Area of hexagon with radius

hexagon calculator radius

hexagon calculator radius - win

A deeper dive into the "musical conspiracy theory" (A4=440Hz versus A4=432Hz).

There was a post about this recently, though it didn't go into very much detail at all, so I thought I'd fix that, and try to cover both sides of the argument, for and against.
I've been continually updating this post with new information for hours, while I research this, so feel free to check again later!

About the theory

There is a conspiracy theory that the very tuning system modern music uses (A4=440Hz) is designed to make us more anxious or aggressive, or to otherwise make us less in tune with our spirituality.
It's a pretty fun one.
Proponents of this conspiracy claim that 432Hz is more natural, that it is more fundamental to nature and more in tune with the universe itself.
It is often claimed that the Rockefellers or the Nazis came up with 440Hz, as a form of control or division.
People often talk about how 432Hz aligns with our chakra and so has healing properties, or that it encourages spiritual development.
There are many interesting numerical, numerological and geometric properties/relationships between 432Hz and other things in the world/universe.

For the theory

Against the theory

Bonus #1

There is this phenomenon called the overtone series, or the harmonic series, and if you don't know about it then boy are you in for a treat.
All tones, except for pure sine waves, have "overtones".
Let's say we have a string, a piano string, tuned to C... C2. We strike the key. What do you think you're hearing?
A C2? ...just a C? Wrong! You're hearing a whole butt-load of notes.
When a string vibrates, it doesn't just vibrate along its entire length but also along various subdivisions of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 etc., all simultaneously.
As a result, what you hear is: C2, C3, G3, C4, E4, G4, Bb4, C5, D5, E5, F5, G5 and so on.
As the overtones go up, they become more and more faint but they are definitely there.
This is one reason why low/bass notes sound "fuller" - because there are more overtones. The other reason, I believe, is just because bass strings are thicker?
The more astute reader may notice that embedded in the first 4 overtones of C(2) is a C Major chord and embedded in the first 5 overtones is a C dominant 7th chord. Within the first ten overtones lies the entire C Major scale, aside from the missing A note and disregarding the additional Bb note.
So then, the foundations of our music system itself are literally embedded in every single individual note, thanks to physics/nature.
Isn't that beautiful?

Bonus #2

It's also worth mentioning equal temperament and well temperament. Equal temperament, the modern system, is based on the 12th root of 2. In this system, all 12 semitones are spaced equally far apart and so every key feels the same, so you can modulate freely from key to key, due to the uniformity of the semitones. One drawback is that major thirds are quite a bit off from where they should be, another is that the various musical keys lose their unique flavour or colour or feel.
The previous system, well temperament, is based on ratios - the octaves are not divided equally into 12, so some keys' semitones are higher or lower than others. For instance, some keys have quite stable major thirds and others not so much, this gives every key a unique feel, but overall makes modulation a bit easiebetter sounding than the system before it, and avoids the problem of "wolf fifths/intervals" from the system before it, which I won't go into.
In essence, in the old system some keys are more in-tune (e.g. C) and so are more consonant and others are somewhat out-of-tune (e.g. C#) and so are more dissonant, whereas in the new system every key is equally in-tune.
This doesn't really relate to the conspiracy theory exactly, as you can use either equal or well temperament with any tuning (A=440Hz, A=432Hz etc.), as far as I understand.
Although you could argue that this is a conspiracy in and of itself, in that they took away the unique feel or colour of each key and made everything more... bland or boring. Perhaps this was part 1 of their 2-part evil musical plan!
You could also argue that the new system takes away the mathematical beauty in the ratios of the older systems and if there is indeed some link between frequency and geometry and physics and consciousness and whatever else, then we're kind of doing ourselves a disservice.
As an additional bonus for making it this far, here's a song that starts at A4=432Hz, but changes to A4=440Hz part of the way through. It's subtle!
You can find lots of 432Hz videos on YouTube, including comparisons.
Have fun.
P.S. This took 8 straight hours of my sad, sad life to research and compile.
submitted by bachbeethovenbrahms to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Hello, I am trying to make big hexagon from little hexagons, but to make each little hexagon have its own material and stuff. I tried using arrays but it didn't work. I want to make it look same as on the shown image. Thanks for your help

submitted by Lokitxd58 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

Fancy Circular Healthbar

You can get the code here. Apologies for the length of the code snippet.
I should have probably used an inner radius and outer radius rather than a radius and width, but either works just fine. I use the width to calculate an inner radius from the given radius anyway.
This can be used to render all geometrically-shaped healthbars that can be described by a radius, such as triangles, diamonds, pentagons, hexagons, etc. by using the "quality" version of the function.
This is my take on the GML snippet submitted by u/Gizmo199.
It looks like this:

Circular healthbars with a quality of 64.
submitted by Anixias to gamemaker [link] [comments]

Monoprice Delta Pro: What I had to find out the hard way

Hey all!
So, if you didn't notice, monoprice just sold off and discontinued their Delta Pro printer for a ridiculous deal ($450! It's worth it for the components alone!). I picked one up, and over the last week and a half have been desperately trying to figure out any information I can about it.
Now that they're sold out and not coming back, I doubt too many people will be interested, but here goes:
First off, this is a rebrand of the Atom 3 Lite ( Yes, that's the chinese site, no they do not have an english version.
Second, the controller board and all electronics are the Lerdge X series (, which are actually half decent. It has trinamic drivers, and(nope) some hefty steppers, especially on the extruder.
Third, this thing is a dumpster fire as configured. It's based off an old lerdge firmware before they figured out their motion control issues, and it will cause some serious vibration and noise.
On top of that, it's missing basic features. Wifi is entirely broken, though it includes the ESP8266 board for it. You cannot input a linear advance value (K value) for the massive bowden tube, and it LOVES to spit out some pimples, let me tell YOU.
Firmware update to v4.2.0 nice
The first thing you're going to want to do is hop into the settings and take photos of all of the configuration values. You cannot dump these in this firmware revision, and they're incredibly important. Do this now. Right now. I'll post photos of mine, but yours may be different.
Second, you're going to want to download the newest firmware from Lerdge (version 4.2.0 nice as of the date of this post) and install it following their instructions.
As a nice aside, the monoprice firmware is unable to upgrade via USB. You need to use a microsd card. Don't see a microsd card slot? LOOK UNDERNEATH, DUH!
The microsd card slot is hidden underneath in a cutout under the wifi board and above a bunch of cables that can be pushed out of the way. Be careful when inserting the SD card, because the wifi card is only held in by the pin headers it's socketed onto the board with.
This will require those settings values from before. Set the structure to Delta, then tap Delta again, and enter all values you photographed earlier.
One value does need to change, and that's the "Number of Leveling Points" setting under "Structure > Delta > Auto Leveling Setting". 7 is the default value. 7 is broken. Anything under 10 is broken. Set it to 10, this will tap out a 10x10 grid, or 100 touch points. You can go up to 32 for 1024 touch points, but that's insane.
Once this is done, your printer will be MUCH quieter, and you'll have control over linear advance (even DURING the print!), and your print quality will improve MASSIVELY.
You can also change the boot screen, you'll find how to do that on lerdge's site.
I'll update this with more info, this is just a brain dump so the information exists SOMEWHERE on the internet.
Update: Reading more of the lerdge manual, the Lerdge X board included is incapable of running trinamic drives in UART mode, and isn't even USING trinamic drivers as advertised (I think that's what's advertised anyhow) which would enable sensorless bed leveling via motor stall detection and much quieter drive modes. I believe the sound and vibration reduction I've experienced is just due to their motion firmware rewrite.
I've decided to quadruple down on my idiocy with this machine, and spring for a Lerdge K board with TMC2209 drivers configured in UART mode for the thrill of polishing a turd. I'll keep you posted on the progress. This is a $90 upgrade using parts from Lerdge's aliexpress store (parts are the Lerdge K board w/TMC2209 drivers and 6x dupont SH1.0 connector breakout cables).
Wifi Update: The wifi board shipped with this machine seems to be a one-off made for the Monoprice machine, and the firmware is woefully out of date (imagine that!). The firmware is available in the PC control software archive on the Lerdge site. I'm pulling the board out today to attempt to flash it with the newest firmware made for a board with a USB-B port on it. If it doesn't work, I'm not too worried, as I've ordered a the newer board, which uses one of those mini ESP8266 boards for Wifi serial control AND usb functionality (I'll get it configured for octoprint for fun and document the process).
Here's the photos promised:
Calibration Update: I've been going through Lerdge's manual, and I've noticed a few things monoprice didn't do when it comes to calibration. They've relied on autoleveling to figure out any slack in endstop offsets and pushrod error (somewhat, more on this later). To get the bed actually "level", you'll need to adjust the endstop offsets. This increases print accuracy a not insignificant amount, as the controller does not need to apply as many leveling offsets to moves as it would if the endstops were not calculated in the correct positions.
The columns and axes are so:
X motor = Column A = Left side of display Y motor = Column B = Right side of display Z motor = Column C = Rear column
Choose a column and leave its endstop offset at 0. This one is going to be what you reference the other two on.
Set the bed to 60c (always do this when autoleveling), then run an auto level sequence, watching the position of the nozzle on the bed and the Z axis readout. You'll notice the value decrease or increase as it moves. The directions you're going to be most interested in are straight out from the columns, imaginary lines leading from the columns you wish to adjust to a point directly between the two opposite columns.
For example, endstop adjustment for column C (Z motor, rear column) adjusts the "tilt" of the bed forward and back. If you see the Z axis readout decreasing as it works its way back towards the rear column, increase the endstop offset for column C by double the difference between the maximum Z axis at the front, and the maximum Z axis at the rear.
In my case, it was -1.2mm and -0.5mm, so I adjusted the column C endstop offset to 1.4mm. This got me in the ballpark of level front to back. It was now "tilted" in the opposite direction, -1.2mm front and -1.4mm rear, so I adjusted it down to 1.250, and the deviation was 0.0mm front to back. Good enough.
Repeat this process for the other non-reference column, and you should see a Z axis variance of 0.1mm max across the entire bed.
Now adjust ALL column endstop offsets to zero out the bed. In my case, all readings were -1.0 to -1.1, so I adjusted my offsets by -1.050mm (decreasing their "height from the bed" since Z was going past 0), and my bed now measures 0.0mm to 0.1mm during auto calibration.
Auto calibrate one last time, then remove the sensor. Set the print head to 200c (you did remove the sensor, right?) and set the bed to 60c. Test the center point with a piece of printer paper, and set the Z offset (mine was 0.000, but it can be off by 0.050). Don't worry about the rest of the points being too low, this is due to pushrod error as far as I can tell.
Once the endstop offsets are properly set, you can move on to push rod calibration, which I'm working on now, I'll update once I get there.
Pushrod length calibration update:
Don't do this unless X/Y are very close in dimension
Pushrod length affects the scale of items printed. Shorter pushrod = larger print, longer pushrod = smaller print. The maximum print resolution on this printer is somewhere in the area of 0.008%, so if you're off by +/-0.008% or +/-2.2mm over 270mm, you're off in the weeds and cannot get any more accurate. It's unlikely to get any better than this without upgrading your stepper drivers (TMC2209s will double this resolution, +/-0.004%, or +/-1.1mm over 270mm with the side benefit of shutting your steppers up).
To update the pushrod calibration, print out something of a known X/Y dimension. In my case, I'm printing a 150x150x10mm box. Measure the completed print on the X/Y dimensions with calipers, and average the deviation from ideal dimensions.
Mine was 149.29x148.89, so -0.00473% in the X dimension, and -0.00073% in the Y dimension. This averages to -0.00273% Now multiply this by the previous push rod length and subtract that from your currently entered push rod length. In my case the initial push rod length was 283.200mm, so 283.2*-0.00273 = -0.773, 283.200 + -0.773 = 282.427mm push rod length.
Not much of a difference, but significant nonetheless. After changing this value, my calibration print came out to 150.13x149.74mm X/Y. Not amazing, but better.
I may DID print a large hexagon to get the individual axis's pushrod offset in the future for even finer grained tuning, see below. This is worth it.
You'll need to run the automatic equivalent radius, followed by an autolevel again after this. Don't forget to set your bed temperature to 60c before running these.
Automatic Equivalent Radius:
You'll see an automatic equivalent radius option in the delta machine settings in the new firmware. This uses the film bed level sensor to calculate the equivalent radius of the machine, which does not require slider offset and effect head offset at all, as it takes them into consideration. Once you have your pushrod length accurate, set the bed to 60c, nozzle to 0c, put the sensor on the print head, and run the automatic equivalent radius measurement. This is more accurate than punching in the slider and effect head offsets.
Per-axis pushrod length offset:
Guess what? Yeah, I printed a hexagon.
This is essentially the same process as the pushrod length calibration procedure but more better, as it sets the overall pushrod length AND the error for each pushrod.
Print a hexagon of known diameter flat to flat, aligned so a flat faces each axis. Measure each opposite pair of flats. Each pair aligns with one of the columns (A = left , B = right, C = rear). Take the deviation from the STL measurements as a percentage and multiply that by the pushrod length, and add it to the pushrod length.
Formula for each axis: (((Expected dimension - Measured Dimension) / (Expected Dimension)) * (previous pushrod length)) + (previous pushrod length) = Pushrod length for axis
The smallest pushrod length for a given axis is the overall "Pushrod length"
The error for the other pushrods is calculated with this formula:
(Axis pushrod length) - (Shortest pushrod length)
Input these as pushrod errors for these axes, then run an "Automatic Equivalent Radius" followed by an automatic bed leveling with the bed at 60c for both. You should now be very well calibrated.
Linear Coefficient:
You'll probably notice after calibration that your prints are coming out as thin lines next to eachother rather than bonded together. This is because your printer moves are very precise and not running over eachother anymore. You'll need to adjust the linear coefficient now, also known as the K value. This makes up for bowden tube flex. Since you can adjust this during printing with the new firmware, I suggest you do that. Increase in increments of 0.1 until you get nice knitting between lines without overflow. The value I arrived at for mine was 1.1.
Very soon I will add a link to an archive of gcode files, the printer firmware, and my calibration values from the new firmware to get you to a functional state without needing to manually enter all values to get motion working with sane values.
TMC2209 Drivers:
I replaced the LV8729 drivers with TMC2209s, and the machine has shut up significantly. This requires the following modifications:
  1. Under each driver there is a set of 3 jumpers, these directly set the MS1, MS2, and MS3 (if equipped) pins. Remove jumpers 1 and 3, so MS1 and MS3 (doesn't exist on TMC2209) are set to low, and MS2 is set to high. This sets 1/64th step mode. You can hang these jumpers off of one of the pins so you don't lose them.
  2. Divide all step values by 2 (x/y/z = 320, extruder = 380), as the LV8729 drivers are set to 1/128 step from the factory. The TMC2209s max out at 1/64th step. This reduces accuracy somewhat, but honestly the machine is not precise enough to be able to benefit from 1/128th step divisions and is SUPER loud with the original drivers.
  3. Reverse the direction of all steppers in firmware, as the TMC2209 motor outputs are reversed
Note when testing that the extruder stepper IS DISABLED unless the print head is warm. I had my oscilloscope out and everything, ready to pronounce the board dead until I decided to check this, and I'm glad I did.
Lerdge K Board Upgrade:
I want to print multiple materials on my printer. To do so, I need more than the 4 stepper channels included. This necessitated an upgrade to the control board. For ease of transition and the ability to migrate settings, I upgraded the included Lerdge X board to the Lerdge K board.
This new board cost me $50 shipped from aliexpress. Make sure you're ordering the V2.0.0+ board, the older ones make UART configuration more difficult than it needs to be.
Everything above applies to this new board, except for some small variations:
  1. When using TMC2209 drivers, you have the option to use UART control I highly suggest this mode, as it allows for a resolution of 1/256th step, up from 1/128th on the default drivers, and 1/64th on the TMC2209 drivers.
To use this mode, follow the Lerdge documentation EXACTLY, you will need to blob solder bridge two pads on the drivers to enable this mode, then set the jumpers to connect the txrx pin. If you do not solder bridge the pads, the steppers will sing you the song of their people. It goes SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
You will also need to grab a multimeter and sample each driver's reference voltage (the voltage on the potentiometer screw) and enter it into the trinamic control settings directly. Do not assume it's correct even though it works without setting this value. You could be running a LOT more current than you expect through the driver and motor without this value set properly, damaging your drivers or control board or steppers.
Make sure to set your step values correctly (1280 on xyz 1540 on the extruder).
  1. There are additional settings available to control more extruders.
The move to UART stepper driver control significantly increases the resolution of the steppers, which increases dimensional accuracy. When I upgraded, I was UNABLE to measure an error in my print dimensions.
I'll repeat: after upgrading to a lerdge K board with UART TMC2209s, I was COMPLETELY UNABLE TO MEASURE ERROR IN MY PRINT DIMENSIONS. 150mm printed was 150.00mm on all of my calipers in X, Y, and Z dimensions.
I also noticed a reduction in noise (even over the X board with TMC2209s), stringing, and much smoother prints overall.
To install the board, you'll need to drill new mount holes, and install tall standoffs. Look at the imgur album I linked before, I've added photos of the process and notes where needed.
Vibration Dampers
Put some vibration dampers on the steppers today (nema 17). They’re smoother and quieter for sure, but honestly not worth the effort. It didn’t significantly affect sound or print quality vs the work put in. If you’re tearing down to replace the control board with the K, it’s worth the effort. If not, definitely don’t.
Future Plans
I’ve got some 0.9 degree steppers on order now to try and smooth out the vibrations a bit, I will update once that’s done. 2560 microsteps per mm is excessive, sure, and at 200khz motor drive speed, that limits the max speed to 100mm/sec without UART, but with UART mode, there is no such limitation.
I also have a dual material single head extruder supported by lerdge on the way, I’ll update with the install process and stl files for the mount and spool holders.
submitted by ftpcolonslashslash to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

