early in 1984. That March, "The Longest Time" was released as a single, peaking at No. 14 on the Hot 100 and No. 1 on the Adult Contemporary chart. That summer, "Leave a Tender Moment Alone" was released and it hit No. 27 while "Keeping the Faith" peaked at No. 18 in January 1985. In the video for "Keeping the Faith", Christie Brinkley also plays the "redhead girl in a Chevrolet". An Innocent Man was also nominated for the Album of the Year Grammy, but lost to Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Joel participated in the USA For Africa We Are The World project in 1985, capping off a series of successful singles.
Following the success of An Innocent Man, Joel was asked about releasing an album of his most successful singles. This was not the first time this topic had come up, but Joel had initially considered "Greatest Hits" albums as marking the end of one's career. This time he agreed, and Greatest Hits Vol. 1 and 2 was released as a four-sided album and two-CD set, with the songs in the order in which they were released. The new songs "You're Only Human (Second Wind)" and "The Night Is Still Young" were recorded and released as singles to support the album; both reached the top 40, peaking at No. 9 and No. 34, respectively. Greatest Hits was highly successful and it has since been certified double diamond by the RIAA, with over 11.5 million copies (23 million units) sold. It is one of the best-selling albums in American music history, according to the RIAA.
Coinciding with the Greatest Hits album release, Joel released a two-volume Video Album that was a compilation of the promotional videos he had recorded from 1977 to the present time. Along with videos for the new singles off the Greatest Hits album, Joel also recorded a video for his first hit, "Piano Man", for this project.
Though it broke into the top ten, Joel's next album, The Bridge (1986), did not achieve the level of success of his previous albums, but it yielded the hits "A Matter of Trust" and "Modern Woman" from the film Ruthless People, a dark comedy from the directors of Airplane! (both #10). In a departure from his "piano man" persona, Joel is shown in the video playing a Gibson Les Paul. The ballad "This is the Time" also charted, peaking at No. 18.
On November 18, 1986, an extended version of the song "Big Man on Mulberry Street" was used on a Season 3 episode of Moonlighting. The episode itself was also titled "Big Man on Mulberry Street".
The Bridge was Joel's last album to carry the Family Productions logo, after which he severed his ties with Artie Ripp. Joel has also stated in many interviews, most recently in a 2008 interview in Performing Songwriter magazine, that he does not think The Bridge is a good album.
In October 1986, Joel and his handlers started planning a trip to the Soviet Union. He became one of the first American rock acts to play there since the Berlin Wall went up, a fact not lost on history buff Joel.[51] There were live performances at indoor arenas in Moscow, Leningrad and Tbilisi. Joel, his family (including young daughter Alexa), and his full touring band made the trip in August 1987. The entourage was filmed for television and video to offset the cost of the trip, and the concerts were simulcast on radio around the world. Joel's Russian tour was the first live rock radio broadcast in Soviet history.[52]
Most of that audience took a long while to warm up to Joel's energetic show, something that had never happened in other countries he had performed in. According to Joel, each time the fans were hit with the bright lights, anybody who seemed to be enjoying themselves froze. In addition, people who were "overreacting" were removed by security.[53] It was during this concert that Joel, enraged by the bright lights, flipped his electric piano and snapped a microphone stand while continuing to sing the current part of the set.[54] He later apologized for that incident.
The album КОНЦЕРТ (Russian for "Concert") was released in October 1987. Singer Pete Hewlett was brought in to hit the high notes on his most vocally challenging songs, like "An Innocent Man". Joel also did versions of The Beatles' classic "Back in the U.S.S.R." and Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are a-Changin". It has been estimated that Joel lost more than $1 million of his own money on the trip and concerts, but he has said the goodwill he was shown there was well worth it.[31]
1988–1993: Storm Front and River of Dreams The recording of the album Storm Front, which commenced in 1988, coincided with major changes in Joel's career and inaugurated a period of serious upheaval in his business affairs. In August 1989, just before the album was released, Joel dismissed his manager (and former brother-in-law) Frank Weber after an audit revealed major discrepancies in Weber's accounting. Joel subsequently sued Weber for $90 million, claiming fraud and breach of fiduciary duty and in January 1990 he was awarded $2 million in a partial judgment against Weber; in April, the court dismissed a $30 million countersuit filed by Weber.[55]
The first single for the album, "We Didn't Start the Fire", was released in September 1989 and it became Joel's third and – to date – most-recent US number-one hit, spending two weeks at the top. Storm Front was released in October, and it eventually became Joel's first number-one album since Glass Houses, nine years earlier. Storm Front was Joel's first album since Turnstiles to be recorded without Phil Ramone as producer. For this album, he wanted a new sound, and worked with Mick Jones of Foreigner fame. Joel is also credited as one of the keyboard players on Jones' 1988 self-titled solo album, and is featured in the official video for Jones' single "Just Wanna Hold"; Joel can be seen playing the piano while his then-wife Christie Brinkley joins him and kisses him. Joel also revamped his backing band, dismissing everyone but drummer Liberty DeVitto, guitarist David Brown, and saxophone player Mark Rivera, and bringing in new faces, including multi-instrumentalist Crystal Taliefero.
Storm Front's second single, "I Go to Extremes" reached No. 6 in early 1990. The album was also notable for its song "Leningrad", written after Joel met a clown in the Soviet city of that name during his tour in 1987, and "The Downeaster Alexa", written to underscore the plight of fishermen on Long Island who are barely able to make ends meet. Another well-known single from the album is the ballad "And So It Goes" (#37 in late 1990). The song was originally written in 1983, around the time Joel was writing songs for An Innocent Man; but "And So It Goes" did not fit that album's retro theme, so it was held back until Storm Front. Joel said in a 1996 Masterclass session in Pittsburgh that Storm Front was a turbulent album and that "And So It Goes", as the last song on the album, portrayed the calm and tranquility that often follows a violent thunderstorm.
In the summer of 1992, Joel filed another $90 million lawsuit against his former lawyer Allen Grubman, alleging a wide range of offenses including fraud, breach of fiduciary responsibility, malpractice and breach of contract[56] but the case was eventually settled out of court for an undisclosed sum.[57]
In 1992, Joel inducted the R&B duo Sam & Dave into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. That year, Joel also started work on River of Dreams, finishing the album in early 1993. Its cover art was a colorful painting by Christie Brinkley that was a series of scenes from each of the songs on the album. The eponymous first single was the last top 10 hit Joel has penned to date, reaching No. 3 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart and ranking at No. 21 on the 1993 year-end Hot 100 chart. In addition to the title track, the album includes the hits "All About Soul" (with Color Me Badd on backing vocals) and "Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)", written for his daughter, Alexa. A radio remix version of "All About Soul" can be found on The Essential Billy Joel (2001), and a demo version appears on My Lives (2005).
The song "The Great Wall of China" was written about his ex-manager Frank Weber and was a regular in the setlist for Joel's 2006 tour. "2000 Years" was prominent in the millennium concert at Madison Square Garden, December 31, 1999, and "Famous Last Words" closed the book on Joel's pop songwriting for more than a decade.
1993–present: Touring Beginning in 1994, Joel toured extensively with Elton John on a series of "Face to Face" tours, making them the longest running and most successful concert tandem in pop music history.[58] During these shows, the two have played their own songs, each other's songs and performed duets. They grossed over US$46 million in just 24 dates in their sold out[59] 2003 tour. Joel and John resumed the Face to Face tour in March 2009[59] and it ended again, at least for the time being, in March 2010 in Albany, New York, at the Times Union Center. In February 2010, Joel denied rumors in the trade press that he canceled a summer 2010 leg of the tour, claiming there were never any dates booked and that he intended to take the year off.[60] Joel told Rolling Stone magazine: "We'll probably pick it up again. It's always fun playing with him."[61]
Joel performing in 2007 in Florida On August 25, 1994, Joel and second wife Christie Brinkley divorced, but they remained friends.
1997's "To Make You Feel My Love" and "Hey Girl" both charted from Joel's Greatest Hits Volume III album. Joel wrote and recorded the song "Shameless" that was later covered by Garth Brooks and reached No. 1 on Billboard's country charts. Joel performed with Brooks during his Central Park concert in 1997. To add onto his achievements Joel was inducted into the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame in 1999. Ray Charles made the induction speech and mentioned the duet Joel wrote for the two of them, "Baby Grand" (a track on Joel's album The Bridge released in 1986).
