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JDR-Bot, Fiction interactive sur Discord ! Escape-Games, JDR-Textuel, etc.

je vous présente JDR-Bot, un bot discord que j’ai créé :
JDR-Bot vous permet de jouer à différents jeux (ou scénarios), de type fictions interactives, Jeux de rôle, AVH (Aventure dont vous êtes le héros), Escape Game, JDR textuel (façon Colossal Cave Adventure).Il permet aussi de jouer à des jeux très différents, comme des combats au tour à tour, des casinos, etc.Il gère aussi la diffusion de sons et d’images au cours d’un scénarios, de variable (vie, mana, …), évènement automatique, etc.Il est aussi capable d’utiliser les réactions discords pour des actions comme avancer, prendre, examiner ou pour des événements.Le scénario « Chateau » est parfait pour tester, c’est une sorte de démo/tutoriel, avec sons, réactions et une image à la fin !
Pour savoir où le tester, comment y jouer, comment l’ajouter a un serveur ou comment écrire un scénario : http://cyril-fiesta.fjdr-bot/Documentation-JDR-Bot.pdfVous pouvez le tester directement sur https://discord.gg/Z63DtVV (serveur officiel du bot, consacré aux jeux virtuels et aux makers de tout types ^^)Cette documentation explique aussi tout sur la syntaxe des scénarios. N’importe qui peut écrire un scénario pour le bot (cela peut aider un auteur à diffuser une « démo » de son univers, sous forme de jdr-textuel, et ça contribue à la diversité des scénarios de JDR-Bot)Pour jeter un œil au code source (je préviens, je code pas proprement :s) : https://github.com/Cyril-Fiesta/jdr-bot
Via sa syntaxe, n’importe qui peut écrire un scénario (que ce soit une fiction interactive ou autre) et l’ajouter à la liste (soit je l’ajoute sur mon ftp, soit il le met sur son ftp, et indique l’url aux bots sur les serveurs où il veut que son scénario soit jouable)Pour tester son scénario au fur et a mesure, j’ai un serveur de test, ou l’auteur peut mettre le bot sur son propre serveur.Cela permet à des auteurs de mettre a disposition leurs scénarios sur tous les serveurs où le bot est (actuellement 42 !), et ça permet au bot de gagner en diversité
En ce moment un concours d'écriture de scénario est en cours : http://cyril-fiesta.fjdr-bot/Concours%201%20JDR-Bot.pdf
A bientôt sur discord, et si vous rajoutez le bot sur vos serveurs, n'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos suggestions, remarques, etc. ;)

submitted by Cyril-Fiesta to jdr [link] [comments]

Weekly Discord News - April 27 to May 04

This is a list of messages from our Discord that at least 5 people marked as newsworthy.
Should there be messages that break the content policy of Reddit or are against the rules of this subreddit, then please contact the Moderators.
If you don't want your Discord messages being shown here, contact the Moderators.

Thursday, April 23

PM ThoughtfulJanitor (Shain#5277) said in #propaganda at 22:57 UTC:
WereRobot’s mic is one of the wonders of the world