The Great Conjunction of The Luminaries ♃♄ — The Grand Mutation & The +25,000 Year Modern Era ~ Astrologer Tyler Shoemaker

The Great Conjunction of The Luminaries ♃♄ — The Grand Mutation & The +25,000 Year Modern Era ~ Astrologer Tyler Shoemaker

The Great Conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter ~ The Aquarian Age & Coming Enlightenment
by Tyler Shoemaker | written under the Grand Mutation | December 21, 2020 14:10

A rare 800 year meeting of the ancient luminaries, Saturn & Jupiter December 21, 2020

One hundred years of Modern History and we are left only in the wake of its spoken history, books, motion pictures & recordings anyone can see more rapid and profound transformation occurring across each passing decade ... incredible breakthroughs in science and discovery, rapidly changing trends & attitudes alongside increasing global prosperity and cooperation the likes of which we have never realized over the last several thousands of years of our history, in only one hundred... It continues to accelerate carried forward by the continued & never ending Path of Time & ongoing motion of the Universe.
We can deduce that every event & moment in time across our entire history including the ongoing Birth & Death of Generations is proceeded by the fourth dimension, time, and the third dimension, space ... it is the natural motion of this universe around which we arrived, therefore the natural motion of the universe behaves according to our presence & individual destinies which is ongoing and never ending. Since we too unfolded from the same dimension, later birthed by the universe itself. We are the mirror image & every spiralling electron in our biological makeup interact with these ongoing celestial mechanics in resonance.
The planets & stars are exactly right where they need to be at any given moment in time ... by studying their natural cycles set in play within the heart of God at the genesis of time this divine synchronicity is a calculable language. We are able to study not only ourselves on a more sophisticated level, but with it the granted ability to see clearly into the future of the Modern World we presently find ourselves. As the planets and stars change so do we, and as we change, so do they, and there’s no escaping that fact.
In ancient times when Astrology was the Established Science of the modern world these bright slow-motion luminaries, with Jupiter being nearly three times as quick as Saturn, these giants of the visible universe were then known as the Great Chronocrators of the Modern World ... That is, the Gas Giants: Saturn ... & Jupiter ... were then considered the furthest of the wandering stars of the known Universe of those times, since Uranus, Neptune & Pluto had yet to be discovered by the inevitable breakthroughs in telescopic optics over the thousands of years that had later passed. The Great Conjunction of the superior luminaries on this very night has been chronicled across every major religion since the dawn of recorded texts dating over thousands of years of ancient writings including the night of the birth of Christ as well as the birth of Muhammad & the rise of Islam.
Today the gas giants are more clearly understood as massive hollow gas bubbles like unlit stars at the central locale of our solar system, except these giants are mostly composed of enormous metal dynamos that emit unique radio emissions rather than heat. Astronomers now know that central gas giants are somewhat unusual according to modern observations, which makes our solar system unique amongst the known cosmos. These gas giants, with their massive magnetospheres conduct a gravitational dance of their own in triangular orbital resonance in the field of celestial mechanics. In Western Astrology these eras are divided into roughly 200 year periods where the gas giants meet within the same element in Trine across the zodiac, since there are twelve signs and four elements and one point at which they meet, this makes an elemental Trine across the zodiac at roughly twenty year meetings over a 800 year period across the four elements before mutating & starting over. As this cycle continues through the elements, every 150 - 200 years we usher in a new era defined by the element that makes this ongoing Trine within our solar system.
On the winter solstice of the year 2020 Jupiter & Saturn mutate and start over on the zodiac within the first degree of 0 Aquarius, ruled by Saturn in ancient times. This period opens up the Saturn era with 139 years of Air element conjunctions at 20 year periods, having moved from Earth element conjunctions throughout the past two centuries, the Earth era. Today’s rare meeting on December 21st at the very cusp of Capricorn & Aquarius on the anoretic degree of Zero is the very reason the ancients considered Saturn the ruler of both Capricorn & Aquarius, which stand directly next to each other in the night sky — an unusual configuration on the zodiac to have one planet rule such a large swath of sky across two signs — hence it was later changed upon the discovery of Uranus, the first planet discovered beyond Saturn by telescope in 1781. Our ancestors decided on this change since Uranus is an advanced evolution of Saturn (older, wiser), and Aquarius stands to be the most advanced & knowledgable sign in Western Astrology. Thus when you refer to the coming Aquarian age we enter on this evening, you can say this era will be guided by Uranian Principals, the older & wiser Saturnian.

Jupiter ♃ | God of Thunder
Jupiter is the largest celestial object in our solar system besides our central star & acts as a buoy on the extraterrestrial trade network, being the brightest object with the healthiest central magnet in our star system the planet acts as an entrance-gate to our star system. Jupiter is so large it has its own orbit outside of our solar tugboat & creates a barycentre, which is an invisible approximate centre point in space that both our sun & Jupiter orbit in resonance. Jupiter, with over eighty habitable moons protected by its massive magnetosphere under current observation in the year 2020, is more like a solar system of its own. Moves faster than Saturn being closer to Earth & returns to our Natal Horoscope every twelve solar years (One Jupiter Year).

If Saturn is the King of Nations ... than Jupiter is the High Priest
In Ancient Times & Today, Jupiter guides the principals of Growth, Higher Spirit, Higher Knowledge & Education, Economies, Prosperity & Fortune. Jupiter’s ancient emblem comes from Zeus’ lightning bolt ♃ The God of Thunder

Image recovered from the Juno mission -- NASA 2017
The sophisticated Juno spacecraft was perfected approximately one decade ago and left Cape Canaveral on August 5th, 2011 to meet Jupiter on July 5th, 2016 & orbit the giant indefinitely. Due to Jupiter’s enormously powerful magnetosphere, the spacecraft was only expected to survive 8 orbits ending the mission in 2016, however the craft is still fully operational in 2020 with new missions in mind. Juno features a roughly 1.5MP camera with 3 colour sensors + a thermal sensor providing breathtaking colour depth & resolution.

♄ Saturn Comes Back Around 🪐
Saturn is recognizable by the naked eye as an arrow of the night by only a few 2020-visioned & gifted observers with its massive water-ice rings that extend outward into our star system some one billion times the radius of our planet under current observations. In 1980 it was discovered upon the first Voyager One mission that a massive hexagonal Standing Wave the size of multiple Earths is being emitted from Saturn’s North Pole. Saturn is one of the most understood cycles across the various ancient culture’s astrological teachings, returning to our natal horoscope at the age of 27 - 33 (29.5 avg.) years old, its exact transit dependant on time of birth since no orbit is perfectly spherical and of course we orbit the barycentre ... Saturn sometimes makes a second Return in the mid to late 50s ... and sometimes a third Return coupled to the more rare and coveted Uranus Return in the mid 80s.
The ancient Saturnian symbol is that of Death’s Sickle [ ] in reference to old age and our ultimate fate in Ancient Astrology. For thousands of years Saturn has guided the principals of Responsibility, Commitment, Discipline & Restrictions, Wisdom, Ambition, Mortality, Scribes, Law & Order.

Saturn, Statue of The God -- Engraving by Phillips Galle made in Antwerp 1585 | a time the city was under siege for nearly a year

The giant Hexagonal Standing Wave on Saturn's North Pole captured by the crude Voyager I spacecraft [1980] -- with a sensor measuring only 800x800 B & W pixels, limited by the bandwidth of magnetic tape hard-drive technology of the 1970's

On October 15, 1997 the highly anticipated Cassini space probe left Earth to meet Saturn in the year 2004 | Featuring an almost 100% larger one million pixel sensor (1MP) with three overlapping sensors to make stunning colour images with stunning pixel clarity

On September 15, 2017 approximately two decades after launch Cassini met her fate. With fuel nearly empty, NASA controllers made one last maneuver into Saturn's violent atmosphere, snapping this finale of images | Saturn's ocean-moon Enceladus sets below the horizon as Cassini plummets into Saturn's clouds
Chronocrator comes from the Greek khrónos ... Time, kratēr, from wine & medicine making to mix/activate ... later known as the conventional clock but more specifically a recordable clock, Chronograph, or stop-watch with the ability to record changes in time... indeed ancient humans too looked up into the evening sky and admired these giants just as we do today, the Great Chronocrators; these Gods were then known as the Scribes of Time ... bringing about great societal upheaval around the world every time they would meet in the our planet’s skies at roughly twenty year intervals. The Great Conjunctions of those times were the closing of one chapter and re-writing a new.
This Chapter however, that we close on the Evening of December 21st, in the year 2020 it is clear to myself & many learned Astrologers that this fateful ending is the total burning down to the ground featuring a complete and final uprising as we usher in the Grand Mutation of Jupiter & Saturn... and with it comes an advanced plateau of human destiny in the arenas of technology, spirituality, philosophy and the exploration of birth, death & the greater cosmos the likes of which we have never before conceived featuring the most incredible technical advances in Modern History. These luminaries behave as galactic ledgers and under this transit economic turmoil & rejuvenation around the planet is bound unfold as it did in 2001 & 1980 & 1960 & 1940/41 (triple conjunction) & as far back as you go in history you will find this economic upheaval when these giants meet in our shared sky.
There are two dates in history currently circulating about when the last closest conjunction was between the gas giants Saturn & Jupiter which is 1623 & 1226 — 1623 is roughly 400 years ago while 1226 is roughly 800 years ago — the previous mutation of this cycle we close tonight. The 13th century saw the collapse of the Islamic Golden Age & the rise of the Mongol Empire as well we find the rise of the Great Zagwe Kingdom in Ethiopia that reigned until 1980 — following the 1226 mutation and under the waning conjunction at the 400 year mark we find the rise of the Enlightenment Period throughout the Northern Hemisphere and the rise of the Kuba Kingdom across Africa following the year 1623 — both transformational periods of human history, you can define as turning-points still widely studied today when we look back over the past 1000 years. This conjunction makes an opposition to the empty pocket of stars between Cancer & Leo. It is my estimation that the final +25,000 year orbital planet in our solar system will be discovered here, or where Jupiter & Saturn meet making it later known that we are in the Aquarian Age.