On December 31, 1999, Joel performed at New York's Madison Square Garden. At the time, Joel said that it would be his last tour and possibly his last concert. Two of his performances from that night, "We Didn't Start the Fire" and "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" were filmed and featured that night as part of ABC's special New Year's Y2K coverage. The concert (dubbed The Night of the 2000 Years) ran for close to four hours and was later released as 2000 Years: The Millennium Concert.
In 2001, Joel released Fantasies & Delusions, a collection of classical piano pieces. All were composed by Joel and performed by Hyung-ki Joo. Joel often uses bits of these songs as interludes in live performances, and some of them are part of the score for the hit show Movin' Out. The album topped the classical charts at No. 1. Joel performed "New York State of Mind" live on September 21, 2001, as part of the America: A Tribute to Heroes benefit concert, and on October 20, 2001, along with "Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway)", at the Concert for New York City in Madison Square Garden. That night, he also performed "Your Song" with Elton John.
In 2003, Joel inducted The Righteous Brothers into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, noting that his song "Until the Night" from the album 52nd Street was a tribute to the duo.
In 2005, Columbia released a box set, My Lives, which is largely a compilation of demos, b-sides, live/alternate versions and even a few Top 40 hits. The compilation also includes the Umixit software, in which people can remix "Zanzibar" and a live version of "I Go to Extremes" with their PC. Also, a DVD of a show from the River of Dreams tour is included.
Billy Joel with his band performing in California On January 7, 2006, Joel began a tour across the U.S. Having not written, or at least released, any new songs in 13 years, he featured a sampling of songs from throughout his career, including major hits as well as obscure tunes like "Zanzibar" and "All for Leyna". His tour included an unprecedented 12 sold-out concerts over several months at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The singer's stint of 12 shows at Madison Square Garden broke a previous record set by New Jersey native Bruce Springsteen, who played 10 sold-out shows at the same arena. The record earned Joel the first retired number (12) in the arena owned by a non-athlete. This honor has also been given to Joel at the Wells Fargo Center (Philadelphia) (formerly the Wachovia Center) in Philadelphia where a banner in the colors of the Philadelphia Flyers is hung honoring Joel's 46 Philadelphia sold-out shows. He also had a banner raised in his honor for being the highest grossing act in the history of the Times Union Center (formerly the Knickerbocker Arena and Pepsi Arena) in Albany, New York. This honor was given to him as part of the April 17, 2007, show he did there. On June 13, 2006, Columbia released 12 Gardens Live, a double album containing 32 live recordings from a collection of the 12 different shows at Madison Square Garden during Joel's 2006 tour.
Joel visited the United Kingdom and Ireland for the first time in many years as part of the European leg of his 2006 tour. On July 31, 2006, he performed a free concert in Rome, with the Colosseum as the backdrop.[62]
Joel toured South Africa, Australia, Japan, and Hawaii in late 2006, and subsequently toured the Southeastern U.S. in February and March 2007 before hitting the Midwest in the spring of 2007. On January 3 of that year, news was leaked to the New York Post that Billy had recorded a new song with lyrics—this being the first new song with lyrics he'd written in almost 14 years.[63] The song, titled "All My Life", was Joel's newest single (with second track "You're My Home", live from Madison Square Garden 2006 tour) and was released into stores on February 27, 2007.[64] On February 4, Joel sang the national anthem for Super Bowl XLI, becoming the first to sing the national anthem twice at a Super Bowl. and on April 17, 2007, Joel was honored in Albany, New York, for his ninth concert at the Times Union Center. He is now holding the highest box office attendance of any artist to play at the arena. A banner was raised in his honor marking this achievement.
On December 1, 2007, Joel premiered his new song "Christmas in Fallujah".[65] The song was performed by Cass Dillon, a new Long Island based musician, as Joel felt it should be sung by someone in a soldier's age range (though he himself has played the song occasionally in concert.) The track was dedicated to servicemen based in Iraq. Joel wrote it in September 2007 after reading numerous letters sent to him from American soldiers in Iraq. "Christmas in Fallujah" is only the second pop/rock song released by Joel since 1993's River of Dreams. Proceeds from the song benefited the Homes For Our Troops foundation.
Joel with Mike DelGuidice in 2016 On January 26, 2008, Joel performed with the Philadelphia Orchestra celebrating the 151st anniversary of the Academy of Music. Joel premiered his new classical piece titled, "Waltz No. 2 (Steinway Hall)" arranged by Brad Ellis. He also played many of his less well-known pieces, with full orchestral backing arranged by Mr. Ellis, including the rarely performed Nylon Curtain songs "Scandinavian Skies" and "Where's the Orchestra?".
On March 10, 2008, Joel inducted his friend John Mellencamp into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in a ceremony at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City.
Joel's staying power as a touring act continues to the present day. He sold out 10 concerts at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, Connecticut from May to July 2008. The casino honored him with a banner displaying his name and the number 10 to hang in the arena. On June 19, 2008, he played a concert at the grand re-opening of Caesars Windsor (formerly Casino Windsor) in Windsor, Ontario, Canada to an invite-only crowd for Casino VIPs. His mood was light, and joke-filled, even introducing himself as "Billy Joel's dad" and stating "you guys overpaid to see a fat bald guy". He also admitted that Canadian folk-pop musician Gordon Lightfoot was the musical inspiration for "She's Always A Woman".[66]
On July 16, 2008, and July 18, 2008, Joel played the final concerts at Shea Stadium before its demolition. His guests included Tony Bennett, Don Henley, John Mayer, John Mellencamp, Steven Tyler, Roger Daltrey, Garth Brooks, and Paul McCartney. The concerts were featured in the 2010 documentary film Last Play at Shea. The film was released on DVD on February 8, 2011. The CD and DVD of the show, Live at Shea Stadium were released on March 8, 2011.
On December 11, 2008, Joel recorded his own rendition of "Christmas in Fallujah" during a concert at Acer Arena in Sydney and released it as a live single in Australia only. It is the only official release of Joel performing "Christmas in Fallujah", as Cass Dillon sang on the 2007 studio recording and the handful of times the song was played live in 2007. Joel sang the song throughout his December 2008 tour of Australia.
On May 19, 2009, Joel's former drummer, Liberty DeVitto, filed a lawsuit in NYC claiming Joel and Sony Music owed DeVitto over 10 years of royalty payments. DeVitto had never been given songwriting or arranging credit on any of Joel's songs, but he claimed that he helped arrange some of them, including "Only the Good Die Young".[67] In April 2010, it was announced that Joel and DeVitto amicably resolved the lawsuit.[68]
2011 marked the 40th anniversary of the release of Joel's first album, Cold Spring Harbor. According to Joel's official website, to commemorate this anniversary, Columbia/Legacy Recordings originally planned "to celebrate the occasion with a definitive reissue project of newly restored and expanded Legacy editions of the complete Billy Joel catalog, newly curated collections of rarities from the vaults, previously unavailable studio tracks and live performances, home video releases and more", although this never fully came to fruition.[69] The album Piano Man was re-released in a two-disc Legacy edition in November 2011.[69]
In 2012, Joel signed an exclusive worldwide publishing agreement with Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG), and its subsidiary Rondor Music International. Under the agreement, UMPG and Rondor replaced EMI Music Publishing in handling Joel's catalog outside the U.S. Additionally, the agreement marked the first time since Joel regained control of his publishing rights in the 1980s that he began to use an administrator to handle his catalog within the U.S. The agreement's focus is on increasing the use of Joel's music in movies, television programs, and commercials.[70]
On December 12, 2012, Joel performed as part of 12-12-12: The Concert for Sandy Relief at Madison Square Garden, a concert held for all the victims of Hurricane Sandy. He changed the lyrics to "Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway)" to make it relate to all the damage caused by Sandy.
In May 2013, it was announced that Joel would hold his first ever indoor Irish concert at the O2 in Dublin on November 1. He subsequently announced his return to the UK for the first time in seven years to perform three dates in October and November. Joel played two arena dates in Manchester and Birmingham plus a very special show at London's Hammersmith Apollo. In October, Joel held a surprise concert on Long Island at The Paramount (Huntington, New York) to benefit Long Island Cares. The venue holds a capacity of 1,555 and sold out in five minutes. Joel headlined a solo arena concert in New York City for the first time since 2006 when he performed at Barclays Center in Brooklyn on December 31, 2013. In 2015, Joel performed 21 concerts (in addition to his Madison Square Garden residency) from January 7 to August 2 in various cities around the U.S. and Canada.