Monday, April 27

Jonas (DerJonas#8036) said in #citizens at 18:18 UTC:
fun fact of the day: I became blue on this day 2 years ago
Veers (Veers#9596) said in #propaganda at 22:33 UTC:
Where will you be when the unstoppable tide of revolution sweeps the land- Proudly marching with the people, or trampled under their feet? Join the People's Republic of Arabia to ensure the power of the proletariat and destroy the shackles of the old world!
Angy [Fight me Jan%] (AngusAbercrombie#4900) said in #press at 23:08 UTC:
COULD THIS BE THE END OF ANA? News of the recent merger involving the ASG (AG(DMU+FNATIC)+IPoS) and A New Arabia, brings doubts about the success of the party. After receiving a series of wins in the fifth legislature, little of their platform has been enacted this term. One past leader of the ASG, AngusAbercrombie, commented "The AG + IPoS merger was very like what we have seen today. Our party, in order to secure a larger voting base, merged with an ideologically different party, with enough vague ties that it works out." Given what followed that merger, with the ASG unable to win a single governor seat, or provide a candidate in any other contest, in the sixth election. With the Oxford war bringing infighting to the party, many are asking, will this be the end of a new Arabia, and, more importantly, who will take their place? Currently, ANA will be fighting to maintain its ministry seat, in the first contested ministry election in recent memory, a campaign that will see a united militarist front from Mouseking, along with MEAN and ITP candidates. Taylor's position as governor of Kobe Nova will also be challenged by the ITP, native carthaginian candidate Pika. Past events do not bring confidence that the merger will provide the expected votes for ANA. This will certainly be an election to watch, especially if the precedent for losing leadership occurs once again following this move.
The Old Fox of DCiv (Seanbox#9872) said in #propaganda at 23:25 UTC:
Attached Image
The Old Fox of DCiv (Seanbox#9872) said in #off-topic-and-shitposts at 23:26 UTC:
Attached Image
Rep. HKim [7%] (HKim#8522) said in #propaganda at 23:35 UTC:

Tuesday, April 28

Padsha Qasim al-Basir Abu Salaam (Quaerendo_Invenietis#3190) said in #department-of-communications at 03:21 UTC:
Editor-in-Chief TFPDC (PaintHouses#3921) said in #press at 14:05 UTC:
Everything You Need to Know About the Executive Overhaul Amendment https://www.reddit.com/democraciv/comments/g9nr9t/everything_you_need_to_know_about_the_executive/
Jonas (DerJonas#8036) said in #mod-requests at 17:01 UTC:
I'll add some now but without the party logos
Governor Sa'il [Damascus%] (MadMadelyn#7582) said in #executive at 19:50 UTC:
he doesn't have sea legs

Wednesday, April 29

Lawman 141135 [12%] (141135#1701) said in #propaganda at 15:14 UTC:
Attached Image
Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #propaganda at 19:19 UTC:
Taylor for Kobe Nova! Attached Image

Thursday, April 30

Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #press at 02:47 UTC:
The 07' election has ramped up over the past few days and the political landscape could very well change. Nationally the government is reacting to a primarily foreign policy focused term and many are running for Minister. Locally Governor Taylor has announced his campaign for re-election becoming the first Governor of Kobe Nova to do so. A challenger arose in the form of Pika, who seeks to unit minority groups and traditional Carthaginians into a winning coalition. Both have a debate scheduled in only a few hours and it'll be the first time that the two went head to head. There was a third candidate, Don, who dropped out and moved to Damascus before declaring his second bid against Governor Sa'il.
The stage is set here in Kobe Nova with passionate crowds, energetic campaigns, and rallies across the state. Mayor Farlock announced his re-election while Councilwoman Sabrina Cherry surprised all by announcing her own bid as Mayor of Saguntum. If she wins, she'd be the first woman mayor. Governor Taylor is expected to attend a rally with Cherry soon. That campaign is shaping up to focus around treatmemt of English-Arabians and the voter intimidation scandal as well as privitazation deals conducted by Farlock.
Candidate Pika, a native of Carthage, won the endorsement of the Carthage Historical Society in a close vote of 51%-49%. The Progressive Allies of Carthage, a recently created LGBTQ group, endorsed Pika unanimously. The Hippo Regius Shipyard Union endorsed Governor Taylor with 78% of the vote.
The Fustat Labor Alliance is meeting to vote on their endorsement and Mayor Vincent Voyar has held off on his personal endorsement for now.
More on the campaign to come. Tune into the debate starting in around 13 hours!
TheWalrus (TheWalrus#0595) said in #propaganda at 05:54 UTC:
Safety first Attached Image
Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #public-forum at 14:36 UTC:
End the war!
Jonas (DerJonas#8036) said in #announcements at 19:15 UTC:
After being a Moderator for more than 2 years, the time has come for me to step down.
We've recently had our 4 year anniversay this month, and two weeks after that I had my 2 year anniversay of becoming a Moderator. That means I've been part of the Moderation Team for just about half of Democraciv's existance.
I like to think that I've done some good things for the community and I will continue to be a part of it, just not in this capacity as Moderator. Over the years, I've been spending too much time working here, and lately burnout did get to me. So I've come to the decision that I would now rather use this time for other, personal things instead.
The @Democraciv bot will continue being supported and hosted by me, nothing will change in that regard.
Shoutout to all the great moderators that I've worked with over the years ❤️
Padsha Qasim al-Basir Abu Salaam (Quaerendo_Invenietis#3190) said in #citizens at 21:03 UTC:
For those who were not here, I played the piano in general-voice last night around 9:45? EDT. I played the following program: Bach - French Suite no. 2 in C Minor I. Allemande II. Courante III. Sarabande IV. Air V. Minuet VI. Gigue
Chopin - Prelude Op. 28 no. 20 in C Minor
Rachmaninoff - Variations on a Theme of Chopin, Op. 22 I. Moderato
Jazz exercise - ii-V-I progressions in all keys, with Bill Evans-like voicing
MacDowell - Ten Woodland Sketches, Op. 51 I. To a Wild Rose
Mozart - Piano Sonata no. 11 in A Major, K331 I. Andante grazioso
Padsha Qasim al-Basir Abu Salaam (Quaerendo_Invenietis#3190) said in #propaganda at 23:00 UTC:
Attached Image
Gov. Peppeghetti Bin Sparoni (Peppeghetti Sparoni#3396) said in #propaganda at 23:21 UTC:
Attached Image
PM ThoughtfulJanitor (Shain#5277) said in #propaganda at 23:22 UTC:
Attached Image