The Grand Mutation & The Mayan Prophecy

Know that you are living in historic times ... nearly each and every day, month and year of the 2020 decade will be looked upon & analyzed by every future generation & studied for the next several thousands of years, and will later be known as the grand entrance into the Modern Era. The changes that occur between these years will bring about such radical transformations that will unfold around the world across all societies in all arenas of the Aquarian principals of politics, spirituality, science & discovery with each stroke of the cosmic clock that as we enter into the later decade of the 2020s terrestrial humans will have advanced into an era vast generations ahead of us will later refer to as the Modern Era which will plateau & then transit over the next twenty-five thousand years unchanged. By the year 2025, it may seem as though 20 years had passed, and by 2030 it may seem as though fifty years had passed. By the mid 2030’s, “The Aquarian Age” will become more understood & documented concept, taking on new practical meanings across advanced societies and the lost ancient art of Astrology sees a renaissance.
We are able to know we have entered the Great Year — the time it takes for the Earths North Pole to wobble around the zodiac — by placing this mutation so close to generational Pluto which is holding together the Capricorn Stellium that, in a great stellar crescendo ends abruptly on December 21 2020 under this meeting of the great luminaries Saturn & Jupiter between the constellations leaving Pluto behind in Capricorn... Pluto later enters Aquarius in 2023 as Saturn enters Pisces following the Grand Mutation of 2020 with Saturn’s long and difficult voyage through Aquarius ... this transit will end the SARS II pandemic in March 2023, however leaving in its wake another three year long worldwide economic depression which strikes in February 2021 and ends abruptly in 2026 with an incredible and long-sought rebound leading up to an explosion in global prosperity by the year 2032. It is this mutation along with the Pluto transit, as well as the mutation that occurs between Saturn & Neptune in 2025 in 0 Aries we can denote to represent the official crossing into The Great Year, the 25,920 year period leaving Pisces in retrograde motion and entering the Uranus ruled Aquarian Era on December 21, 2020.

The Dresden Codex is the oldest surviving Mayan document since the Spanish Inquisition | The documents focuses heavily on the Venus Cycle & how the ancients structured their societies, & calendar around the cycle
Although this powerful transit does have a cascade affect that no doubt began in 2012, the ancient Mayan’s ended their calendar on the year Venus eclipsed the sun on the 144 year Synodic Cycle, which ended the Final Venus Mutation & began a new era under the ancient Mayan philosophies of Venus. It is common knowledge that the Mayan’s worshipped, followed and were more entranced by the planet Venus, although they no doubt included Jupiter & Saturn in their astrological principals as did the many lost cultures before them — it is without a doubt, that the Mayan calendar was based on the Venus cycle, which Mutated into an abrupt end in 2012 under the rare 144 year Eclipse of Venus transiting the heart of the sun ... that leaves the Grand Mutation of Jupiter & Saturn only 8 short years later in 2020 on the eve of December 21 the final Mutation in the series that the Mayan’s knew and clearly observed officially ending their age and beginning a new ... & that age is the Aquarian Age, the second Golden Era moving retrograde out of Neptune ruled Pisces which indeed had its long year Golden Era that would plateau until entering a 13,100 year Dark Waning Phase that would usher in the next era. In my astrological analysis having studied intimately the last several thousands of years we can see this waning period having began shortly after the last ice age. Scientists around the world are just now starting to conclude in the year 2020 that this date very obviously underwent a period of mass catastrophe around the world likely caused by both a series of Solar Flares striking the planet and resetting the biosphere as well as an asteroid bombardment causing a mass extinction event at the height of a widely unacknowledged Golden Era, that many researchers are beginning to uncover including physical evidence of unknown advanced technologies that would go on to help build the Great Pyramids & The Temple of Jupiter in lost Rome & the many modern wonders of the widely unknown ancient world that thrived in the Eastern continents now considered much older having existed across a vast, hundreds of thousands of year period which saw massive rises and falls of advanced civilizations with varying levels of sophisticated technology. Under this final mutation of the luminaries, just as the Mayan’s forewarned we now exit this long & dark 13,100 year waning period and usher in the Next Era, that is the Modern Era — incredibly rapid leaps in technology & discovery that cascade over the next 8 years and stay with us over the next roughly 13,100 - 25,920 year plateau.

The Principals of Aquarius & Visions of The Modern Age

Over the months and years ahead you will begin to resonate with these writings as you look back to this time and see that the world before the year 2020 seems as though it was some bygone era that may have been from when we were all much more naïve as we often do looking back on on specific ages ... of course as we get older we can look back and see that specific ages had larger influences on us than others, and perhaps for many years or decades could go by without any changes at all ... as Astrologers we study these events in the Natal Horoscope, that is the exact moment and piece of Earth you were born onto, by following the movement of the stars we can return to that very spot on that very day and look up into the heavens free of obscurities to find a map of your endless destiny. Those times of great change & transformation are intrinsically related, by nature to the ever changing state of the universe and the planetary transits of our solar system. Such milestones as your first Jupiter Return at age 12, and Saturn Return at age 29.
With the grand mutation underway, by the year 2030 it will seem as though decades have passed even though on the calendar only a few years will have passed under this planetary metamorphosis ushering in the next era. The arenas of politics and globalization will rapidly evolve with an increased focus on Aquarian faculties of intellect, empathy and evolution in technology to immediately put to work helping the underprivileged and help save the environment as both Aquarian & Uranian principals guide this modern age. You can expect to see over the next five years a rapid shift in building the information economy. Vertical Integration in the business — and by 2030 — technology economy will give rise to the most successful enterprises. Vertical Integration will be necessary to survive as a business in the new era. There will be a higher focus on Truth, Knowledge and a war on knowledge has already ensued against mainstream media which has mainstrayed... even social media, and entering this new age expect to see new digital platforms emerge based on the Aquarian principals of individual freedoms in the effort to break up the dominant media monopoly with the ongoing dissolution of hierarchy across all arenas of global politics, with a profound shift in centralized economy & political structure to a more decentralized model over the coming two decades.
Over the coming decade expect to see disruptions across all sectors of the economy as though somebody flipped a switch — as the Uranian age sets in there will be disruptions in the travel sector, with increased automation as governments come under the rays of this planetary crescendo that starts tonight & peaks in 2032. A massive shift in automation will take place between these years as governments rush to save their empires & more social attitudes will grip the nations following 2025 — expect to hear more crying about communism, however may we remind ourselves that all forms of human government are in a constant state of flux and those are the facts — no two communisms are alike and these changes in the coming decade will be far from anything we’ve ever seen before.

A Series of Squares Emerge Out of The Final Mutation | 2021-2025
Following the December 2020 mutation the gas giants Saturn & Jupiter enter into a tango with the icy giant Uranus, guide of the new era, as they conduct a series of three exact square sequences. Under these planetary conditions you can expect to see market turmoil and panic across various sectors in the week leading up to February 17th, 2021 — the first exact square between Saturn in Aquarius & Uranus in Taurus. The months that follow will see deepening financial collapse as market pressures force legal transformations across sectors, business and capitol will continue to stall following the SARS II government sanctioned shutdowns and dwindling relief spending. The economy will worsen for many years, and as long as Saturn remains in Aquarius the SARS II pandemic & surrounding fear will carry on regardless of vaccines until 2023. With the series of squares being carried out by both Jupiter & Saturn following the mutation the world will face a double-dip depression before the year 2025, transforming the global economy & setting the world on a path to prosperity by the year 2032 when Saturn meets Uranus in Gemini.
On the other side of this mutation in only the one year ahead we will see these many changes unfold in social attitudes, with less polarization and more intellectualization in a quest for genuine knowledge, unlike what we saw in the summer of 2020 and the 8 years previous. Originality will come into vogue like wokism 2.0. — platforms will be built for all voices, good & evil. It will be possible over the next decade to walk into any major company and secure a job with zero education by simply having the right conversation & attitude with the right individual. Individual freedom will be more highly admired entering the Aquarian Age. This type of open work environment will favoured by most people in the coming five years and the gig economy makes multiples disruptions in 2024. Intellectual property will be a highly sought commodity. As large economic megastructures Vertically Integrate, as do the small businesses that fuel them and in fact small business thrive in this environment, as they race to survive the new challenging economic environment the term small business takes on a whole new meaning when we say small, as we’ve already seen many business sell off their assets in order to lighten their business and continue operating as a smaller, but more powerful individual structures — be it digitizing their work environment and cutting expenses in any way possible, & functioning more practically to survive the coming series of squares. Small online business’ that are operated out of the home are an example of a vertically integrated business model, with several key advantages of operating ‘in-house’ like little to no overhead expenses — this will be the greater economy moving forward, even on the macro-scale. The following decade will see enormous and irrational rush to tech futures on the free market & within the blockchain as digital currencies continue to rise throughout the decade & perform throughout the coming economic downturn. Less focus on materialism, minimalism will come into fashion for a brief period over the coming decade and in the decade of the 2030s you can expect colour to go out-of-vogue ... that is in Art, fashion and technological devices such as vehicles and various equipment will be favoured in either white, black or grey ... as we begin to androgynize our culture, art, attitudes welcoming the Great Aquarian Age. Many poor countries face much turmoil over the coming months and few years ... there is a historical famine coming that will give rise to war amongst nations in the early half of the 2020 decade. Out of the darkness however comes light and by the year 2025 the gears of the new Uranian knowledge economy will be in motion and by 2030 we will collectively feel much more mature, knowledgeable and experienced by the turmoil endured under the major series of squares that emerge out of the final mutation between the icy giant Uranus in the financial constellation of Taurus, which will see an incredible shift into the decentralized economy over the next twelve years ... there will be more coming uprises around the world under the on going Venus & Mars cycles however wealth inequality will become much less rampant by 2032 ... The war on knowledge is fought and won by the end of the decade and by 2028, around the world knowledge will be more highly sought by youth ... children born under the 170 year Uranus | Neptune conjunction of February 2 1992 and the surrounding six years will begin to reign over societies, skipping generations and breaking tradition of the elderly generations typically reigning over generations even as the powers that be continue to age into the coming decades with untold advances in life-extending technology entering the early 2030s, young people will be given power for their increased knowledge of the Uranian principals of technology — rapidly advancing before our eyes, such as AI, the decentralized economy and increasing understanding of Quantum Law, major breakthroughs in Quantum Computing, with a necessary shift into the more empathetic age this young generation will be sought for their experience and knowledge to build a more tolerant & cohesive global society. Expect to see a crumbling of hierarchies across the board in the few short years ahead.
Over the next five years there will be an increase in UFOs manoeuvring our skies and interest in the field of UFOs and extraterrestrials will peak, with less shame in studying the subject and increased acceptance around the existence of aliens from far off worlds. More dark access programs and the like come forward and dissolve under the Aquarian influences, as well as the continued unveiling of evil such as dark underground billionaire rings moving forward into the decade and continued shocking government exposes as we fight for the Truth and our right to secret knowledge. By the end of the decade we will see an open access the knowledge that world governments have been keeping behind tightly locked doors for many decades.
The new era of Jupiter & Saturn conducting their dance through the Air signs will feature incredible advances in space exploration the likes of which never before deemed possible — such breakthroughs in the ancient art of teleportation, time-travel, over-unity devices disrupting the energy economy and breakthroughs in electromagnets that will become useful in medicine in order to reverse & eliminate diseases long thought to be incurable. Disruptions in energy by the year 2035 will allow us to create new useful materials here on earth & other planets. By the end of the 2030 decade incredible advances in teleportation will allow us to explore the furthest reaches of the unknown universe, and by the 2050s humans will occupy the cosmos in great numbers.

The Uranian Age | Ruler of Aquarius

Uranus is awkwardly slanted on a complete 98° to Earth. The planet features a young half billion year old ring system composed of ancient moons that eventually collided into dust. Uranus is a brilliant turquoise of the hydrocarbons of helium & methane. This is an artist rendition since Uranus is not well studied having only had one visit, in 1986 on a brief flyby of Voyager II.
Uranus was discovered much later than Saturn by the German musician Sir William Herschel in 1791 England using his homebuilt telescope ... named after the Greek God of The Sky, Uranus, by the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode, in reference to Uranus being the father of Saturn & grandfather of Jupiter in mythology, and of course the now Ruler of Aquarius.
The Aquarian Era will be guided by the planet Uranus — The Great Awakener — in modern western Astrology, since aspects to this slow ice giant dictate profound disruptions across societies and throughout our lives. As the slower planet just beyond Saturn, Uranus is considered a generational planet that makes its mark on seven year increments through each constellation — as such Uranus influences each 7 year generation differently, just as Neptune influences each 14 year generation differently, and Pluto every 30 year generation. Uranus makes an opposition to your Natal Placement at the age of 40 often setting off crisis & transformation, and then Returns around the age of 84. Those with strong Uranus placements are the revolutionaries, geniuses, eccentric artists, reformers and inventors of our times.