On December 3, 2013, it was announced that Joel would become a franchise of Madison Square Garden, playing one concert a month indefinitely, starting with a date on January 27, 2014.[71]
Joel performing at Madison Square Garden in 2016 On January 7, 2014, the Billy Joel in Concert tour began. Joel kicked off the 2014 New Year in the Amway Center (in Orlando, Florida) and performed several cover songs such as Elton John's "Your Song", Billy Preston's "You Are So Beautiful" (in tribute to Joe Cocker), The Beatles' "With a Little Help from My Friends", "Can't Buy Me Love", and "When I'm 64", Robert Burns' "Auld Lang Syne", and AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long" (with Brian Johnson). Rufus Wainwright joined Joel during the concert to sing "New York State of Mind".[72] Joel also performed an unusual set, including the song "Souvenir" (from 1974's Streetlife Serenade) and excluding "We Didn't Start the Fire".[73]
On August 4, 2015 Joel played the final concert at Nassau Coliseum before the arena underwent a $261 million renovation.[74]
On April 5, 2017 Joel played the first concert at the newly renovated Nassau Coliseum.
On June 24, 2017, he returned to Hicksville High School fifty years after his would-be graduating class received their diplomas,[75] to deliver the honorary commencement address. It was also the 25th anniversary of receiving his own diploma from the same High School.
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All of the MPAA/CARA-rated films of 2006 (out of the 5,008 films released worldwide that year.)

  1. Bambi II (Director: Brian Pimental)
  2. Cars (Directors: John Lasseter + Joe Ranft)
  3. Charlotte’s Web (Director: Gary Winick)
  4. Comic Evangelist (Directors: Daniel Jones + Dann Sytsma)
  5. Curious George (Director: Matthew O’Callaghan)
  6. Doogal (Directors: Dave Borthwick, Jean Duval + Frank Passingham)
  7. Elephant Tales (Director: Mario Andreacchio)
  8. Epiphany: The Cycle Of Life (Director: Ali Hossaini)
  9. Everyone’s Heros (Directors: Colin Brady, Christopher Reeve + Dan St. Pierre)
  10. Franklin and the Turtle Lake Treasure (Director: Dominique Monfery)
  11. Modern Man (Director: Justin Swibel)
  12. Shark Bait (Director: Howard E. Baker, John Fox + Kyung Ho Lee)
  13. Stanley’s Dinosaur Round-Up (Director: Jeff Buckland)
  14. Strawberry Shortcake: The Sweet Dreams Movie (Director: Karen Hyden)
  15. The Gig (Director: Jason Leo Baguio)
  16. The Legend Of Sasquatch (Director: Thomas Calicoat)
  17. The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (Director: Michael Lembeck)
  18. The Wild (Director: Steve “Spaz” Williams)
  19. Urmel aus dem Eis (Directors: Reinhard Klooss + Holger Tappe)
  1. A Broken Sole (Director: Antony Marsellis)
  2. A Merry Little Christmas (Directors: John Dowling, Jr. + Karl Fink)
  3. A Sacred Proof (Director: Yehuda Freeman)
  4. Aimee Semple McPherson (Director: Richard Rossi)
  5. Akeelah + The Bee (Director: Doug Atchinson)
  6. Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker (Director: Geoffrey Sax)