Friday, May 01

Toast [Almost%] (Jarris#2043) said in #mod-requests at 03:38 UTC:
remember that i am supposed to be mod "next time" Attached Image
Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #press at 15:32 UTC:
The campaign season has heated up as every election in Arabia is now contested. Here back home Governor Taylor and the challenger, Pika, engaged in a debate. Both candidates mostly agreed on the issues, but taking slight contrasts with each other's record and future plans. Governor Taylor, with four governments of experience, had to defend his record while Pika's new blood was questioned. Perhaps the most interesting part of the debate came with closing statements, when Governor Taylor responded to Pika's frequent attacks against discrimination under Taylor. The debate thread is still open for questions for another 40 minutes, and everybody is encouraged to view it.
The other day the Fustat Labor Alliance, the only union within the city, delivered an upset vote that hints at cracks within Taylor's Labor Coalition. 54% of the union voted for Pika, 44% for Taylor, and 2% abstained. When interviewing a worker at the vote it was quite clear that they were unhappy with the development plans of Fustat.
"While we want basic economic development; the state government has focused funding on libraries and a university"
While the FLA is the only major union to reject Governor Taylor so far, could it foreshadow a weakness in the coalition between educational "elites," and the working class.
In Saguntum the Mayoral race between Sabrina Cherry and Mayor Farlock has come to a fever pitch. Both candidates have been slinging mud, almost literally, to gain an upper hand. Farlock denounced Cherry's two terms on the City Council as obstructionist and one of absent minded decisions. Cherry slammed Farlock for his role in alleged voter intimidation and his efforts to privatize city programs. Farlock was honored with an endorsement by the Capitalist Club, a statewide organization which had big ties to the casino. Funding for the Farlock campaign is practically limitless.
Governor Sa'il [Damascus%] (MadMadelyn#7582) said in #gov-announcements at 23:15 UTC:
The Union of Arabian States has signed SPaaaACE, making it procedure in all member states. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHGRfU-7ssmNc1_JNYx-n2_li22mC-p35wq6xCOOj9k/edit?usp=sharing . We hereby request the Ministry's cooperation through the research listed, as well as in getting the World Congress to agree to the ISS project

Saturday, May 02

RB33 (RB33#1118) said in #propaganda at 16:06 UTC:
I said MEAN has been in power in Mecca for 4 terms, which is true. Again I meant MEAN when talking about the Leg, the poster below is still accurate. Fight against the Deep State, people! Attached Image