A true colour photograph of Uranus -- Made by NASA on a lucky flyby of Voyager II in 1986 | Made over 3 exposures on a 800x800 B & W sensor using 3 colour filters
The new age, under the planetary dictatorship of the ice giant Uranus will feature an explosion in knowledge and total destruction of outmoded structures, groups, programs and hierarchies across all societies around the world — including the ongoing destruction of gender & race as we motion to advance ourselves under the cosmic rays of Uranus, the older & wiser Saturn. No more clinging to the past, and no more insanely repeated the same old toxic behaviours as we’ve come to see over the past 8 years during this cascade period, entering the new age will be about original and practical solutions to problems, with less emotional approaches... in the Aquarian age anything old and outdated, or obsolete will start to be cast away in favour of the progressive and forward thinking. Rather than looking to the past for solutions, we will be collectively looking to the future with an ever greater arsenal of tools to analyze the future, and building practical solutions to the problems we find and taking more risks; knowing now that we haven't much to lose. Uranus asks us come together under one unified humanitarian spirit, and you can expect to see a rapid shift into a more unified global governance system by the year 2035 — and by 2045 computer systems will be more advanced at human governance than we can ever dream to be ourselves. The global shift into this Uranian guided era will feature the most profound technological shake-ups over the coming decade unlike any other breakthroughs in our written history — under the Air era we will see quantum leaps in science that allow us greater understanding over the overall mechanics of reality and how it can altered for our benefit. Breakthroughs in magnet, quantum and wireless wave tech that propel us into a long and prosperous era. The next 8 years will be opening to the quantum era — major breakthroughs in science & discovery propelling us into the transformative years we undergo on this very evening — The Modern Era of Aquarius.
Tyler Shoemaker, Astrologer |
Written under the grand mutation on the eve of my 33rd solar return |
December 21st, 2020 14:10 NYC

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The Great Conjunction of The Luminaries ♃♄ — The Grand Mutation & The +25,000 Year Modern Era ~ Astrologer Tyler Shoemaker

The Great Conjunction of The Luminaries ♃♄ — The Grand Mutation & The +25,000 Year Modern Era ~ Astrologer Tyler Shoemaker

The Great Conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter ~ The Aquarian Age & Coming Enlightenment
by Tyler Shoemaker | written under the Grand Mutation | December 21, 2020 14:10
A rare 800 year meeting of the ancient luminaries, Saturn & Jupiter December 21, 2020
One hundred years of Modern History and we are left only in the wake of its spoken history, books, motion pictures & recordings anyone can see more rapid and profound transformation occurring across each passing decade ... incredible breakthroughs in science and discovery, rapidly changing trends & attitudes alongside increasing global prosperity and cooperation the likes of which we have never realized over the last several thousands of years of our history, in only one hundred... It continues to accelerate carried forward by the continued & never ending Path of Time & ongoing motion of the Universe.
We can deduce that every event & moment in time across our entire history including the ongoing Birth & Death of Generations is proceeded by the fourth dimension, time, and the third dimension, space ... it is the natural motion of this universe around which we arrived, therefore the natural motion of the universe behaves according to our presence & individual destinies which is ongoing and never ending. Since we too unfolded from the same dimension, later birthed by the universe itself. We are the mirror image & every spiralling electron in our biological makeup interact with these ongoing celestial mechanics in resonance.
The planets & stars are exactly right where they need to be at any given moment in time ... by studying their natural cycles set in play within the heart of God at the genesis of time this divine synchronicity is a calculable language. We are able to study not only ourselves on a more sophisticated level, but with it the granted ability to see clearly into the future of the Modern World we presently find ourselves. As the planets and stars change so do we, and as we change, so do they, and there’s no escaping that fact.
In ancient times when Astrology was the Established Science of the modern world these bright slow-motion luminaries, with Jupiter being nearly three times as quick as Saturn, these giants of the visible universe were then known as the Great Chronocrators of the Modern World ... That is, the Gas Giants: Saturn ... & Jupiter ... were then considered the furthest of the wandering stars of the known Universe of those times, since Uranus, Neptune & Pluto had yet to be discovered by the inevitable breakthroughs in telescopic optics over the thousands of years that had later passed. The Great Conjunction of the superior luminaries on this very night has been chronicled across every major religion since the dawn of recorded texts dating over thousands of years of ancient writings including the night of the birth of Christ as well as the birth of Muhammad & the rise of Islam.
Today the gas giants are more clearly understood as massive hollow gas bubbles like unlit stars at the central locale of our solar system, except these giants are mostly composed of enormous metal dynamos that emit unique radio emissions rather than heat. Astronomers now know that central gas giants are somewhat unusual according to modern observations, which makes our solar system unique amongst the known cosmos. These gas giants, with their massive magnetospheres conduct a gravitational dance of their own in triangular orbital resonance in the field of celestial mechanics. In Western Astrology these eras are divided into roughly 200 year periods where the gas giants meet within the same element in Trine across the zodiac, since there are twelve signs and four elements and one point at which they meet, this makes an elemental Trine across the zodiac at roughly twenty year meetings over a 800 year period across the four elements before mutating & starting over. As this cycle continues through the elements, every 150 - 200 years we usher in a new era defined by the element that makes this ongoing Trine within our solar system.
On the winter solstice of the year 2020 Jupiter & Saturn mutate and start over on the zodiac within the first degree of 0 Aquarius, ruled by Saturn in ancient times. This period opens up the Saturn era with 139 years of Air element conjunctions at 20 year periods, having moved from Earth element conjunctions throughout the past two centuries, the Earth era. Today’s rare meeting on December 21st at the very cusp of Capricorn & Aquarius on the anoretic degree of Zero is the very reason the ancients considered Saturn the ruler of both Capricorn & Aquarius, which stand directly next to each other in the night sky — an unusual configuration on the zodiac to have one planet rule such a large swath of sky across two signs — hence it was later changed upon the discovery of Uranus, the first planet discovered beyond Saturn by telescope in 1781. Our ancestors decided on this change since Uranus is an advanced evolution of Saturn (older, wiser), and Aquarius stands to be the most advanced & knowledgable sign in Western Astrology. Thus when you refer to the coming Aquarian age we enter on this evening, you can say this era will be guided by Uranian Principals, the older & wiser Saturnian.

Jupiter ♃ | God of Thunder
Jupiter is the largest object in our solar system besides our central star & acts as a buoy on the extraterrestrial trade network, being the brightest object with the healthiest central magnet in our star system the planet acts as an entrance-gate to our star system. Jupiter is so large it has its own orbit outside of our solar tugboat & creates a barycentre, which is an invisible approximate centre point in space that both our sun & Jupiter orbit in resonance. Jupiter, with over eighty habitable moons protected by its massive magnetosphere under current observation in the year 2020, is more like a solar system of its own. Moves faster than Saturn being closer to Earth & returns to our Natal Horoscope every twelve solar years (One Jupiter Year).

If Saturn is the King of Nations ... than Jupiter is the High Priest
In Ancient Times & Today, Jupiter guides the principals of Growth, Higher Spirit, Higher Knowledge & Education, Economies, Prosperity & Fortune. Jupiter’s ancient emblem comes from Zeus’ lightning bolt ♃ The God of Thunder

Image recovered from the Juno mission -- NASA 2017
The sophisticated Juno spacecraft was perfected approximately one decade ago and left Cape Canaveral on August 5th, 2011 to meet Jupiter on July 5th, 2016 & orbit the giant indefinitely. Due to Jupiter’s enormously powerful magnetosphere, the spacecraft was only expected to survive 8 orbits ending the mission in 2016, however the craft is still fully operational in 2020 with new missions in mind. Juno features a roughly 1.5MP camera with 3 colour sensors + a thermal sensor providing breathtaking colour depth & resolution.

♄ Saturn Comes Back Around 🪐
Saturn is recognizable by the naked eye as an arrow of the night by only a few 2020-visioned & gifted observers with its massive water-ice rings that extend outward into our star system some one billion times the radius of our planet under current observations. In 1980 it was discovered upon the first Voyager One mission that a massive hexagonal Standing Wave the size of multiple Earths is being emitted from Saturn’s North Pole. Saturn is one of the most understood cycles across the various ancient culture’s astrological teachings, returning to our natal horoscope at the age of 27 - 33 (29.5 avg.) years old, its exact transit dependant on time of birth since no orbit is perfectly spherical and of course we orbit the barycentre ... Saturn sometimes makes a second Return in the mid to late 50s ... and sometimes a third Return coupled to the more rare and coveted Uranus Return in the mid 80s.
The ancient Saturnian symbol is that of Death’s Sickle [ ♄ ] in reference to old age and our ultimate fate in Ancient Astrology. For thousands of years Saturn has guided the principals of Responsibility, Commitment, Discipline & Restrictions, Wisdom, Ambition, Mortality, Scribes, Law & Order.

Saturn, Statue of The God -- Engraving by Phillips Galle made in Antwerp 1585 | a time the city was under siege for nearly a year

The giant Hexagonal Standing Wave on Saturn's North Pole captured by the crude Voyager I spacecraft [1980] -- with a sensor measuring only 800x800 B & W pixels, limited by the bandwidth of magnetic tape hard-drive technology of the 1970's

On October 15, 1997 the highly anticipated Cassini space probe left Earth to meet Saturn in the year 2004 | Featuring an almost 100% larger one million pixel sensor (1MP) with three overlapping sensors to make stunning colour images incredible pixel clarity

On September 15, 2017 approximately two decades after launch Cassini met her fate. With fuel nearly empty, NASA controllers made one last maneuver into Saturn's violent atmosphere, snapping this finale of images | Saturn's ocean-moon Enceladus sets below the horizon as Cassini plummets into Saturn's clouds
Chronocrator comes from the Greek khrónos ... Time, kratēr, from wine & medicine making to mix/activate ... later known as the conventional clock but more specifically a recordable clock, Chronograph, or stop-watch with the ability to record changes in time... indeed ancient humans too looked up into the evening sky and admired these giants just as we do today, the Great Chronocrators; these Gods were then known as the Scribes of Time ... bringing about great societal upheaval around the world every time they would meet in the our planet’s skies at roughly twenty year intervals. The Great Conjunctions of those times were the closing of one chapter and re-writing a new.
This Chapter however, that we close on the Evening of December 21st, in the year 2020 it is clear to myself & many learned Astrologers that this fateful ending is the total burning down to the ground featuring a complete and final uprising as we usher in the Grand Mutation of Jupiter & Saturn... and with it comes an advanced plateau of human destiny in the arenas of technology, spirituality, philosophy and the exploration of birth, death & the greater cosmos the likes of which we have never before conceived featuring the most incredible technical advances in Modern History. These luminaries behave as galactic ledgers and under this transit economic turmoil & rejuvenation around the planet is bound unfold as it did in 2001 & 1980 & 1960 & 1940/41 (triple conjunction) & as far back as you go in history you will find this economic upheaval when these giants meet in our shared sky.
There are two dates in history currently circulating about when the last closest conjunction was between the gas giants Saturn & Jupiter which is 1623 & 1226 — 1623 is roughly 400 years ago while 1226 is roughly 800 years ago — the previous mutation of this cycle we close tonight. The 13th century saw the collapse of the Islamic Golden Age & the rise of the Mongol Empire as well we find the rise of the Great Zagwe Kingdom in Ethiopia that reigned until 1980 — following the 1226 mutation and under the waning conjunction at the 400 year mark we find the rise of the Enlightenment Period across the Northern Hemisphere and the rise of the Kuba Kingdom throughout Africa following the year 1623 — both transformational periods of human history, you can define as turning-points still widely studied today when we look back over the past 1000 years.

The Grand Mutation & The Mayan’s

Know that you are living in historic times ... nearly each and every day, month and year of the 2020 decade will be looked upon & analyzed by every future generation & studied for the next several thousands of years, and will later be known as the grand entrance into the Modern Era. The changes that occur between these years will bring about such radical transformations that will unfold around the world across all societies in all arenas of the Aquarian principals of politics, spirituality, science & discovery with each stroke of the cosmic clock that as we enter into the later decade of the 2020s terrestrial humans will have advanced into an era vast generations ahead of us will later refer to as the Modern Era which will plateau & then transit over the next twenty-five thousand years unchanged. By the year 2025, it may seem as though 20 years had passed, and by 2030 it may seem as though fifty years had passed. By the mid 2030’s, “The Aquarian Age” will become more understood & documented concept, taking on new practical meanings across advanced societies and the lost ancient art of Astrology sees a renaissance.
We are able to know we have entered the Great Year — the time it takes for the Earths North Pole to wobble around the zodiac — by placing this mutation so close to generational Pluto which is holding together the Capricorn Stellium that, in a great stellar crescendo ends abruptly on December 21 2020 under this meeting of the great luminaries Saturn & Jupiter between the constellations leaving Pluto behind in Capricorn... Pluto later enters Aquarius in 2023 as Saturn enters Pisces following the Grand Mutation of 2020 with Saturn’s long and difficult voyage through Aquarius ... this transit will end the SARS II pandemic in March 2023, however leaving in its wake another three year long worldwide economic depression which strikes in February 2021 and ends abruptly in 2026 with an incredible and long-sought rebound leading up to an explosion in global prosperity by the year 2032. It is this mutation along with the Pluto transit, as well as the mutation that occurs between Saturn & Neptune in 2025 in 0 Aries we can denote to represent the official crossing into The Great Year, the 25,920 year period leaving Pisces in retrograde motion and entering the Uranus ruled Aquarian Era on December 21, 2020.

The Dresden Codex is the oldest surviving Mayan document since the Spanish Inquisition | The documents focuses heavily on the Venus Cycle & how the ancients structured their societies, & calendar around the cycle
Although this powerful transit does have a cascade affect that no doubt began in 2012, the ancient Mayan’s ended their calendar on the year Venus eclipsed the sun on the 144 year Synodic Cycle, which ended the Final Venus Mutation & began a new era under the ancient Mayan philosophies of Venus. It is common knowledge that the Mayan’s worshipped, followed and were more entranced by the planet Venus, although they no doubt included Jupiter & Saturn in their astrological principals as did the many lost cultures before them — it is without a doubt, that the Mayan calendar was based on the Venus cycle, which Mutated into an abrupt end in 2012 under the rare 144 year Eclipse of Venus transiting the heart of the sun ... that leaves the Grand Mutation of Jupiter & Saturn only 8 short years later in 2020 on the eve of December 21 the final Mutation in the series that the Mayan’s knew and clearly observed officially ending their age and beginning a new ... & that age is the Aquarian Age, the second Golden Era moving retrograde out of Neptune ruled Pisces which indeed had its long year Golden Era that would plateau until entering a 13,100 year Dark Waning Phase that would usher in the next era. In my astrological analysis having studied intimately the last several thousands of years we can see this waning period having began shortly after the last ice age. Scientists around the world are just now starting to conclude in the year 2020 that this date very obviously underwent a period of mass catastrophe around the world likely caused by both a series of Solar Flares striking the planet and resetting the biosphere as well as an asteroid bombardment causing a mass extinction event at the height of a widely unacknowledged Golden Era, that many researchers are beginning to uncover including physical evidence of unknown advanced technologies that would go on to help build the Great Pyramids & The Temple of Jupiter in lost Rome & the many modern wonders of the widely unknown ancient world that thrived in the Eastern continents now considered much older having existed across a vast, hundreds of thousands of year period which saw massive rises and falls of advanced civilizations with varying levels of sophisticated technology. Under this final mutation of the luminaries, just as the Mayan’s forewarned we now exit this long & dark 13,100 year waning period and usher in the Next Era, that is the Modern Era — incredibly rapid leaps in technology & discovery that cascade over the next 8 years and stay with us over the next roughly 13,100 - 25,920 year plateau.