  7. Always Will (Director: Michael Sammaciccia)
  8. Amazing Grace (Director: Michael Apted)
  9. Aquamarine (Director: Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum)
  10. Arthur + The Invisibles (Director: Luc Besson)
  11. As You Like It (Director: Kenneth Branagh)
  12. Azur + Asmar: The Princes’ Quest (Director: Michel Ocelot)
  13. Barnyard (Director: Steve Oedekerk)
  14. Beautiful Dreamer (Director: Terri Farley-Teruel)
  15. Believe In Me (Director: Robert Collector)
  16. Bonneville (Director: Christopher N. Rowley)
  17. Brothers Two (Director: Jennifer Tadlock)
  18. Casi casi (Directors: Jaime Vallés + Tony Vallés)
  19. Christmas At Maxwell’s (Director: William C. Laufer)
  20. Church Ball (Director: Kurt Hale)
  21. Collier + Co. (Director: John Schneider)
  22. Conversations With God (Director: Stephen Deutsch)
  23. Crusade In Jeans (Director: Ben Sombogaart)
  24. Deck The Halls (Director: John Whitesell)
  25. Dog Lover’s Symphony (Director: Ted Fukuda)
  26. Eight Below (Director: Frank Marshall)
  27. Eragon (Director: Stefen Fangmeier)
  28. Everest E.R. (Directors: Brad McLain + Sean McLain)
  29. Faith Like Potatoes (Director: Regardt van den Bergh)
  30. Feliz Navidad (Director: Michael Baez)
  31. Fire Creek (Director: Jed Wells)
  32. Flicka (Director: Michael Mayer)
  33. Flushed Away (Directors: David Bowers + Sam Fell)
  34. Garfield II: A Tale Of Two Kitties (Director: Tim Hill)
  35. Glory Road (Director: James Gartner)
  36. Goose On The Loose (Goose!) Director: Nicholas Kendall)
  37. Guadalupe (Director: Santiago Parra)
  38. Happily N’Ever After (Directors: Paul Bolger, Yvette Kaplan + Greg Tiernan)
  39. Happy Feet (Directors: George Miller, Warren Coleman + Judy Morris)
  40. Hoot (Director: Wil Shriner)
  41. How To Eat Fried Worms (Director: Bob Dolman)
  42. How To Stoppie (Director: Drew Umland)
  43. I’ll Believe You (Director: Paul Francis Sullivan)
  44. Ice Age: The Meltdown (Director: Carlos Saldanha)
  45. Invincible (Director: Ericson Core)
  46. Love’s Abiding Joy (Director: Michael Landon, Jr.)
  47. M For Mother (Director: Rasool Mollagholi Poor)
  48. Material Girls (Director: Martha Coolidge)
  49. Milarepa (Director: Neten Chokling)
  50. Miss Potter (Director: Chris Noonan)
  51. Monster House (Director: Gil Kenan)
  52. My Bad Dad (Director: Mack Polhemus)
  53. Nacho Libre (Director: Jared Hess)
  54. Naming Number Two (Director: Toa Fraser)
  55. Night At The Museum (Director: Shawn Levy)
  56. Offside (Director: Jafar Panahi)
  57. One Night With The King (Director: Michael O. Sajbel)
  58. Opal Dream (Director: Peter Cattaneo)
  59. Open Season (Directors: Roger Allers, Jill Culton + Anthony Stacchi)
  60. Outlaw Trail: The Treasure of Butch Cassidy (Director: Ryan Little)
  61. Over The Hedge (Directors: Tim Johnson + Karey Kirkpatrick)
  62. Penelope (Director: Mark Palansky)
  63. RV (Director: Barry Sonnenfeld)
  64. Red Riding Hood (Director: Randal Kleiser)
  65. Return with Honor: A Missionary Homecoming (Director: Michael Amundsen)
  66. Reunion (Director: Sheila Norman)
  67. Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles (Directors: Dong-Wook Lee + Tommy Yune)
  68. Rocky Balboa (Director: Sylvester Stallone)
  69. Saving Shiloh (Director: Sandy Tung)
  70. Sea Of Dreams (Director: José Pepe Bojórquez)
  71. Secret Of The Cave (Director: Zach C. Gray)
  72. Spymate (Director: Robert Vince)
  73. Stalking Santa (Director: Greg Kiefer)
  74. The Ant Bully (Director: John A. Davis)
  75. The Blue Elephant (Directors: Kompin Kemgumnird + Tod Polson)
  76. The Celestine Prophecy (Director: Armand Mastroianni)
  77. The Genius Club (Director: Timothy A. Chey)
  78. The Lake House (Director: Alejandro Agresti)
  79. The Nativity Story (Director: Catherine Hardwick)
  80. The Pink Panther (Director: Shawn Levy)
  81. The Race Begins (Director: Edward Fu)
  82. The Shaggy Dog (Director: Brian Robbins)
  83. The Thief Lord (Director: Richard Claus)
  84. The Ultimate Gift (Director: Michael O. Sajbel)
  85. The Water’s Edge (Director: Robin Conly)
  86. The Work and the Glory III: A House Divided (Director: Sterling Van Wagenen)
  87. The Year My Parents Went on Vacation (Director: Cao Hamburger)
  88. Think Tank (Director: Brian Petersen)
  89. Unaccompanied Minors (Director: Paul Feig)
  90. Unidentified (Director: Rich Christiano)
  91. Vitus (Director: Fredi M. Murer)
  92. We Are Marshall (Director: McG)
  93. When I Find The Ocean (Director: Tonya S. Holly)
  94. Zoom (Director: Peter Hewitt)
  1. 16 Blocks (Director: Richard Donner)
  2. A Good Year (Director: Ridley Scott)
  3. A Lobster Tale (Director: Adam Massey)
  4. A Prairie Home Companion (Director: Robert Altman)
  5. ATL (Director: Chris Robinson)
  6. Accepted (Director: Steve Pink)
  7. Al Qarem (Directors: Affandy Yacoob + Ajmal Yourish)
  8. Alien Autopsy (Director: Jonny Campbell)
  9. All You’ve Got (Director: Neema Barnette)
  10. All The King’s Men (Director: Steven Zaillian)
  11. American Dreamz (Director: Paul Weitz)
  12. Annapolis (Director: Justin Lin)
  13. Antonia (Director: Tata Amaral)
  14. Assphalt Assassins (Director: Brian Bourke)
  15. Avenue Montaigne (Director: Danièle Thompson)
  16. Away From Her (Director: Sarah Polley)
  17. Bacterium (Director: Brett Piper)
  18. Bandidas (Directors: Joachim Rønning + Espen Sandberg)
  19. Bella (Director: Alejandro Monteverde)
  20. Bienvenido paisano (Director: Rafael Villaseñor Kuri)
  21. Big Momma’s House II (Director: John Whitesell)
  22. Blind Dating (Director: James Keach)
  23. Blind Love (Director: Janghun Troy Choi)
  24. Bolly Double (Director: Petrichor Bharali)
  25. Broken Bridges (Director: Steven Goldmann)
  26. Broken Sky (Director: Julián Hernández)
  27. Canvas (Director: Joseph Greco)
  28. Casino Royale (Director: Martin Campbell)
  29. Catch A Fire (Director: Phillip Noyce)
  30. Catch + Release (Director: Susannah Grant)
  31. Chalk (Director: Mike Akel)
  32. Chocolate Rap (Director: Chi Y. Lee)
  33. Citizen Duane (Director: Michael Mabbott)
  34. Click (Director: Frank Coraci)
  35. Color Of The Cross (Director: Jean-Claude La Marre)
  36. Comeback Season (Director: Bruce McCulloch)
  37. Copying Beethoven (Director: Agnieszka Holland)
  38. Crossover (Director: Preston A. Whitmore II)
  39. DOA: Dead Or Alive (Director: Corey Yuen)
  40. Date Movie (Directors: Aaron Seltzer + Jason Friedberg)
  41. Déjà vu (Director: Tony Scott)
  42. Dirty Laundry (Director: Maurice Jamal)
  43. Disappearances (Director: Jay Craven)
  44. Domestic Import (Director: Kevin Connor)
  45. Dreamgirls (Director: Bill Condon)
  46. Driving Lessons (Director: Jeremy Brock)
  47. Ella At Five (Director: David Quinn)
  48. Employee Of The Month (Director: Greg Coolidge)
  49. Evil Behind You (Directors: Jim Carroll + Jason Kerr)
  50. Eye Of The Dolphin (Director: Michael D. Sellers)
  51. Facing The Giants (Director: Alex Kendrick)
  52. Failure To Launch (Director: Tom Dey)
  53. Falling For Grace (Director: Fay Ann Lee)
  54. Fearless (Director: Ronny Yu)
  55. Firewall (Director: Richard Loncraine)
  56. Flyboys (Director: Tony Bill)
  57. For Your Consideration (Director: Christopher Guest)
  58. Forget About It (Director: B.J. Davis)
  59. Golden Door (Director: Emanuele Crialese)
  60. Gray Matters (Director: Sue Kramer)
  61. Gridiron Gang (Director: Phil Joanou)
  62. Griffin + Phoenix (Director: Ed Stone)
  63. Heavens Fall (Director: Terry Green)
  64. Hookers, Inc. (Director: Tim Pingel)
  65. I’m Not Stupid Too (Director: Jack Neo)
  66. I’m Reed Fish (Director: Zackary Adler)
  67. Irish Jam (Director: John Eyres)
  68. It’s A Boy Girl Thing (Director: Nick Hurran)
  69. Jade Warrior (Director: Antti-Jussi Annila)
  70. John Tucker Must Die (Director: Betty Thomas)
  71. Judges (Director: Stephen Patrick Walker)
  72. Just Like The Son (Director: Morgan J. Freeman)
  73. Just My Luck (Director: Donald Petrie)
  74. Kalamazoo? (Director: David O’Malley)
  75. Keeping Up With The Steins (Director: Scott Marshall)
  76. Kenny (Director: Clayton Jacobson)
  77. Kokoda: 39th Battalion (Director: Alister Grierson)
  78. Lady In The Water (Director: M. Night Shyamalan)
  79. Lage Raho Munna Bhai (Director: Rajkumar Hirani)
  80. Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector (Director: Trent Cooper)
  81. Last Holiday (Director: Wayne Wang)
  82. Last Stop For Paul (Director: Neil Mandt)
  83. Little Man (Director: Keenen Ivory Wayans)
  84. Love + Debate (Director: Jessica Kavana Dornbusch)
  85. Love + Honour (Director: Yôji Yamada)
  86. Madea’s Family Reunion (Director: Tyler Perry)
  87. Man Of The Year (Director: Barry Levinson)
  88. Marie Antoinette (Director: Sofia Coppola)
  89. Midnight Clear (Director: Dallas Jenkins)
  90. Miriam (Director: Matt Cimber)
  91. Mission: Impossible III (Director: J.J. Abrams)
  92. Moonpie (Director: Drake Doremus)
  93. My Best Friend (Director: Patrice Leconte)
  94. My Brother (Director: Anthony Lover)
  95. My First Wedding (Director: Laurent Firode)
  96. My Super Ex-Girlfriend (Director: Ivan Reitman)
  97. Nihon chinbotsu (Director: Shinji Higuchi)
  98. Nina’s Heavenly Delights (Director: Pratibha Parmar)
  99. Offshore (Director: Diane Cheklich)
  100. One Last Dance (Director: Max Makowski)
  101. Outsourced (Director: John Jeffcoat)
  102. Passion + Brotherhood (Director: Drew Stone)
  103. Peaceful Warrior (Director: Victor Salva)
  104. Phat Girlz (Director: Nnegest Likké)
  105. Pirates Of Treasure Island (Director: Leigh Scott)
  106. Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (Director: Gore Verbinski)
  107. Pirates Of The Great Salt Lake (Director: E.R. Nelson)
  108. Poseidon (Director: Wolfgang Petersen)
  109. Priceless (Director: Pierre Salvadori)
  110. Pulse (Director: Jim Sonzero)
  111. Raising Flagg (Director: Neal Miller)
  112. Relative Strangers (Director: Greg Glienna)
  113. Rescue Dawn (Director: Werner Herzog)
  114. Rounding Home (Director: Phillip Abatecola)
  115. Scary Movie IV (Director: David Zucker)
  116. School For Scoundrels (Director: Todd Phillips)
  117. Scoop (Director: Woody Allen)
  118. Sea Of Fear (Director: Andrew Schuth)
  119. Seth (Director: Corbin Timbrook)
  120. Seven Days Of Grace (Director: Don E. FauntLeRoy)
  121. She’s The Man (Director: Andy Fickman)
  122. Sixty Six (Director: Paul Weiland)
  123. Something New (Director: Sanaa Hamri)
  124. Starter For 10 (Director: Tom Vaughan)
  125. Stay Alive (Director: William Brent Bell)
  126. Step Up (Director: Anne Fletcher)
  127. Stick It (Director: Jessica Bendiger)
  128. Stranger Than Fiction (Director: Marc Forster)
  129. Street Wok’n (Director: Eric Matyas)
  130. Summer Sunshine (Director: David Kentwood)
  131. Superman Returns (Director: Bryan Singer)
  132. Take The Lead (Director: Liz Friedlander)
  133. Tales From Earthsea (Director: Gorô Miyazaki)
  134. Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby (Director: Adam McKay)