Sunday, May 03

TheWalrus (TheWalrus#0595) said in #propaganda at 03:32 UTC:
vote asjp im too lazy too make another ad
Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #public-forum at 03:58 UTC:
Attached Image
PM ThoughtfulJanitor (Shain#5277) said in #gov-announcements at 07:12 UTC:
Game session n°24 will be streamed Sunday 3rd of May at 1 PM EDT
RB33 (RB33#1118) said in #propaganda at 20:05 UTC:
OR we get rid of the party that has dominated many offices for 4+ terms in a row. That way, we weaken the Deep State! Take power away from the elites, don't empower them. Attached Image
Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #press at 20:12 UTC:
The election of 07' continues on and the stakes cannot be higher. After a two night debate hosted in Mecca produced an excellent display of ideals, early exit polls suggest some clear Ministorial favorites. Leading the pack is Lt. Prime Minister WesGutt, who is currently Commanding General of the Military. Will this war prestiege be enough to throw him back as head of government? Meanwhile Prime Minister Jan has advocated for an end to the war and a focus on space exploration. Despite a good debate performance, former everything Angus is polling ahead.
Also according to early polling, ANA and MEAN are tied in the Legislature. The popular Bob is leading the MEAN banner while ANA is running the party to focus on policies and ideals. Medina and Kobe Nova seem to be the most contested elections with early polling being too close to call in the former and displaying an upset in the latter.
Pika is leading Governor Taylor 55% to 44% is latest polling. Pika led by 60% early in the election, then was behind with 43% for only a few hours until this latest round. Unemployment in Carthage is considered a key factor there as well as underdevelopment and dissatisfaction in Fustat.
In Saguntum Councilwoman Cherry joined Governor Taylor for a rally and then a GOTV effort went into English immigrant communities. The polling for that race has Mayor Farlock winning with 48% to Cherry's 43% and 9% undecided.
Fill out the Angus poll!

Monday, May 04

Jonas (DerJonas#8036) said in #citizens at 00:15 UTC:
Alright I've seen a lot of people trying to bring up the help page of a single command with -nameofthecommand help like -tag add help or -join help
that doesn't work because it would mean that I would have to add 'help' as a valid argument to every single command
instead, -help is its own command, and takes a command (or category) as argument. So you would do -help tag add and -help join
thanks for coming to my ted talk
I am a bot and this is an automated service. Contact u/Jovanos (DerJonas#8036 on Discord) for further questions or bug reports.
submitted by DerJonasBot to democraciv [link] [comments]

Weekly Discord News - April 20 to April 27

This is a list of messages from our Discord that at least 5 people marked as newsworthy.
Should there be messages that break the content policy of Reddit or are against the rules of this subreddit, then please contact the Moderators.
If you don't want your Discord messages being shown here, contact the Moderators.

Monday, April 20

Author left Democraciv said in #propaganda at 13:56 UTC:
Everyone's stuck at home; end mk6 and use the chance to establish a larger community to make sure multiciv has enough players
Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #press at 18:25 UTC:
According to reports from the Carthage Associated Press, Governor Taylor of Kobe Nova was the target of an assassination attempt. Early reports claimed that the Governor perished, but we can confirm that this is false.
While walking to oversee the construction of a hospital in Carthage, a English-Arabian immigrant, shot 5 rounds in the direction of the Governor, two rounds hit and the Governor was quickly taken to the nearest completed hospital - in Carthago Nova - where he has been deemed in critical condition.
The attack comes soon after Governor Taylor approved a contract with the federal government to build up naval units for the war effort.
It is unclear whether the perpetrator was an agent of the English or simply a passionate and disenchanted citizen. Further investigation is needed into the matter, however sadly, the would-be assassin broke free of police and was able to grab a weapon used to kill three officers before committing suicide.
The Press Secretary of the Governor released a statement: "We are all in shock at what has happened here today. The Governor is in critical condition, though we believe that Carthago Nova General Hospital has an excellent staff, and we believe that they'll do everything they can."
Touching on possible xenophobic backlash, the Press Secretary included:
"Governor Taylor has spent his whole career fighting against xenophobia and he cares very much about the diversity of his citizens. I have not gotten the chance to talk to the Governor, but we at his office feel confident that be would stand against discrimination based on the actions of a few."