The Principals of Aquarius & Visions of The Modern Age

Over the months and years ahead you will begin to resonate with these writings as you look back to this time and see that the world before the year 2020 seems as though it was some bygone era that may have been from when we were all much more naïve as we often do looking back on on specific ages ... of course as we get older we can look back and see that specific ages had larger influences on us than others, and perhaps for many years or decades could go by without any changes at all ... as Astrologers we study these events in the Natal Horoscope, that is the exact moment and piece of Earth you were born onto, by following the movement of the stars we can return to that very spot on that very day and look up into the heavens free of obscurities to find a map of your endless destiny. Those times of great change & transformation are intrinsically related, by nature to the ever changing state of the universe and the planetary transits of our solar system. Such milestones as your first Jupiter Return at age 12, and Saturn Return at age 29.
With the grand mutation underway, by the year 2030 it will seem as though decades have passed even though on the calendar only a few years will have passed under this planetary metamorphosis ushering in the next era. The arenas of politics and globalization will rapidly evolve with an increased focus on Aquarian faculties of intellect, empathy and evolution in technology to immediately put to work helping the underprivileged and help save the environment as both Aquarian & Uranian principals guide this modern age. You can expect to see over the next five years a rapid shift in building the information economy. Vertical Integration in the business — and by 2030 — technology economy will give rise to the most successful enterprises. Vertical Integration will be necessary to survive as a business in the new era. There will be a higher focus on Truth, Knowledge and a war on knowledge has already ensued against mainstream media which has mainstrayed... even social media, and entering this new age expect to see new digital platforms emerge based on the Aquarian principals of individual freedoms in the effort to break up the dominant media monopoly with the ongoing dissolution of hierarchy across all arenas of global politics, with a profound shift in centralized economy & political structure to a more decentralized model over the coming two decades.
Over the coming decade expect to see disruptions across all sectors of the economy as though somebody flipped a switch — as the Uranian age sets in there will be disruptions in the travel sector, with increased automation as governments come under the rays of this planetary crescendo that starts tonight & peaks in 2032. A massive shift in automation will take place between these years as governments rush to save their empires & more social attitudes will grip the nations following 2025 — expect to hear more crying about communism, however may we remind ourselves that all forms of human government are in a constant state of flux and those are the facts — no two communisms are alike and these changes in the coming decade will be far from anything we’ve ever seen before.

A Series of Squares Emerge Out of The Final Mutation | 2021-2025
Following the December 2020 mutation the gas giants Saturn & Jupiter enter into a tango with the icy giant Uranus, guide of the new era, as they conduct a series of three exact square sequences. Under these planetary conditions you can expect to see market turmoil and panic across various sectors in the week leading up to February 17th, 2021 — the first exact square between Saturn in Aquarius & Uranus in Taurus. The months that follow will see deepening financial collapse as market pressures force legal transformations across sectors, business and capitol will continue to stall following the SARS II government sanctioned shutdowns and dwindling relief spending. The economy will worsen for many years, and as long as Saturn remains in Aquarius the SARS II pandemic & surrounding fear will carry on regardless of vaccines until 2023. With the series of squares being carried out by both Jupiter & Saturn following the mutation the world will face a double-dip depression before the year 2025, transforming the global economy & setting the world on a path to prosperity by the year 2032 when Saturn meets Uranus in Gemini.
On the other side of this mutation in only the one year ahead we will see these many changes unfold in social attitudes, with less polarization and more intellectualization in a quest for genuine knowledge, unlike what we saw in the summer of 2020 and the 8 years previous. Originality will come into vogue like wokism 2.0. — platforms will be built for all voices, good & evil. It will be possible over the next decade to walk into any major company and secure a job with zero education by simply having the right conversation & attitude with the right individual. Individual freedom will be more highly admired entering the Aquarian Age. This type of open work environment will favoured by most people in the coming five years and the gig economy makes multiples disruptions in 2024. Intellectual property will be a highly sought commodity. As large economic megastructures Vertically Integrate, as do the small businesses that fuel them and in fact small business thrive in this environment, as they race to survive the new challenging economic environment the term small business takes on a whole new meaning when we say small, as we’ve already seen many business sell off their assets in order to lighten their business and continue operating as a smaller, but more powerful individual structures — be it digitizing their work environment and cutting expenses in any way possible, & functioning more practically to survive the coming series of squares. Small online business’ that are operated out of the home are an example of a vertically integrated business model, with several key advantages of operating ‘in-house’ like little to no overhead expenses — this will be the greater economy moving forward, even on the macro-scale. The following decade will see enormous and irrational rush to tech futures on the free market & within the blockchain as digital currencies continue to rise throughout the decade & perform throughout the coming economic downturn. Less focus on materialism, minimalism will come into fashion for a brief period over the coming decade and in the decade of the 2030s you can expect colour to go out-of-vogue ... that is in Art, fashion and technological devices such as vehicles and various equipment will be favoured in either white, black or grey ... as we begin to androgynize our culture, art, attitudes welcoming the Great Aquarian Age. Many poor countries face much turmoil over the coming months and few years ... there is a historical famine coming that will give rise to war amongst nations in the early half of the 2020 decade. Out of the darkness however comes light and by the year 2025 the gears of the new Uranian knowledge economy will be in motion and by 2030 we will collectively feel much more mature, knowledgeable and experienced by the turmoil endured under the major series of squares that emerge out of the final mutation between the icy giant Uranus in the financial constellation of Taurus, which will see an incredible shift into the decentralized economy over the next twelve years ... there will be more coming uprises around the world under the on going Venus & Mars cycles however wealth inequality will become much less rampant by 2032 ... The war on knowledge is fought and won by the end of the decade and by 2028, around the world knowledge will be more highly sought by youth ... children born under the 170 year Uranus | Neptune conjunction of February 2 1992 and the surrounding six years will begin to reign over societies, skipping generations and breaking tradition of the elderly generations typically reigning over generations even as the powers that be continue to age into the coming decades with untold advances in life-extending technology entering the early 2030s, young people will be given power for their increased knowledge of the Uranian principals of technology — rapidly advancing before our eyes, such as AI, the decentralized economy and increasing understanding of Quantum Law, major breakthroughs in Quantum Computing, with a necessary shift into the more empathetic age this young generation will be sought for their experience and knowledge to build a more tolerant & cohesive global society. Expect to see a crumbling of hierarchies across the board in the few short years ahead.
Over the next five years there will be an increase in UFOs manoeuvring our skies and interest in the field of UFOs and extraterrestrials will peak, with less shame in studying the subject and increased acceptance around the existence of aliens from far off worlds. More dark access programs and the like come forward and dissolve under the Aquarian influences, as well as the continued unveiling of evil such as dark underground billionaire rings moving forward into the decade and continued shocking government exposes as we fight for the Truth and our right to secret knowledge. By the end of the decade we will see an open access the knowledge that world governments have been keeping behind tightly locked doors for many decades.
The new era of Jupiter & Saturn conducting their dance through the Air signs will feature incredible advances in space exploration the likes of which never before deemed possible — such breakthroughs in the ancient art of teleportation, time-travel, over-unity devices disrupting the energy economy and breakthroughs in electromagnets that will become useful in medicine in order to reverse & eliminate diseases long thought to be incurable. Disruptions in energy by the year 2035 will allow us to create new useful materials here on earth & other planets. By the end of the 2030 decade incredible advances in teleportation will allow us to explore the furthest reaches of the unknown universe, and by the 2050s humans will occupy the cosmos in great numbers.

The Uranian Age | Ruler of Aquarius

Uranus is awkwardly slanted on a complete 98° to Earth. The planet features a young half billion year old ring system composed of ancient moons that eventually collided into dust. Uranus is a brilliant turquoise of the hydrocarbons of helium & methane. This is an artist rendition since Uranus is not well studied having only had one visit, in 1986 on a brief flyby of Voyager II.
Uranus was discovered much later than Saturn by the German musician Sir William Herschel in 1791 England using his homebuilt telescope ... named after the Greek God of The Sky, Uranus, by the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode, in reference to Uranus being the father of Saturn & grandfather of Jupiter in mythology, and of course the now Ruler of Aquarius.
The Aquarian Era will be guided by the planet Uranus — The Great Awakener — in modern western Astrology, since aspects to this slow ice giant dictate profound disruptions across societies and throughout our lives. As the slower planet just beyond Saturn, Uranus is considered a generational planet that makes its mark on seven year increments through each constellation — as such Uranus influences each 7 year generation differently, just as Neptune influences each 14 year generation differently, and Pluto every 30 year generation. Uranus makes an opposition to your Natal Placement at the age of 40 often setting off crisis & transformation, and then Returns around the age of 84. Those with strong Uranus placements are the revolutionaries, geniuses, eccentric artists, reformers and inventors of our times.

A true colour photograph of Uranus -- Made by NASA on a lucky flyby of Voyager II in 1986 | Made over 3 exposures on a 800x800 B & W sensor using 3 colour filters
The new age, under the planetary dictatorship of the ice giant Uranus will feature an explosion in knowledge and total destruction of outmoded structures, groups, programs and hierarchies across all societies around the world — including the ongoing destruction of gender & race as we motion to advance ourselves under the cosmic rays of Uranus, the older & wiser Saturn. No more clinging to the past, and no more insanely repeated the same old toxic behaviours as we’ve come to see over the past 8 years during this cascade period, entering the new age will be about original and practical solutions to problems, with less emotional approaches... in the Aquarian age anything old and outdated, or obsolete will start to be cast away in favour of the progressive and forward thinking. Rather than looking to the past for solutions, we will be collectively looking to the future with an ever greater arsenal of tools to analyze the future, and building practical solutions to the problems we find and taking more risks; knowing now that we haven't much to lose. Uranus asks us come together under one unified humanitarian spirit, and you can expect to see a rapid shift into a more unified global governance system by the year 2035 — and by 2045 computer systems will be more advanced at human governance than we can ever dream to be ourselves. The global shift into this Uranian guided era will feature the most profound technological shake-ups over the coming decade unlike any other breakthroughs in our written history — under the Air era we will see quantum leaps in science that allow us greater understanding over the overall mechanics of reality and how it can altered for our benefit. Breakthroughs in magnet, quantum and wireless wave tech that propel us into a long and prosperous era. The next 8 years will be opening to the quantum era — major breakthroughs in science & discovery propelling us into the transformative years we undergo on this very evening — The Modern Era of Aquarius.

Tyler Shoemaker, Astrologer |
Written under the grand mutation on the eve of my 33rd solar return |
December 21st, 2020 14:10 NYC
submitted by Tystrologer to Psychic [link] [comments]

[Request]Is this correct?

[Request]Is this correct? submitted by C_Synth to theydidthemath [link] [comments]