  135. The Benchwarmers (Director: Dennis Dugan)
  136. The Break-Up (Director: Peyton Reed)
  137. The Covenant (Director: Renny Harlin)
  138. The Da Vinci Code (Director: Ron Howard)
  139. The Devil Wears Prada (Director: David Frankel)
  140. The Ex (Director: Jesse Peretz)
  141. The Fast + The Furious: Tokyo Drift (Director: Justin Lin)
  142. The Final Inquiry (Director: Giulio Base)
  143. The Flying Scotsman (Director: Douglas Mackinnon)
  144. The Fountain (Director: Darren Aronofsky)
  145. The Foursome (Director: William Dear)
  146. The Garage (Director: Carl Thibault)
  147. The Grudge II (Director: Takashi Shimizu)
  148. The Guardian (Director: Andrew Davis)
  149. The Holiday (Director: Nancy Meyers)
  150. The Illusionist (Director: Neil Burger)
  151. The Lather Effect (Director: Sarah Kelly)
  152. The Little Things (Director: Stephen Padilla)
  153. The Lives Of The Saints (Directors: Chris Cottam + Rankin)
  154. The Marine (Director: John Bonito)
  155. The Namesake (Director: Mira Nair)
  156. The Novice (Director: Murray Robinson)
  157. The Painted Veil (Director: John Curran)
  158. The Prestige (Director: Christopher Nolan)
  159. The Pursuit Of Happyness (Director: Gabriele Muccino)
  160. The Queen (Director: Stephen Frears)
  161. The Return (Director: Asif Kapadia)
  162. The Sasquatch Gang (Director: Tim Skousen)
  163. The Second Chance (Director: Steve Taylor)
  164. The Sentinel (Director: Clark Johnson)
  165. The Surfer King (Director: Bernard Murray, Jr.)
  166. The Valet (Director: Francis Veber)
  167. The Visitation (Director: Robby Henson)
  168. The Wicker Man (Director: Neil LaBute)
  169. Thr3e (Director: Robby Henson)
  170. Tomorrow Is Today (Director: Frederic Lumiere)
  171. Tristan + Isolde (Director: Kevin Reynolds)
  172. Ultraviolet (Director: Kurt Wimmer)
  173. Unbeatable Harold (Director: Ari Palitz)
  174. Under The Sycamore Tree (Director: Shane Dean)
  175. Vigilantes (Director: Trevor L. Smith)
  176. Waltzing Anna (Directors: Doug Bollinger + Bx Giongrete)
  177. When The Stranger Calls (Director: Simon West)
  178. X-Men: The Last Stand (Director: Brett Ratner)
  179. You, Me + Dupree (Directors: Anthony Russo + Joe Russo)
  180. Zen Man (Director: Sang H. Kim)
  1. .45 (Director: Garry Lennon)
  2. 10 Items Or Less (Director: Brad Silberling)
  3. 10th + Wolf (Director: Robert Moresco)
  4. 13: Game Of Death (Director: Chookiat Sakveerakul)
  5. 300 (Director: Zack Snyder)
  6. 5up 2down (Directors: Steven Kessler)
  7. A Crime (Director: Manuel Pradal)
  8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (Director: Dito Montiel)
  9. A New Wave (Director: Jason Carvey)
  10. A Scanner Darkly (Director: Richard Linklater)
  11. Abominable (Director: Ryan Schifrin)
  12. After The Wedding (Director: Susanne Bier)
  13. After... (Director: David L. Cunningham)
  14. All In (Director: Nick Vallelonga)
  15. All The Boys Love Mandy Lane (Director: Jonathan Levine)
  16. Alpha Dog (Director: Nick Cassavetes)
  17. Alpha Male (Director: Dan Wilde)
  18. Altered (Director: Eduardo Sánchez)
  19. An Existential Affair (Director: Peggy Bruen)
  20. Another Heist (Director: Sean Spoatcoat Brown)
  21. Apocalypto (Director: Mel Gibson)
  22. Art School Confidential (Director: Terry Zwigoff)
  23. Ask The Dust (Director: Robert Towne)
  24. Babel (Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu)
  25. Backlash (Director: David Chameides)
  26. Backwaters (Director: Jag Mundhra)
  27. Bas Ek Pal (Director: Onir)
  28. Basic Instinct II (Director: Michael Caton-Jones)
  29. Battle Of The Warriors (Director: Chi Leung 'Jacob' Cheung)
  30. Beer League (Director: Frank Sebastiano)
  31. Beerfest (Director: Jay Chandrasekhar)
  32. Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon (Director: Scott Glosserman)
  33. Beyond The Wall Of Sleep (Directors: Barrett J. Leigh + Thom Maurer)
  34. Big Bad Wolf (Director: Lance W. Dreesen)
  35. Big Nothing (Director: Jean-Baptiste Andrea)
  36. Black Book (Director: Paul Verhoeven)
  37. Black Christmas (Director: Glen Morgan)
  38. Black Snake Moan (Director: Craig Brewer)
  39. Blood Diamond (Director: Edward Zwick)
  40. Blood Trails (Director: Robert Krause)
  41. Bobby (Director: Emilio Estevez)
  42. Bon Cop Bad Cop (Director: Erik Canuel)
  43. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (Director: Larry Charles)
  44. Bordertown (Director: Gregory Nava)
  45. Breaking + Entering (Director: Anthony Minghella)
  46. Broken (Director: Alan White)
  47. Broken (Directors: Simon Boyes + Adam Mason)
  48. Brutal (Director: Filip Chalatsis)
  49. Bug (Director: William Friedkin)
  50. Bullets, Blood + A Fistful Of Ca$h (Director: Sam Akina)
  51. Caffeine (Director: John Cosgrove)
  52. Candy (Director: Neil Armfield)
  53. Candy Stripers (Director: Kate Robbins)
  54. Canes (Director: Michael Bafaro)
  55. Cargo (Director: Clive Gordon)
  56. Cashback (Director: Sean Ellis)
  57. Cattle Call (Director: Martin Guigui)
  58. Children Of Men (Director: Alfonso Cuarón)
  59. Chores (Director: Sonnie Hamner)
  60. Chronicle Of An Escape (Director: Israel Adrián Caetano)
  61. Civic Duty (Director: Jeff Renfroe)
  62. Clerks II (Director: Kevin Smith)
  63. Cloud 9 (Director: Harry Basil)
  64. Colma: The Musical (Director: Richard Wong)
  65. Come Early Morning (Director: Joey Lauren Adams)
  66. Confetti (Director: Debbie Isitt)
  67. Costa Chica: Confession OF An Exorcist)
  68. Crank (Directors: Mark Neveldine + Brian Taylor)
  69. Cravings (Director: D.J. Evans)
  70. Crazy Eights (Director: Jimi Jones)
  71. Crooked (Director: Art Camacho)
  72. Curse Of The Golden Flower (Director: Yimou Zhang)
  73. Cut Sleeve Boys (Director: Ray Teung)
  74. Dangerous Flowers (Director: Poj Arnon)
  75. Danika (Director: Ariel Vromen)
  76. Danny Roane: First Time Director (Director: Andy Dick)
  77. Dark Heart (Director: Kevin Lewis)
  78. Dark Ride (Director: Craig Singer)
  79. Day Watch (Director: Timur Bekmambetov)
  80. Day Of Wrath (Games Of Swords) (Director: Adrien Rudomin)
  81. Days Of Glory (Director: Rachid Bouchareb)
  82. Dead Calling (Director: Mike Nichols)
  83. Dead In 3 Days (Director: Andreas Prochaska)
  84. Deadly Lessons (Director: Stuart Paul)
  85. Death Ride (Director: Junichi Suzuki)
  86. Death Of A President (Director: Gabriel Range)
  87. Descansos (Director: J. Michael Kipikash)
  88. Detroit (Director: Brian Lawrence)
  89. Diary (Director: Oxide Chun Pang)
  90. Diggers (Director: Katherine Dieckmann)
  91. Dirty Work (Director: Bruce Terris)
  92. Disorder (Director: Jack Thomas Smith)
  93. Displaced (Director: Martin Holland)
  94. Dominion (Director: Larry Anderson, Greg Myers, David Neilsen + Lia Scott Price)
  95. Dominos: The Games We Play (Director: Nahala Johnson)
  96. Dracula’s Curse (Director: Leight Scott)
  97. Dreamland (Director: Jason Matzner)
  98. Driftwood (Director: Tim Sullivan)
  99. Efectos secundarios (Director: Issa López)
  100. El Cortez (Director: Stephen Purvis)
  101. El cantante (Director: Leon Ichaso)
  102. Electric Apricot (Director: Les Claypool)