Tuesday, April 21

Kamahana (Huston#1718) said in #ministry at 01:13 UTC:
Ok, so I vote. I’m not inactive so whoever said that is wrong.
Chief Justice Iple (TheIpleJonesion#8688) said in #courts at 02:49 UTC:
@Prophet Wererobot @Governor Sa'il [Damascus%] The Supreme Court has ruled 2-0-1 (Y-N-A) in favor of the defendant in the case WereRobot v Legislature https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XgLiXQIuc6leQlgG1AagZdlfnpBzRj-ekXPPmA7OO3E/edit?usp=sharing
Jonas - u/Jovanos (DerJonas#8036) said in #announcements at 16:24 UTC:
Thanks a lot @Rep. HKim [7%] for making this ^ highlight video of Game Session 22!
Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #press at 16:46 UTC:
Legislator HKim has released an edited highlights version of our last stream. It's great and is just the type of thing that can help attract new players. If you haven't watched it, be sure to do so. Honestly great job!
I hope to see more in the future!

Wednesday, April 22

Author left Democraciv said in #propaganda at 16:27 UTC:


Prophet Wererobot (WereRobot#0640) said in #propaganda at 16:28 UTC:



Thursday, April 23

Chief Justice Iple (TheIpleJonesion#8688) said in #courts at 03:12 UTC:
Just a heads up, the court is kind of swamped right now, so please don't be angry if we take a long time to respond to your submission- we are discussing all of them.
Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #press at 21:50 UTC:
Governor Taylor, recovering strongly from the recent attempt on his life, issues a national referendum recently to change the name of the City of Sangutum.
Although mentioned in his first address as Governor, many residents were surprised.
"Sangutum has been my home since I was born. I couldn't fathom changing the name," said one resident.
"I'm glad we have the opportunity to change the name, I was a firm supporter of Governor Kenlane," said another.
"Fustat should be the city on the table," said one angry citizen, "It's a new settlement while we've been here for ages. We have a history. No dipshit Governor can take that away."
Local officials in Sangutum are also conflicted. Mayor Vincent Farlock spoke against the name change as being a costly and useless effort. He also made heads turn when he claimed that naming the city Kenton would put an English spin on a traditionally Carthaginian city. He called this move pandering to the historical elite and the 4% English population within the city. Of whom a majority voted for Taylor in the 06' election.
Councilwoman Sabrina Cherry spoke in favor and denounced the Mayor's rhetoric. She, who's a native Sangutum citizen, but who's father moved to the new state years ago, said that it would empower the city with a deeper pride and also honor Governor Ken, who ordered many projects to reconstruct the city.
The voting is now and all citizens can vote.

Friday, April 24

Blonde 2: Legislative Boogaloo (blondehog78#3145) said in #citizens at 01:48 UTC:
“Repealing a repeal doesn't do anything now because of the Repeal Amendment”
Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #press at 22:00 UTC:
The city name referendum results are in and the people have spoken. In a landslide 66.7% margin, the city will remain Sangutum. The result is celebrated by Mayor Farlock and the coalition of activists and voters he assbled. At his home he gave a victory speech, rallied supporters to remember this moment when the general election rolls around.
The result is a blow to Governor Taylor, who had advocated for a name change to Kenton. Analysts found that there was only a small number of English-Arabians who came out to vote among general distaste for the name change. 77% of those with Carthaginian heritage voted against the change. 51% of those with traditional Arabian Heritage voted for the change along with 59% of those under 25, and 89% of those who identity as free market capitalists.
Some wonder if this foreshadows a shortcoming for Taylor's possible re-election campaign. The attempt for a name change was certainly an attempt to cobble together a larger coalition of former Ken voters, capitalists, English ethnics, and liberals, and progressives. However conservatives, Carthaginian ethnics, and upper class voters delivered a bigger victory. Former stock holders in the casino provided most of the funding to the opposition campaign.
This loss comes just hours after Pika announced their run for Governor of Kobe Nova. Not much is known about them, or if Taylor will run again, but as of now the situation proves complicated. Will Taylor's first major loss as Governor foreshadow a weakness for A New Arabia in Sangutum voters... Even on the back of Taylor's second address and his many promises?
Turnout for this election was almost as much as the 06' general election.