[RF] The Test

The structure of my story is pretty important, but I can't seem to get it down on Reddit. Hopefully it is enjoyable enough without it.
"Room 117"
As the who what why and when were already determined, this final where was the final piece of the puzzle and, now quantified, gave Raymond a sense of finality, no turning back now. In the unfamiliar location, he counted the rooms until he reached the one with the aforementioned three digit indication and crossed the threshold.
In and out, not the restaurant, but the exercise, it's going to be ok. You're ready for this, just keep on breathing.
"The American College Test is broken up into four different-"
Papers shuffle, pencils tap, noses sniffle, throats clear, chairs scrape; all quiet, but deafening.
Name, Address, Testing Center, bubbles are filled not by the mind but by the hand as this was the only part of the test that counted for nothing.
The standardized reflection of self-identity ceased, Raymond awaits his order like a good little soldier.
"You may now break the seal and begin the English portio-"
And they're off
Intricately crafted, check a long one next ok G makes sense next dubbed, gotta be is there a comma there don't think so C then plural not possessive when do you use the dash I'll skip that one D reads the best and is the shortest ok how am I doing on time, 3 minutes down ok that's good eventually, yeah the creator is not are that's easy 10, skip for later, her, obviously, what's that oh my wrist is cramping crack crack crack that feels better come on come on come on lets go ok NO CHANGE that works if the writer were to delete the last sentence the paragraph lose: B I guess, gonna mark it, though the creator destroyed, that's easy and ok first 15 down one down four to go and good on time good ok oh shit I gotta-
Raymond's nose became heavy with mucus, which required immediate extraction in order to get him back into operational condition. He rifled through his bag, but found no remedy. Oh well, coat sleeve then, check.
As a boy John Pollack.....isn't Pollack the guy who does the weird paintings no that's jackson pollack ok, focus come on I'm don't really understand that kind of art anyways it doesn't matter stop and lets go ok double comma there No No No wait, C would work ehh skip it see no problem there alright next one first for sure than and year's is for sure right there Nope No D hexagonal, thats 6 sides I think anyhow am I good on time oh shoot gotta hurry up here ok Binding Shaping C then rigorous process that reads alright had saw himself that doesn't sound right had seen himself.....alright I guess let's move on No change works there better suited for, not as ok 2002 the year after I was born huh not a very important year comparatively anyways the company that makes sense D is simplest ok, an add a sentence one, where to add it ok let me check A, No B, yes C, No D, No why did I waste the time damnit ok B then hurry up oh geez, 31 is hard, tttttuhuhummmm btbtbtbtbtsssss uhhh ok skip and go back later no punctuation, J dramatic nature? ok then sketches I guess, stupid question comma prison though alright next, none of those make sense B then delete ughh add which sentence A connects halfway done alright no change time is good simplest is no change that works oh-
A deep grumbling emerged from Raymond's stomach, followed by a shooting pain in his abdomen. He considered altering his breathing, or burping or cracking his back or--. Raymond then passed gas, which quickly relieved the pain. However, the pain in his stomach made him acutely aware of other aches around his body, particularly his shoulder, which was very tight and required relief in the form of multiple quick gyrations which resulted in many audible pops.
Ok, let's go come on alright next question God I took too much time there B then ok after the word bubbles to unearth works long one here what would it lose uhh light moment, joke good oh dang that's hard, her or our, she uses we in the one before but she later in the sentence, her I guess then Jesus that one took too long alright back into gear, three minutes five questions lets go A gives info its no apostrophe 2 minutes calm down stop checking no change easy now the skipped ones ok umm ok 10 is regardless and No change for 31
"Pencils down and close your answering sheet inside of your testing booklet"
As heart rates decrease, nearly every emotion possible is experienced by those in the room, joy, despair, anger, relief, to name a few. Raymond alone feels nothing, at least, he feels like he alone feels nothing.
"You will be allowed a 2 minute break to stand up, stretch and drink water if you brought it, do not leave your seat."
Raymond considers his options for the break, discerning his body's needs. It's sore, so he could stretch, but also thirsty, so water could do him some good. Additionally, his mouth's taste is somewhat distracting, so popping a mint is also on the table. After weighing his options, Raymond unsheathed a mint from its wrapper, and dropped it into his mouth. He wasn't sure he made the right choice, never is.
"Alright, that's enough, you may now begin the math section of the ACT"
Ok, time to fly, gotta get through the easy ones so I have time for the hards, calculator is working, back-up batteries on desk with pencil, lets go ok 3 to 5 is 1.666 which times 6 is 10 ok 1 in 32 duh 4 thats easy ok 45 minus seven times 15 use the calculator (7*15=105) ok then -60 J ok took 2 long lets move it forward eight over 20 four over 10 two over five ding next 50 and 50 that means 5 ahh, geometry (180-40-57=83) geez that one key is sticky whatever four minus 3 times 2 easy next two comma done next ahh
Graphite fractures as an excess of pressure is put upon it. The graphite and the surrounding wood is tossed aside and replaced by an identical, yet superior model.
Ok 12 and 6 makes 6 then over four down 6 negative ⅔ then wait no rise over run 3/2 you moron (221/17=13) plus 30 equals 43 next (420/5=84) (420-84=336) ding ok two next easy lets go four over seven because they both switch sides, one of each so K, 16 haha, trick question square root of 30 hmmm A squared B squared and all that so that means square root of 21 then ok getting harder twenty down 8 feet tall walls huh, (80+80+20+120=300) damnit (80+80+120+120=400) ok then 340 perfect gotta get 40 (8+8+13+13=42) ok then lemme just swallow this and then move on 7.5 next (60*.8=48) oops (60*.08=4.8) (4.8/.2=24) wasted time, gotta keep moving yuck scientific notation oh, wrong question (175/14=12.5) round up to 13 three then up to four I think so A radius is 3 so negative four so H then, x plus four ok (360-80=280+96=376/4=94) perfect, 6 duh seven over twenty seven works ok halfway done, not as fast as I wanted but ok, wait
At this moment the underwear of Raymond somehow managed to get itself stuck uncomfortably in his rear end. Raymond was faced with a critical choice, he could pick the wedged undergarment with no regard for how people view him, or wait until the next break to attempt a similar maneuver, albeit infinitely more discreetly. Raymond was overwhelmed with the lack of choices, but, as luck may have it, while he was surveying the room, his eyes settled upon a striking young woman directly behind him, the features of which caused him to forget about his predicament, and turn back to the test.
Ok, pick up the pace now, 40 minutes left but the second 30 is harder than the first ok lets go D easy, area, huh, (28*16=448) (12*16=192/2=96+448=544) why would you even make a trapezoidal park anyways, stick to buying coffee Mikea focus ok, H obviously that's easy next SOHCAHTOA opposite adjacent then opposite is four adjacent is 10 so two over 5 then alright thats a hard one, lets see, ok that makes sense, A then, F whatever, one, just one ok great, log is the number of zeros just count them and times ten 30 then ok last 10, time to separate the men from the boys let's go alright Jesus that's tough, ok so the lesser is 19 more than the square root of the other ok come on no time hurry (100+29=129) eleven maybe? (121+30=151) perfect (121-30=91) there it is, next easy one, yes! (41+25+30+15+15+25=161/6=26.83333) 27 then ok A or D both look good so I'll skip it 3rd and 4th and 13 and 18 that means 2nd is 8 and 1st is 3 and 0th is -2 and 50th is (-2+250=248) tough one, luckily, I have a graphing calculator (y=(sin(x)2)+(cos(x)2)=) perfect not a lot of kids know how to do that, that really saves me some time, keep moving ok shit, oh, come on you know this come oooooon it's 4it's gotta be....right? I'm pretty sure, gotta move on, only 7 minutes left logic question, easy three over two tough, but I'm sure it's four three more finish strong remainder? what is this 3rd grade? jesus ok you can do this it can be 4 or two, right? gotta say you can't figure it out then, ok 2 more, trig great oh geez this is gonna be a bitch wait what did Mr. Ryan say, doesn't the empty set work here? no time gotta try it ok last one Ray, me? oh, no the math thing tangent over cosine so that would be 5.5x which would be uhh come on come on no time no time ok calm down in out ok 5.5 is 65.2 im sure, fill it in
With thirty seconds left, Raymond collapsed (as much as anybody sitting can collapse) and controlled his breathing for the remainder of the testing period. His thirty-four (his watch was a bit fast) seconds of bliss were interrupted by the administrator notifying them to cease, and that they had an entire seven minutes before the next section.
"During this break, you will be permitted to use the restroom, if you have to go, do it now, because there will not be another opportunity to do so until testing is concluded"
Yawning, Raymond got up and went to the door with the others, not because he particularly had anything to do, just to ride the wave of social cues. He had a number of options, water fountain, bathroom, walk around, read the bulletin board, talk to that girl and many others that jumped to mind. These options were quelled, however, as the very act of standing up seemed to spur his bladder into action, sending Raymond to the bathroom. People flash by, a guy popping a pill, adderall probably, a girl scratching her neck nervously. Nobody dares talk to others, the music of this hallway is self-interrogative murmurs produced by the dozens. "Goddamnit" "So stupid" "Why did I..." "Oh my God" "If only I..." and so on.
Raymond arrived at the bathroom, approached the urinal furthest from the door, and attended to his faculties. Approximately one third of the way through this ritual, another boy, more like a man compared to Raymond, entered the bathroom.
Raymond politely nodded, not a big proponent of talking to other men while urinating. Bizarrely, the interlopeer took the urinal directly next to Raymond's, a circumstance Raymond had hoped to avoid by taking the repository at the end of the row.
"Math was brutal, huh?"
Now he's talking? What the hell is this guy's deal?
Raymond again nodded, attempting to focus on his own stream and to ignore this annoyance.
"What did you get for #34, do you think"
Raymond's heart skips a beat, he figured this was coming, but was still incredibly angered at the gall of this pathetic whelp. As always he considered his options, he could reveal his answer to him, but that carries extreme risk; he could tell him he wouldn't feel comfortable, but he didn't want to be that guy. After a few milliseconds of stress, Raymond decided to go with what is always the easiest option: lying. Raymond shrugged his shoulders and let out a non-committal answer along the lines of "Didn't remember," or, "Not sure." His attempts at subterfuge thwarted, the manboy turned his attention back to the task at hand, and left Raymond to do the same.
Raymond's heart rate slowed to its normal rhythm as he made his way back to the classroom, but spiked when his eyes were once again drawn to a particular girl.
Oh, it's her again, how do I look? wait why should I care about how I look? it's not like I'm going to go and talk to her....should I go and talk to her? she seems nice enough and it's been awhile since I....stop, what are you talking about, even on the off chance she holds even a modicum of interest for you at this point in the test you need to be laser focused, she would only be a distraction- oh shit she noticed me staring, I have to drop that habit...huh did she smile at me? it sure looked like she did, maybe I should go over and talk to her, what do I have to lose, after all? my focus, for one, your dignity, for two if you embarrass yourself in front of her, that will be on your mind the rest of the test and if you somehow, manage to, say, get her number or anything of the sort, you'll be just as distracted with ridiculous date ideas for the science section which we NEED to do well on ok, what choice will I regret the least? god this is hard, I really want to talk to her but I don't want to put my future into jeopardy, could my future with her be worth just as much as this test though? a girlfriend would be nice, as nice as any test score, right? wrong, people come and go, test scores are forever, true bu-
"The seven minute break has now concluded, return to your seats immediately"
Now that only one viable choice remained, Raymond was thawed from his indecision and made his way back to his seat. As he returned to his seat, he felt the warm presence of what could have been behind him, but quickly shook it from his mind in order to focus on the test.
"The reading section will consist of 4 passages and 40 questions in 35 minutes..."
Raymond smiled, knowing that, for most of the kids here, this section is far and away the most stressful, but not him. Yes, reading has always been a strength of his, he was good at English as well, but this section always seemed to give him the least trouble.
The first passage was a literary narrative about a guy thinking about what was going through his mind during a certain swimming race.
"Sometimes a moment comes along when the world slows down, and though everything else moves around us at the same frenetic speed, we're afforded the opportunity to reflect in real-time rather than in retrospect." That must be nice.
The next passage was a social science piece that was broken up into two passages by two different authors, both about a russian botanist named Nikolai Vavilov.
Did I really just read two entire passages about where to best grow varieties of apples in Russia? maybe I'll write to the administration and complain, as if.
The third passage was simply titled "Humanities" and was about Leon Berry, an apparently not so famous saxophonist.
"Why you've never heard of him is pretty simple...." Kind of a brutal way to remember the guy, I hope stuff written about me doesn't open with that. Imagine your greatest legacy being read about by a bunch of teenagers and forgotten by everyone else. I guess that describes a lot of people, actually.
The final passage was the dreaded natural science passage which concerned the shape of the Milky Way Galaxy.
How could they possibly weigh the entire universe? How could they even make an educated guess at how big the universe is, let alone how much it weighs? Aren't there better things to be studied? So stupid.
And thus, the reading section was taken care of in relatively short order, as Raymond had 8 more minutes with which to spend his time. He had options, he could look over his work and make sure he didn't make a mistake, the safest option, he could try and get a short burst of shut eye, but that may leave him groggy for science, he could risk flipping forward to the science section in an attempt to get a head start, but that was much too risky. He checked his watch: 4 minutes left. Ray decided to spend the time staring aimlessly around the classroom, hoping he wouldn't regret his decision.
"The reading section has concluded, we will be starting the Science portion in two minutes"
Ray made the final mental preparations necessary for the final test. 40 questions, 35 minutes, fifty two and a half seconds per question, eight minutes per section allowing three at the end of the test to go back and answer skipped questions. This was his strategy, and he would stick to it.
"You may now beg-"
Time to rock, let's go mass of cheese 185 ok next peanuts the least so them decreased only ate all four of them yes and 55 there moving on cat food and ham baby ok lets go c and d are the same that took too long hurry up gh by default unlucky there liquid, obviously none of them 2 and 3 then because of density 2 only ooh an outside knowledge question gases are less dense, right? I sure think so, moving on point thirty ok one five same mass done boom next atmospheric is always the same times 5 that means 5 then 180 170 150 wish I had a calculator, that's 350 plus 150 so 500 oh just zn oops wasted time goddamnit ok three then halfway done, alright 250 for sure 20 msec because it's the whole graph Vc moves the least C and L meet so they are polar opposites 15 it was negative Vc that's crazy easy oh shoot I mixed up the graph, Vl actually moves the least, stupid ass mistake n is 4 so n Dish one is the control come on hurry up just gotta rank them easy ok increases only alright 10 more 12 minutes left good, not great III only ok J four times alright outside knowledge here DNA stuff it synthesizes with proteins I'm pretty sure ok home stretch last section good on time non porus non absorbent easy below freezing duh 2.5 and one there four left I got this the sand layer slowed it so that means C zero is the second lowest, so it's J then sand layer was changed last one 30 60 120 done
The dragon slain, Raymond leaned back in his chair, cracked his back and waited for the remaining minutes to fall off the board.
"Congratulations, you have completed the ACT, you are free to leave after you hand me your testing booklet and answer document. Don't forget to collect your phones as you exit"
Raymond did as was ordered of him and walked down the hallway to the exit, lanyard swinging in his hand. It was past noon now, and he wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep. Approaching the double doors, he made his peace with the fact that he would almost certainly never enter this building again.
Upon opening the door, he was blasted with cold air and suddenly realized that he was starving.
submitted by jsalem011 to shortstories [link] [comments]

Looking for feedback on this code

This is my first (useful) program I made with python, It allows the user to calculate areas and perimeters from different 2D figures and volumes of 3D figures.
The code works flawlessly but I'm sure there's things that could be done better, so any kind of criticism and/or advice is welcome

print("Do you need to calculate an area or a volume? ") option = None while option != "A" and option != "B" and option !="a" and option !="b": option = input(" A)Area or B)Volume ") if option == "A" or option == "a": figure = None print("What figure do you have? ") while figure !="A" and figure !="B" and figure != "C" and figure !="D" and figure != "E"\ and figure != "F" and figure !="G" and figure !="a" and figure !="b" and figure !="c"\ and figure != "d" and figure != "e" and figure !="f" and figure != "g": figure = input(""" A) Square B) Rectangle C) Triangle D) Circle E) Ellipse F) Pentagon G) Hexagon """) if figure == "A" or figure == "a": side = float(input("Enter the value of one side")) area = side ** 2 print("The area is {}".format(area)) perimeter = side * 4 print("The perimeter is {}".format(perimeter)) elif figure == "B" or figure == "b": large = float(input("Enter the value of the large ")) wide = float(input("Enter the value of the wide")) area = wide * large print("The area is {} ".format(area)) perimeter = wide + wide + large + large print("The perimeter is {}". format (perimeter)) elif figure == "C" or figure == "c": base = float(input("Enter the value of the base")) height = float(input("Enter the value of the height")) area = (base * height)/2 print("The area is {} ". format (area)) perimeter = input("Do you need the perimeter ? Yes/No") if perimeter == "Yes" or perimeter == "yes" or perimeter == "YES": side1 = float(input("Enter the value of one side (besides the base)")) side2 = float(input("Enter the value of the other side (besides the base)")) perimetervalue = side1 + side2 + base print("The perimeter is {} ". format(perimetervalue)) elif figure == "D" or figure == "d": radius = float(input("Enter the value of the radius")) area = 3.141592 * (radius ** 2) print("The area is {} ".format(area)) elif figure == "E" or figure == "e": majorradius = float(input("Enter the value of the major radius")) minorradius = float(input("Enter the value of the minor radius")) area = majorradius * minorradius * 3.141592 print("The area is {} ".format(area)) elif figure == "F" or figure == "f": apothem = float(input("Enter the value of the apothem ")) side = float(input("Enter the value of one side ")) area = ((side * 5) * (apothem)) / 2 print("The area is {} ".format(area)) perimeter = side * 5 print("The perimeter is {}".format(perimeter)) elif figure == "G" or figure == "g": apothem = float(input("Enter the value of the apothem")) side = float(input("Enter the value of one side ")) area = 3 * apothem * side print("The area is {} ".format(area)) perimeter = side * 6 print("The perimeter is {}".format(perimeter)) if option == "B" or option == "b": figure = None print("What figure do you have? ") while figure != "A" and figure !="B" and figure !="C" and figure != "D"\ and figure !="E" and figure !="a" and figure !="b" and figure !="c"\ and figure !="d" and figure !="e": figure = input(""" A) Cube B) Rectangular Prism C) Pyramid D) Sphere E) Cylinder """) if figure == "A" or figure == "a": side = float(input("Enter the value of one side ")) volume = side ** 3 print ("The volume is {} ".format(volume)) elif figure == "B" or figure == "b": large = float(input("Enter the value of the large ")) wide = float(input("Enter the value of the wide")) height = float(input("Enter the value of the height")) volume = large * wide * height print("The volume is {}".format(volume)) elif figure == "C" or figure == "c": base = float(input("Enter the value of one side of the base")) large = float(input("Enter the value of the other side of the base")) height = float(input("Enter the value of the height ")) volume = 1/3 * base * large * height print("The volume is {}".format(volume)) elif figure == "D" or figure == "d": radius = float(input("Enter the value of the radius")) volume = 4/3 * radius**3 * 3.141592 print("The volume is {}".format(volume)) elif figure == "E" or figure == "e": radius = float(input("Enter the value of the radius ")) height = float(input("Enter the value of the height ")) volume = 3.141592 * (radius ** 2) * height print("The volume is {}".format(volume)) 
submitted by VirtualBlack to learnpython [link] [comments]

Trying to generate tessellating hexagon distance-field with a user-specified aspect ratio + gap.