  103. End Game (Director: Andy Cheng)
  104. Even Money (Director: Mark Rydell)
  105. Everything’s Gone Green (Director: Paul Fox)
  106. Exiled (Director: Johnnie To)
  107. Factory Girl (Director: George Hickenlooper)
  108. Fade To Black (Director: Oliver Parker)
  109. False Prophets (Director: Robert Kevin Townsend)
  110. Farce Of The Penguins (Director: Bob Saget)
  111. Fast Food Nation (Director: Richard Linklater)
  112. Fat Girls (Director: Ash Christian)
  113. Fatwa (Director: John Carter)
  114. Fay Grim (Director: Hal Hartley)
  115. Fido (Director: Andrew Currie)
  116. Final Contract: Death On Delivery (Director: Axel Sand)
  117. Final Destination III (Director: James Wong)
  118. Final move (Director: Joey Travolta)
  119. Find Me Guilty (Director: Sidney Lumet)
  120. Fingerprints (Director: Harry Basil)
  121. First Snow (Director: Mark Fergus)
  122. Five Fingers (Director: Laurence Malkin)
  123. Flags Of Our Fathers (Director: Clint Eastwood)
  124. Flannel Pajamas (Director: Jeff Lipsky)
  125. For Sale By Owner (Director: Pritesh Chheda)
  126. Forgiving The Franklins (Director: Jay Floyd)
  127. Freedomland (Director: Joe Roth)
  128. Friends With Money (Director: Nicole Holofcener)
  129. Fuera del cielo (Director: Javier “Fox” Patrón)
  130. Full Clip (Director: Mink)
  131. Funny Money (Director: Leslie Greif)
  132. Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (Director: Steven Shainberg)
  133. G.I. Jesus (Director: Carl Colpaert)
  134. Gente Comun (Director: Ignacio Rinza)
  135. Gone (Director: Ringan Ledwidge)
  136. Goya’s Ghosts (Director: Milos Forman)
  137. Grad Night (Director: Michael T. Fitzgerald, Jr.)
  138. Grandma’s Boy (Director: Nicholaus Goossen)
  139. Greed (Director Ron Wolotzky)
  140. Grilled (Director: Jason Ensler)
  141. Grimm Love (Director: Martin Weisz)
  142. Gringo Wedding (Director: Tas Salini)
  143. Guilty Hearts (Directors: George Augusto, Savina Dellicour, Phil Dornfeld, Ravi Kumar, Benjamin Ross, Paul Black + Krystoff Przykucki)
  144. Half Light (Director: Craig Rosenberg)
  145. Half Nelson (Director: Ryan Fleck)
  146. Hatchet (Director: Adam Green)
  147. High Hopes (Director: Joe Eckardt)
  148. Holla (Director: H.M. Coakley)
  149. Holly (Director: Guy Moshe)
  150. Hollywood Dreams (Director: Henry Jaglom)
  151. Hollywoodland (Director: Allen Coulter)
  152. Home Of The Brave (Director: Irwin Winkler)
  153. Homie Spumoni (Director: Mike Cerrone)
  154. Honor (Director: David Worth)
  155. Hood Of Horror (Director: Stacy Tile)
  156. Hot Tamale (Director: Michael Damian)
  157. How To Go Out On A Date In Queens (Director: Michelle Danner)
  158. I Love Miami (Director: Alejandro González Padilla)
  159. I Served The King Of England (Director: Jiri Menzel)
  160. I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With (Director: Jeff Garlin)
  161. Idiocracy (Director: Mike Judge)
  162. Idlewild (Director: Bryan Barber)
  163. In Her Line Of Fire (Director: Brian Trenchard-Smith)
  164. In A Dark Place (Director: Donato Rotunno)
  165. In ascolto (Director: Giacomo Martelli)
  166. Incubus (Director: Anya Camilleri)
  167. Infamous (Director: Douglas McGrath)
  168. Inland Empire (Director: David Lynch)
  169. Inside Man (Director: Spike Lee)
  170. Ira + Abby (Director: Robert Cary)
  171. Irresistible (Director: Ann Turner)
  172. Islander (Director: Ian McCrudden)
  173. Jimmy + Judy (Director: Randall Rubin + Jonathan Schroder)
  174. Jindabyne (Director: Ray Lawrence)
  175. Johnny Was (Director: Mark Hammond)
  176. Joshua (Director: Travis Betz)
  177. Journey From The Fall (Director: Ham Tran)
  178. Journey To The End Of The Night (Director: Eric Eason)
  179. KM31: Kilometre 31 (Director: Rigoberto Castañeda)
  180. Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (Director: Karan Johar)
  181. Karla (Director: Joel Bender)
  182. Kettle Of Fish (Director: Claudia Myers)
  183. Kidulthood (Director: Menhaj Huda)
  184. Kill Your Darlings (Director: Björne Larson)
  185. Killing Down (Director: Blake Calhoun)
  186. Kiss Me Again (Director: William Tyler Smith)
  187. Kisses + Caroms (Director: Vincent Rocca)
  188. Lady Chatterley (Director: Pascale Ferran)
  189. Land Of The Blind (Director: Robert Edwards)
  190. Last Sunset (Director: Michael Valverde)
  191. Legit (Director: James W. Boinski)
  192. Lenexa, 1 Mile (Director: Jason Wiles)
  193. Let’s Go To Prison (Director: Bob Odenkirk)
  194. Letters From Iwo Jima (Director: Clint Eastwood)
  195. Lies + Alibis (Directors: Matt Checkowski + Kurt Mattila)
  196. Like Minds (Director: Gregory Read)
  197. Lime Salted Love (Directors: Danielle Agnello + Joe Hall)
  198. Little Chenier (Director: Bethany Ashton Wolf)
  199. Little Children (Director: Todd Field)
  200. Little Miss Sunshine (Director: Jonathan Dayton + Valerie Faris)
  201. Live Feed (Director: Ryan Nicholson)
  202. Live Free Or Die (Directors: Gregg Kavet + Andy Robin)
  203. Local Color (Director: George Gallo)
  204. London To Brighton (Director: Paul Andrew Williams)
  205. Lonely Hearts (Director: Todd Robinson)
  206. Look @ Me (Director: Todd Wade)
  207. Los Gringos (Director: Daniel Zubiate)
  208. Los pajarracos (Directors: Hector Hernandez + Horacio Rivera)
  209. Lost Signal (Director: Brian McNamara)
  210. Love Comes To The Executioner (Director: Kyle Bergersen)
  211. Love Is The Drug (Director: Elliott Lester)
  212. Love + Other Disasters (Director: Alek Keshishian)
  213. Lucky Number Slevin (Director: Paul McGuigan)
  214. Man About Town (Director: Mike Binder)
  215. Maple Palm (Director: Ralph Torjan)
  216. Memory (Director: Bennett Davlin)
  217. Mentor (Director: David Langlitz)
  218. Mercury Man (Director: Bhandit Thongdee)
  219. Miami Vice (Director: Michael Mann)
  220. Mini’s First Time (Director: Nick Guthe)
  221. Minotaur (Director: Jonathan English)
  222. Moscow Zero (Director: María Lidón)
  223. Mr. Fix It (Director: Darin Ferriola)
  224. Mr. Hell (Director: Rob McKinnon)
  225. Mulberry St. (Director: Jim Mickle)
  226. Nailed (Director: Adreian O’Connell)
  227. Never On A Sunday (Director: Daniel Gruener)
  228. Night Feeders (Director: Jet Eller)
  229. Night Of The Living Dead in 3-D (Director: Jeff Broadstreet)
  230. Nightmare Man (Director: Rolfe Kanefsky)
  231. No Regret (Director: Hee-il Leesong)
  232. Notes On A Scandal (Director: Richard Eyre)
  233. Novel Romance (Director: Emily Skopov)
  234. O Jerusalem (Director: Élie Chouraqui)
  235. Off The Black (Director: James Ponsoldt)
  236. Only The Brave (Director: Lane Nishikawa)
  237. Open Water II: Adrift (Director: Hans Horn)
  238. Open Window (Director: Mia Goldman)
  239. Ouija (Director: Khaled Youssef)
  240. Pan’s Labyrinth (Director: Guillermo del Toro)
  241. Paprika (Director: Satoshi Kon)
  242. Paris, je t'aime (Directors: Olivier Assayas, Frédéric Auburtin, Emmanuel Benbihy, Gurinder Chadha, Sylvain Chomet, Joel Coen, Isabel Coixet, Wes Craven, Alfonso Cuarón, Gérard Depardieu, Christopher Doyle, Richard LaGravenese, Vincenzo Natali, Alexander Payne, Bruno Podalydès, Walter Salles, Oliver Schmitz, Nobuhiro Suwa, Daniela Thomas, Tom Tykwer + Gus Van Sant)