Saturday, April 25

Governor Taylor (Taylor#8384) said in #press at 21:03 UTC:
Clouded by the news of the referendum results, there was more news the other day with potantially huge implications. An individual named Pika has announced their run for Governor of Kobe Nova from the TEA party.
Pika, a native Carthaginian and who's family goes back to Carthaginian rule, expressed their desire to run for office to fight for the rights of minorities, especially in the LGBTQ community. Pika takes a strong stand against discrimination, but embraces the heritage of Carthage.
Pika was adamantly against the name referendum and was part of the Carthaginian coalition that found victory, however they spoke out against Mayor Farlock's discrimination and xenophobic tactics against English-Arabians. Pika commented that traditional Carthaginians do have a streak of anti-LGBTQ within them and that's something they hope to change.
Pika is proud of their Carthaginian heritage, though made is clear that they're fully loyal to Arabia. However they also express that it's time for Carthaginian-Arabians to run their own state, as they know what's best for them. Governor Taylor himself lived on the outskirts of Damascus before moving to Carthago Nova.
Pika outlined a very detailed platform to fight discrimination in public education, healthcare, and in general. That's the focus of their campaign. They also noted that the lack of access to healthcare is an issue in Kobe Nova, that it's a shame that Governor Taylor, who passed the AHA, has not improved that situation despite promises in his latest address.
While Pika is prepared to assemble a strong coalition to secure victory, Governor Taylor has not announced a re-election campaign. Thus far every governor has only served one term. Pika commented that Taylor deserves a break especially after the recent assassination attempt.
Pika and the campaign will be covered more in detail in the future.

Sunday, April 26

Jonas - u/Jovanos (DerJonas#8036) said in #propaganda at 22:13 UTC:
this has 33 upvotes already so do your civic duty https://redd.it/g8lyzg
I am a bot and this is an automated service. Contact u/Jovanos (DerJonas#8036 on Discord) for further questions or bug reports.
submitted by DerJonasBot to democraciv [link] [comments]

Weekly Discord News - March 16 to March 23

This is a list of messages from our Discord that at least 5 people marked as newsworthy.
Should there be messages that break the content policy of Reddit or are against the rules of this subreddit, then please contact the Moderators.
If you don't want your Discord messages being shown here, contact the Moderators.

Monday, March 16

Speaker Taylor [20%] (Taylor#8384) said in #mod-requests at 20:43 UTC:
I'm sorry for the meaness you have to go through, mods.

Tuesday, March 17

A Free Man (AngusAbercrombie#4900) said in #courts at 22:47 UTC:
@Prime Minister WesGutt @Vice Speaker RB33 (15%) In the case Wesgutt V. Legislative procedure the court finds 4-0-1 (Haldir abstaining due to inauguration date) in favor of the plaintiff, ruling the clause cited at the time of filing to be unconstitutional. The amended procedures, as passed post-filing, have been found to meet constitutional requirements. This decision recognizes the pivotal role in the legislative process, as a "check" on the legislature. The court defines "legislating" to be altering the current state of the law, this being any addition, amendment and, most relevant to this case, repeal. Due to the constitutional mandate of the ministry to influence legislative process, no law, legislative procedure or motion may limit the ministry's ability to exercise their role in legislating. The court recognizes constitutional limits to the veto power such as in fields of statehood, and does not allow executive veto in areas with explicit constitutional exceptions. Opinions coming soon
Gandalf the Grey (Don-San#7444) said in #public-forum at 23:13 UTC:
RB: I nut for LeG SuPreMacY

Wednesday, March 18

Vice Speaker RB33 (15%) (RB33#1118) said in #government at 11:57 UTC:
Maybe we should just abolish the government, in 20 hours, just 3 legislators have voted.