I'm working on a new function for a program I'm writing that allows users to generate contours of a sort of honeycomb/hexagon pattern where they control the aspect ratio of the hexagons and a uniform gap between them. The problem I'm having is figuring out how to determine how to scale the calculated distance value that is zero at the center of each hexagon and one where neighboring hexagons meet.
This is an analytical distance function that translates a pixel coordinate into a normalized "tile" coordinate where the four corners of the tile are the locations of the centers of 4 neighboring hexagons, with one hexagon centered in the tile. (See: )
The sample coordinate is mirrored around until we have a coordinate in one quadrant of the tile, to simplify the maths. From there it simply checks two distance vectors, one for the horizontal gradient on the left/right sides of hexagons and one for the 60deg angled sides. ( See: )
In order to create a gap the resulting distance value is scaled up. This requires a different scaling factor for the horizontal distance gradients than it does for the 60deg angled gradients to produce a "gap" between hexagons where the distance value exceeds 1.0, which is intended to remain as the edge of the hexagons themselves after the gap is applied.
The situation is that the user can control the aspect ratio of the hexagons via row/column parameters, along with their gap parameter. For a square tile (i.e. a grid of squares) the scaling factor is easy to calculate as distance values lie on the cardinal axes and so the aspect ratio of the tile can be figured in to produce a uniform gap between neighboring squares. For the hexagon it's just as easy for the horizontal gradients (the triangle sixths of the hexagons that forms their left/right edges). For the angled edges it's a whole other can of worms!
It was my intuition that I could simply take the vector from the center of a hexagon to its angled 60degree edge (0.5,0.866025...), scale that by the tile's dimensions (which is determined by the number of rows/cols and the output field's pixel dimensions) and then I can use that to calculate a scaling value for distances along that gradient to result in a >1.0 gap between hexagons.
Here's some pseudocode:
// scale up 0deg vec to include gap scale0 = tilesize.x / (tilesize.x - gap); // scale 60deg vector by tile's dimensions vec2 deg60 = tilesize.xy * vec2(0.5, sqrt(3)); scale60 = length(deg60) * 0.5; scale60 = scale60 / (scale60 - gap); ... dist_0deg = scale0 * dot(pixel.xy / tilesize.xy, vec2(1, 0)); dist_60deg = gy * dot(pixel.xy / tilesize.xy, vec2(0.5, sqrt(3))); if(dist_0deg > dist_60deg) return dist_0deg; else return dist_60deg; 
So, I simply scale a 60deg vector by the tile's dimensions - incorporating the aspect ratio into the calculation of the "radius" of a hexagon on one of its 60deg gradients (the two top and two bottom sixth-sections of the hexagon) which I can then calculate a scaling factor that will upscale distance values along that vector so that each hexagon contributes half of the gap between itself and its neighbor. The math above doesn't work - it's still wrong, the gap produced varies between aspect ratios and different gap sizes. The gap is correct between hexagons that neighbor eachother horizontally - that math is fine but I can't for some reason figure out how to calculate a proper scaling factor to produce a gap between diagonally neighboring hexagons.
I figure it's a stretch that anybody will be able/willing to dive into this and spend some time thinking about it - or maybe someone already has an idea or suggestion that's useful so I opted to take the time to post this here :P
Thanks for reading!
submitted by deftware to math [link] [comments]

Patch Notes 2.05 & New Game Mode

New Map: Excavation
This map still features the iconic jungle –but will force both the Fireteam and Predator to think vertically and spatially as they traverse through an intricate multi-level cave system.
New Mode: Clash
Clash is the ultimate 4v4 PVP that puts players in an all-out, no-holds-barred war. Lasting roughly fifteen minutes, two Fireteams will spawn on one of the four Predator: Hunting Grounds maps with one goal:to capture a location before the next capture area spawns. While each team battles it out to claim territory, every point gained and enemy killed fills up your team’s Predator meter. Once filled, the Predator mode is unlocked and one person on your team will become the extraterrestrial hunter.
Free Update #5
• [FREE] Mercenary (‘87) weapon is now unlockable for all players at Level 90
New Unlockable Cosmetics listed below
• Increased loadouts from 6 to 12
• Fixed melee weapon icons being stretched in some cases.
• Fixed an issue where inputs may sometimes not work properly in the weapon customization screen
• Boars spawns now prioritize being closer to the Predator
• Fixed an issue where the D-pad would become unresponsive when hovering over private match or tutorial and making a party
• Improved d-pad icons for better readability
• Added audio stinger for when connecting to a match Crossplay accounts can now invite friends when on the “waiting for players” screen
• Fixed a bug where server blades in the Bug in the System mission could be destroyed without breaking the server door first
• Fixed various bugs with mission interactables and environmental damage sources
• Fixed collision issues with the medical building sunroof in Backwater
• Fixed multiple exploitive locations, stuck spots, and locations prone to unintentional clipping, throughout all maps
• Fixed a bug that would cause the game to sometimes crash
• Fixed an issue where the player could be claimed while standing up from a self revive
• Fixed first person animations not always playing when zoomed in with a scope
• Fixed FT melee icons being shrunken down on customization screens
• Fixed an issue where the Fireteam would sometimes not have a backpack
• Increased amount healed from Medical Kits that appear throughout the map Fixed up inconsistency with impact sounds for the local player
• Fixed weapon stat calculations on customization screen
• Reduced damage
• Increased ammo resupply from guerrilla ammo drops
• Increased extended magazine ammo capacity
U.A.V. Scanner
• Fixed not being able to muddy up after using the U.A.V. Scanner
• Fixed sprint animation when holding the U.A.V. Scanner
• Fixed weapon selection not being consistent after using the U.A.V. Scanner
• U.A.V. scan no longer spots Predator blood trails
Self Revive Syrette
• Reduced Cost
Medical Kit
• Reduced healing amount
• Fixed assault having two default outfits
Body Armor:
• Reduced cost
Iron Lungs
• Increased cost
Double Time
• Reduced movement speed bonus
Flesh Ripper
• Reduced cost
• Increased movement speed bonus
Weapons Training
• Increased recoil reduction.
Ice Cold
• Increased cost.
• Reduced cost.
Fast Hands
• Reduced cost.
• Reduced cost
• Fixed an issue where Quick Release sped up the reload animation but did not resupply the clip ammunition any earlier.
• Kills that occur from self destructing will now count properly as kills and give rewards
• Predator will now hold their primary weapon in customization screens with different idle animations
• Cloaked Predators now have reduced visibility when viewed from a longer distance
• Fixed an issue where weapon selection hotkeys not working for Predator when using KBM
• Fixed an issue where the Fireteam head not always disappearing in long claim cinematics
• Fixed an issue where Predator rotation getting wonky in customization screens
• Adjusted medical building (Backwater) sunroof button so Predator can use it
• Adjusted predkour trees to improve branch connections and mounting from the ground, throughout all maps
• Fixed an issue where Predator melee weapons would sometimes not hit world objects (such as health packs)
• Improved Predator melee lock in Weapons
Smart Disc
• Tints now apply to controlled smart disc, not just the one you’re holding
• Increased base flight speed.
• Increased boost flight speed.
• Increased boost duration. Reduced return speed.
War Club
• Increased damage of the second hit in the combo
Plasma Caster
• Increased AoE radius
Alpha Sickle
• Increased damage
• Fixed an issue where armed bear traps would sometimes appear as disarmed
• Reduced cost.
Fast Hands
• Reduced cost.
• Increased cost.
• Increased resistance to fireteam melee attacks
• Increased melee damage
• Reduced stamina regen rate while melee attacking
• Increased stamina regen rate
• Increased stamina
• Increased Energy.
• Increased predkour speed.
• Increased stamina regen rate while melee attacking.
Alpha Predator
• Reduced energy.
• Reduced health.
• Increased stamina.
• Increased melee damage.
• Increased perk points.
• Increased speed.
• Increased perk points.
• Increased predkour speed.
• Increased energy.
• Reduced stamina.
• Increased health.
• Reduced melee damage.
• Reduced resistance to fireteam melee attacks.
• Reduced stamina regen rate while melee attacking.
• Increased stamina.
• Increased melee damage.
• Increased stamina regen rate.
City Hunter
• Reduced perk points
New Unlockable Cosmetics
Fireteam Weapon Skins
• Hazard Skin - 1011-12
• Hazard Skin - 2XL
• Hazard Skin - Grim Tech 19
• Hazard Skin - ZR-55
• Hazard Skin - 7-06
• Hazard Skin - PDW-Z
• Hazard Skin - CS-12
• Hazard Skin - XDB-12
• Hazard Skin - DJL-33
• Hazard Skin - AR-W
• Hazard Skin - QR-4
• Hazard Skin - GOSL-R
• Hazard Skin - G-ROW
• Hazard Skin - 7EN
• Hazard Skin - SAWZ-50
• Hazard Skin - ABR-Z
• Hazard Skin - RP-103
• Hazard Skin - S-R3D
• Hazard Skin - D34-D
• Hazard Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Hazard Skin - Hammerhead
• Hazard Skin - O.W.L.F Pitbull
Mercenary (‘87) Weapon skins
• Green Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Tan Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Blue Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Brown Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Gray Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Woodland Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Desert Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Green Tiger Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Sandstorm Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Digital Skin Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Green Shatter Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Red Tiger Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Charcoal Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Blue Viper Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Green Hexagon Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Silver Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Golden Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Viridian Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Aurora Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Playstation Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Epic Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Decoy Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Remedy Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Maim Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Coup Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Harm Skin - Mercenary ('87)
• Ruin Skin - Mercenary ('87)
Fireteam Outfit Tints
• Engage Camo Tint 13- Scout Outfits
• Engage Camo Tint 13 - Recon Outfits
• Engage Camo Tint 13- Assault Outfits
• Engage Camo Tint 13 - Support Outfits
• Engage Camo Tint 13 - Dutch’87
• Engage Camp Tint 13 - Dutch
Predator Armor Tints
• Armor Color Tint Paroxysm - Scout
• Armor Color Tint Paroxysm - Hunter
• Armor Color Tint Paroxysm - Berzerker
• Armor Color Tint Paroxysm - JH87
• Armor Color Tint Paroxysm - CH
• Armor Color Tint Paroxysm - Alpha
• Armor Color Tint Paroxysm - Samurai
• Armor Color Tint Tyrant - Alpha
• Armor Color Tint Warlord - Alpha
• Armor Color Tint Tyrant - Samurai
• Armor Color Tint Warlord - Samurai
Predator War Paint
• Ire War Paint
• Fury War Paint
Predator Skin Pattern Tints
• Skin Pattern Mottle Ash - Scout
• Skin Pattern Mottle Ash - Hunter
• Skin Pattern Mottle Ash - Berserker
• Skin Pattern Mottle Ash - Jungle Hunter
• Skin Pattern Mottle Ash - City Hunter
• Skin Pattern Mottle Ash- Alpha
• Skin Pattern Mottle Ash- Elder
• Skin Pattern Mottle Ash- Samurai
• Skin Pattern Raptor Putrid - Scout
• Skin Pattern Raptor Putrid - Hunter
• Skin Pattern Raptor Putrid - Berserker
• Skin Pattern Raptor Putrid - JH87
• Skin Pattern Raptor Putrid - CH
• Skin Pattern Raptor Putrid - Alpha
• Skin Pattern Raptor Putrid - Elder
• Skin Pattern Raptor Putrid - Samurai
• Skin Pattern Shatter Bleak - Scout
• Skin Pattern Shatter Bleak - Hunter
• Skin Pattern Shatter Bleak - Berserker
• Skin Pattern Shatter Bleak - JH87
• Skin Pattern Shatter Bleak - CH
• Skin Pattern Shatter Bleak - Alpha
• Skin Pattern Shatter Bleak - Elder
• Skin Pattern Shatter Bleak - Samurai
• Skin Pattern Shatter Tsunami- Scout
• Skin Pattern Shatter Tsunami- Hunter
• Skin Pattern Shatter Tsunami- Berserker
• Skin Pattern Shatter Tsunami- JH87
• Skin Pattern Shatter Tsunami- CH
• Skin Pattern Shatter Tsunami- Alphai
• Skin Pattern Shatter Tsunami- Elder
• Skin Pattern Shatter Tsunami- Samurai
submitted by CrimsonAlpine to HuntingGrounds [link] [comments]