  243. Park (Director: Kurt Voelker)
  244. Penny Dreadful (Director: Richard Brandes)
  245. Perfect Creature (Director: Glenn Standring)
  246. Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer (Director: Tom Tykwer)
  247. Plasterhead (Director: Kevin Higgins)
  248. Played (Director: Sean Stanek)
  249. Pledge This! (Directors: William Heins + Strathford Hamilton)
  250. Premium (Director: Pete Chatmon)
  251. Pretty Cool (Director: Rolfe Kanefsky)
  252. Psychopathia Sexualis (Director: Bret Wood)
  253. Pu-239 (Director: Scott Z. Burns)
  254. Pucked (National Lampoon’s) (Director: Arthur Hiller)
  255. Puff, Puff, Pass (Director: Mekhi Phifer)
  256. Push (Director: Dave Rodriguez)
  257. Quinceañera (Directors: Richard Glatzer + Wash Westmoreland)
  258. Rainbow Raani (Director: Harbance Kumar)
  259. Raising Jeffrey Dahmer (Director: Rich Ambler)
  260. Rampage: The Hillside Strangler Murders (Director: Chris Fisher)
  261. Re-cycle (Director: Danny Pang + Oxide Chun Pang)
  262. Read On (Director: Jeff Faulkinbury)
  263. Renaissance (Director: Christian Volckman)
  264. Reprise (Director: Joachim Trier)
  265. Right At Your Door (Director: Chris Gorak)
  266. Rocker (Director: Lauren Patrice Nadler)
  267. Running Scared (Director: Wayne Kramer)
  268. Running With Scissors (Director: Ryan Murphy)
  269. S&Man (Director: J.T. Petty)
  270. Sakebi (Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa)
  271. Sam’s Lake (Director: Andrew C. Erin)
  272. Sasquatch Mountain (Director: Steven R. Monroe)
  273. Satanic (Director: Dan Golden)
  274. Saw III (Director: Darren Lynn Bousman)
  275. Scenes Of A Sexual Nature (Director: Ed Blum)
  276. Scorpius Gigantus (Director: Tommy Withrow)
  277. Séance (Director: Mark L. Smith)
  278. Section 8 (Director: Carl Gilliard)
  279. See No Evil (Director: Gregory Dark)
  280. Seraphim Falls (Director: David Von Ancken)
  281. Serum (Director: Steve Franke)
  282. Severance (Director: Christopher Smith)
  283. Shadow: Dead Riot (Director: Derek Wan)
  284. Sherrybaby (Director: Laurie Collyer)
  285. Shock To The System (Director: Ron Oliver)
  286. Silent Hill (Director: Christophe Gans)
  287. Simon Says (Director: William Dear)
  288. Sisters (Director: Douglas Buck)
  289. Skinwalkers (Director: James Isaac)
  290. Sleeping Dogs Lie (Director: Bob Goldthwait)
  291. Slither (Director: James Gunn)
  292. Smashes, Bashes + Crashes (Director: Drew Stone)
  293. Smokin’ Aces (Director: Joe Carnahan)
  294. Snakes On A Plane (Director: David R. Ellis)
  295. Soul’s Midnight (Director: Harry Basil)
  296. Southern Justice (Director: M.D. Selig)
  297. Southland Tales (Director: Richard Kelly)
  298. Special (Directors: Hal Haberman + Jeremy Passmore)
  299. Splinter (Director: Michael D. Olmos)
  300. State’s Evidence (Director: Benjamin Louis)
  301. Steel City (Director: Brian Jun)
  302. Stephanie Daley (Director: Hilary Brougher)
  303. Stormforce (Director: Hans Herbots)
  304. Striking Range (Director: Daniel Millican)
  305. Subject Two (Director: Philip Chidel)
  306. Suburban Mayhem (Director: Paul Goldman)
  307. Summer Love (Director: Piotr Uklanski)
  308. Surf School (Director: Joel Silverman)
  309. Surveillance (Director: Fritz Kiersch)
  310. Sweet Insanity (Director: Daniel Hess)
  311. TV: The Movie (National Lampoon’s) (Director: Sam Maccarone)
  312. Tekkonkinkreet (Director: Michael Arias)
  313. Ten ‘til Noon (Director: Scott Storm)
  314. Tenacious D in “The Pick Of Destiny” (Director: Liam Lynch)
  315. That Beautiful Somewhere (Director: Robert Budreau)
  316. The 9/11 Commission Report (Director: Leigh Scott)
  317. The Abandoned (Director: Nacho Cerdà)
  318. The Architect (Director: Matt Tauber)
  319. The Astronaut Farmer (Director: Michael Polish)
  320. The Beach Party At The Threshold Of Hell (Directors: Jonny Gillette + Kevin Wheatley)
  321. The Black Dahlia (Director: Brian De Palma)
  322. The Bondage (Director: Eric Allen Bell)
  323. The Boys + Girls Guide To Getting Down (Director: Paul Sapiano)
  324. The Breed (Director: Nicholas Mastandrea)
  325. The Butcher (Director: Edward Gorsuch)
  326. The Butterfly Effect II (Director: John R. Leonetti)
  327. The Choke (Director: Juan Mas)
  328. The Clique (Director: David Basulto)
  329. The Contract (Director: Bruce Beresford)
  330. The DaVinci Treasure (Director: Peter Mervis)
  331. The Darwin (Director: Finn Taylor)
  332. The Dead Girl (Director: Karen Moncrieff)
  333. The Deepening (Directors: Ted Alderman + Jim O’Rear)
  334. The Departed (Director: Martin Scorsese)
  335. The Devil Wears Spurs (Director: Charlton Thorp)
  336. The Dog Problem (Director: Scott Caan)
  337. The Drop (Director: Kevin Lewis)
  338. The Elder Son (Director: Marius Balchunas)
  339. The Elephant King (Director: Seth Grossman)
  340. The Entrance (Director: Damon Vignale)
  341. The Fall (Director: Tarsem Singh)
  342. The Far Side Of Jericho (Director: Tim Hunter)
  343. The Foot Fist Way (Director: Jody Hill)
  344. The Girl On The Stone (Director: Marisa Sistach)
  345. The Good German (Director: Steven Soderbergh)
  346. The Good Shepherd (Director: Robert De Niro)
  347. The Good Student (Director: David Ostry)
  348. The Gravedancers (Director: Mike Mendez)
  349. The Groomsmen (Director: Edward Burns)
  350. The Hamiltons (Directors: Mitchell Altieri + Phil Flores)
  351. The Hard Easy (Director: Ari Ryan)
  352. The Heart Specialist (Director: Dennis Cooper)
  353. The Hills Have Eyes (Director: Alexandre Aja)
  354. The History Boys (Director: Nicholas Hytner)
  355. The Hoax (Director: Lasse Hallström)
  356. The Host (Director: Bong Joon Ho)
  357. The Hottest State (Director: Ethan Hawke)
  358. The House (Director: David Krae)
  359. The House Of Usher (Director: Hayley Cloake)
  360. The Hunt (Director: Fritz Kiersch)
  361. The Insurgents (Director: Scott Dacko)
  362. The Kovak Box (Director: Daniel Monzón)
  363. The Last Drop (Director: Colin Teague)
  364. The Last King Of Scotland (Director: Kevin Macdonald)
  365. The Last Kiss (Director: Tony Goldwyn)
  366. The Last Request (Director: John DeBellis)
  367. The Last Time (Director: Michael Caleo)
  368. The Lives Of Others (Director: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck)
  369. The Marsh (Director: Jordan Barker)
  370. The Night Listener (Director: Patrick Stettner)
  371. The Night Of The White Pants (Director: Amy Talkington)
  372. The Oh In Ohio (Director: Billy Kent)
  373. The Omen (Director: John Moore)
  374. The Other Side (Director: Gregg Bishop)
  375. The Pumpkin Karver (Director: Robert Mann)
  376. The Science Of Sleep (Director: Michel Gondry)
  377. The Sensation Of Sight (Director: Aaron J. Wiederspaphn)
  378. The Shadow Walkers (Director: Mark Steven Grove)
  379. The Situation (Director: Philip Haas)
  380. The Slaughter (Director: Jay Lee)
  381. The Still Life (Director: Joel Miller)
  382. The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll + Mr. Hyde (Director: John Carl Buechler)