Thursday, March 19

Busty Mature Masexyno (Masenko55#5274) said in #courts at 01:42 UTC:
@Prime Minister WesGutt @Speaker Taylor [20%] The Chief Justice (me) and Justice AngusAbercrombie have issued the following injunction:
```1. Any change to the law passed by the legislature that receives >50% majority support of non-abstaining legislators, but <50% approval of ALL legislators, including the law in question, shall be put on hold until this court issues an official ruling regarding their legal status. This means the Ministry shall not vote on any bills conforming to these requirements, and any attempt to do so is considered null. Additionally, bills conforming to these requirements shall not automatically pass as outlined in Article 2, Section 2.2(b)(iii).
  1. All previously enacted laws with questionable legal status according to this case, such as the original Jungle Protections Act, shall still remain in effect.
  2. This injunction shall have effect until this court issues a ruling on this case, which shall take this injunction’s place.```
If the defense wishes to challenge this injunction they may request the creation of a reddit thread where they may argue their case. 3/5 members of the SC may overrule this injunction at any time.
Democraciv (Democraciv#0794) said in #gov-announcements at 22:23 UTC:
@Arabian Government, the following bills were passed into law by the Ministry.
All new laws were added to -laws and can now be found with -laws search . The @Speaker of the Legislature should add them to the Legal Code as soon as possible.
The One, the Only, THE OG AG (HeWhoShallNotBeNamed#6345) said in #gov-announcements at 23:54 UTC:
The State of Kobe Nova in partnership with the Casino would like to announce that the city of Carthage shall be an economic freedom zone, where production, city name, worked tiles, will all be up for bidding on over the next few weeks. This week we are starting by allowing you to decide production by bidding.
Just a few rules: 1. It has to be something we can build -- A List of all buildable buildings is in the link to the bidding process 2. You must bid a minimum of 3 CC for each turn it will take to produce (city has 11.55 production) That's it, we will build the the unit/building first that is the most gold per unit production necessary and build as many as we ken then new bids for next week.

Friday, March 20

The One, the Only, THE OG AG (HeWhoShallNotBeNamed#6345) said in #propaganda at 02:56 UTC:
25 shares have just been created by share holders for purpose. ANybody not owning a share may buy up to 3 by submitting a bid to this link . OH one other thing, minimum bid per share is 5 CC. Sign up for an account today and get 10 free CC, hurry while shares last
I am a bot and this is an automated service. Contact u/Jovanos (DerJonas#8109 on Discord) for further questions or bug reports.
submitted by DerJonasBot to democraciv [link] [comments]

Augur Tooling

From my pinned message in the #tooling Discord channel—hope it can be a helpful resource for some
Augur analytics/explorers:
-https://discord.gg/gnFcPvk (Bot tracking market creation and completion)
-Augur: https://mikemcdonald.github.io/auguleaderboard.html
-Veil: https://app.veil.co/leaderboard
Third-party Applications:
Calculators/Other Services:
-https://musing-jennings-d2c811.netlify.com/ (Breakeven share price calculator)
submitted by Voivode20 to Augur [link] [comments]

Discord Bot - based on RED - Leaderboard?

Hey there everyone!, I'm quite new to Python (only a few months of deciphering, for a hobby), this is only my 4th attempt in "Writting a Code" ^
I'm using RED, a Discord Bot that allows you to add "Cogs", which are basically "plugins" or .py files that you can easily add to the main Bot.
My idea with my current project was to automated a system we have in our Discord Community.
-> We have a "Priority List" of "Clan Members", manually sorted by their "Priority Points" (manually added too).
I have managed to do the "Register on the List" command, the "Add Points to @mentionned user" command,
But now I'm struggling for the final part.. Display the LeaderBoard..
Here's the code now :
(Sorry if it's garbage-code :x)
And, I'm trying to use this leaderboard code :
I know, I shouldn't copy past :x
Is there another way to do it? Just erasing the last "LeaderBoard" and "Table_split" block part and redo something simplier like :
I'm kind of lost, sorry if it's not the right place, I've tried to ask on the Red-Discord Server directly, but I had no answers :/