Just realized this was a community, and that there's always a bigger fish, here's some of my recent projects

I only realize after looking through the sub what folders do, and god what a help they'll be in the future, sorry in advance for how chaotic most of these are.
Rotation of a triangle (makes use of quadrant based bit equations to swap the degree values of the main triangle's range functions at given degree values, and simulates the rotation of 2 additional triangles on different planes without the use of polygon equations)
Rotation of a square (also includes quadrant based bit equations though the main square is only simulated using a table, simulates 3 additional squares' rotations, only 2 of which are on different planes)
Rotation of a pentagon (Simulates 4 additional pentagons' rotations, haven't gotten around to adding the quadrant based bit equations yet)
Rotation of a hexagon (Simulates 5 additional hexagon's rotations, haven't gotten around to adding the quadrant based bit equations yet)
Fourier series with 2 circles (Simulates the path of a point around a circle rotating while orbiting another circle, there's an physical interface which can be used to change the orbital circle's radius, the starting angle of the orbital circle, the current degree of rotation, the main circle's radius, and the orbital circle's rate of rotation. There's a table that draws the path given the input variables using 144 points, so it's fairly smooth, I'm also currently scaling this up to add more circles)
More possibilities have been opened after only looking a little in this sub, so thanks for everybody who pushes the limits of the website :)
submitted by TheChiporpoise to desmos [link] [comments]

Hexagon Question

Hi Geometry! Hoping I'm not breaking any sub rules with this! I have a question that I think you all can help me answer!
I'm an avid model railroader and am working on a new modular model railroad set. Each module is a hexagon that has track running through it's center. I need to figure out how long each side of the hexagon is. I know the length of a curved section (60 degree turn) of track that intersects through the center of two sides. What calculation would I use to figure out the length of a full side?
Here are my numbers: Curve Radius is approximately 53.5, based off my calculation. The 'true' track curve is straight for 6inches on each end before turning, being at a radius of 43 inches (6inch straight, R43 for 60 degrees, 6inch straight) The ends are at the center of that side
Any help is appreciated! ❤
submitted by FaultinReddit to Geometry [link] [comments]

Need help with an engineering problem I can't work through and would like the thoughts of mathematicians

Okay so this may be a little lengthy but the simple problem that I have been tasked with keeps getting more and more complicated as I keep thinking about it. For some back story I am an engineer for an amusement rid manufacturing company, and my boss proposed a simple question of "If we have, for example, an area of 200 feet x 50 feet for a 'midway' how many people can we pack inside the area without breaking the 6 foot rule?" seemed like an easy question to answer and without really even thinking about it I said "well if you stack them in a square pattern you could get 8 across and 33 high so that would be 264 people." he replied saying "yes but I would like to find the absolute amount that could fit in the area packing them tightly." so I set off hopping on solidworks to model something to help me visualize and come up with a formula to maximize the people without breaking the 6 foot rule. I also made the assumption that the people could not be any closer to the parameter than 6 feet, which I was told I could neglect from here on out which was the first real complication. In my thought process I began thinking about a person as a circle, however the circle center to circle center is 6 feet so the radius of each circle must be 3 feet. I also found that the best way to pack the circles in an organized fashion is to place them in a hexagonal pattern. One circle in the center and 6 circles in every direction would make up each unit with a repeating pattern. Therefore, from left to right the distance for the circles are 6 but due to the staggering of the rows (easiest to view geometrically ) the height from one row to the next is sqrt(3)/2 because they are 60 degrees from each other. So given all of these I can find out the total number of people in the region is 332. However, I found this number through modeling and counting finding there are 20 rows of 9 and 19 rows of 8. What I need to do is come up with a formula that based on the area given of width and height I can find the max number of people able to enter so I dont have to draw it out and count rows. There is also another wrench thrown in the gears. Some of the amusement rides can be placed in the area which all have a different footprint either rectangular or circular. Each of these rides have a rider limit as well. for example a ride lets call B1 has a load of 22 people and is 52 feet x 25 feet and the other we can call G1 can ride 16 and has a footprint of a circle radius 31 feet. I'm not totally sure how to put those into the equation but if anyone has an idea how to put these into the mix it would be great, but I am trying to think about just how to put out a bulletin to simply allow ride operators to calculate their max capacity per venue without getting us involved with each setup.
submitted by snagglez to learnmath [link] [comments]

Opi: Empowered Omnic Sentinel

Main Attributes:
Role: Tank
Health: 400 (300 HP, 100 shields)
Movement Speed: 5.5m/s
Description - Opi is a heavy-built omnic with a dented midsection covered by a tattered sweater. He is teal in color with light blue accents scattered around his body in intricate, hexagonal patterns. He has a large jaw piece and a large, singular eye. His right hand has been replaced with a sort of beam projector with a central hard-light needle that can be extended to deploy his Barrier Posts.
Passive -: Empower
"Your allies feel extra-toughened under your guard."
Description: For as long as your teammates stand behind and between the posts of your Barrier Fence, they gain a CC reduction
Stats: Crowd-control reduction: 25%
Aesthetics: Players under the effects of Empower will have their health bars outlined in light-blue.
Primary -: Photon Cannon
Description: A rapid-fire projectile weapon
Stats: Damage: 9 damage/shot \ 14 bullets/second = 126 DPS (252 critical dps) | Shot speed: 40 m/s*
Aesthetics: A bright-blue energy pellet travelling at high speed
Ability 1 (Shift) -: Barrier Post
Description: Create two barrier posts that connect to form a Barrier Fence. The further apart the posts are placed, the more area it will cover, but the less health it will have. Each post can be picked up and moved.
Your Posts and Fence are automatically destroyed 5 seconds after your death, or 30 seconds after fence deployment.
Stats: Barrier Fence height: 7 m
Minimum effective barrier health: 400 (when both posts are 50 m apart)
Maximum effective barrier health: 1400 (when both posts are 5 m apart)
Each Barrier Post looks like a white pole with hard-light ends. The fence in between has a detail similar to Symmetra's Photon Barrier
Ability 2 (E) -: Portable Cage Trap
Description: Throw a teal energy ball onto any horizontal surface. This ball will partially sink into the ground. Trigger it by repressing E to deploy a dome cage that does not block enemy damage, but acts as a physical wall, restricting enemy movement.
Triggered cage health: 300 HP
Cooldown: 9 seconds (starts when trap is triggered)
Cage trigger time: 1.2 seconds
Triggered cage uptime: 3 seconds
Cage radius: 7 m
Disarmed trap health: 75 HP
The trap will blink light blue once per second to make it more noticeable.
Looks similar to Winston's Barrier Projector but with noticeable hexagonal motifs, similar to the other in-game barriers.
Ultimate -: Efficiency Beacon
Press Q to bring up a mockup of where the beacon will be placed. Press Q again to confirm placement. Deploys a 100 HP Efficiency Beacon which applies a cc immunity and a moderate damage resistance to allies in range of the beacon.
CC reduction: 100%
Damage resistance provided: 35%
Beacon health: 100 HP
Beacon range: 30 m
Aesthetics: A medium-size grey device with blue accents. Deploys a beam going into the sky, to make it identifiable.
(self and allies) "Efficiency Beacon deployed."
(enemy) "Ми нерухомі!" (We are immovable!)
Intended Playstyle
Opi is meant to be a defensive barrier tank which is more versatile in function. Unlike other barrier tanks, Opi's passive encourages his teammates to actually stay behind the barrier. The Barrier Posts work in a way that allow it to be used very creatively. from protecting open space to guarding tight chokes.
Opi's cage trap gives him a fun utility and a way to control space by loosely restricting enemy movement. This can also be combined with several different allied ultimates.
Considering how the Cage Trap works to start an ult combo in a sense, I figured Opi could do with a more defensive ultimate, considering how much of his kit is used for creating and controlling space to set up engagements.
Real Name: OPI-9K6
Nationality: Ukrainian
Occupation: Elite Talon Member
Base of Operations: Oasis
Affiliation: Omnic Crisis unit (formerly) Talon (currently)
Age: 27
Opi is swift and calculated in his application and is slow to anger. He enjoys learning about the Omnic civil rights leaders of the past and supports the second Omnic Crisis as a method of forcing humans to accept omnics as people because "fear makes you do things you regret ever doing."
OPI-9K6 was manufactured in the Ukrainian Omnium 39 years before the Recall. His heavy build meant he was used for construction purposes. After the Omnic Crisis went into full swing, he was scrapped and sent to the dump. A Bastion unit found him and sent him to an Omnic dropship, where he was retrofitted as a versatile "barrier construction Omnic."
After the Omnic Crisis' end, OPI-9K6 went into hiding, eventually finding the under-construction Oasis. While helping out with building the University, he acquired sentience and realized how poorly the Omnics were treated there, being used as butlers and servants. After staging an attack alongside other rebellious Omnics, the security at Oasis was put into action, and OPI-9K6 was shut off.
A young Moira O'Deorain found OPI-9K6 and brought him to her lab, where she grew uncertain as to what she should do with him. She managed to turn him back on, and OPI-9K6 became Moira's lab partner, where they became closely acquainted. It was at this point when OPI-9K6 was gone and Opi, his new name, was born. Years later, when Moira asked Opi if he wanted to join Talon, he accepted, knowing that humanity needed to be kept in check and had to live in fear of Omnics if the world were to become better.
Barrier Fence
"A few people suggested that the barrier fence seemed a bit weak for its minimum health. so I bumped the health up a bit so it could tank a little bit more."
Portable Cage Trap
"What I intended to do here as far as adjustments to the Cage Trap were to make it more punishing to the enemy for not destroying the trap quickly by bumping up the uptime of the cage but also adding a crit box. It now has a health of 300. The reduced cage radius is meant to force Opi to trap less enemies and focus on keeping the barrier up."
submitted by SouljaIsSpy03 to OverwatchHeroConcepts [link] [comments]

hexagon calculator radius video

How to determine the area of a regular hexagon - YouTube Find the Area of Regular Polygon Given Radius - YouTube Clemens Hexagon Radius SL - YouTube Hexagon Arc Tool From Start, Center/Radius and Angle Hexagon Arc Tool From Center, Start/Radius and Angle - YouTube C to a ratio for hexagonal close packed (c/a=1.63) - YouTube Perimeter of a Regular Hexagon: Problem of the Day - YouTube

Welcome to the hexagon calculator, A handy tool when dealing with any regular hexagon. The hexagon shape is one of the most popular shapes in nature, from honeycomb patterns to hexagon tiles for mirrors - its uses are almost endless. Here we do not only explain why the 6-sided polygon is so popular, but also how to correctly draw hexagon sides. We also answer the question "what is a hexagon Circumcircle radius: Distance from the centre to a vertex (Same as the radius of the hexagon), Incircle radius: Same as the apothem. If you like the simplicity of this calculator we invite you to try our other polygon calculators such as the regular pentagon calculator or even 3-D calculators such as the pyramid calculator, triangular prism A regular hexagon is a polygon with six edges of equal length. The adjacent edges form an angle of 120°. The radius of a circumscribed circle is the same as the length of the edges. Formulas. P – perimeter; A – area; R – radius K; r – radius k; O – centre; a – edges; K – circumscribed circle; k – inscribed circle; Calculator Enter 1 value. a = R = r = Round to decimal places Calculate radius ( r ) of a circle inscribed in a regular hexagon if you know side Radius of a circle inscribed in a regular hexagon - Calculator Online Home List of all formulas of the site Therefore, a hexagon has an interior angle sum of 720 degrees and each interior angle of a regular hexagon has a measure of 120 degrees. The number of diagonals in a hexagon is equal to nine. If the hexagon is troublesome for you, then this calculator will be extremely handy. This calculator will calculate everything you need to know about a Hexagon Calculator. Calculations at a regular hexagon, a polygon with 6 vertices. The hexagon is the highest regular polygon which allows a regular tesselation (tiling). Enter one value and choose the number of decimal places. Then click Calculate. Edge length (a): Long diagonal (d): Short diagonal (d 2): Perimeter (p): Area (A): Incircle radius (r i): Round to . decimal places. Formulas: d Regular Hexagon Area Calculator. In geometry, a hexagon is a polygon which has six sides and six edges. The total of the internal angles of any hexagon is 720 degree. In this calculator, we can calculate the area of a regular hexagon based on radius and semiperimeter. Simple geometry calculator which is used to find the radius of regular hexagon circumscribed circle with the known side values. Code to add this calci to your website Just copy and paste the below code to your webpage where you want to display this calculator. If the inradius of the green hexagon is r, and its circumradius R, the circumradius of the multicolourd hexagon is 2r. We know that area increases as the square of any linear dimension. The increase in area from green hexagon to multicoloured hexagon = the square of the increase in circumradius. page date: 27Oct05. I enjoy correspondence stimulated by this site. You can contact me here. Hexagon - Calculator. Hexagon is two dimentional figure with six sides. When all sides are of equal length it is called as regular Hexagon. In case of regular hexagon all inner angles are of 120 degree. Select which value you are providing (Side (a), Area (A), Perimeter, Long Diagonal (d), Short Diagonal (s), Circumcircle Radius (R), Innercircle Radius/Apothem (r)), input value and click on

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How to determine the area of a regular hexagon - YouTube

This MATHguide problem of the day video will demonstrate how to calculate the perimeter of a regular hexagon given the length of its radius. See more proble... In this video, Parisa works through the calculation of the c:a ratio for the hexagonal close packed HCP) crystal structure. The final answer is c/a = (2sqrt... 109 videos Play all Hexagon Tutorials Daz 3D How to Build a HINGED HOOPHOUSE for a Raised Bed Garden - Duration: 17:02. The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni Recommended for you After seeing this implement in action at home on German soil and visiting Clemens Technologies, it was a must have for a vineyard that is in organic conversi... (No audio.) This video demonstrates the arc tool in Hexagon. 👉 Learn how to find the area and perimeter of polygons. A polygon is a closed shape with 3 or more sides. The area of a shape is the measure of the portion ... Learn how to find the area of a regular polygon when only given the radius of the the polygon. We go through an example involving a regular pentagon inscrib...

hexagon calculator radius

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