  383. The System Within (Director: Dale Resteghini)
  384. The TV Set (Director: Jake Kasdan)
  385. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (Director: Jonathan Liebesman)
  386. The Tiger’s Tail (Director: John Boorman)
  387. The Tripper (Director: David Arquette)
  388. The Unknown Woman (Director: Giuseppe Tornatore)
  389. The Virgin Of Juarez (Director: Kevin James Dobson)
  390. The Wedding Weekend (Director: Bruce Leddy)
  391. The Witches Hammer (Director: James Eaves)
  392. The Woods (Director: Lucky McKee)
  393. The Zombie Diaries (Directors: Michael G. Bartlett + Kevin Gates)
  394. Them (Ils) (Directors: David Moreau + Xavier Palud)
  395. They’re Just My Friends (Director: Attika Torrence)
  396. Thieves + Liars (Director: Ricardo Méndez Matta)
  397. Things That Hang From Trees (Director: Ido Mizrahy)
  398. Things You Don’t Tell... (Director: Alex Melli)
  399. Tired Of Kissing Frogs (Director: Jorge Colón)
  400. Trailer Park Boys: The Movie (Director: Mike Clattenburg)
  401. Trapped Ashes (Directors: Sean S. Cunningham, Joe Dante, John Gaeta, Monte Hellman + Ken Russell)
  402. Troubled Waters (Director: John Stead)
  403. True True Lie (Director: Eric Styles)
  404. Turistas (Director: John Stockwell)
  405. Twisted Sisters (Director: Wolfgang Büld)
  406. Two Tickets To Paradise (Director: D.B. Sweeney)
  407. Two Weeks (Director: Steve Stockman)
  408. Ugly Me (Director: Claudio Dabed)
  409. Unconscious (Director: Bradley Wigor)
  410. Under Surveillance (Director: Dave Campfield)
  411. Underworld (Director: Len Wiseman)
  412. Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (Director: Isaac Florentine)
  413. Undoing (Director: Chris Can Lee)
  414. United (Director: Paul Greengrass)
  415. Unrest (Director: Jason Todd Ipson)
  416. Valentina’s Tango (Director: Rogelio Lobato)
  417. Vampire Diary (Directors: Mark James + Phil O’Shea)
  418. Van Wilder II: The Rise Of Taj (National Lampoon’s) (Director: Mort Nathan)
  419. Vengeance (Director: Gil Medina)
  420. Vengeance (Director: Pleo Sirisuwan)
  421. Venus (Director: Roger Michell)
  422. Volver (Director: Pedro Almodóvar)
  423. Voodoo Curse: The Giddeh (Director: Glenn Plummer)
  424. Wages Of Sin (Director: Aaron Robson)
  425. Waist Deep (Director Vondie Curtis-Hall)
  426. Walker Payne (Director: Matt Williams)
  427. Wango + Maloy (Director: Kristian Laslett)
  428. Wasted (Director: Matt Oates)
  429. Wedding Daze (Director: Michael Ian Black)
  430. Whirlygirl (Director: Jim Wilson)
  431. Who Made The Potatoe Salad? (Director: Coke Daniels)
  432. Wicked Little Things (Director: J.S. Cardone)
  433. Wild Seven (Director: James M. Hausler)
  434. Wilderness (Director: Michael J. Bassett)
  435. Wolfhound (Director: Nikolay Lebedev)
  436. World Trade Center (Director: Oliver Stone)
  437. Wristcutters A Love Story (Director: Goran Dukic)
  438. Yellow (Director: Alfredo Rodriguez de Villa)
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Americký Táta A Boy Named Michael 6/6 CZ - YouTube The Fat Jack on American Casino - YouTube Top 10 Tips For Beginning Blackjack Players - Part 1 ... All about Video Poker with casino gambling expert Michael ... Michael Tata and Ninya - The buzz - YouTube Top 10 Most Clever Casino Scams Of All Time - YouTube History Buffs: Casino - YouTube Michael Jackson - Live At Wembley (July 16, 1988) - YouTube

American Casino Michael Tata was bron on May 23, 1971 in buffalo New York and graduated Bachelor of Science in Hotel Administration from University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 1996. An autopsy was conducted on the remains of American Casino Michael Tata and the medical examiner arrived at the conclusion that the death was caused by an overdose of powerful painkiller and alcohol. Article on Discovery channel reality show American Casino and impact real-life death of Green Valley Ranch hotel manager Michael Tata may have on second season; Tata, halfway through first season American Casino Season 1 Episodes. 2004-2005; 1 seasons Discovery The unexpected death of Director of Hotel Operations Michael Tata shocks the staff. Where to Watch. Episode 12. Bull Michael Tata was 33 years old at the time of his death. Television Personality. Featured prominently on the Discovery Channel's "American Casino" television series. He was vice president of hotel operations at the Green Valley Ranch Resort and Casino in Henderson, Nevada. American Casino Michael Tata was bron on May 23, 1971 in buffalo New York and graduated Bachelor of Science in Hotel Administration from University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 1996. An autopsy was conducted on the remains of American Casino Michael Tata and the medical examiner arrived at the conclusion that the death was caused by an overdose of powerful painkiller and alcohol. American Casino (TV Series 2004– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. American Casino takes you into the lives of hotel and casino executives, security, and even GVR's fraternal owners to give you a glimpse into Vegas few have ever seen. Michael Tata, Self: American Casino. Michael Tata was born on May 23, 1971 in the USA. He died on July 6, 2004 in Henderson, Nevada, USA. Michael Tata, a Station Casinos executive featured prominently in The Discovery Channel's new "American Casino" television series, was found dead early Tuesday inside his Henderson home. He was 33. A 1996 graduate of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Tata began working at Henderson's Green Valley Ranch in June 2001. When the Discovery cable channel's "American Casino" begins its second season tonight, it will be without Michael Tata, who ran the hotel side of Green Valley Ranch. The hotel-casino, in Henderson, a suburb of Las Vegas, gave Discovery's cameras the run of the grounds last year, figuring that at worst it would trade a few warts for free publicity.

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Michael Jackson - Live At Wembley (July 16, 1988)Listen to more Michael Jackson: particular concert took place on Ju... They had a system - and it actually worked! For this list, we'll be looking at the most daring, devious and brazen ways in which folks have attempted, and of... Watch Jack on American Casino In this video, American Casino Guide author, Steve Bourie, gives his top 10 Tips For Beginning Blackjack Players. This is part one of a two-part series with ... Learn how to play video poker like a professional player - - In this video Steve Bourie, author ... Don't take personally what clients say. Strive for excellence.Since there were no videos I found on YouTube about this idol of mine, I had to upload them mys... Užij si video.ENJOY.Zanech like,odběr popřípadě koment.Pokud se ti něco nelíbilo ,napiš co.¨Sdílej :DTM & © Disney (2016) Fair use. Copyright Disclaimer ... Sorry for being away so long guys! Hopefully this review makes up for it but I'm back in the swing of things and I'm already researching my next review. Than...

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