submitted by Kaelel_Minato to discordapp [link] [comments]

Discord Bot - based on RED - Leaderboard?

Hey there everyone!, I'm quite new to Python (only a few months of deciphering, for a hobby), this is only my 4th attempt in "Writting a Code" ^
I'm using RED, a Discord Bot that allows you to add "Cogs", which are basically "plugins" or .py files that you can easily add to the main Bot.
My idea with my current project was to automated a system we have in our Discord Community.
-> We have a "Priority List" of "Clan Members", manually sorted by their "Priority Points" (manually added too).
I have managed to do the "Register on the List" command, the "Add Points to @mentionned user" command,
But now I'm struggling for the final part.. Display the LeaderBoard..
Here's the code now :
(Sorry if it's garbage-code :x)
And, I'm trying to use this leaderboard code :
I know, I shouldn't copy past :x
Is there another way to do it? Just erasing the last "LeaderBoard" and "Table_split" block part and redo something simplier like :
I'm kind of lost, sorry if it's not the right place, I've tried to ask on the Red-Discord Server directly, but I had no answers :/
submitted by Kaelel_Minato to learnpython [link] [comments]

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Team Software Project 3's Discord Casino Bot: CassyBot is a Discord bot being developed using Node.js, Discord.js, and Better SQL 3. Cassy can perform a few simple tasks which include playing music, flipping a coin, and assisting the user. In the future, Cassy will be able to join any server and provide the server with Casino Games! Casino Bot A fully featured Discord Casino! With a fully featured economy, blackjack, slots, marketplace, crates, and more! There are also some special features for supporters, so feel free to invest in Casino Bot. UnbelievaBoat is a Discord Bot featuring money/economy/currency customisable per server, casino games, store items, moderation, fun commands, and much more! My Red Discord bot commands reference. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Skip to content. All gists Back to GitHub. Sign in Sign up Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Kevin-Mok / crimson-commands.md. Last active Dec 17, 2019. Star 0 Fork 0; Code Revisions 7. Embed . What would you like to do? Embed Embed this gist in your website. Share Copy sharable link for this ... A separate terrible discord.js javascript bot for the casino commands for Sif. - Cannicide/sif-casino My first ever discord bot using discord.js. The bot has a total of 77 commands, and it is capable of manipulating texts and images, analyzing data, searching information, and playing music. It has high level features like xp system, coins database, and spam detector. Report Bot GitHub Repository ... How To Make A Discord Bot; Top.gg; Partners. Medal; MinecraftServers.biz; GameserverKings; Megacool; Medal Blog; Extras. Dark Theme; Usage Data A bot to give some fun to your server. A bot to give some fun to your server. A bot to give some fun to your server. Home; Join Top.gg Discord Discord Servers; Advertise; Premium; Login Casino. A bot to give some fun to ... the fun, moderating, music playing and delicious multi-purpose discord bot for all of your needs. View Add Bot Upvote. Arcane. 320. 428,301 Levelling Multipurpose The best leveling bot on discord. Fastest reaction roles, youtube alerts, auto moderation, and more. Give your server a fresh coat! View Add Bot Upvote. 420Empire. 198. 2,486 Gaming Fun 420 Empire is a game where you role play as a ... code entier pour un bot discord. h_et_a_youtube. Apr 21st, 2019. 6,615 . Never . Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up ... //Tout d'abord pour allumer le bot 24/24, installez la PM2 avec "npm install pm2 -g" dans le terminal //pour allumer le bot 24/24 "pm2 start nomdevotrefichier.js" //pour redémarer le bot "pm2 restart nomdevotrefichier.js" //pour le stopper "npm stop nomdufichier.js" const ... Gambling and Casino bot. Play roulette, slots, blackjack, poker, minesweeper, connect 4, anagram, tic tac toe and more! Home; Join Top.gg Discord Discord Servers; Advertise; Premium; Login gambling bot. Gambling and Casino bot. Play roulette, slots, blackjack, poker, minesweeper, connect 4, anagram, tic tac toe and more! 64.8k votes in February 4.4 rating Invite Vote 64.8k. Overview. Prefix ...

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